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Real Ghost Stories

She Frightened Her Away...!


I met with an accident on 22nd Feb 2020. Suffered 7 facial stitches and skull fracture. So I was on bed rest for almost 2 months.

I was very close to my grandmother who passed away in 2004. I have had visitations from her a couple of times. She even came to visit my baby once. During my hardships, she would always be there. And somehow everything would fall back in place. But past couple of years, she never showed up, so, I thought she might have been reborn and couldn't visit. Though I missed her dream visits, I was quite happy for her to have been born somewhere.

Coming back to 2020, after my accident, I was advised a lot of bed rest. I would always be trapped in one of my bedrooms. Well, I live in a two-bedroom apartment on 10th floor (in outskirts of the city so no tall building near me (scarcely populated area)) and the bigger bedroom is our main room but since my mom-dad came to help me out, we gave the bigger room to them and shifted to the smaller bedroom.

Due to the accident, my sleep had been greatly hampered. I would lay in bed all awake until the sun shone and sleep during the day or vice-versa. I am a dauntless girl (most of the time), so I would stay awake without any fear. I had no problem at all.

One night, as I lay awake and watched some movie in my phone, I noticed a dark shadow in the opposite corner to the left of me. It was quite big and darker than the dark room I was in. Beside me lay my husband. But I did not wake him up, rather I tried to ignore the whole thing. I thought the medicines and the lack of sleep might have caused me to hallucinate. So, I eased myself and went under my covers. And lay there still until I fell asleep.

Next night, I watched the corner carefully before and after switching all the lights. I tried to figure out what was causing the large shadow to appear. Found nothing and so again I lay watching some KDrama. I wasn't watching anything horror. So that negates the possibility of me imagining things that weren't there.

Around 4 am the shadow appeared in the same corner as big as it was on the previous night. This time I didn't go under my covers. I stayed there still watching my phone. I was conscious of the shadow but didn't look at it straight. NEVER.

It stayed there for few hours and it vanished before dawn. It went away when it was still dark. And when I felt it gone, I dared to look in the corner. That's how I know it was gone.

Now, this became the routine for it. The same shadow, the same corner, and almost the same time every night.

I should've got used to it but frankly I was getting little more scared with every passing night. But I still remained out of my covers. I would sweat profusely all the time it was there but I could never sleep. Because I never wanted to show I am afraid, I stayed out of my covers.

Few nights had passed, and I noticed it had started to move. It never came down but it moved sideways. Not too much, little by little trying to get closer. Its movement freaked me out. Literally freaked me out. I did not speak to others as I knew everyone will think it as some side effect of my medicine. So I kept mum.

One night as it moved, it made me so scared, I had to slip under my covers. I waited for it to go when I fell asleep.

That night I dreamt of me sleeping on a bed in a large room. There were others sleeping on mattresses on the floor. In the dream, I was still under the covers, and a woman was circling my bed continuously. I was scared to death. That's when I heard my grandma's voice. She wasn't speaking to me, but she spoke to the lady and was saying "lady, why are you troubling my child, you should never trouble others. This is not correct. If anything bad had happened to you it is not my child's fault."

Hearing her voice, I gathered all my strength and peeped out of my covers and called out to her asking "grandma, is this you?" she said, "yes it is me".

And I said back, "but, I can't see you." And she lovingly answered, "but you can still hear me. Come to me I will protect you."

I got up from my bed and went to the direction the voice was coming from as quickly as possible. It was the last mattress on the floor where the voice came from. I went there and quickly lay down. For the first time in all these years, I felt my grandma's touch. She moved her hand on me. It was soothing to an extent I can't express. I still couldn't see her but I felt her. I felt her touch first time in the past 16 years.

She protected me and the lady who was encircling my bed was no more in the room. I think my grandma made sure that I slept peacefully before she left. It was the best sleep I had during 2 months time.

When I woke up the next day, I was completely at ease.

As for the shadow, it didn't go away that very instance. It kept appearing for few more nights. But it was less threatening then. It went away and never came back.

After my grandma's visit I did have a speedy recovery. That must be credited to the will power and strength she gave me. Or at least, I feel that way.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, good-ghosts, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
5 years ago (2020-07-06)
Jethalal, nowhere in the guidelines does it state you have to comment on a story you don't believe. No one is going to know you read it and didn't express your disbelief. Nor will anyone accuse you of believing the submission because you didn't leave an obnoxious comment on it. There is always the option of just moving on.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
5 years ago (2020-07-06)
lady-glow, once again thank you for your support and for speaking up on our behalf. ❤
good-ghosts (6 stories) (42 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-04)
Hello Jubeele,

Earlier, I was a non believer too. I would read the stories because it fascinated me and not because I believed them.

But since the things started to happen around me and most importantly around my kid, that's when I started to strongly believe in paranormal.

There are things which we don't completely know.

Well, few days after my grandma's visit on 19th April 2020, my grandfather passed away. He was 103. They both loved each other too much.
I somehow feel that she might have showed up to say her final goodbye.

Not sure though. I always imagine them to be happily together now, since they had led a very stressful life.
good-ghosts (6 stories) (42 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-04)
Hi Lealeigh,

Actually my grandma passed away in 2004. I was the one out of my 14 cousins who was closest to her. For the few early years after she passed, she would frequently visit my dreams whenever I faced some difficulties. Later on, as years passed, her visits became lesser. Though she would be there most of the times during my hardships.

For the past 3 years or so, I stopped dreaming about her. I would wonder why she isn't paying any visits.

And this incident happened...

As for the incident where my boy saw her, it is submitted here.
If you would like to read it is here

good-ghosts (6 stories) (42 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-04)
Very sorry to be not able to answer your comments and questions. I am joining late in the discussion. Apologies.

I am happy that some of you didn't look at the story in doubtful way. Appreciate that.

Even if you are doubtful about anything it is fine with me. But accusing the incident to be a work of fiction is not acceptable.

Whatever happened that day, I penned it down as sincerely as I could.

As to the visitations of my grandmother are concerned, they have always been in my dreams. She never once spoke to me. She would just stand or sometimes smile. But that's all she did. I am surprised that this time she spoke to me and most of all glad that I could hear her voice, though it was in a dream... But it was very true for me.

And the shadow did not disappear then and there. It appeared for few more nights. But somehow it was less fearful.

That's why I say, whether it was her (as I believe) or just a dream (as few might believe) it gave me strength to fight back and soothe my mind which was much needed after the trauma I was suffering from.

Thank you all for taking time to read. Really appreciate.

Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-04)
Hi good-ghosts

That was quite an ordeal, 7 facial stitches and a skull fracture. I know from one of my cousins, a neurologist, that any trauma to the head is a very serious matter. I'm glad to hear you've recovered. Perhaps the medication and your injury somehow lowered the usual conscious barriers, giving you a glimpse beyond? People who are very ill can wander closer to the Veil. When my husband's heart stopped twice during his operation in hospital, he had an experience that widened his perception of things beyond the norm.

Regardless if it was a visitation, a hallucination or the effect of the medication, the thing to remember is that you gained the will power and strength that helped in your speedy recovery. I think that was the main purpose of your grandma's visit. A reminder that love endures.

I find it comforting to think that our loved ones who have gone before, continue to watch over us from wherever they might now be. We need faith, hope and love more than ever during these times. Thank you for sharing with us.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-03)
[at] Jethalal, just want to add my 2 cents to "So youre telling me not to criticise clearly fake stories which are published on a site where people are supposed to post "real stories"?"

Well, there's a better way and a worse way to criticize.

"I find this story hard to believe," just by itself, would be a better way to criticize.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-03)

"And for anyone who claims that people in this site posts only "real stories" just go through this story once and reply to me."

Have you read the thread of comments to that story? If so, you should know by now that nobody believed it.

The moderators have explained many times that they have to follow some rules before publishing a submission, even if they are rolling their eyes and not necessarily believe it.
Being a new member, you haven't seen some of the drama some people have caused because their stories have been rejected.

You are entitled to your opinion and no one is trying to change it but, unless you have a point to discuss or question, you have already said enough about this story.

Just my opinion.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
5 years ago (2020-07-03)
"So youre telling me not to criticise clearly fake stories which are published on a site where people are supposed to post "real stories"?" Not at all, what people are trying to tell you is to explain why this is your opinion. You would be surprised on how many might find you astute, rather than formulating a low opinion and writing you off as a troublesome negative.
However you need to understand that someone else might say totally different, and articulate why they find the event believable. Their 'take' on it as it were. It's called a discussion. Most folks who do believe in the paranormal value them, even if it debunks the experience. If you put your disbelief as a question, giving the o/p a chance to explain what ever caused your disbelief, you might find there's a plausible reason. It's called growth. Something someone with a shuttered mind is incapable of.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-03)
Hi good-ghosts,

I am sorry to read about your accident. During the earlier times of being visited by your grandmother, did you see her or sense her only? You said she was "always there". How did you know that your child was reacting to the presence of your grandmother, if your child was a baby at the time?



This is a site for true paranormal experiences. The events in this story are true to the writer. In the comment section you may then ask questions about the parts that you find to be "sketchy" (as you say). Or, as an alternative, you can give to the writer your own interpretation of their experience.

It seems like the part that you are having a problem with is the interpretation that the writer has made of her dream. This battle of good against evil happened in a dream, as far as I can tell. But the point is that, after she had this dream, the shadow in her room began to go away and she began to recover.

If you have to say anything about the "truth" in a person's narrative, please wait for them to answer your concerns.

- Maria
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-03)
Jethalal - There have been a number of stories which have been published which I have been hugely skeptical about. In fact I have at times commented that I don't believe their stories because to my mind they were "stories".

Perhaps you should focus on publications which interest you and request further information in a polite manner.

Don't blame the mods, they are far from stupid and in fact they do not publish all submissions.

Please try to keep an open mind and offer informed opinions on the subjects which interest you instead of blatantly searching for glaring inconsistencies. If you find these inconsistencies, fair enough, either offer your opinion as politely as you can or don't comment at all.

Regards, Melda
Alina5 (3 stories) (136 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-02)

I was going through your profile page for an instance but it feels like not only you are stubbornly skeptic of this narrative but other narratives as well.

This is a site where people post their "real experiences" not some fabricated random movie plots for fun. You have to understand the author's emotions attached to the experience. Every horror movie do have some base on real life experiences.

I apologise if I came up as rude, however, as a paranormal believer I consider this story as a authentic one.

valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
5 years ago (2020-07-02)
That was my take too, Veronica-Marie.
It's widely held theory that 'bad-ghosts' feed on our fears, and I feel that it's quite possible that Grandma's 'visit' defused good-ghosts' fear in reality. Perhaps Grandma was not so much actually defending her physically but giving her the mental comfort and strength she needed. A very real, "you aren't in this alone" knowledge.
But looking at Jethalal's reasoning I can understand why he feels like it isn't so. As many of you know, I've had quite a bit of 'experience' with the other side as it were, and I have had spirits intercede in my behalf against physical threats. But I can't claim to have had the experience of good spirit vs evil spirit on my behalf, nor has anyone that I know of, take place before my eyes. Doesn't mean that no one has, but it does sound a bit... Too fantastical. However in dream visitations, often what we see can be symbolic, or an indicator.
On a personal note, I like to think that I could still be protective over the ones I love, once I'm gone, against the baddies of this earth and from the other side too. I know I try hard to do that now.
VeronicaMarie (5 stories) (106 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-02)
Jethalal, I think you may have misunderstood what good-ghosts meant by 'visitations' from the grandma. I believe they were talking about 'visitation dreams,' though I could be wrong. The type of dream which is somehow different from a regular dream, because the memory of it doesn't dissipate over time, and because there is a clarity to it that is stronger than in a usual dream. The shadows good-ghosts saw in the room were actually physically seen, but grandma was in the dreams only, from what I understand.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-02)

If you think of ghosts like people without a body inhabiting an ethereal world beside our material one, it shouldn't be difficult to understand the possibility of this plot really happening.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
5 years ago (2020-07-02)
I'm not so sure, Jethalal, Weird things happen in the paranormal world. What makes you feel it's sketchy?
Alina5 (3 stories) (136 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-30)
Hello good-ghosts,

I'm in awe with your profoundly incredible experience. Such a loving Grandmother you have, who stayed with you for over a decade watching over you. Hopefully, you have successfully recovered from your injuries.

But it does makes me wonder Why did that shadow showed up on a sudden instance?

Do you believe anything specific had happened for that entity to show up?

I'm glad everything went well without any harm.

Nelson_but_not_Mandela (12 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-30)
Oh I'm crying! It was nice to dream with your grandma and touch her again. I would like to dream with my Nana Lou. 😢
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
5 years ago (2020-06-30)
This is you're second warning about language.
If you are not mature enough to articulate in a mature fashion, then you're not mature enough for this site. It's really that simple.
By following this course you are risking being banned. I'm being serious.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-30)

A mere 2 hours ago, Val (one of our Moderators) posted the following in response to an unacceptable message:

Jethala, while it is ok not to believe someone's story, it is not ok to be so darn rude about it. From the Comments Guidelines: "If you disagree with the authenticity and the veracity of a story, you can express your opinion, as long as it is respectful ("I have an another theory for what happened", "I do not believe this to be true because...", etc). However, you cannot be abusive toward the author ("your story is lame", "you're a liar", "you're wasting our time", etc)."

Please identify exactly what part of the narrative you deem incredible & explain why this is your opinion. It is not acceptable for you --nor anyone else-- to make *ad hominem* accusations. Substantiate your claim of disbelief in a civilized manner, please.


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