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What's In The Name?


I'd like to use this initial post to introduce myself. I am a 40 year old man and have lived in Virginia for most of my life. Over the years, I've lived in Hampton, Yorktown, and Newport News. I also spent about 4 years in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Let's just say that it's a good place to visit, but not to live and leave it at that. I had brief stints in a few other areas, but I was too young to remember much. It has been said that you should only believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. Well, what if you see things in the absence of light? Can there be truth in darkness?

Have you ever stared at the ceiling or simply into the blackness of a darkened room? If you have, did you ever see images of things that you know are not there when the room is lit? Many times these images can appear as if you are looking at a TV screen. Sometimes they can be vague; other times, quite vivid. Oddly, from my experience, they rarely appeared "life size". Just within a frame as if I were watching TV; however, there generally wasn't even a TV in the room.

Is this phenomena merely random neurons firing? Is it a window into another dimension? Or perhaps spirits "throwing" images into your mind to warn, entertain, or scare you? Show you something they are seeking? Something they fear? I don't know.

Most of the instances that I have experienced were either as a child in Hampton or a teen to young adult in Yorktown. Unfortunately, most weren't very memorable. Sometimes I saw a collage of things. Many different seemingly unrelated items such as tools, food, a desk, nondescript photos, etc. There were a couple of times when I was in my teens that I saw some scary stuff. In fact, the room wasn't even particularly dark on one occasion. I saw an image of a hideous creature. Although a little frightened, I wasn't terrified. Like I said, none of the images that I saw were "life size". They were all "within a frame". Not a defined frame, but there were rough, yet unseen, borders. I have seen some other moderately disturbing images such as skulls, glimpses of angry/evil eyes (not just eyes, but just that section of the face), and other odd things. Yes, there were many times where the images were of benign objects and such, but I rarely saw anything that was truly pleasant.

I have tried to see images in the darkness in more recent years. I'll see glimpses of things, but there's a lot of interference or noise (visual not aural). So, it's been quite difficult for me to discern exactly what I'm seeing. Speaking of noise or interference, I see this kind of stuff on occasion in various locations; whether well lit or not. This phenomena is more of a thing that occurs all around me rather than "within a frame". It's hard to explain. It's not dust reflecting light. I know what that looks like. The closest I can come to describing it is that it's a little like the noise you'd see on old TV's when the channel isn't broadcasting or is out due to bad weather. However, there is a big difference. This interference is nearly transparent. I can clearly see through it, but the phenomena bends light just enough to see a very faint noise pattern similar to that I previously described on old TV's. Sometimes I'll see this interference as a "sea of noise" across the floor; only just above. Other times, I have seen it more or less all around me. This is in various locations and not necessarily my home. It could be a restaurant, mall, a business office, etc. And it can be day or night; well lit or not. I have no idea what this phenomena is. Do you? It doesn't scare or hurt me. In fact, I really don't feel anything out of the ordinary when this occurs. So, I just see it, kind of wonder what it is, and then go about my business.

I have several stories to tell. In addition, I would like to get a small group together for the purpose of ghost hunting. I'd like to have at least 2 people that have significant paranormal experience and know how to deal with different situations. Then, perhaps 2 or 3 more people who are interested from a spiritual, philosophical, or educational point of view. Believe it or not, despite my experiences, I am a bit of a skeptic. However, I have read dozens of stories on this site, read books by L B Taylor and other known and respected authors of well corroborated and documented paranormal experiences. Thus, I am willing to suspend my disbelief in hopes of witnessing indisputable evidence with my own eyes and ears. And, if I'm very lucky, capturing still images and/or audio of the phenomena. For me, this is a bit of a spiritual journey as I am currently agnostic. Witnessing and capturing definitive evidence would go a long way in terms of washing my doubts away. More to come, but good bye for now.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, TruthInDarkness, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-06)
Indigo - I'll read up on the stuff when I get a chance. Thanks for the information.
Indigo (263 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-06)
Soooo, basically check out the top YouTube video for brownian motion, and see if it's similar enough to pursue the thought that you may be experiencing white noise in this manner?
Indigo (263 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-06)
Truth- about your visual white noise thing that you were asking about...well, in 1988 a Dr. Sakai published a document on just that. Humans having and seeing a form of visual white noise. Here is an example of his studies:

In 1827, plant biologist Robert Brown discovered what is known as Brownian motion, a class of chaos. Formal derivative of Brownian motion is Gaussian white-noise. In 1938, Norbert Wiener proposed to use the Gaussian white-noise as an input probe to identify a system by a series of orthogonal functionals known as the Wiener G-functionals. White-noise analysis is uniquely suited for studying the response dynamics of retinal neurons because (1) white-noise light stimulus is a modulation around a mean luminance, as are the natural photic inputs, and it is a highly efficient input; and (2) the analysis defines the response dynamics and can be extended to spike trains, the final output of the retina. Demonstrated here are typical examples and results from applications of white-noise analysis to a visual system.

There are also several doctors in California and the mayo clinic in Minnesota studying this in humans, and various theories and hypothesis abounding on good old 'google'.

I hope you enjoy and that this helps!
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-22)
Daz - I think I wrote this in a comment somewhere... I've never done any type of illegal drugs; though I know several people who did at one point in their lives. The color exercise is really all I do to encourage lucid dreaming. I could probably do similar breathing exercises like I described in a recent comment under someone else's story. I could probably also picture myself in a field or something with a set of stairs going down leading to a door or something like that, but I've had a hard time with that in the past. I know the aforementioned book on lucid dreaming describes different methods of achieving them. I should probably go back and read it all the way through. I've tried to do more in depth meditation, but have difficulty doing that.

Yes, I try to be open minded; especially with paranormal stuff because it truly interests me. Nevertheless, as we both have mentioned, I am a bit of a skeptic too. Spirits are usually the last thing on my mind when something strange happens. Having said that, I haven't had any truly horrifying experiences that I've attributed to the paranormal. I'd truly like to learn more about how to strengthen my "third eye" so I can see things. If I am being plagued by something paranormal, it'd help to be able to see it so that I know it's there. That would be half the battle.

Redphx - you are correct as to my experiences with "images" that I've written about. I also know that closing your eyes and looking up toward your "third eye" can put you in an "alpha state". However, I really don't know much about this state or what to do once I'm there. That said, I did not and do not do this exercise before or after seeing the images. I was only made aware of this exercise in the last few years and haven't really practiced it; thus, as indicated I'm not very knowledgeable about it. I'll contact you in the next couple of days. Or you can contact me if you like. My e-mail address is in my profile under "About me".

Thanks for the comments.
Imarealghost (2 stories) (39 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-22)
[at] aussiedaz its already posted, awaiting approval (probably about 3 weeks, lol) its not particularly interesting tho, just a weird experience so don't get all excited and jumping for joy when its posted up because you'll be disappointed. Hehe.:-P:-)
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-22)
Truth, Reading through your last comment and gathering a little more insight surrounding your experiences, I do believe you are in that 30 percent I was talking about previously and even though you don't meditate as such I am interested in knowing what kind of exercising you do when trying to achieve a lucid dream? The fact that you can focus on colours and then see them suggest to me that perhaps you are stimulating your penal gland and tapping into your super consciousness, I would also like to know if its not too personal to answer it here, if you ever experimented with drugs especially marijuana at any stage of your life especially when younger that may explain some of the more scarier types of vision...I'm not trying to suggest that your experiences are all illusions, in fact I think you could have more of these and real ghost experiences ahead of you, I guess I'm just trying to see if there are patterns amongst certain people and their circumstances. I think your a open minded fellow and being a little bit sceptical is a good thing in my opinion and yes talking to the physically dead is possible, especially if you have reached a level of super consciousness, although I have thought cautiously about some of these experiences from a lucid dream... No denying when in a full state of super consciousness these experiences occur... On one occasion 2 of the questions I'd asked of which I did not know the answer was later confirmed by my mother who did know them... Cheers mate.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-21)

I think you should email me at reedinaz [at]

I can help you with dream interpretation and astral travel while dreaming. You seem to travel while you dream like I do. I've seen dead relatives and we've spoken about their death and what they did in life that was bad. I've also seen the afterlife where my grandma had a house but she isn't dead yet. It was a an astral travel future prediction. This is my speciality along with tarot. My actual nick name is Dreamer. I was thinking about changing my profile name but I thought it'd get too confusing. You seem to be having a lot of what I have.

Side note. This is really cool. I didn't know how in tune my step-son is with the paranormal until last friday. I was driving with him in the car and I said JC look! That tree has ghosts who live in it. He said I know. I asked him to tell me what they look like and he said that they were from a barn! I was shocked. 1) I got verification as to what I was feeling in my mind and 2) he is really that sensetive. Pretty cool
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-21)
what truth is experiencing is not something any of you have hit on. This would be just like being fully awake in the middle of the day, going to lay down in a dark room, not tired, eyes fully open and seeing things in the pitch black. There is no wierd feelings or meditation involved. It is almost instant. And in my experience. If I blink the images don't go away some will change but they don't go away. This isn't like dreaming and I've never noticed it while coming out of sleep either. It is very hard to explain if you haven't been through it. Thinking back on it now I can attest that sometimes I would feel my third eye pulse but I also get that when I don't see these images as well.
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-21)
Daz - Thanks for the explanations. I have had a lot of lucid dreams over the years and up to present times. I know what those are like. I've also had dreams that were SO REAL that, within the dream, I wasn't sure that I was dreaming. I've also had at least one OBE. It happened in the middle of the night. I was "standing" next to the bed. I didn't look over to see my body still lying there, but I know that I was asleep. I floated out of the bedroom and over to the stairs. Then, I paused for a moment before proceeding to float down the steps. I remember feeling strange. I rounded the corner and floated toward a table on the far side of the sofa. I was kind of stuck there and seemed not to have enough control to turn and move another direction. I remember feeling anxious. So, I must have "popped" back into my body because that's all I remember.

I had started to read Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen Laberge a few years ago, but never finished it. I'm bad about that. At the rate that I read [books], I'll be about 250 years old before I've read the ones that I currently own. Regarding lucid dreaming, I am able to close my eyes and see different colors at will. For instance, I can think blue and I'll see blue. It's usually just a small shape and doesn't fill my entire "field of view" (I use quotes because my eyes are shut). The room has to be fairly dark though. Higher amounts of ambient light makes it quite a bit more difficult. Also, certain colors seem to be more difficult to "summon" than others. For instance, I often have to concentrate really hard to see purple. Oh, I almost forgot why I brought this up. I do this exercise now and then to encourage myself to have a lucid dream.

Has anyone here ever dreamed about a dead relative? Before you answer that, let me add that I acknowledge in the dream that they are dead. Sometimes they acknowledge it. Yet, there they are talking to me. Sometimes it seems so real that I have to wonder whether or not it is a dream --while I'm dreaming. There was one occasion that I clearly remember other people not being able to see a particular dead relative. They were talking about him as if he wasn't there. I was thinking, "Hello! He's right here!" I don't think I actually alerted them to his presence.

Wow! In active conversation, I could probably tell a lot of cool stories! I might have to start writing things down as I remember them --even if they're not paranormal in nature.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-21)
T/D...Good point about being awake during these experiences and I kind of mentioned that possibility for some in my previous post, You don't necessarily have to be a regular physic to be able to activate your third eye/penal gland to have these unexplainable or explainable visions... My wife who would be considered one of the 60 percent could sleep through an earthquake and basically has had next to nil paranormal experiences throughout her life and being married to me and what's gone on here in the last ten years its probably better she didn't...but a few times over the last 10 years in broad day light going about the house she has straight up seen a ghost or two from her waking state of mind of which I find interesting... We all have the ability to have psychic experiences but some have them more and to different degree's based on my previous comments... Interesting you mention that you have had dreams foretelling the future, you may be a little more psychic than you realize... Speaking of dreams I mentioned Edgar Cayce, his gift was truly amazing... Our spiritual consciousness has some amazing abilities one of them is to see into the future... Edgar Cayce was able to go into a dream... In a state of super consciousness and use his gift to make predictions talk to spirits and find mild cures for the sick... I too have reached a level of super consciousness during my sleep and have had a number of experiences and predictions all come true... Not to the same degree as Edgar Cayce but I understand what goes on at this level and it is not a lucid dream... That is kind of the next level down and where the person can have all sorts of fanciful visions and experiences, I also believe some people who die kind of get trapped in a lucid dream and continue to haunt our world sometimes not meaningful... If you could imagine yourself in a dream right now with exactly the same perception as what you see around you... Well that is how clear and how real life it is when one reaches this level, you are basically in the spiritual realm functioning with all its abilities... I also suspect that Nostradamus could achieve this level and this is where he founded all his predictions... So getting back on to what I was saying before, I've concluded that for mostly that 30 percent and their encounters... Some of the things they see can come from their sub conscious and be meshed up with reality and into their living spaces, sometimes some of these things can be straight up real and purposeful... But I always err people on the side of caution when some of these experiences, especially the demon and sex spirit ones plays out into their lives with real sensations.

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-21)
Your welcome Jav thanks mate and I'll keep an eye out for your story down the mines Imarealghost lol... 😁
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-20)
[at] Aussie,
I finally got over here to read your post and I have to say that your explanation does help me understand some things I've had questions about. Thanks for sharing.

TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-20)
Jav - I think something whitebuffalo said in one or more of her posts (comments) made me think she might be female. So, it was an educated guess. 😁

Rook and Jav - thanks for providing more info as to why whitebuffalo appears as a guest.

Aussiedaz - Interesting statistics. I can tell you that I was not in a "twilight" state when I saw those images. I was fully awake. In fact, during one of the times that I saw a grotesque face, it was during the day. I was lying in bed, fully clothed, and thinking about the day's events when that image suddenly appeared. Needless to say, it startled me and I kind of shook my head to make it go away. I can tell you that I'm not psychic. However, I have had a few dreams which foretold about future events; warnings. When this happens, I'll usually have thematically similar dreams over 2 to 3 nights. I've had other paranormal, non-dream, experiences that I'll post later. In fact, I'm typing one up in Word so I can submit it when submissions are open again. Thanks for the comment.

DeviousAngel - Interesting article. This isn't a regular occurance though. I only see this "noise" on occasion. It doesn't have to be a dark background or low lighting conditions. Also, I very rarely get migraines; maybe once every 5 years or so. And I've never used psychedelic drugs or any other illegal drugs for that matter. These experiences definitely do not interfere with day-to-day life.

Imarealghost - I think I've essentially replied to your comment above. Thanks for posting.
Imarealghost (2 stories) (39 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-20)
I didn't read all of your post, but I can tell you the first 2 paragraphs I have experienced many times, and still do sometimes. They happen to me mostly when I'm really tired, but the difference for me is they happen while I'm awake but with my eyes closed. Sometimes I can see some kind of human activity, walking, or some kind of movement but its like a silhoutte rather than a clear image, but the image is very real. I've also in the past had images of faces, sometimes the faces are so grotesque and scarey that, although I do love it when these images happen, on a few occassions I've had to open my eyes.

Aussiedaz made a good explanation which which I would say explains a good majority of personal experiences on this site.

Its actually reminded me of an experience I had down the mines which I've just decided I'm going to post.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-20)

I did not read all of the comments so I am not sure if this is something that someone brought up already, but have you ever heard of visual snow? It is an optical condition that I myself have experienced (and still continue to experience), and that is why your story was so interesting to me. Check this out when you get a chance:

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-20)
Truthindarkness, My impression of your account suggest to me that you know some of the visions you see are not real, but you know that somehow what you see is linked to something else that is... Most of these experiences happen on the brink of going into sleep or waking up... In our brain we have a gland called the penal gland or as some psychics like to call it the third eye... It is most active for a period of time in between sleep states and probably for about 60 percent of the world population as they move through these cycles on a daily basis, they see next to nothing and live out all their life with very little of these experiences because of their inability to sustain in this state... For about the next 30 percent of the world population due to their ability to sustain a longer period of time in between sleep/wake states... Experiences such as spiritual,OBE, ghost, demons, sex spirits etc... Happen to most of this group on and off often depending on environmental circumstances such as broken sleep,meditation, drug use, bad diets, conscious worries, emotions of fear, sexual energy etc... Illusions are also created and experienced in this transitional state... Not always is fear an instrument for the illusionary ones but on most account it is... Now for about 9 percent of the population they are what you call psychics... Able to communicate with the dead and often at work in the community helping others... Interesting with this group I suspect they are more at peace with their gift and able to interpret clearly what they feel and see... As this group have an ability to use their third eye from a conscious state of mind... I also believe as they are doing so their penal gland is still active to some degree enabling them to consciously see and relay as mentioned before... And for the other 1 percent, their penal gland does not switch off at all. They see through the veil and translate what they see and know generally 100 percent of time with accuracy... John Edwards, Edgar Cayce come to mind... Now in saying all that, I believe that when we sleep we are seeing the dream from our third eye 100 percent... And when we dream it seems real for most and what we experience in between sleep states sometimes also seems real? But not only is the third eye still active but so too now the physical ones and conscious mind come into the equation... So what I'm saying I believe what you saw may be illusionary but how you saw it was real... Our spiritual consciousness has some awesome abilities and a purpose of it's own... But knowing what's real and what's not is something that fools plenty.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-20)

I have to 'expound' on granny's comment " "Whitebuffalo" was a very esteemed poster and moderator of this site, but there were some issues, and she deleted her account..."

I have seen, and asked about it myself, that when a person deletes their account the 'site/system' goes and changes all of that individual's comments to that persons 'name' followed by (guest). System default setting I guess.


Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-20)
I just noticed a comment you posted earlier.
"Why is whitebuffalo, a user whose intelligent comments I tend to like, a guest? Does she (I'm pretty sure about the she part) "

What is different about your comment is that most people who weren't acquainted with WB, or were new to the site, would, and I'm speaking statistically. More often than not, assume she was male. I don't recall if it was a point of frustration for her or not, but I did hear her voice that issue more than once.
Just thought you'd enjoy some trivia about her, seeing how much you admire her.
You have a nice night,
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-06-19)
Truth - you've got some great reading ahead of you in granny's stories.
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-19)
Miracles51031 - Thanks for the reply. I'll do a search later. I'm reading zzsgranny's stories now. 😁
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-06-19)
TruthinDarkness - I realize you've addressed this to zzsgranny, but since she's probably busy with her family today, I thought I'd help out.

If you google whitebuffalo in the Search this Site box, you should be able to find her stories. In answer to your question why whitebuffalo is a guest rather than a registered user, that is something only whitebuffalo can answer.
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-19)
zzsgranny - Thanks for the reply. Still, why does she choose to be a guest rather than a registered user? And were can I read her stories?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-06-19)
TruthInDarkness; "Whitebuffalo" was a very esteemed poster and moderator of this site, but there were some issues, and she deleted her account...
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-19)
I have a question. Why is whitebuffalo, a user whose intelligent comments I tend to like, a guest? Does she (I'm pretty sure about the she part) have an alternate ID under which stories are posted? I believe I've seen comments where whitebuffalo indicates to read her stories, but I cannot read them if I cannot find them!
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-18)
redphx - you could be right. It might not be paranormal per se. However, I think it might be linked with the paranormal. Funny that you should mention math problems. I used to wake up trying to solve math problems when I was in high school and college. Thanks for the comment.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-17)
I don't think this is paranormal but more leaning on special. Proves that our brains are indeed very strong and that you are able to see certain things others can't. Not related to the paranormal but most people I know don't get these neuron firigs as much. I do, I see the patterns, colors, faces, objects, symbols, numbers, letter, words, math problems, anything you can think of! It is kind of neat to just sit back and watch some nights. I honestly don't know what this is from and I've never met anyone else who has it as bad as I do
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-17)

Please ask any questions you may have and I'll do my best to answer them. As far as OOB's... (Out of Body Experiences...OBE's) go I do not consider them the same as Astral projection...

An OBE is a projection of ones 'spirit' here in the 'physical realm' and Astral Projection is a projection of ones 'spirit' into the spiritual (astral) realm.


TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)
Rook - I'd like to learn more about both the astral and spiritual realms. How to communicate with them, astral projection (btw, is that typically how one goes OOB?), and any other knowledge that I can attain. I'd be honored if you'd be my mentor. I have a Bachelor's degree in Physics. Thus, as my profile indicates, I tend to think about issues in a scientific as well as philosophical point of view and I'm very analytical. Thanks for the comment.

Lazria - I'm so glad that you contacted me! I've read all of your stories. Although a few of the experiences sounded a bit unnerving, all of them were quite interesting. In fact, I left a comment stating such under one of your stories. Anyway, like I said, I'm glad you contacted me because I'd love to get together with you and others to go on investigations. I'll e-mail you later. Thanks for the comment.
lazria (9 stories) (82 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)
Hello TruthInDarkness, nice to see another Hampton Roadite on the site. I live Southside from you (Norfolk, Va Bach). First most, I can fully understand the "seeing things" in static (which is what I call it). There is a phenomena that describes seeing familiar shapes in blocky non-organized objects (pixilated), but I share the understanding in seeing things like this. I've seen "air" which I logically know I can't see, it's like seeing static in the middle of no-where and I've half thought that my eyes are playing with me. I have horrible eyesight, nearly legally blind, so part of me wants to dismiss these images as a defect of my eyes. But, I've seen things form out of the "static" that makes me wonder and take note. It's occurred in the dark, light, outside & in. Sometimes it happens shortly before other "paranormal" occurrences, which at those times makes me think it's not my "real" eyes mis-seeing things, rather my 3rd eye and maybe I am really picking up on something. What, I'm not sure, be it entities, another dimension, parallel universe or what, but something beyond the norm around us.
Second, I and a group of friends have formed a Local Ghost Investigation group; we've gone on two trips and unfortunately due to lack of members, we are faltering on new trips. If you'd be interested in trips, drop me an email. I'll get in touch with the others and I know of several people who most defiantly are interested in going on more, both Southside or Peninsula.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)
Thank you for mentioning one of my experiences, and Hello to all...


To me it sounds as if your 'vision' has become 'clouded' as you have gotten older. It is my Opinion that children can 'see' and or 'interact' with the 'unseen' world (s) around us. I refer to something I call the veil. When a child is born it's spirit (soul) is still close to the 'spiritual' realm and able to 'see' and or 'interact' with the realm they have recently 'crossed over' from. As one grows older this connection grows fainter... And as one nears 'Death' it 'grows' stronger again. In some instances an individual retains their ability to 'see' or 'interact' across the veil.

Another possibility is that of the Astral Realm, that somehow you are 'seeing across' or images from it. At this point I must say, Yes I do believe there is a difference between the Astral Realm and the Spiritual Realm (For more information, please ask).

Or it may be possible you entered a state where you began to 'remote view' a scene from... Well... From some where/some when. Without more details it's hard to really tell, but as you can see (read) there are many possibilities.

I do agree that some of the images could have been matrixing, it's natural for the mind to try and 'make sense' of things it's seeing.

I'd like to volunteer as a consultant for the Paranormal Hunting Team you are putting together.

The Alternate Universe Theory is related to the String Theory to the effect, if I understand it properly, that String Theory 'proves' Alternate Universes exist. If I understand things it states that each 'string' can be an 'alternate universe'. All self contained with it's own set of 'physical properties'



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