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Boyfriend Thinks He's Talking To Me


Back again! I've been extremely busy and haven't had time to post. But since I have some down time I figured I would squeeze in a story!

About a month ago I was downstairs doing something in the kitchen (can't remember what) and I heard and saw my boyfriend go upstairs. I finished what I was doing in the kitchen and went upstairs as well. When I get up there my boyfriend has this look on his face and said "I have to tell you what just happened." I told him OK. He said he was walking up the steps and thought I was up in our room feeding the cats since it was time for them to eat (8:00 pm). He yells up, "Hey babe are you feeding the cats?" and he heard clear as day "Yes" in a women's voice. Again he thought it was me because he thought I was up in our room. He rounds the corner and there is no one there. Mind you there is nowhere for me to have been able to hide. And then of course a few minutes later I come up the steps.

This isn't the 1st time we have heard people speaking who weren't there. And we normally hear it upstairs but there have been other occasions where people have heard someone speaking in other parts of the house. And it's usually a women's voice. We have our speculations of who it could be. It could either be my Grandmother or my Mother. They both died in 2017 and I feel that the amount of times we hear a woman speaking has heightened. Granted we heard voices before they both past but it has escalated more since their passings.

I hope you enjoyed this little story I had to share. Once I have more time I will write about the other experiences we have had. Please feel free to leave questions and comments.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Janellexx89, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

carol9510hotmailcom (2 stories) (3 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-13)
Do you mind if I tell this story on my Youtube channel? I won't say any names, and you will be able to check here:
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-15)
Well, folks, looks like we have another troll. Must be the lowering presence of "Back to School" on the horizon. Thanks for addressing the issue, Cups and Ladyglow.

In terms of Janelle's account - it is interesting how spirits will often respond to questions posed to living people. Too bad it isn't usually so easy getting them to respond to questions directed at them! The passing of your grandmother (*hug*) may be the catalyst for the activity in your home but it doesn't necessarily mean that the voices are her. Sometimes the negative energy produced by grief can attract activity. And I wonder if a soul crossing over has an attractive force of its own.

This comment from DirtCreature is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

This comment from Cups is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Queeny (guest)
7 years ago (2018-08-14)
Hello Janellexx89

When you hear the voices, are they clear like human voices?

God bless.

Queeny (guest)
7 years ago (2018-08-14)
Hello Janellexx89

Thank you for sharing your story. Hopefully things are better now. Hod bless.

SleepingWithSteve (guest)
7 years ago (2018-08-14)
My comments were directed at Lady-Glow and Cups.

I didn't put their names on my really long comment but I'm sick of their bullying.

You on the other hand have a lot on your plate. I really enjoy reading your posts and comments. Its always good to read what other people are experiencing.

I'm really sorry about your loss. I hope your okay.


❤ ❤ ❤
SleepingWithSteve (guest)
7 years ago (2018-08-14)

I am really sorry Lady -Glow followed me to your posts. I wasn't expecting that. I simply wanted to thank you for your comments on other member's posts. Your words are always kind and direct.

❤ ❤ ❤
SleepingWithSteve (guest)
7 years ago (2018-08-14)
This from the comment guidelines page:

'Ghost experiences can be a sensitive subject and is not accepted by mainstream society. People publishing their stories deserve to be addressed with respect so this web site can be a safe haven for people wanting to share their experiences. If you disagree with the authenticity and the veracity of a story, you can express your opinion, as long as it is respectful.'

I read the guidelines, I posted my story and am waiting to be published, and in the meantime I have a right like you to comment on posts.

I will not repeat my story again until it's publish and respect others who are trying to help and guide me, but I will completely ignore abusive comments in the future. I'm not here to be scared away by the likes of you. I'm not scared of ghost so I'm certainly not going to be scared by you.

I came to this site to get help and advise, to talk to people with similar experiences, and make new friends.

You and Cups down scoring my comments so they don't show up is very juvenile, nasty, and the act of a bully/troll. I'm not going to use this post to comment further as it doesn't meet with the guidelines. So let's just leave it at that.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2018-08-14)
Janellexx - I'm sorry for your losses.

Is there a particular reason why you think the voices are your mother's and Gran's? Do you register any feeling when you hear them?

In one of your previous stories you're adviced to cleanse your place, - have you done it? If so, did you notice any difference on the activity? Have the footsteps from your previous story stopped or do they continue?

I will appreciate your feedback.

Thanks for sharing.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2018-08-14)
SleepingWithSteve - perhaps reading the 'comments guidelines' could help you understand that no one was bullying and trolling you, in our eyes, you're not complying with the rules.


😉 ❤
SleepingWithSteve (guest)
7 years ago (2018-08-14)
Hi Tiffany/Janellexx89

I have been reading a lot of posts the past couple of days since joining. I find your comments really caring and considerate. My first day on here I was bullied and trolled because members couldn't find my post and because I replied to many posts retelling my story.

As you said in one of your comments, 'we are here for the same reason. To get advise and share our experiences.'

I've been adding stories I like and member's I like to my profile and you are one of them.

Thank you for your honesty and kind words.

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

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