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Real Ghost Stories

A True Boyfriend


This is a story about my friend who has a very tragic experience, her name is Joan (not her real name), Joan is a very good friend of mine, she had a boyfriend who's name is Leon (not his real name), Joan and Leon are lovers for almost 3 years. Last month May 20, 2007 we had a conversation with Joan in the phone, she called me up at exactly 3am, because she had a very strange nightmare.

She told me that Leon is very pale in her dreams and his hair was scattered looks like he was from bed, and his eyes was red and bloody it looks like his crying with blood, begging for help and he is holding three roses. Joan wants to help him but she can't reach his hand, his too far, she tried to run towards him but she can't move her legs for it was too heavy. Then a very loud echo came into her ears and because of that, she woke up and when she woke up, she found herself crying and her bed was all scattered.

She started to think about Leon, because she is very worried about him so, she called Leon but the line was busy, she tried dialing the numbers again and again but still very busy, when she looked at her side, she saw a very strange shadow, a very black shadow, when she closed her eyes, to her surprise the shadow was gone and there and then, she called me up so, that's the time she told me everything, and her voice was so weak.

And I told her "Wag kang mataranta andito nman ako eh, pupuntahan natin si Leon sa bahay nila mamayang 8:00am wag ka nang umiyak birthday mo pa naman" (translation: "don't panic I am here, we will just go to Leon's house at 8am, don't cry it's your birthday! don't you remember?") I told her in a very worried voice, so there she started to calm down, and when 8:00am struck, we went to Leon's house, but to our surprise, no Leon showed up, instead her mother told us that he died of a murder, he died because he was protecting Joan from the man as he was walking along the street.

This man was Joan's stalker, but Joan already had a boyfriend so he planned to rape Joan on her birthday. Leon was walking along the street towards the house of Joan to surprise her for her birthday, but the incident happened when Joan dreamt of him crying with blood at exactly midnight. The people found him lifeless, still holding the three roses he bought just for Joan. Joan was stunned and was shocked and she never stopped crying until a very cold wind passed by and and cold air passed by her cheeks so gently, and a voice saying, "I'll always be here for you HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR!". And the wind stopped and there we never stopped praying for his soul, for my friend's birthday became a very tragic death of his boyfriend.

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valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-01-06)
I realize that you're new to our site, and just want to let you know that full stories are encouraged to be submitted and not placed in comments. Truly that is the best way to share your experience. Up at the very top of the page, you'll see a link labeled "Submit your story!" Click that, be sure to read the Submission Guidelines, then tell us all about your event.
kissCez77 (1 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-06)
Hi I am new here, and to be honest I feel very happy to know this website.
I've been experiencing weird stuffs since I was young. But afraid to share it to others because I don;t think that they will understand or believe me.

My first encounter happened when I was in 8th grade.

It was Friday and everyone of us are excited because tomorrow Saturday will be our Field Trip. And we will go to Luneta Park, Manila Zoo and Planetarium for our Tour.
So during our Recess, my bestfriend Joyce and I are chit chatting and we decided that I'll pick her up on their house since we're living in the same subdivision and we will go to school together since the bus will be at our school to pick us for the field trip.

The bell rang and we started our class. We went home together as well after the class.
So the next morning, I woke up early around 4am to prepare my things and get ready. Our call time to be in School is 6am. So after I ate my breakfast, I get my bag and kiss
My mom goodbye. I left my house at around 5am since Joyce house is just 5 minutes walk away from our house. And I am sure that we will reach the school before 6am.

When I arrived at their house, the main door is open however the screen door is closed and waslocked inside. But I can still see the inside of the house since it is a screen door. I see an old man, and thought that it was her grandfather at his late 70s sitting on a wooden bench and reading a newspaper. He's wearing a light brown pants and a white kamiseta (non-collared shirt that has button) So I said "Magandang Umaga po, classmate po ako ni Joyce, nasaan po siya?" (Good Morning, I'm looking for Joyce, I am her classmate.) But the old man, didn't seem to hear me. So I repeat my greeting with more determined and louder voice. And then I heard Joyce yelled back at me "Saglit lang palabas na ako!" (One sec, I'll be going out already). Then I saw the old man stand up and went inside the room. I just shrug my shoulder and thought that her grandfather might be deaf that's why he can't hear me.

After the old man entered the room, Joyce finally came out of her own room, with her back pack. She walked towards me and unlocked the screen door. "Pasok ka, almusal muna tayo bago umalis, maaga pa naman" (Come inside, let's have breakfast first, it's still early.) So, I went inside, put my bag on the couch and followed Joyce to their dining table.
I pull out one of their dining chair infront of Joyce so we can talk while we're having breakfast. So while we are eating bread and scrambled egg. I told Joyce that I met her lolo (grandfather) earlier, but he didn't seem to notice me outside. She looked at me puzzled with what I've said and said "Huh? Nakita mo ang lolo ko?" (What? You've seen my grandfather?) I nod at her and said 'OO nakita ko siya kanina pagdating ko, nakaupo nagbabasa ng dyaryo' (Yes, I've seen your grandfather, sitting there and reading newspaper). I saw her trembling and her face turned pale so I ask her why.
She hurriedly stand up and said, 'Tara na, baka ma late tayo' (Let's go, we can't be late). So I stand up and followed her, I picked up my bag from the couch and went outside first, Joyce is just behind my back because she still needs to lock the main door.
After that she grab my arm and we walked together and wait for a tricycle that will bring us to our school. Joyce is very quiet. I can't help but ask her again what's wrong. She just looked at me. Her phone rings and it was her mom. After a short conversation, Joyce cried to me and said that her mom informed her that her grandfather already passed away that day at at 5am. And that's the only time, she told me that her mom left last night because they received a call from her aunt that her grandfather living in the province, (Ilocos Norte to be exact) was rushed to the ER due to Hypertenssion followed by stroke and was put to coma however he didn't survive the cardiac arrest and that's the reason or caused of death of the old man.

I can't believed what i've heard from her. I feel like a drum of ice cold water was poured all over me. We still proceed with our fieldtrip and tried to enjoy the day. When we arrived back to our school. Joyce mother was already waiting for her, Joyce and her mom will be travelling back to Ilocos Norte for her grandfather's wake. After a week I received a call from her Joyce, and she told me that her mom was shocked as hell when she told her what happened the day her grandfather died.

Thanks for reading, I have tons of spooky experiences to share to you guys. I'll post them all here soon.
Bela_10 (3 stories) (51 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-19)
dessa marie,

Pang-MMK 'to. 😭

Nakakaiyak. Huhuhu 😢
I hope nakarecover na si friend mo.

Yours truly,
master-enigma (9 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-16)
awww, a very sad and touching story. As I read this story I never felt goosebumps but I felt pity and sad because this story narrates that true love is limitless even in our death we can show our affection to our loved ones... 😐
horrordreamer08 (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
aww such a sad story... I can't believe what happened to your friend I feel sorry for her... 😢 the dream though maybe... Was a message

We love you guys
We'll still pray for you ❤ 😊
Prisya (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-23)
Who ever said that this is only a "MADE-UP STORY" well sorry but your wrong.
Here let me explain:
That really happens that when a love one saved your life his going to visit you in your dreams and say good bye..., And that is true, my mom had experienced it when my father died, that my dad showed-up to her in her dreams after the day he was buried..., that is true love...,

Sorry to hear about that 😢
Just always put him in your prayers ok 😊
coc6 (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
nice story but I find it hard to believe... Maybe just maybe you invented it? Sounds too good to be true... And they lived happily ever after if Joan followed Juliet's path.
mRose (8 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-21)
what a sad story!. 😭 And you're bestfriend was lucky because her stalker didn't even touch the tip of her nails. But on the other hand, her boyfriend was gone... It really made me cry. 😭 😭
kimchu (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-11)
I have lots of stories to share based on my own experience but don't even know where to start. I have all this experience but niether of the guy who loves me died although they Are very much willing to do so. I'll publish my personal stories sensational and creepy one as soon as I get enough time since my life always busy. Thanks for this site
aQua05 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-14)
whoa. Ang ganda naman nun, fav story q toh 😊

Sana may mga ganyan pa din ng boyfriend. Haha:D
jammie (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-09)
the guy had to say gudbye in a different manner... Saying how much he loved the girl...
kiezechxie (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-04)
whoah!thats so incredible! To your friend, dessa I gave my sympathy although its been to long when its happen, she really deserved to be love like her leon. He's too great! How I wish I can find a guy like him! Dahhh! Not to die for me but to love me with all his heart thanks for sharing your story dessa...

MaDanial (1 posts)
15 years ago (2009-12-10)
hi, I'm new here. I just came across of this website. Actually I have my own story about my passed beloved boyfriend. After 5 days deceased he came back to me and start messaging me with his own number, 1 month after that he can meet me via our trusted bestfriend (girl), maeaning his soul can get into my friend's body to meet me... Until now. I never get scared of him although he is dead. I will post my entire story later...
peiamarn (1 stories) (5 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-26)
i love it...
He loves the girl so much that he saved her life even if he would sacrifice his own life...
I love it!
I hope that I could find someone like him... 😭
Lienett14 (1 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-15)
Wow!Your story was just like a horror-romance story! That is so very inspirational! I love it! ❤
ChildOfTheLotus (10 stories) (133 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-13)
That is so sad. Good to know that he gave her a final goodbye. Sounds like the sad end of one of those fairy tales, but I believe it.
curtis354 (5 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-11)
my mum had a dream where this man said do you want to see what it's like when you die and then she felt something on her face suffocating her then she saw the afterlife this is true
shadowclark (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-11)
Alam nyo minsan lang kaya mangyari sa tao ang ganyan pero bilib pa rin ako sa boyfriend ng kaibigan mo kasi ang tapang niya at pinakita nya talaga sa kaibigan mo na mahal nya ito... Sayang lang at nawala siya...huhuhuhu
Very sad to hear that story
melay04virgo (4 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-30)
So sad yet so sweet. It's so sad to lose someone dear. But knowing they are still with us, quietly watching us can somehow cure our sadness like a sanative idea.
Francois (220 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-19)
Dear dessa marie,

I have trouble believing the story due to some minor details. However, my skepticism could be wrong. If this truly happened, I would want to say sorry for your friend's great loss.

It was one of the bravest acts of self sacrifice I have ever heard of. At times for one to live, one must die. In order to protect the one he loved, he payed the ultimate price. However, death is never a boundary.

Thank you for posting your story and sharing it with us. God bless and take care.


ashley18 (8 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-21)
wow how nice nman...! Nagtayuan balahibo ko dun ah... Sweet nman ng boyfriend nya khit sa huling sandali ipinakita nya nah tapat at wagas ang kanyang pag ibig... But sad to hear that she lost her love one... Hope sana nasa mabuti nah syang lugar... And thanks for sharing your storie with your friend... Take care and gobless... 😉
IBelieve (3 stories) (31 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-14)
I agree with Dunknown I have read this before in a book and I remember because of the roses. I wander why the girlfriend wasn't called when the boyfriend was murdered, if they had been dating that long or how she didn't hear the excitment from the house. I'm not saying your lying but it does sound very familiar and leaves a lot of questions unanswered
DUnknown (4 stories) (65 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-14)
hello dessa marie! While I was reading your story, something came up to me that I have already read this story somewhere... But since we have so much ghost stories books-i can't figure out which one. Sorry to say this, but I think this is not your true story.
anyway, god bless.
odesey (1 stories) (3 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-06)
The boyfriend was walking along the street towards the girl's house without the girl getting the news in the morning that someone was murdered near her home? A not-so-good made up story:) practice more feature writing...
muahh (53 posts)
16 years ago (2008-04-25)
At some point, I have to agree with fizzylizzie's comment... 😐

this sounds like a story out of a movie... 😉

HaleyScott (19 posts)
16 years ago (2008-04-09)
oh wow. I feel so sorry for the loss of your friend's boyfriend death. But still that end part was so I don't know just made me happy he could still say happy birthday to your friend.
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-09)
What a beautiful and tragic story. I am so sorry for yiur loss!

God Bless!
Dulcita (2 stories) (3 posts)
17 years ago (2007-08-01)
I believe it could have happened... Its sad that she lost her boyfriend by him trying to protect her... Kinda reminds me of the dream I had recently when an ex of mine passed away. I woke up the same way in a crying fit to learn later that day by a cousin of mine that my ex passed away in a car accident. I woke up at 3 am after having a dream of someone in a car accident, then after the accident having that person tell me they were ok and for me not to cry anymore. Come to find out he passed away at the moment I woke up from my dream. None the less I was upset but glad he gave me some closure as just like your friend...
fizzylizzie (2 stories) (67 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-29)
I hate to sound like a jerk, but this sounds like one of those corny chain letters people post on their myspace bulletins 😕
slghosts (13 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-17)
That is a weird story but that would have been so sad.😢 But it was sweet of what the boyfriend to do that for her.

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