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I Think She Misses Her Mommy


My eldest daughter who is 13 and I have a special connection, I have yet to figure out how this works but even when she is not with me, we can feel when each other is sick, feeling depressed, elated, confused. She can read me better than anyone else and vice versa.

A few months ago, we were in the kitchen and I was making dinner and my daughter was chatting and keeping me company. She was in mid-sentence when she stopped talking and turned towards the dining room, she turned back around and asked me "can you see her", I could not see what she was seeing. She began to describe a little girl about 8 or 9 years old, her hair was in a braid and she was wearing a dress. The little girl was sitting on the edge of the carpet where the dining room meets the kitchen and was just watching us. She sat there for a few minutes and then was gone.

The Little girl does this when my daughter and I are in the same room. She just watches.

We have tried to talk to her several times and she won't respond to us. She also likes to play with my youngest daughters (6 mths) toys. The Toys will start making noise when no one is playing with them. We always find toys in the dining room on the floor; the baby doesn't walk so we know it is not her taking them in there. I have also noticed that the baby will be looking at "nothing" and start smiling and laughing.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, angelia, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-22)
Love the story

If your willing I want you to try something if you haven't already.

Tell your daughter the next time she sees her to have your daughter tell the spirit girl your names. First and last. Then have your daughter ask the spirit girl her name. See if she gets any response. But again, only if you feel conforatble in doing so.
Please keep us informed

Cheers to you
PhantomChild96 (1 stories) (1 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-22)
Angelia, you said that you have a baby. Perhaps you could get some word blocks and ask the little girl to spell out words for you. Make it into a type of game. Have her spell out a word then if you feel it is significant ask her what it means. Make sure that when she spells out a word to give her positive praise and encouragement.
JBiebsbaby101 (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-28)
Well... About your baby, maybe when she starts talking she can tell you what she's "seeing" and the little girl could be doing something funny... And also my little sister sometimes she'll be staring at something and just start smiling and we ask her why but we don't really get an answer, could that be supernatural? 😕
darkbunny209 (2 stories) (17 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-23)
Awesome story I think that the girl might of died in the house or close to the house still it's a very good story I don't know if it's scary or cute still hope it gets better

~dark bunny:)
angelia (6 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-03)
Correct... I never see her. I can feel her when she is around but it is only my daughter that can see her
diana_eldridge44 (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-02)
Do you ever see her? So it's only your children, right? 😜
angelia (6 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-02)
thats very true, I didn't think about that. I have been concerned with her being too open to the spirits.
shadowspirit (4 stories) (122 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-02)
oh ok

If you force her to do it, she might get unhappy, giving off negative energy, luring demons to feed on it
angelia (6 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-02)
The Little Girl is the only spirit that we have at our house. When my daughter is with her dad, there are two spirits there, so there is not much I can do about her dads. I will talk my daughter and see what she wants to do. I want her to be comfortable with the situation.
shadowspirit (4 stories) (122 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-02)
maybe you should call in a priest or someone for assistance, so if things take a turn for the worst the priest can banish it from your house

It may also be worth getting in a medium to see what these other spirits want
angelia (6 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-02)
I can try that... I know that my daughter is a little nervous about doing that BC not all the ghosts that we are around are of a good nature. She is afraid that it will open herself up to something.
shadowspirit (4 stories) (122 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-02)
well maybe its something to do with youth

Maybe the child associates adults with anger and abuse?

Try asking your daughter to get the ghost child to "come out and play" and then ask her to tell the ghost that your not a threat
angelia (6 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-02)
[at] granny. I forgot to respond to the history of the house portion. My apologies. The house is four years old and prior to the the land was just farm land.

[at] shadowspirit. I have tried to be reassuring towards her. I talk outloud to her all the time. I honestly believe that she only wants to communicate with my daughter.
shadowspirit (4 stories) (122 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-02)
she may not be replying because she is shy

Say to her:

"do not be afraid, I only want to reunite you with your parents, I will help you as much as I can"
angelia (6 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-02)
[at] Granny. My dad says the same thing about my mom, sisters and our girls. LOL

I have tried to communicate with her. But she does not respond. I can feel her come closer to me when I talk to her but I never hear a response. My daughter is not quite ready to see if the little girl will talk to her yet.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-02-02)
angelia: I know that "connection" you're talking about... I experience the same thing with my family, specially my daughter, grand-daughters and Mom... My step-dad calls us "witches" 😆...

Have you ever tried to communicate with the litte girl?...Do you know the history of your home and/or the property?...

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