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An Angry Ghost In Our House?


This is my first time sharing any of my paranormal experiences so bear with me. This one happened just today actually.

My partner and I have recently moved into a new flat and it often gets too cold in our room so at the moment we have our mattress in the loungeroom.

I was laying down with a bad headache and my partner, Corie came over and knelt by the mattress to talk to me, as we were talking he just randomly jumped up, looking confused I asked him what was wrong, he told me that he felt someone pinch his bum. I shook it off thinking he was mucking around or something but about five minutes later I lit up a cigarette and every time I went to take a puff I got a sort of small electric shock and my lips went all tingly.

After this happened, we decided to get out of the house for a bit, so we went to get dinner. When we came home we found the mattress in the doorway of our room, so it was half in half out sort of thing. We were a little startled but I have experienced worse so it didn't bother me too much.

Corie moved the mattress back to were we had it in the lounge and as I was watching him do so I could see sort of an... Apparition? Of a young girl behind him, she looked none too pleased. This had worried me a little, I didn't like the idea of living in a house with an angry spirit.

Also, as I'm writing this I can here a sort of shuffling going on in the kitchen while Corie and I are laying in the loungeroom, but with the way our flat is set up, we would be able to see anyone there, but its empty.

My family has always been into the paranormal and Ouija boards and all of that sort, I would like to maybe do a Ouija board in the house or some sort of seance to see if the spirit will communicate, good or bad idea? Thoughts?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, PaigeyCorie, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Yoyobro (7 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-14)
i meant to say six if after the year and this is still happening move out cause it will get worse
Yoyobro (7 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-14)
dont use an ouiji Board and if your family has used one they could of let your ghost into your house without knowing you never know what your going to get and things in huanted places usually happen after three months you can try to talk to it maybe
PaigeyCorie (1 stories) (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-21)
Hey guys,
Thank you all for your help and suggestions,
I appreciate it alot,
Recently, I had a housewarming party and going back through the photos on my phone there is some unexplainable images, such as white
... How do I put this... What looks like moving smoke? And scratches through the photos and stuff like that... Its pretty scary, as I have never had something like that show up in any of my photos, I have seen them in family members photos but none of my own...
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-17)
Ouija Board should only be used if you know what your doing... From my experience everytime something bad comes from a board is when someone doesn't know what their doing (with protection, etc.) and that when they know what their doing they have less of a bad experience.

KyraV (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-17)
Yeah... I agree with them, don't use Ouija Board. It will make everything worse. Youre just making a portal that connects to the spirit world. Goodluck though... 😊
bri_bewitched (2 stories) (12 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-17)
i don't suggest using the ouija board, it could make things worse. I used to have one, and everyone I told that I had one said it was possessed. It kind of sums up to seem true. I have had paranormal experiences before I got it, but it only made them worse and actually a little more scary... And I think your lucky that your family is into ghosts and stuff like you are... I'm the only one in mine, the only person who can actually see/here/sometimes talk to them besides my 3 year old sister.
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-16)
With the mention of EMF that Ghostguy is mentioning, you could also go around and figure out what the normal readings are in your house (do a run through a few times to make sure its accurate in readings) and then see if you can get in contact with the spirit and see if the EMF readings change at all (like spike, etc.)

Hope it helps!

ghostGuy (45 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-16)
It sounds like a EMF type of problem. This may be also inducing an earthly stay for an entity or entities.
There may be more than one ghost. As with child ghosts there is usually an adult ghost that inhabits the house with them. A emf scan of the bedroom and kitchen area should be done however, to see if some electrical appliances are fueling the activity. Unplug the offending devices and wait for at least 24 hours before assessing the situation any further.
The best time to make communication with an entity is right after an occurrence. You may have to get belligerent to get rid of this kind of entity (it sounds like).
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-08-15)
PaigeyCorie: My impression is that she's just upset that you won't sleep in your room!...Having raised three girls (and working on my third grand-daughter), and being a girl my self 😆, I know how evil a little girl can look when they're even slightly perturbed 😆...Though we can't be sure that it was indeed her that attempted to move the matress back into the bedroom, seeing as how it was somewhat "stuck" seems like something a child would do since they're really not adept at moving things, and it seems likely that's what pi$$ed her off more!

I would definately go with Miracles' suggestion of getting some EVPs, and also, set down some ground rules for her... I don't think she's angry, just a typical kid...

Thank you for your story, and please keep us posted 😊
Madyrina (68 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-15)
It may not be that she is an angry ghost per se but was just angry at the moment. My thought is, since it would take a lot of energy, time, and effort for a living girl to move a mattress at all, it would probably take atleast 2 or 3 times the energy,time, and effort for a non-living girl to move one. So maybe she was upset that all her effort was for nothing? Also, she may have thought that she was helping you by putting the mattress back in the bedroom and you didn't acknowledge her work or thank her. Just throwing out a possible theory.

She may not like that you are smoking so causing the electrical shocks are the only way to show her disapproval? Pinching your partner on the butt, while it is "cheecky" (sorry bad pun, couldn't help myself), isn't overtly hostile. Maybe wait and see what happens?

I agree with Miracles, you may not want to use the Ouija board, unless you and your family are very informed on it's workings etc.

Please keep us updated on the happenings. ❤
emociara (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-15)
no don't do the quija board its basically opening a doorway for bad spirits into your home I heard its like a opening to hells gate but I don't know 😐
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-08-15)
PaigeyCorie - unless you and your family are very knowledgeable about Ouija boards and know your way around them well, I'm talking the ins and outs of safely using them and how to properly close them when you are finished using them, I would advise against this. The same with a seance. Also, with a Ouija board and seance, unless you know the people very well, you don't know if you're being tricked. I don't mean to imply anything about your family here LOL, but mine would do it in a heartbeat 😆

I regularly use a DVR and am happy with that. I've picked up the voices of the man and little girl ghosts that I share my home with.

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