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Incubus? My Mother's Tormentor


I supposed every mother is her children's hero and her teachings will influence many of the decisions they'll take through their lives.

I grew up in a family that accepts the existence of ghosts. I remember listening to stories about dead love ones coming back to visit family members during their last moments, and stories about restless spirits bound to this plane due to their inability to part with their material possessions and haunting the houses where they used to live. Almost any one of my family members has, at least, one paranormal experience to tell.

My family believes that ghosts do not tolerate being told profanity and swear words. That's what I was told by my mother and that's what she was told by her own mother.

My mother's experience began when she was in her late 50's and suffering from a chronic illness. My siblings and I were already married and my parents were the only ones living in the house. My Dad was still working and would leave very early in the morning.

Occasionally, she would wake up to the sound of the main door opening and hearing someone walking toward her bedroom, she always thought it was my Dad coming back for something he had forgotten and would try to ask what had made him come back only to find herself immobilized and unable to talk.

Then, she would feel the weight of a person sitting on the bed, but wouldn't see anyone, and the 'person' would start touching her with evident sexual intentions. At these moments, my Mother would engage on a will power fight against this ominous presence and, remembering her mother's teachings, would start a mental combination of prayers and cussing until the attacks stopped and she was able to move and talk again.

These visitations lasted for several years, they would happen occasionally and in irregular basis and, fortunately, they didn't go further than touches that my Mother was able to stop with her prayers, bad words and her will power.

One day she woke up ready to fight this presence again but, this time, instead of sitting on her bed and staying invisible, it walked to the end of her bed and took the form of a massive dark shadow whose head was touching the ceiling of the room and, for the first time ever, it talked to my Mom saying something like:

"This is the last time I'm here, it's time for me to go. Please light a candle for me. My name is Horacio."

Although she admits experiencing sleep paralysis occasionally, my Mother never feels threatened or touched like before. The house was built by my parents and only my family has lived there, and the only 'Horacio' known to my Mother is still alive.

Being Catholics, there are always blessed images around the house and on her bedroom walls but they didn't seem to have prevented the attacks.

As far as I can tell, this entity wasn't a demon, hence, I'm not sure if it could be considered an incubus and, to this day, it is a mystery if Horacio left by his own volition or if Mom's faith and mistreatment proved too much for him to take. Good riddance!

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, lady-glow, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

InTheNight (2 stories) (34 posts)
3 years ago (2022-02-23)
That does really sound like sleep paralysis, though. Especially the part where she can't move or talk.
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-15)
Melda! Yes - I totally agree! 😁

And you know, I had noticed some similar typos betwixt the two also... Sometimes a person just can't get it together. On a related note, I take pride in being called a "nasty woman". Not in the context it was intended, but I do live in the US. 😉

Excited to get back on track here... Tres Amigas it is. (Thanks, Lady-glow!)
Queeny (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-15)

I called you 'Melds' because you were addressed as Melds on a post and I thought it was your preferred name.

I'm over all this debating.

I am listening to Valkricry and am putting it all behind me and Cup said she'll do the same.

If you plan on stirring things up all over again, I'm NOT interested.

I'm here to read interesting stories and hopefully get advice on my story when I post it.

I'm not Sleeping Steve or Ociana/Sophia as a couple of people think. I'm queeny and I'm from Australia.i

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-15)
lady-glow and Cups - This is definitely SWS. She called me "Melds" on the HotPotato story as well.

I'd rather be one of the "tres amigas" than one of the three ugly sisters. Perhaps she'll change her name to Cinderella and we can all turn over a new page 😁

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-15)
Manafon - I read these comments at 06:30 with my first coffee for the day. Well, the coffee together with this comedy drama certainly cleared the cobwebs 😁

Regards, Melda
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-14)
Val, thank you x1,000. I'd be more than happy to move along. I'd like to be done with this a second time... This might be the scariest thread I've read here yet. 😉

Manafon: hat tip to you, my good man. I've always liked fedoras.
Queeny (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-14)

Thanks for your feedback.
No harm meant to others who have multiple stories.

I haven't got a story up yet, but hopefully when I do, member's will be able to give me advise and not critisise.

Thanks again. Until my post is published, cya.

I only have queeny as my account. I tried to open an account but I forgot the password to that email so O couldn't reply to the verificay link.

So here I am... Queeny!
My one and only ID.

Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-14)
Lady-Glow, Melda and Cups - I've been a spectator in this latest infiltration of a troll and I'd be lying if I said I haven't enjoyed the witty retorts from the three of you. Queeny and his/her quite likely multiple personas reminds me of those old low budget mysteries and film-noirs of the 1930s and 40s where the guilty suspect suddenly rips their mask off at the end of the movie to reveal someone else underneath. The late 70s comedy flick Murder By Death took this to its ultimate extreme as multiple masks are removed from the same person.

Manafon tips his imaginary fedora to you all (in keeping with the film-noir aesthetic).
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-14)
Queenie, your newbieism is showing. Neither lady-glow nor anyone else has the power to hide your comment. That happens when the system detects that you have accumulated enough negative points that most folks would not want to see your comment. Another tidbit; a member can only vote once on any given comment, and only a few times on a given poster before the system tells them to vote for someone else - whether it was negative or positive.

You've made the comment that because lady-glow has a few stories up "Anyone who has as much time as you to write as many stories as you do has a serious problem." Does she now? I suggest you take a good long look at the number behind my name - are you suggesting that anyone with more than a couple of experiences is fabricating them? That I am in need of therapy or watch too much TV or am a liar? See how easily one can become offended because of the way they choose to read what someone else wrote? Was your comment even aimed at me? No. But you have easily offended, oh several 100 contributors, even though your goal was to hurt just one.
Did you not also take note that lady-glow has been an active member since 2011? 10 accounts in 7 years does not seem overly prolific to me. So, ummm...yeah.

Let me give you this bit of advice, because you are new and not very good at the game you're trying to play.
La que revuelve el caldero a menudo se quema. (She who stirs the cauldron often gets burned.) Do not attempt to keep this misunderstanding going, because it will end badly. I will not only delete your comments, but the odds of having you (and any associated accounts) banned increases heavily.
Cups and lady-glow, I do understand where you 2 were coming from when this all started with SWS, I too was beginning to wonder if they were real comments or just spam. I always make the same mistake, assuming folks actually read the dang guidelines. I thought y'all agreed to let it go, and I believed SWS agreed too. I thought we had put it to bed, so to speak. Apparently not. There still seems to be hurt feelings. So, just try and be a bit more gentle with newbies, and close the book on this one. Enough is too much in this case.

Lady-glow, I too have a crystal ball and it shows me that shortly we will be visited by the negative karma gremlin. Oooh are we scared yet?
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-14)
*up-votes Lady-glow*... *denied*

Indeed. Have a nice evening, LG! Can't wait for Melda to get here... I'm still shaking my head over us being nasty & vicious... Just because one says it's true, does not make it so.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-14)
Cups - I even thought she could relate to this particular experience and find it useful.😕

"To me this is another case of Oceana/Sophie, hmm... Maybe even the same person. Now THAT'S scary."
Perhaps it's a momma kangaroo and her Joey? 🤔

I'm off... For now. 😘
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-14)
Somewhere Val is rubbing her temples...

Lady-glow, thanks for creating a space for this. Or maybe "sorry" is in order. 😕
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-14)
Queeny, I will also point out that you seem to have the time to juggle multiple profiles & take on different personas as you see fit, within a matter of days. Maybe not throw stones in your glass house, eh?

This is not Facebook. We expressed our views regarding your comment spamming. I said I'd back off - hey - I'm a reasonable person. Now you're here again, posing as a new user, just to try & throw us "amigas" under the bus? That's not how it works here, missy. Not only have you disrupted the flow, you're seriously getting on my last nerve.

Now. Do as you say you would do, and sit back until your story is posted. Though you've already burned some bridges, I do believe in second chances.

I won't hold my breath.
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-14)
WOW...WTH did I just walk into? What are you even talking about, Queeny... I mean SleepingWithSteve? You know, we're not stupid. I thought you may have created another profile, this confirms it.

What inappropriate vitriol to go spewing, especially as a new member... Wow. Just wow.

Tres Amigas, Melda - I'll take it! ❤

Mods - feel free to intervene. To me this is another case of Oceana/Sophie, hmm... Maybe even the same person. Now THAT'S scary.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-14)
Cups - it seems like Melda, you and I are now "The Tres Amigas"... Great idea... I love it! ❤ ❤ ❤

This comment from Queeny is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-14)
Queeny - guess what? I have a crystal ball that tells me the future... And right now it's showing me that pretty soon a comment will be deleted and, with some luck, even some member will be banned... And it's not going to be me.
Queeny (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-14)

You weren't there so you can't say what it was! Saying it wasn't a demon when you weren't there is simply ridiculous.

Sounds like your mum needs to google 'wet dreams'!

You have too many nasty/vicious comments on other peoples posts. (I've been reading the past 2 days)

I don't believe all the stories you tell. There are too many and it seems like you watch too much TV or need a therapist.

Anyone who has as much time as you to write as many stories as you do has a serious problem.

Get a life! This site is for people with real experiences and not for people like you who are bored and make up stories.

Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-14)
Lady-glow, thank you - and thank you for posting this on your own story as to not junk up another member's with passive-aggressive comments. SleepingWithSteve - LG is correct with the voting process.
I do believe we both said we'd await your published story, so let's just let this go, shall we?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-14)
SleepingWithSteve - *sigh!*😒

With time you'll find out that the site doesn't allow anyone to vote more than once on a comment, neither to vote multiple times for an specific poster so, please don't blame only Cups and me for your scoring.

Me... Scary?!?!
Not gullible and outspoken, yes, but, scary?!?! ROFLMAO 😁 😂
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-20)
lady-glow - Thanks for the link, very interesting. Perhaps now I can swear out loud instead of doing it under my breath.

When I mentioned the dog, I was speaking from experience. We had a dog, Rusty, who loved having visitors. He growled and wagged his tail when they arrived. The wag was a welcome, the growl a warning that they had now joined his pack and were not allowed to leave. We had to lock him up when people wanted to go home otherwise he bit their feet on the way to the gate.

Thanks for the compliment but I have to admit that I'm not always so sweet. I tend to voice opinions which aren't always appreciated by others. 😊

Regards, Melda
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-19)
Jubeele: my Mom is a very strong soul trapped in a very frail body, in spite of all her aches and pains there's always a smile on her face and a kind word for whoever might need it... Except for Horacio!

Those K-dramas are addictive, aren't they? The high school ones make me laugh when the leading male actor arrives to the school in slow motion and sparkling, and all the girls stop whatever they are doing to gather around the door and worship him! OMG, I wonder if it really is like that in real life! - The worshiping, not the sparkling.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-19)
Melda: "... When a dog wags its tail and growls at the same time, which end of it do you take seriously?"
Better safe than sorry...I'd prefer to keep my distance.

I wonder if my foremothers ever had the need/opportunity to put their advice into practice, or if this knowledge was passed down in a theoretical way; funny, I came across the following article:


And, I think you deserve to get a gold MEDAL for being such a sweet person.❤
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-19)
I just read your account again and your mother is indeed a rare gem. If only we could all be so blessed with the same faith and strong will...

Thanks for directing me to "The Package". Set in Paris - beautiful city - spent a small fortune at Galeries Lafayette a few years ago. I've added this to my list of "must watch". Have you seen "Black"?
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-18)
lady-glow - I apologise for misspelling your name. Um, more words - you can call me Medal next time, if only because at some stage in my life I might deserve one.

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-18)
laldy-glow - This sounds like a very confused spirit to me! It's like people who have to "find themselves" in life, even when they're pushing 40, to avoid making any form of commitment or taking responsibility for their actions, only this guy was still trying to figure out what he was once he shed his earthly shell (assuming he had one).

I get the feeling that Horacio wasn't good or bad when he started visiting your mother. She probably confused him even more by praying for herself and swearing at him. He didn't know which reaction to believe 😆 When a dog wags its tail and growls at the same time, which end of it do you take seriously?

I admire your mother's strength and conviction, which she learnt from her mother and which I gather, through communication with you on this site, you gained from them.

Horacio told your mother his name, that he was leaving and asked her to light a candle. That spells out to me very clearly that he took her seriously on all fronts. She cussed him all the way to a good place 😊

May other confused spirits be so fortunate.

Regards, Melda
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-16)
Jubeele & roylynx: thanks for reading and commenting.

Jubeele: I, too, have wondered if this Horacio could have been a rejected suitor, but the only man she knows called by such name is still alive and is several years younger than her. Although, since she was movie-star-beautiful in her youth, it wouldn't be a surprise if someone had a secret crush on her and came looking for her after his death (Ha ha! You are not the only one reading paranormal mysteries).
Anyway, I guess Horacio's motives will remain a mystery. I'm glad he stopped tormenting my Mother.
A side note, I'm watching a Kdrama called "The package", it's really funny.

Roylynx: your Grandmother was a wise woman. Yes, I think my Mom fought Horacio with her spirit. It is reassuring to know that we are not completely vulnerable when facing an evil entity.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-16)
Lady-glow, your mother is a fantastic woman. What a great role model to have in your life!

Just wondering: did your mother have a rejected suitor somewhere in her youthful past? It feels to me that she was specifically targeted by somewhere she knew from years ago, or someone who knew her. Can someone with spiritual training control his OBE and use this ability to cause mischief? (Ok, I've been reading too many paranormal mysteries again!) 😉

SP is such a frightening experience though. I'm glad she's now being left in peace. Lady-glow, best wishes to you and your loved ones. ❤
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-11-16)
Wow! Senhora! Thank you for sharing such a great story again!

Not an incubus, from my knowledge.
My grandmother used to say that a living person's spirit is stronger than a dead one. If a person has a strong thought, but cannot move on to doing action due to like rules and physical problem, the person's spirit could do the action mindlessly during his ore her deep sleep.

There were some more tribal believes like the spirit of a macaw will lead a living soul and so on... Well for me, those are just too religious to be explained as an answer so I will stop here.

Love from São Paulo
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-16)
Hello and thanks for reading and commenting on my story.

EmmalineTexas: about the land, well, Mexico City has been through a long history of violence; from the conquistadors, a revolution war, and religious persecution. Though I wouldn't be able to say for sure if any battles were fought on the grounds where my parent's house stands, I wouldn't discard the possibility of something of this nature happening nearby.
As for accidents, several involving someone been ran over by a car, or a bus, and dying on the road, though none close enough to the house.

Perhaps Horacio met my Mom at some point during his life, or perhaps he wasn't ready to leave and was using his (extra) time on this plane to cause mischief, but I bet he never expected to find such a strong adversary in my Mother.

RANDYM: there's a say in Mexico that goes: "El valiente vive hasta que el cobarde quiere". It translates, more or less, like: "The bully lives only as long as the coward one wants him to live". We use it to describe those situations when, even a weak looking person, can stop a "macho" just by shouting louder than him.
I guess this applies not only to the living, but to the dead ones too.

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