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3:15 Am Is My Worst Enemy


My history of demons, satan, or just plain evil has been with me since 6 years old. Ever since I was a kid, when I lay down for bed it started with this fear of my ceiling. Where the wall and the ceiling met together. An uncontrollable feeling would come over me where I would become paralyzed head to toe, but as a kid you think nothing of it.

As I hit my 20's my nights in bed have gone to the next level. When this paralyzed state would come I felt massive pressure on my ankles and wrists. Last night, sorry it scares me to even think about it because I don't ever want this again, and right now I have goose bumps on top of goose bumps. I live in an apartment and I sleep on an inflatable bed and always have a night light on. At 3:15am my room went black as black could get and I felt someone laying on top of me. As the pressure stayed, my mattress slid slowly 2 feet until it pressed againt the wall, which at that time I was levitated about 2 inches off my mattress.

I said in my head repeatedly to this encounter IN THE POWER OF MY GOD JESUS CHRIST I COMMAND YOU TO LEAVE. After repeating it 5 times my body went limp and the room went back to its lighting. I'm a 38 year old man and I cried this morning for a full 15 minutes straight. I hope and pray no one experiences this kind of night terror. I'm scared for tonight.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, bt19863, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Paradude97 (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-17)
Hey, what you have been experiencing is something called sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is something like you are paralyzed, and it, s hard to breathe, and you can see evil and scary stuff in your room. The levitation can be astral projection, astral projection is when your astral body travels outside of yout body. Sleep paralysis can actually lead to astral projection. Astral projection and sleep paralysisis by the way not dangerous at all.;)
Kali-Ma (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-27)
What I am about to say will either disappoint you or make you feel better.

I doubt that there are any demons in your home. What you experienced was classic sleep paralysis. It is usually experienced if you wake up unexpectedly from a dream or is a prelude to astral projection.

It is normal to feel pressure and to feel sort of choked out. That is because a chemical is released into your body to keep you from acting out your dreams. If you are not used to it then it will make you panic and feel like you are being choked.

I've experienced what you experienced quite a bit and I never seen or heard or even felt anything evil. Being afraid can make you feel as if something to be afraid of is there, especially in the paralysis state.

Who, knows, maybe a demon was holding you down. I was not there, I am only telling you what MAY have happened. Sleep paralysis does not always equate to demon attack. Sleep paralysis may happen sometimes after a demon awakens you, but sleep paralysis for the most part is natural.
XxSuicidexOrchidxX (1 stories) (20 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-11)
Im sorry for what has happened to you, I hope things get better for you! I wish you the best!
maemuite (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-20)
Dude... You need to move out of your place.
I have experienced a lot of paranormal activities... Except seeing a ghost... I think... Lol err I don't really pay attention to stuff really so it's really like out of the blue when something does happen around me. Take my advice and move out. That's the best thing you could do. I don't believe in ghost, don't want to believe in ghosts, don't care about ghosts... But I know they exist now. -_-
Or maybe it's just sleep paralysis... Like the other person says... But that's for you to really know. I experienced being choked but I wasn't scared and I just wanted to be left alone. The choking didn't stop and I thought I'm just going to die and I let go. Then I guess I fell asleep because I did wake up the next morning lol thank god
maemuite (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-20)
Dude... You need to move out of your place.
I have experienced a lot of paranormal activities... Except seeing a ghost... I think... Lol err I don't really pay attention to stuff really so it's really like out of the blue when something does happen around me. Take my advice and move out. That's the best thing you could do. I don't believe in ghost, don't want to believe in ghosts, don't care about ghosts... But I know they exist now. -_-
CountryGirl400 (17 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-12)
Good luck on getting rid of your demon. I will be praying for you! 😨
CRStanford1977 (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-06)
Would like the opportunity to try to help you. Please visit our web site at
nosuchthing (15 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-27)
It sounds like you may be experiencing Sleep paralysis - which can be very frightening. Google it and see what they say and if you think that could be the problem see if a doctor can help you out. Prayers are always good but sometimes it is just a medical condition - no demons, spirits etc. Good luck.
Jitow (362 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
You did say in your prayer, "my God and Jesus Christ". His name is above all names and He has demonstrated that to you. It sounds like to me that this is something that you have obsessed on all your life. The question that I want to ask is have you surrendered all to Christ? If you have not surrendered this fear of your ceiling all your life then you are giving these spirits a legal right to be there. You must give this fear to God in Jesus name. If you believe that Jesus is who He says He is then you must believe that not only does He have power over all things but that He has given you dominion over all unclean spirits. By carrying this fear you are denying that Jesus has power over them and denying that He has given you power over them. This means that you are doubting Christ power. That is a sin, why. Because He told us that the spirit of fear does not come from Him so He is not the one making you afraid but you are allowing the fear that these spirits casue you to become a power that they have over you. Ask Jesus to fill your whole being with His Holy Spirit and reject this evil fear and ask God to forgive you for allowing this evil to gain a controlling foot hold in your life. You do not have to tell the evil this, they will hear it when you tell God through Christ Jesus and they will be forced to go somewhere else once you reject them. If you sense them in any way simply say out loud or scream it in your head if you cannot speak. "God rebuke you in Jesus name", say it and nothing else. Don't put "I" in it anywhere because you cannot cast anything out. Just follw the instructions above and close that door that you have propped open since you were young. No Fear!
bigz183 (6 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
bt19863 I have a hard time believing this is a demon as bjj said demons are usually not that predictable. On a side note 3:15am kind of rings some bells for me not to say you aren't telling the truth but that is the same exact time that the father from the amityville series says he wakes up now is there any connection at all? 😕
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
Mmkay, couple of questions. I'm not trying to belittle your experience, just trying to figure it out.
Do you experience any activity at other times, or just when trying to sleep? It seems odd to me that a demon would oppress you since you were six years old, but only at night. From my understanding of demons, a demon would be less predictable than that, and far more aggressive. Does anything else happen that points toward demonic influence?
If this oppression only occurs at night, have you thought about the possibility of a sleep disorder? Scheduling a sleep study with a doctor may be helpful. If it is a sleep disorder, a doctor could help you. If not a sleep disorder, then you have proof for the next jack wagon like me who suggests the possibility. Always good to rule out the mundane, before ruling in the paranormal.
watermoon (2 stories) (54 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
All I can say is that you should pray to god and you should ask your guide to protect you and don't be afraid cause when you are scared it will give this thing power over you just try to block this thing out Good luck.
Klosser803 (1 stories) (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-04)
Take comfort in the fact that if you are a Christian (if you're not please don't take this offensivly as I am simply stating my opinion), then that prayer is very powerful because no demon can touch or hurt you because Jesus is in you. Anyway just my take on it. I know every time I say that prayer, I never have any more problems with "ghosts" and such. But your story does sound absolutely terrifying because I've heard of similar accounts. Wish you the best.

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