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Joe And His Haunting Brother


I have previously posted a story regarding some of my problems as a teenager and young adult. I know that even though they are not extremely supernatural they are part of a phenomenon that occurs to a lot of people through their lives and I appreciate all your comments. The story I'm about to tell you is something that occurred to my older sister Ariel.

In 1990, after graduating from High School, Ariel began working in a Stationary Store along with my other sister Lilith during their vacations. In this store worked another girl who I'll call Myrtle. Myrtle claimed she could see elves., she was and odd girl, often showing scratch marks and small bruises, and always telling us stories about something that had happened to her relating "duendes" (Spanish word for elves/goblins). She used to say that they had proclaimed her their Queen and that she belonged to them in some way. Myrtle introduced my sisters to one of her friends, his name was Joe... This Joe developed some sort of crush on my big sister Ariel. And kept appearing in my house to visit. Neither my mother nor I (I was 12 at the time) liked him. He had a bad look, almost as if I could sense that he was not good natured. He was a heavy metal listener, always dressed in black (you know, the type of guys who used to listen LP's backwards in the late 80's and early 90's because they contained some satanic message, etc.)

During his visits he related to my big sister stories about "aparecidos" (ghosts) and sometimes about messages he received by an evil entity that used to haunt him in the past. He usually tended to show himself as a reformed teenager who was now more into studying and making a future for himself (despite the clothing) rather than the freak that I knew he was. I apologize for my language, yet I have come to develop through the years (I'm 32 now) an ability to identify when people are good or have ill intentions towards me., and I knew he was bad news from the moment I saw him. I can't explain how but I felt as if behind him there was always this dark mass using him as a puppet (I know how this sounds, but it's the best way I can describe it). During his visits, he also talked about his older brother who I will call "Danny". Danny had died from cancer a few years back. I honestly don't remember what type of cancer or how old was he when this happened but my sister felt a little sorry for him since she had 2 sisters and one brother and Joe seamed alone in the world being him the only son alive to his parents.

My sister's vacation ended and Ariel went into law school. She had to write a lot during class., many dictations from her teachers. Suddenly, during class, her hand began shaking and writing in a way that was not her own. She got scared but debunked it as having her hand tired. On a weekend, while preparing for a test it happened again... This time her hand began "communicating". It presented itself as Danny, Joe's brother, he talked about where he was (astral plane), also talked about our dead relatives... Things that had happened to us as a family, etc... She was so scared, and so was my mother. I don't remember why but I didn't feel fear... I felt anger, I was so angry that this thing was haunting my sister, and I kept saying in my mind "why don't you pick on someone your own size", (funny because even though I was a kid I felt so strong against the entity... Now I know better ha-ha).

At first it showed itself friendly through its writings... Being Joe's dead brother, he explained how he died, etc. But later it turned dark, saying my sister belonged to him and that he would take her away. My sister was so scared she couldn't even take a shower by herself. It obviously affected her in law school. She couldn't focus the same way as the others did because this thing followed her and kept bothering her while she was taking notes in class. It started to get worst, Ariel couldn't sleep, was always looking at things from the corner of her eye., expecting us to accompany her everywhere., she truly feared for her life. This entity was so adamant in taking her and felt so sure that it was a certainty that it would happen that she started believing it, even though my mother yelled at it saying that it had no power over my sister, her hand moving and writing in upper scale "ES MIA" (she's mine) She sobbed while her hand moved and my mother and grandmother would calm her down telling her that it was alright. Since the moment I heard "Danny" I knew Joe was behind this., but we couldn't understand why would he want my sister to be harmed in that way., was he aware of the damage he was doing to her?, did he take part in this?, did Joe send the entity to haunt her?

My mother called the Bishop and contacted Joe's parents. They sat down in the living room. They seemed a perfectly normal couple. I couldn't believe they were parents to this "monster". I saw him so evil, so full of hatred... What had happened to him? I know I was small, but I saw a lot in his expressions, he showed nothing but indifference towards his parents. I felt so sorry for his mom and dad. I can't imagine all the things that must have happened in their house. They began reading all the things the entity had written through my sister. Joe's face showed pure anger, like a caged lion waiting to attack. It felt like he wanted to kill the Bishop right there with his bare hands. His parents apologized for Joe's behaviour and explained that his brother had died peacefully, that he had left this world abruptly yet with no regret and no unfinished business. I felt their pain for having to re live all that had happened to their oldest son. They said that his last expression was of happiness and content so they could not believe that this thing that communicated with Ariel was his son. The bishop proceeded to bless the house and left taking all the papers with him.

We no longer heard from Joe again.


Thanks for taking the time of reading my small story. I have one tiny question, I have tried to investigate this yet nothing has helped. This entity said that our great grandmother's spirit (from our mother's side) was with the Navajo people., I know, this might sound as nonsense just like many of the things that the entity said, yet other 3 people have said the same thing (to my mother during the 70's, to my sister Ariel and to a Great Uncle in another town) Could you please help me on this?., I've read a little bit regarding the Navajo traditions and it says that the Navajo fear the dead and are buried by people other than their relatives to avoid the dead from haunting their living family and that they used to bury them and move elsewhere so the dead wouldn't follow them.

Please help!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, lexhia, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

lexhia (2 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-27)
Thank you javelina., I sure wish she is perfectly fine and was able to cross over... Thanks again for all your help! Tell my thanks to your daughter as well!

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-26)
Just one more thought you might consider... Just because she comes back to visit, doesn't necessarily mean she hasn't crossed over. She could be checking up on family and making some rounds. Unless she seems to be putting off some bad vibes, I don't know if I would worry much about it. ❤

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-26)
I have my daughter looking into it now, as soon as she gets back to me I'll let you know. It's handy to have a daughter with her Masters in Library Sciences and a blog on ancestry research. 😊

lexhia (2 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-25)
VooDooKitteh: I am sorry if my story portrays me as a judgmental person., actually I'm not. I usually get vibes, I somehow know how a person is feeling and I have known a lot of goth people like yourself and honestly from goth people I get sometimes sadness, anger for not being understood and most of the times melancholy but never a sense of evil. Evil is something innate in a person I believe, its part of the duality of us humans, on the other hand I have met tons of "normal" people that are evil (I got a cousin just like that). This is why I can say that Joe was (and is I believe) evil. Thanks for reading!

Geetha: I'm 32 and 9 months old hahaha. I was 12 in 1990. We never heard from Joe again., he almost dissapeared from sight. About my mom and I not liking him., she kept saying to my sister that she didn't like him and made her stay in the porch with him when he visited (she didn't want him in but also wanted to respect her daughters decision to befriend someone she didn't like). As to me, I couldn't say anything because I was a kid (and who listens to kids haha?)

Javelina: The writings did stop., although later when I was older I started to have experiences (from my previous story). I am not saying it was the same entity., because it feels completely different., but they are here to deceive so... Who knows!.
I would really apreciate your daughters help regarding the navajo. I have not been able to find anything online and there are no navajo near the Baja area (where I live). The reason why our family is concerned is because my greatgrandmother should be resting., we don't understand why several "seers" place her with the navajo.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-06-24)
geetha: the 12 year old in question was a commentor on the story...Sorry, but that's what happens when comments have to be deleted 😆...
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-24)
Great Call! I still hadn't read the story yet when I recited the guidelines for commenting. Now that I've read it I see what the mistake was. I thought they were discussing a comment, not the author.

Sorry about the comment section, it happens sometimes. Doesn't make it right, but it should be over now,
When the Bishop left and took the papers, did the writing end?
About the question of your Great Grandmother, is there any reason to believe or disbelieve these statements? Do you know any of your ancestry going back that far? There should be a way to research this if you are interested in doing so. My daughter has done extensive research in the area of ancestry, I could ask her what she knows about researching what you are looking for, if that's what you meant anyway.
I really enjoyed your story. I also agree with you as far as that feeling you got when you were around Joe, and I've cautioned my daughters all their lives about trusting that "gut feeling" especially as it pertains to danger or evil. There is a reason for it, there has to be. Too many times it has proven to be true.
Thanks for sharing.

geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-24)
I'm sorry to go against you all but in the story the author says she was 12 at the time of the incident, so she can be older now, right?

I'm not sure of the traditions of Navajo people, although I have heard a lot about them. But be glad that the evil entity is gone from your lives. I have read all of the comments so you might have answered the questions that I ask but what happened Joe after the Bishop came and left. You said that Joe looked like he was ready to attack. Also, you said that you and your mom didn't like him from the start. Your mother probably had the power to ban him from the house, so why didn't she do that and also not allow your sister from seeing him?
watermoon (2 stories) (54 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-24)
What a scary experience your sister had I can't imagine that happening to me and I hope it doesn't but wow that scary and sad. 😕
The reason there are more younger kids is because they are getting more interested in the paranormal and everything else but they should wait until they are 13 years old to create an account but I doubt they will.
VooDooKitteh (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-24)
Quite honestly, I think the poor dude has nothing to do with this, and judgmental people like YOU give metalheads and goths alike a bad reputation. Just because he is "different" and listens to "Metal music" does NOT make him EVIL! And he probably looked mad when the Bishop came over because he is getting almost falsely accused of things. Just because people are different does not make them evil. I do not mean this in a nasty way, it is just I am a goth girl and I get judged as being a satanic person or "EVIL" when I am not.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-06-23)
Thanks for clearing that up Martin... Even if they "sound" mature, doesn't mean their little brains can grip the intensity of some of these posts, specially those that are intended for a "mature audience"...
Martin (602 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-06-23)
I can't stop 12 years old kids from reading the site, that's why I put a warning in the homepage (for them and their parents). To register, publish stories and comments, however, you need to be 13 years and older, and if I learn someone is younger (usually by their own admittance in a post), I ban their account.
lexhia (2 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-23)
Thank you Warrior... (and glad you ended the 12 year old debacle) haha...

Anyone kwno anything about the navajo culture?
Spottedpeltwarrior (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-23)
that is one scarey story you got there if that was happening to me I would not be eating or doing anything alone! 😨 😭 😢
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-22)
I get what you're saying and to a degree, I can agree with that. However, you're never really too young to have a real brush with the paranormal. Experience happens at all ages, and children are very perceptive, so I believe there is a modicum of knowledge to be gained by hearing them out.

Still, I stand by what I said. The content here is far too mature and, let's face it, intellectually advanced for the younger crowds. Now as for the ADULTS with mentalities of 12-year-olds...I guess nothing can be done about that one. 😉
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-06-22)
Devious - LOL, I have to fill this up with characters, so that was funny! 😆 😆
Succubussed_II (guest)
13 years ago (2011-06-22)
Devious (and I am sorry to the OP, as this is furthering the hijacking of this comment thread) I disagree with you.

With respect to pre-adolescents and adolescents everywhere, I don't think that 12 year-olds have anything valid to offer in the way of advice in most if not all of these very important situations (what can be more important than dealing with the Spirit Realm). I believe that with their eagerness to contribute something/anything, combined with their relative lack of experience, that they can run the very real risk of giving someone a bum steer in a situation where bad advice could cause irreparable harm.

This is merely my opinion however, and is not meant as an urging that the policies of YGS be changed in order to better suit me.

I am fine with YGS, as is, and I am grateful to Martin and the mods for all of the hard work that's gone into making this site what it is.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-06-22)
Succubussed_II - thank you for clearing that up. I like the group I hang out with and wouldn't want anyone to forget I'm part of the Loonies. 😉
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-22)
Nope! I have already claimed the stepchild status myself, so neener neener! You can't have it! 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-06-22)
Devious - 😆 I was wondering if I'd become the stepchild or even worse, if I no longer mattered. 😆 😭 LOL
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-22)
Touchy touchy, lol... I understood what he meant from his post. I wonder why so many people here are so quick to take offense if someone questions their "status" on this site. Personally IDC what people think of me here, I just come on to learn and to help if and where I can.

I agree with JustCurious, the comments from our underaged visitors may be helpful and meaningful, but the content of most of their stories is extremely questionable and at best, ridiculously fantastical.
Succubussed_II (guest)
13 years ago (2011-06-22)
Miracles, I mistyped. I should have said "Some of the OTHER regular posters to YGS."

I never meant to deny your status as a regular poster here.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-06-22)
Succubussed_II - when did I become one of the "non" regular members of this site?
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-22)
Took me a bit to get back to this story, and didn't realize how many people would side with me about the 12 year old. However they do seem to be posting good comments and trying to help, its the content of some of the stories that has me more worried.

Succubussed_II (guest)
13 years ago (2011-06-22)
Miracles51031--"Ah well...I'm certainly not going to try and tell Martin how to run the site."

I wish that your position were more common among the regular posters on this site.
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-22)
I agree with the cautious attitude for those under 18. If I were 12, I wouldn't be touting my age on the internet. Even on a site like this. People tend to mess with those that are younger, and there are a lot of weirdos out there. Not that any of you are. 😉 I know there are a lot of tweens around lately, but if they don't spout of nonsense and brag about their age, I wouldn't mind so much. I just wish there was better parental supervision for these kids.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-22)
Yeah, sorry Miracles... That is the current guidelines which I copied from the link above the comments section. I have nothing against 12 year olds, but as you all know there is content on this site unsuitable for them. I find it curious that all of these 12 year olds are flocking to this site all of a sudden. It seems to me that things happen in groups, if you know what I mean.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-06-22)
Jav, for some reason they've changed it to this "This site is not for kids! Considering the maturity expected for this site, we do not recommend it to anyone under 13." Ah well...I'm certainly not going to try and tell Martin how to run the site 😉
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-22)
The statement hasn't changed, Devious gave you the current reading of the guidelines for commenting on stories.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-06-22)
Thanks, Devious.

Not that the admin really could have kept the under-age ones from commenting, but it sure would have been easier for the rest of us to say "Hey, you aren't allowed on this site. You're too young." Now that the statement has changed, we can't even do that.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-22)
"You must be 13 years or older to post a comment. If you are under 18 years old, please do not divulge personal information that could make it possible for someone to find you, for your own safety. If you are 18 years and older, it is up to you, but we still do not encourage the practice. Please use common sense."

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