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Incubus And Maybe Something Else


I am 32 years old. I have been having trouble sleeping at night and I don't know what to do.

When I am lying in my bed awake I get a strange tingling sensation all over me. I look at the foot of my bed, and there is a black shadow, shaped as a man. He walks around to my head as I am lying there, feeling paralyzed. I can't move nor scream. In the mornings I wake up feeling like I had sex for hours and my arms feel bruised, as if I was held down. There have been times I have felt the warmth of his hands going up my legs and arms. I feel violated. I have been single for 8 months. I don't want this to keep happening to me. It is strange because even when I go somewhere else to stay the night, even when I have moved, it still happens to me. He follows me.

I have experienced so much these past few months, so I decided one day that I was going to try to get a voice on the recorder. The other night I recorded while I was sleeping, and like I have been doing the past two weeks a guy's voice. He had said, as late as it is and a few other things that I couldn't make out. I can hear him moaning and groaning as if he is having sex with me. I can hear the footsteps and him coming into my room. I can hear him and feel it as he gets onto my bed.

Please help me, any suggestions and comments will mean a lot to me.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sleeplessmom, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Please be advised that this site is for the general public. Even though this category is about experiences of sexual nature with ghosts, no explicit content is allowed and comments that are deemed inappropriate will be deleted.

Indigo_Child (3 stories) (25 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-24)
Blue Rose,
I feel the need to add my two cents here...

I'm relatively new to this site and I have come to know that Rook is a very well respected poster and I have found his advice and opinions very useful. His posts/answers are laid out very intelligently and respectfully to all possible belief systems across the board.
He has a wealth of knowledge and you would do well to take a leaf out of rooks book.

Granny - well said. Agree 100%

Jitow - I believe in the Lord our God but I do not believe in "Bible bashing" people into following Christianity.
As Rook said in an earlier post you need to have FAITH and you cannot force faith on ANYONE.
God gave us ALL free will - so let it be.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-24)

With all due respect it's not WHAT is suggested, but HOW it is suggested that brings us 'Trolls' out.

I was a practicing Wiccan, I am an Ordained Priest and Teacher for my Church, and for the first time ever I'm going to state just which Church... The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My varied background allows me to offer advice from a very, very neutral background where I can offer either advice from a 'Christian' point of view or a Wiccan point of view. I am also an Empath and I temper my advice based on any 'feelings or emotions' I may pick up on from an individuals experience.

A very wise man once said... "I am not going to drive a man or a woman to Heaven. A great many think that they will be able to flog people into Heaven, but this can never be done, for the intelligence in us is as independent as Gods. People are not to be driven and you can put into a gnat's eye all the souls of the children of men that are driven into heaven by preaching hell-fire." (Brigham Young)

I do not mind people suggesting the Power of Prayer nor the idea that calling on Jesus Christ can (and will) drive away any 'entities' they may experience. I do however mind those that come here and suggest that every encounter is 'demonic' in nature and that the only way to counter it is to 'turn' to God and His Son...

The O/P here needs advice and Help... Not Scaring...

So if Salt and Sage happen to help the O/P who are we to say otherwise? Any and all suggestions have Merit and the O/P should feel free to explore all avenues and see which works best for them. Just as all offers/suggestions of Aid should be made without people 'ripping' each other apart. All the 'Trolls' are asking for is this...TOLERANCE...Please feel free to suggest the Church if that is your personal belief system, but do it in a Non-Preachy...'The Only Way is 'THIS Way' attitude. Thank You.




Jitow (362 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-23)
BlueRose-don't even try to defend yourself. You don't have to. Christ told us in the Bible that we would be persecuted for His name sake. There are trolls here on this site that watch and wait like vultures for someone to mention God, Christianity, and most of all Jesus. You can mention gods but watch out if you say God with a bif G. I have written post on this site that mention nothing but the love that Jesus brings to all to the Glory of God the Father and I would get 4 or 5 posters swearing that I was cramming my religion down everyone's throat. The statistics don't lie. For spiritual solutions that work and are permanent, this websited proves that the Name of Jesus is by far the most effective at ending unwanted harrassment and torment that the spirit world has to offer. Don't let these little flies in the oinment stop you from stating what you know is true and also telling people what you know and we all know works. I too and many others agree that when it comes to evil spirits sage, salt, and all that jazz is worthless and usually makes them mad. It make work for a pagan or satanist or wiccan because it is a form of appeasemnt for the demonic but it is definately not a fix. They use it to temorarily get the demonic spirits off their backs. For anyone being oppress and/or torment by the spirit world Jesus Christ is THE answer and if you place your trust in Him He will give you dominion over all the spirits in the name of Jesus.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-06-22)
Blue rose: I'm going to ask you take an objective view of the comments you've directed at these long-standing and well-respected members and compare them to the ones addressed to you... You will see why they are "long-standing and well-respected"...

Please, take a step back and drop the defensive attitude...Nobody's attacking you, judging you or disrespecting you... The comments made prior to Rooks questions give the impression that you are indeed, judging and disrespecting other beliefs...Sure, it's just your opinion... And if we don't like it we can ignore it... You can do the same 😐
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2011-06-22)
One reason we may comment on another person's comment is to try to help that person get used to how we communicate with each other here. The only person displaying rudeness here is you. You may want to take a step back, look at these comments objectively, ours and your own, and calm down.
BlueRose30 (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-22)
Okay. I wasn't saying that I was the only one who was entitled to their own opinion. And I have experienced what SOME people would call, "paranormal experiences", but I guess, yes, that I'm not EASILY convinced to these sort of things (not that I completely don't believe in it). I just like to try and "debunk" them, and find explanations for them, before even thinking it being paranormal. And no, I do NOT think that he is ignoring my right to my own opinion. Also, I never said that I wasn't convinced of the paranormal. And him being a "long-standing and well-respected member of this community", doesn't mean anything. He could have just registered 5 minutes ago, and it wouldn't make a difference to what he says. And how you said that you find it ironic that I am on a site about the paranormal, I happen to love reading about the paranormal. I read lots of books and stories, but it doesn't mean that I believe in it. So, I would just appreciate it if some people would stop being quite rude, and just move on! Is there even a reason to comment on other people's comments? Not really. So please stop talking to me like you know me personally, because you don't. -Rose
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2011-06-22)
BlueRose, a couple of things.
You are lambasting a long-standing and well-respected member of this community. And why? Because you think he is ignoring your right to your opinion. Don't forget, Rook and everyone else here has the same right to their opinion that you do. It's in the sharing of opinions, the respectful sharing of opinions, that we find answers here.
I looked at your profile, and see that you aren't convinced of the paranormal. Many people aren't until they have a personal experience, so I don't object to your lack of belief in this regard. I do find it ironic that you are on a site dedicated to paranormal experiences, expressing your thoughts on something you may or may not even believe in. You may want to give some thought to what you hope to accomplish by being here.
Also, I can't help but notice the two stories you have commented on at this point are about sex entities. This is a category that even believers can't come to an agreement on. It's also generally thought that sex entities are not ghosts, but a whole 'nother critter entirely. If you are hoping to read something to convince yourself ghosts exist, you may try the family visitations category.
BlueRose30 (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-22)
Also, at the end of your comment, you make me seem like I am a person who is trying to force my religion onto everyone. I am not! I have plenty of friends who are either atheist, Christian, Hindu, and the list goes on. I respect them for who they are, not for their religion. I do think that it would be cool if they were all Christian, but I can't change them, or who they are. I don't think about it. I don't talk to them thinking, "I'm talking to an atheist", or, "I'm talking to someone who is Hindu." So, please don't judge me, and make accusations, when you do not know me. Thanks. -Rose
BlueRose30 (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-22)
Rook, this is the second time that you have commented on a post of mine. I won't make this comment so long, with explanations of what I said. You said that you looked on my profile, and you constantly dwell on the things that I've said. It's kind of ridiculous. Plus, you constantly quote me, which many people (not all) may find irritating, including myself. All you are doing is taking things that people say, and thinking too much of it, and using that against them. I'd kindly appreciate it if you would stop making such a big deal about the things that people say, and go on with your life. Seriously, you are wasting your time. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, but it's true. I have my own opinions, and religious views, and you have yours. Remember that! -Rose
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-20)
Yikes! I agree DA! I have and will talk a lot about mental disease. Self medicating is bad bad bad. I know what those drungs do, and I would never suggest that you obtain them illegaly or use them the wrong way. If you think meds are the way to go, please see a doctor.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-20)
passerby2011: I was with you up until the point you suggested self-medication with prescription drugs. This is not only dangerous because of side effects but opens the door for unnecessary drug addictions. Medication doesn't ward off spirits, it only reduces the psychological effects that they have on you. Please do not ever encourage someone to take drugs without a viable cause, especially without consulting a physician first.

Others have offered some great advice on here... Hopefully the author has found what they need and has achieved a peaceful resolution.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-20)

Hello, I find your advice interesting from quite a few standpoints, I'll start b quoting you and then address these...

"I don't believe that putting salt around your bed, or putting olive oil or whatever around your house and room is going to do any good! The same thing about Holy Water. Water, or a man who claims to be priest won't get rid of things. I know some people may believe that, but honestly, I highly doubt it. What you need to do is PRAY! Get on your knees, actually you don't have to get on your knees, but PRAY! The Lord your God WILL protect you from anything bad."

You begin by saying your sorry if you personally offend anyone and proceed to dismiss methods that have and do work for others. I saw in your profile that your still not sure about some things paranormal, and yet your positive that the only way to deal with 'strange' events is by Prayer, Personal Prayer. While this is not bad advice, it is not the be all end all approach to dealing with paranormal activity. FAITH is what gives strength to any Protective Measures used... Here on site advice is 'couched' in such a manner as to not offend anyone's personal belief's yet despite 'not wanting to offend anyone'...well, at least in my case, I am.

My background is varied (please see my profile) and I've seen /felt many things. I've also seen many different things work for people... Again you mention that your 'not sure' that paranormal things exist so to dismiss different methods just 'out of hand' when your not sure yourself seems 'rude' to me (no offense meant).

You go on to say...

"Honestly, the only person I'm afraid of is God, and that's who everyone should be afraid of. Not in a bad way, but His wrath is so mighty and powerful!"

While I agree with the Mighty and Powerful part... Here I go...I'm about to 'debate' a religious topic and this is not the place for it.

Bottom line is any and all offers of help are welcome, but we need to keep in mind that not everyone holds to 'our' belief system and that any suggestions / aid should be offered and reviewed with an open mind.


BlueRose30 (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-20)
One more thing ^^ Tell it out loud, "In the name of God, I command you to leave!" I know it sounds very corny, and cliche, but trust me, you have to let the entity know, that it's not welcome! 😊
BlueRose30 (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-20)
Also, I don't believe that burning incense, or a sage, does any good either. Pray 😊
BlueRose30 (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-20)
I'm so sorry: Personally, (sorry if I offend anyone), but I don't believe that putting salt around your bed, or putting olive oil or whatever around your house and room is going to do any good! The same thing about Holy Water. Water, or a man who claims to be priest won't get rid of things. I know some people may believe that, but honestly, I highly doubt it. What you need to do is PRAY! Get on your knees, actually you don't have to get on your knees, but PRAY! The Lord your God WILL protect you from anything bad. Read the Lord's prayer aloud! Read Psalm 91:1-16 out loud. I know it seems like a lot to read, but it always makes me feel good! Don't be scared! Never show ANYONE that you're scared! Honestly, the only person I'm afraid of is God, and that's who everyone should be afraid of. Not in a bad way, but His wrath is so mighty and powerful! I pray every night for the people in need, and who need help more than me, or anyone else. I hope that you take my advice 😊 God Bless ❤
Jitow (362 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-15)
Not many people will understand what a "bokor" is, especially a humble one. Why don't you explain more about what you do and what you believe rather than hiding behind obscure monikers.
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-18)
Greetings and salutations my deepest sympathies to you dear lady, now If a humble Bokor and exorcist may offer his professional oppinion, I have a solution to your entity problem Sage the house lay down salt barriers at your door bed couch or anywere you are likely to sleep if that does not work I recomend keeping wild roses in your house if this is not possible I sugest a bath with an infusion of holy water rose petals ginger and salt mixed in.

Sage: Eliminates negitive energy thus making it harder for the spirit to reach you
Salt: provides a protective barrier
Wild roses: The struggle for life these flowers go through embues them with a powerfull life energy wich drives away molevolent spirits
The infusion: will combine these powerfull purifying agents in order to make you untouchable by said incubus

Please inform me if I can be of any further assistance, Good luck and may the gods bless and protect you

Your freind,
The Puppeteer
TygerDall (2 stories) (29 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-16)
I feel bad for you hon! Get the EVPs analyzed by someone who can help provided that doesn't make you feel uncomfortable and then you will know what to do afterwards I think. Hope all turns out for the better soon!
passerby2011 (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-15)
I'm quite religious, and a good way to get rid of evil spirits is to use incense and holy water.

You should be able to get some from church supplies websites suchy as istok.

It's best to opt for sweet smelling incense ie lavendar or rose, because some of them can be very overpowering and only really suitable for churches.

It's best to burn some incense on a charcoal tablet, on a thick saucer or in cup, and burn this incense for at least a few minutes in each room and make the sign of the cross with it. Afterwards flick holy water all around the rooms, and make the sign of the cross on all doors and windows, and this should make evil forces less likely to enter your house.

Alternatively get a priest to do this Catholic or Eastern Orthodox, and to bless you and do a service for blessing the house.

If you're experiencing evil spirits, it's also good to follow a vegan diet for say 40 days. Because fasting and prayer ward them off. But heavy duty incense with fasting and prayer, which can take a time, sees off most of them.

Also if you take tablets for anti-psychotic type problems ie schizophrenia, it can actually work against evil spirits, and shut them down, and lessen their power over you. Quetiapine is quite good for this, but does have side effects. Clozapine is also another to try, perhaps in small doses, because they can make you very drowsy. But they can significantly reduce the hold of real spirits over you. It seems to send them to sleep in some way.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-14)
Sleeplessmom...Half of your answer may be with in your account name... Most people who experience these types of accounts are light sleepers or have an over load of sexual or physical energy causing friction and anxiety with in their mind... It is a possible combination of the two that I believe is causing your un pleasant experience... There is a gland in the midst of our brain called the pineal gland... And when we are in the transitional state of mind (being awake and asleep) two things can happen... 1 We can have paranormal accounts depending on who or what is trying to come through at the given time and 2...we can bring our sub conscious urges or fears into reality from the same places that creates our nightmares... The fact that your paralyzed suggest your state of mind is in a fearful one... Recently I felt some one sit on my bed then pin me too it... It was sleep paralysis that I was experiencing... I remember thinking how interesting it was cause I knew it wasn't real... I was able to control my transitional state of mind with in about two seconds and the experience disappeared just as quick... And I have done this with other experiences over the years with the same results... Our minds are a very powerful devise and when there is an element of fear combined with other factors... That power unfortunately works against us and sometimes our conscious principles... I honestly hope I can have another bout of S/P to better understand it... Cause it is so often miss interpreted and not fair to those who are so frighten... What I suggest you do... Is get yourself extra busy through the day so when night time falls your are extra tired, read a book before you go to bed, go to bed an hour later and don't sleep in...don't have afternoon granny naps and this experience should go away... Best wishes...

elenovia (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-14)

1) wear a cross pendant
2) invite a priest in you home
3) take salt and put it around your bed (on the floor).
Make a round continoued circle on the floor by salt. With this way this incubus or whatever it is, it can't be passed on your bed

Try it and reply to my email

divyaprasadsarma (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-09)
I feel sorry for you hmmm even I had this feelins once but I try to avoid sleeping alone I work for a software company where I work in Shifts where in the night I be alone in the cab and my company is little inside from the city I do see like this on the roads I feel like its following me but its not its all depends on our thinking but now I use to it and I forget I avooid thinking about it I know its difficult but try doing this it may help
Molcik (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-08)
I don't know what to say... All these experiences it's
seems so horrible. I can't sleep at night already! If this story is really true... I have no words. If I was you immediately will leave! Especially in my case... If these dreams were in physical form... I don't even wan't to think about it!
Darkorderhorseandthebeanbag (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-08)
Sounds like this entity is a stalker, the other explanations could be repressed sexual desire, traumatic past experiences - it really depends on if your perspective is introverted or extroverted as to how you would go about resolving this. The extroverted approach is to go and get somebody to do a ritual of some sort, you can get a priest, local shaman or dyi yourself with certain combinations of herbs and incense. The introverted approach is more effective but a lot harder to pull off.

On a side note, Netiquette is not a recognized word, I was curious so I looked at the wikipedia article and the word sounds like jargon, doesn't exist in the dictionary. I only wrote that because I couldn't work out why everyone was getting so defensive over a word... Its bad netiquette;)
HunterFaith96 (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-07)
Im very sorry to hear what your going through. [sad. I just have a few questions that I hope you don't mid me asking... Have you had a house blessing? Maybe you should get your local priest to come... I hope my ideas work! God Bless! 😊
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-07)
Thanks for taking care of this mess. I am in touch with Martin. He is restoring my ability to remove some of the garbage that is not waranted ort needed on this site.

Thanks for getting my back-
God Bless!
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-07)
Well said DeviousAngel ❤

Succubussed has been on this site for a very long time and have given good advice.

The name calling and posting crap about his mom's basement is childish.

Please grow up guys... That is if you can 😐
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-03-07)
Kim: Got it covered 😉...Keep it above the belt and please, act like adults...
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-07)
First of all, I would like to apologize for soem of the comments and language used by other posters on this story. They have no manners and no shame. I have e maik the web master. As a moderator, I am getting instructions to delete these comments.

Second, if your are truly having these occurances as you state in your story, please research this topic and take the needed measures to end this 'relationship'. These relationshships can be axtrekely harmful to you as a person and to your health and well being.

Seek some spiritual guidance,
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-07)
Normally I don't trust the advice of anyone who claims to have a relationship with a spirit, but after reading a lot of Succubussed's posts and stories as well as communicating with him personally, I firmly believe he is an intelligent person who knows what he's talking about. Yeah, he can be rough around the edges, but there are a lot of others here who fit that criteria too.

And just because he has not cast out his succubus, that does not mean that he is condoning what's going on here with the author. I think he, like me, is a skeptic with his own opinions.

That this thread has stooped to namecalling and childlike attitudes is pitiful.

By the way, when you take the Intro To Computers class in college, "Nettiquette" is an official term that you are required to learn the meaning of.

I'm sure the author has received the advice she needs here, and if not, I'm sure she'll let us know.

To the mods, I don't know if there's anything currently in position for screen name censorship but I would like to suggest that be added to the site. Anyone with potentially harmful or abusive terms in their screen names should have their account removed.

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