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My Past Potentially Paranormal Experiences


I have only had two experiences in my life that I have thought could possibly be connected to something paranormal; my first experience occurred one night when I was sleeping on my bedroom floor - I had just switched bedrooms with my brother in my house, which I have lived in all my life - and did not have a bed set up yet, so spent the night with a sleeping bag on the floor. During the night I awoke and sat up to look at my mobile phone to check the time. Just as I sat up, I felt something push my back down onto my pillow, and the force, whatever it was, felt like it was holding my head down, as if pushing my face into it. I remember lifting my legs in an attempt to propell my upper body up, but I couldn't sit up. I stopped struggling, and after I did I found I was able to move again and sit up. Since this event, which happened years ago, happened, I have ruled it out as anything paranormal and decided it was simply sleep paralysis in order to put my mind at ease. However, I don't understand why I was able to move my legs but not my upper body. Nothing like that has ever happened to me since. It occurred at 3am, or just after, as I remember checking the time.

The second incident happened a few years after my "sleep paralysis" experience, in the same room, this time while I was in my proper bed. I woke up during the night and heard what sounded like bells outside my window. I found this unsettling because no one even has wind chimes in my street, let alone a low-tone bell (kind of like sleigh bells - and no I don't think it was Santa!). I found it very unusual. Soon after I heard the bells I heard a sound that seemed like someone was humming. I tried to dismiss it, telling myself it must be my next door neighbour singing her baby back to sleep, but worried myself over why I could hear it so clearly if in fact it was coming from next door. It actually sounded like it was coming from the hallway, outside my room! I told myself that it could easily be my brother, awake and humming away to himself, however it didn't sit right with me because it did sound like a woman, high pitched and soft. By this point I was absolutely terrified, I lay in bed completely rigid with fear, contemplating (even at the age of 18) running into my parents bedroom because I was so petrified, but I was too afraid that I would run into something in the hallway. I lay there until I eventually fell back asleep, having never been so scared in my entire life.

Both these events were really unusual, because I can safely say that even though I may believe in the possibilities of the paranormal, I am almost completely certain that my house is not haunted. The only strange thing that happens is that nearly every single night, without fail, I wake up close to 3am, like I did when both these incidences took place.

If anyone could shed any light on these experiences I would greatly welcome any comments and opinions! I'm really enjoying exploring the site and thought I would share my potential paranormal experiences as well - having kept them to myself for years it's been great to finally share them.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, marvel_hero, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

marvel_hero (1 stories) (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-20)
Thanks for the feedback everyone:) I'm glad I can put the 3am thing to rest now!
mari168 (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-19)
Yea I have heard a women humming outside my friends window, and ending with a scream.
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-19)
Waking up at 3am, I know how that feels, I used to do that all the time. I reckon, it was just my body being used to waking up at that time (I had my cat Teddy who would almost always wake me up at 3am, or 5am at the latest; but now my cat has disappeared 😭, I have gotten used to sleeping longer).
The experience with your pillow desn't sound like sleep paralysis, although, I really don't know what else it could be, sorry.
Love & Light, Rachel ❤
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)

LOL... I own the original album by Mike Oilfeld. Funny thing is the record company said they could use that piece of music for the movie... Guess what... They didn't have the rights to it, they belonged to the composer... The afor mentioned Mike Olfeld. 😲


zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-06-16)
OOPS! I made a mistake in my last comment: When I hear "Tubular Bells", there's one nasty demon that comes to mind! 😆
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)
Whoops my post should have started...

Witching hour? Not jt as jt has made it plain he 'doesn't cotton' to that train O thought. My apologies.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)

John, when he was put to death by Crucifixion, requested he be hung 'upside down' because he felt unworthy to die as Christ had done.

This theory of 3am being the 'witching' hour, or an evil 'time' are 'modern' concepts.

One of the first uses of this was in 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow' by Washington Erving, Published in 1820. Not only that but this short story is a true American 'Fariy Tale' and is among the earliest examples of American fiction still read today.

There is little proof the term has had any practical use prior to this, and there is a good chance he coined the phrase because he had grown up in and around New England and had toured areas where the Salem Witch Trials took place.


johntravis28 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)
Sorry granny... I had posted my comment before I read yours. I agree the devil's hour thing is a big pile of steaming BS and I'm not trying to say that is what happened.
johntravis28 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)
Hey Marvel,

I hope this doesn't go down too badly with everyone else, but I noticed a lot of people mention in their stories about waking up at 3am. I did a small bit of research (a.k.a. Googling) and discovered that 3am is sometimes seen as an evil time because (depending on your beliefs) Jesus was crucified at 3pm therefore his opposite number uses 3am as a kind of mockery. Same as upside down cross. I'm not saying this is what I believe, but found it an interesting idea all the same.

Alternatively, it could be the fact that something scary happened you at 3am, so you are in a bit of fear of that time so your body wakes you up then. Similar to the idea of when you get up at 8am every day for work, so your body clock gets used to it and wakes you up at that time on your day off too even without an alarm. Again just an idea.
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)
LouSlips 😆 about the ice cream man

Kaza... Let me get this straight the saying should actually be "every time you hear a bell ring a devils gets its claws"? 😆

I agree both accounts are interesting, but harmless 😊
idfmlusd (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)
hi! I had a somewhat similar experiences juz like you! It happened last year to me.

Im glad there is someone out there going through the same thing as me. 😉
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-06-15)
MarvelHero: First, let me address something that bugs the crap out of me, and that is the 3am thing... Think about it: Somewhere in the world at any given strike of the hour, it's 3am... Do demons really know that?...Are they thinking, "UhOH! Time to jump to the next time zone!"...I highly doubt it...Now, when you find yourself awake at that hour, what do you do?...You probably get up and go to the bathroom...So, your body's just telling you it's time to pee, nothing paranormal there 😆...

As far as the rest of your account, I think it's safe to say that you're experiencing some paranormal activity, coupled with sleep paralysis episodes...

But please, anyone thinking that "the devil's hour" is 3am, just think about it... Time zones... And bells signifying the presence of a demon is news to me... Never heard that one 😆
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-06-15)
Jave and baccha: I don't know about you guys, but here in Vegas we're banned from washing our cars at home from Memorial Day through Labor day... And yes, there are such persons as "The Water Police"! 😆
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-15)
hi there marvel_hero interesting story thanks for sharing.
As per normal everyone has beaten me to the post again! Thanks guys!
Agree with 99% of comments here all but kaza have same thoughts I did when I read this.

Now then kaza asking same as rook where did you get that idea from?
Bless google I looked up demonic bells, I got a manga film, sone video links for music/songs and a blog about bell peppers being real hot!

Strangly nothing to say demons show up with the sound of bells ringing, so either you or google are not quite up to date, hmmmmm wonder which one!

Anyway marvel thanks for adding
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-15)
I second that motion girlfriend! The smoke and ash can take a few days off as fer as I'm concerned, I've just about had it with them. Did they tell you guys not to wash your cars yet, because they need the water to put out the fires?

I have to agree with the previous posters on your first experience, the second experience sounds like Rook may have hit the nail on the head, especially since your mother has weighed in with her experience. Either way, all very benign, but interesting,

bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-15)
Lou...word up. I wish most people had nice little experiences like bells ringing. I would like to hear something like that. It would intrigue me. But alas, spirits want nothing to do with me. As for the smoke, demons are everywhere. Those danged smoke demons. Getting in our eyes and lungs, spreading ash all over our cars, blotting out the sun. It's rather unsettling.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-15)
Correct, it does not get anymore benign than this type of occurrence. You better hope demons don't manifest out of smoke... Hope you and your family are doing ok with that.

MH...interesting accounts... My personal opinion is SP on the first, and a potential residual haunt on the second... But if you've never heard the bells again, it could be a spirit just passing through.

Not sure where you get your information... Growing up, I always thought the guy that drove the ice cream truck was creepy, so you may be on to something.

bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-15)
No! Not a demon! Why does everyone say demon! The experiences seemed benign, for the most part. For the first encounter, weird things happen when you are in or close to the sleeping state. It could be paranormal, but like you said, it probably isn't. I mean, I woke up one night yelling at the corner of my room because I thought someone was hiding there, and when no one answered, I just got mad and fell back asleep. My point is, the sleeping state is a weird place to be in, it could have been anything. But I think you already know that. As for your second experience, I have NEVEr heard of a demon manifesting itself with bells. Humming maybe. But I really don't think anything demonic happened. Usually we say, if it was just a one time thing, that a spirit was just passing through. Sounds very residual to me. Nothing to be scared of. Just an imprint of the past. Do you know the history of where you live? You may not have to look that far if you live in an older area. Maybe sleighs were common in your area well before you were born. I agree, your house doesn't seem haunted. You just experienced some random paranormal activity that sneaks up on people from time to time.
marvel_hero (1 stories) (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-15)
Thanks for your comments guys, Rook, I can safely say that there is no way that a female relation could have passed around this time, I have only ever lost one grandmother and that was when I was very young.

Strangely enough, I was telling my mother about my second experience last night, and she told me that recently, she had slept in my room in my bed whilst I was staying elsewhere, and had had a dream about her grandmother. She said in her dream that her grandmother came in my bedroom through my door, and after she woke that my grandmother was still standing there! I don't know whether she was still asleep or not, but that's a story that I had never heard until last night.

Kaza, if you are right, I thank god I did not look out my window that night. Thank you for your help
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-15)

Interesting experiences, the first is very intriguing due to the fact that you could move your legs during the 'event'. Unless it was some sort of odd loss of balance without more details it's kind of hard to say what you may have experienced.

Your second experience is... Well odd because it seems, by your own 'telling' that your home is not Haunted, nor does 'strange' activity seem to happen in it.

I would like to ask if a relative may have passed away just before this experience or just after this experience? It is possible that there was some sort of 'contact' just prior to or just after a female relation passing away.

Now I must ask the other poster something...


I have always heard that when you hear bells an Angel has received his/her wings...I'm curious as to which folklore / religious teachings associate demons with bells. Thank you in advance.


kaza (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-15)

Your second expeience it could be a demon trying to get you to look outside the window

Its been told when a demon enters they usually maniest with the sound of bells

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