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Black Shadowish Figure With Red Eyes


I'm Isaac, and I'm 13 going on 14. I sing in a Christian death metal band. Me and my band members have experienced some weird frickin' crap. This is about one of my stories.

I went to bed one night, about when I was 11 or 12. I used to make up monsters in my head a lot then. Anyways, I had this nightmare in which the same scene repeated 4 or 5 times. This shadow head kept coming out of the wall of my bedroom. The room had light, but it was as if the light was dark and ambient with no real source.

When I woke up, it was in the middle of the night. I was so scared. I laid face-down on the bed and tried to go back to sleep when all of the sudden this wind that sounded like it was being propelled by one of those old-fashioned vacuums started blowing towards me. It caused my shirt to lift up into the air and it kind of tickled my back. I was totally paralyzed. When it stopped I scratched my back. I finally went to sleep with no more dreams.

So when I woke up, I was still tired so I put the covers over my head and laid face-up with my eyes facing towards the foot of the bed. It was as if the covers disappeared for a split second. I saw this figure that was black with red eyes that was walking into my room.

I thought "Bull****, it's just my imagination." But I lifted my covers and it was standing in the corner of my room. I was really scared but I decided to go into offensive mode. I shoved the covers up ready to attack and yelled "FRICKIN' DIE!" but it was gone. Then I was like "SCREW YOU, COWARD!"

I had more experiences since then. Just seeing it out of the corner of my eye occasionally. In weird places too. Like my aunt and uncle's house. One experience I had was when I was home alone doing school (I'm homeschooled.) I went downstairs where the sharpener was and sharpened the pencil. I was good to go when I suddenly got grabbed by the shoulders. I turned around and there it was again - I yelled "GET AWAY FROM ME!" when it disappeared.

I've had other weird experiences, too. I will post them in the near future. I continue to pray about this for protection. I was texting' my friend Brandon who leads worship in my youth group and he called me and we talked for awhile about this stuff. I haven't seen the shadow guy in awhile, but I hope to see him/her/it again so I can tell more stories.

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IsaacBPS (2 stories) (15 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-26)
Hi guys, it's been awhile since I've been on this site.

Thank you all for your suggestions.

My Dad and I prayed it out awhile ago. I pity the next person that it decides to prey on.
lostgirlsINC (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-06)
I have had a very similar thing happen to me only it happened multiple times and it has gotten stranger, first time I saw the spirit with red eyes it freaked me out so bad I would have thought it was a dream if my best friend wasent freaking out right along with me. As far as I know just try to ignore it because all of my friends have seen him atleast once.
randi29 (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-05)
My mother and brother has encountered this red-eyed shadow man. And what was discovered is its not a ghost or a "spirit guide" it is a DEMON! There is one that has green eyes, and others with no colored eyes at all, the one with the red eyes is stronger than the ones with no color and much stronger than the one with green eyes! You need to be prayed over as though I don't think you are possessed but you need it just the same! You also need your house that you live in or lived in prayed for and blessed! If you don't live there now you need to have your current place also prayed over and blessed! YOU & and YOUR HOUSE need to be prayed over and blessed with people who are strong enough to get it out! DO NOT USE AN OUIJA BOARD! Also if you have people pray over you and the house and they fear it in any way it will get much worse! And MUCH MUCH STRONGER! Talk to people in your church and you will find out who can do this. I strongly suggest you do this as soon as possible! It is a DEMON if you don't have it removed from you and your house it will follow you when you move, get married, and have children of your own. My advice get it gone! Have your church members (those that are willing to, if they are willing then they are strong enough and will not fear it) pray there together over the house and you and anyone else who lives in the house and frequent visitors! Do it now don't wait! Good Luck
folorn (1 stories) (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-19)
What you may be dealing with here is serious this could be the mothman the mothman is a extremely bad spirit who always appears before something tragic happens like a earthquake I would be very careful with this
Keiraa (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-18)
I've seen something like this too. I always see a black shadow out of the corner of my eye, and once or twice seen it in front of me. What I've seen isn't really in the shape of a human or anything, it is more of a cloud shape. Does this sound similar? I have always had very strong things happen, but I have only been seeing this for about the past 6 months.
ghostwolf1800 (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-17)
My friend has had the same experience. She has moved out of the house, but when she lived there she often saw a figure like that. It could be the ghost of someone in your family who passed away, the next time it comes look closer at it before yelling. She said it was her great-grandpa when she saw it. If your feel threatened, I suggest saying a prayer, or getting a pastor to.

Good luck!
IsaacBPS (2 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-16)
It happened to me. It's real. I'm not doing the challenging. Jesus Christ is. My god does the fighting for me
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-15)
You know - I'm not so sure I believe it either. I am sorry for this feeling, but I can't shake it. But, my dilema is I have a choice: I can believe the story and be made a fool for Christ (which is ok by me) or blow the person off and risk not helping someone in dire need. So I normallly opt to assist.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-15)
I don't really believe this story. I hate to say it but I don't. But let me pretend that I do.

It is not good practice to challenge demons like the others have said. They are very strong beings and MOST wish to do harm. They feed off of negative energy most times. If you have so much positive energy I am uncertain why this being would search you out. Demons don't try to pull you away from your religion. They could honestly care less what you are. Demons will create environments that are comfortable for them to survive. They are born into a lower vibration and therefore like the energy. In order to create this type of environment the demon may terrorize and scare in order to create the energy it needs to live. If you acted like you said you did I highly doubt you are making it very comfortable to live. And it would just go away. Now you said that you made up this monster. Well un-make it up. It appears you may have created the energy and made it come to you for some reason or another.
Del176 (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-15)
seriously though, even if the adrenaline rush of conquering a demon sounds good... But you have ABSOLUTELY no idea what you are up against...that's why don't do anything maybe you need to watch paranormal activity... Eventhough the movie is not a real story the lesson is don't provoke something you have no knowledge about... And sure Jesus watches over us... But he's not going to bail you out... You have been warned...don't blame Jesus if the demon spirit causes you harm and you want Jesus to rescue you,... Don't play with fire or you will get burned!-just saying
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-15)
Also, Issac, I agree with Granny - don't challenge this thing. That is very dangerous. You know not what you're taunting. I never do so, and I do have a little experience with these matters. Get that Holy water, ok? Now that I think about it, I fear it may accept your challenge.
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-15)

Damn; I want this kid on my team! Just kidding. Well done, but I do feel that challenging it may not be such a good idea. A number of posters also have agreed with this thought. I would also preface any command with "In the names of Jesus and Mary". I'd get som e Catholic Holy water - reserve, in case it returns which it may well. Good job!
IsaacBPS (2 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-15)

I don't think messages can be sent here, unfortunately. That would be nice, though.
IsaacBPS (2 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-15)
Death metal - check out Mortification. They're a popular christian death metal band.

C'mon, all demons are cowards, because they know that Jesus is stronger than them, and he's on my side! They stand no freaking chance against us!
Psych (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-15)
I have also seen something similar to this spirit. It lurks in the woods by my house but its eyes are fire. Send me a message if you can and talk to me about this.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-15)
Your reaction to that phantom in your room reminds me of the kid on that show "Adventure Time"...cartoon channel. Battling evil with his sword, forged from the finest material in the land of Ooo.
Crazy stuff... Keep rockin'!
Moondefi (guest)
14 years ago (2011-04-15)
It's nice to hear that your ready to kick its a**:) However when you called it a coward it's best not to challenge this things especially when there's a chance its a more negative thing (Such as a demon, or evil ghost, possessed spirt,etc.) If you see the thing again and are going to scream at it I suggest using God and Jesus in defense. My brother banished a demon from his dorm by screaming He f***ing banished it in the name of God and Jesus and he was protected by them and then it needed to leave and go back to hell where it came from. So that might help. If it's already physical with you then you might want to consider getting other help from a priest or such, because they can hurt you and it obviously isn't afraid to.

Be careful, I hope you can get rid of it. (About your last line... You actually want to see this again? Well that may actually make it appear again except don't expect it to be all good and sweet about it...)
Hellquin (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-15)
Its good your standing up to it, but you might make whatever it is pretty angry, and when that happens it could 'attack' you physically, just be careful.

On another note... I don't understand 'christian death metal'? Is that even possible? My brother is into death metal, and that's some hardcore s--t, I really wouldn't call it death metal since it implies pretty much the devil and darkness... Which isn't christian. Heavy Metal maybe, but definatly not death metal.

Speaking of which, if your music really is 'death metal' then that might be why your experiencing these things. When my brother was really getting into the music we would always see ghost. Seriously, be careful.
IsaacBPS (2 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-14)
Life metal? Gosh no. BLEEHHH I HATE THAT PHRASE. So messing with a demon makes it stronger, eh? Well then. 😨
Del176 (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-14)
here's some advice in dealing with this kind of ghost... DO NOT PISS IT OFF! Telling it to go away is fine but don't make it mad or even try to get it's attention. Because when you told this spirit to leave you alone and it did it seems that it isn't all that strong to manifeast itself... But don't give it reason to get stronger leave it alone and tell it to do the same.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-04-13)
Isaac: I like the way you stood up to this entity, but I must caution you, please don't wish for it to come back so that you "can tell more stories"😐...Telling tales isn't such a big thing if you're putting yourself in harm's way...

Good job with the band, by the way... I think a better term for the genre may be "extreme metal", of which "death metal" is a sub-genre...Maybe your sub-genre should be called "life metal"? 😊
IsaacBPS (2 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-13)
Regarding the band - we are a death metal band with christen lyrics. Yeah I've had other weird stuff happen too. Hope to post it
lynrinth (guest)
14 years ago (2011-04-13)
Wow! More power to you brother! That IS the way to do it. You stood up to the negativity, and told it to leave you be. Good for you! Doing this, it knows now you will not be frightened, 'cause your faith is strong, and you know it can't hurt you unless you let it. If you haven't seen it for awhile, maybe it won't be back. Wait and see what happens. And, as always, do what makes you feel protected. Prayer, and faith.
ZiShu (281 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-13)
Hey, I think it's neat that you are in a Christian metal band. You are able to keep Christ in your heart still. I'm just wondering how often does these spirit stuff happen to you, especially since you were much younger? I have an ordained pastor friend who is really knowledgeable with the supernatural, if you like I can get you in contact with him. I personally experience a lot of shadow beings like you have described. So hit me up whenever.
XxSuicidexOrchidxX (1 stories) (20 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-13)
IssacBPS, your story was very interseting.I've had a similar thing happen but I only saw a big pair of red eyes across the room. I hope to read more.

AnnaMarija (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-13)
I don't know whether this is common in the US, but... Christian death metal band!? 😁
Is it, like you sing about the death of Jesus only in a "metallic" way or just sing about anything regarding Christianity?
And a silly question just for the fun of it: is it also a Christian death metal band if the band swears at Jesus and the Christianity as a whole? And that is the only topic they would sing about? πŸ˜†
PyroGirl (21 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-13)
Wow, this is really kind of cool, if not a little scary... I can't explain the vacuum, but the figure could have easily been a shadow creature. I've had experiances with this sorta stuff.

With all due respect,

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