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Angry Man


It happened a few months back or so, I can't remember exactly. I went to bed later than usual that night. I fell asleep just fine. I had my fan going and my lamp was on (I forgot to turn it off that night). Note my fan was placed at the end of my bed and it was on as high as it could go. I was sleeping when I noticed that my surroundings became aware to me. I did not open my eyes, I was to afraid to and I just knew I would see something that would frighten me. Not long after my body becomes warm and tingly, at this point I was not afraid. The longer I laid there wondering what was going on, I felt the movement of my body stop. The warm not so scary feeling was gone, and I could no longer move. Right away it seemed dark and my fan tunneled out. Nothing but still silence. I am shaking and sweating, still have not opened my eyes. I had this weird feeling and right then I felt a face hover right above mine. It was still complete silence in my room, the air felt thick. It was almost like I heard the lips break apart before speaking. That is when I hear a deep, angry, and old mans voice. "I hate you... I will hurt you."

I wanted to scream, but my mouth does not budge. I wanted to get up and run, but I could not move my body. All I could do at this point was think "go away... Go away." "leave me alone.". I started praying. Anything to get out of this situation. All at once everything lifted. I no longer felt a man hovering over my head. My fan tunneled back in and I could see light through my shut eyes. I waited a couple of minutes before moving or opening my eyes. Once I did I turned on my T.V. Calmed down and went to bed a couple hours later.

It doesn't end there,

In the morning I told my Dad. He just looked shocked then told me how he had nightmares about a mans face floating around that exact night. He told me how he woke up covered in sweat.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, alaina7, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

DirtCreature (guest)
8 years ago (2017-03-05)

Yeah I was afraid of taking over Alaina's story.

Whatever she needs help with or any other experiences YGS is here.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-03-05)
Trolls do come in various box shapes and sizes. But luckily they are easy to spot. 😆

I think we should ignore this one and return the comments to the story.
DirtCreature (guest)
8 years ago (2017-03-05)
I'd like to point out that only 2 people considered the possibility of sleep paralysis on this story and they were nice about it too making it a suggestion, not a forced stance. Most everyone took into consideration that her dad had the same experience and offered necessary comfort and support.

You're welcome Miracles and Val. I felt it needed to be said as quickly as possible. I don't like when people are passive aggressive to others for no reason because they got stung by honesty. I think it needs to be called out when someone is purposely being quarrelsome with others for no good reason.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-03-05)
Val - maybe our other members will stop and consider whether or not to take Pandora's comments as gospel since she obviously has misrepresented some of her claims.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-03-05)
Oh, my... Either I need to type faster or not mull my posts over as long as I do. Just realized that both Dirtcreature (by the way thank you!) and Miracles had responded before I posted, pretty much repeating what they said.
Sorry about that.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-03-05)
At first I thought sleep paralysis, as I'm sure many will, but then you said your father experienced the same thing, at the same time. Personally, I've never heard of a shared sleep paralysis, so I'm ruling that out.
I take it, that this fellow has not reappeared? Do you feel any negativity present in your home? If not, this could have been a one time thing. It could have even been an instance of a residual haunting. I'm thinking more of an echo from the past replaying when atmospheric conditions are just right, rather then a regular haunting.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-03-05)
Dirtcreature - thank your for your comments and support. I didn't read your comment before composing my own and realized too late you touched on most of what I said. Again, thank you 😊
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-03-05)
From the submission page: "The submission page should be online again next Monday, thank you for your patience,"the page then closes on Friday. Since we're constantly publishing new stories with fair regularity, it seems unfeasible that, unless you are only trying to submit on weekends - when that page is closed, you've never been able to submit a story. I suggest trying on either a Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday, or Thursday.
Of course even after submitting, there's no guarantee of publication. It is not instantaneous and might take several days, depending on the number of submissions. Or it could be returned for not following the guidelines.
Your remark that you would be willing to help the site for free, leads me to believe you think we get paid. We do not.
And about karma points - seriously? You can only vote (up or down) a certain poster either 4 or 5 times before you get the message 'Please vote for someone else', so it's impossible for any one person to abuse the system (plus you can only vote once on any given comment). Comments get voted up or down for a number of reasons - sometimes just poor hand to eye coordination.
I've read all your posts, and you seem very dissatisfied with this site. Yet, here you are. That says much about you.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-03-05)
Pandora - I looked at your profile and have a few things to say.

To my knowledge, there is no waiting period for members to start using the kamra point system. We would have had many more complaints about it than yours. When a member votes for another too many times without voting for others, they are restricted from using the karma system for that particular member.

You seem to be more concerned with the karma points than the actual story and/or comments. The karma points shouldn't even be an issue.

There is no way for anyone, including you, to know who has voted for you. I sit back and laugh, as I'm sure Tweed has been doing, when I'm accused of knocking someone down and I haven't. It does make me want to though.

It has been said many times that everyone is entitled to their opinion. But that doesn't make you right and it doesn't mean anyone has to agree with you. It is your opinion.

Back to the karma points. Mods have more to do on this site than go around and knock people down. We spend way too much time trying to monitor immature comments from supposed adults.

You appear to have a strong negative opinion of us (mods). If you have offered to help with the stories, and I must have missed that, I am certain your offer would not have been accepted due to your attitude. Just being honest. 😊

Your comments seem to be based on your fragile ego as well as emotions. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
DirtCreature (guest)
8 years ago (2017-03-05)
I've been able to post about 5 stories within the time frame of barely a few months. I sometimes check the submission page and it's up the majority of the time. It must be a great coincidence that every time you decide to post a story, it is magically down. Plus the mods have their own lives. It takes a lot to read stories and then post them. And they can't just trust anyone to be a mod.

Here's what you do. Write all your stories in a word document or email. Check the submission page. Copy and paste your story. Submit. Done. That doesn't seem very difficult.

As long as I've been on here, I don't see anyone abusing the votes. Plus there is a built in system so that the votes don't go all crazy like 80 likes or 20 dislikes. It keeps it fair. Even the "main" people on here have had disliked comments and even apologized when getting into arguments. Miracles immediately wrapped up a situation between two accounts on here recently. Plus I think people take upvotes and downvotes way too seriously. It's like how this society got obsessed with facebook likes. People need to stop.

There's no reason to be offended by people pointing out that sleep paralysis is real. It doesn't detract from anyone's actual experiences. Dreams are real. That doesn't mean premonitions don't happen. But to say every dream is a premonition is delusional; something a person who is desperate to have a ghost experience would say.

This needs to be understood. This is a site where people post stories to share their experience or RECEIVE feedback. No one is ever discrediting a story. They are trying to help the person out. If you feed into someone and say "yeah it was a ghost!" you're not doing anyone a favor. All the common natural occurrences need to be assessed. Plus it is just an opinion anyway. I have had people comment on my stories going "oh maybe it was a nature spirit." They weren't saying "It's a nature spirit for sure and anyone who disagrees is wrong." They were offering advice. I had a skeptical person ask me if I have mold in my house. I said no. If you can't accept that some people need clarification or will offer alternative solutions, then people will forever be offended by others. No one in the comments has been forceful. They asked a question for clarification. Alaina can sign in to YGS as she said she would participate in the discussion (but not every poster seems to follow up on that; makes me suspicious) and clarify everything for herself.

Plus... Everyone on here's gotta be honest and admit that at least a good portion of the stories that have gone on YGS over the years are complete madeup bullshiat. People like attention and doubt the paranormal too. So everyone on here should be skeptical and inquisitive.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-03-05)
Pandora - uh wrong. We are not behind on stories. And wrong again. The submissions page is open from at least Tuesday (might be Monday but I would have to check tomorrow) through Thursday. It is closed on the weekends. Even mods deserve weekends off.

This comment from Pandora_PDX is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Zaruje (15 stories) (182 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-05)
Hello Alaina! Sounds to me that you've experienced sleep paralysis. Commonly, people who experience sleep paralysis, witness a woman at the end of their bed or beside them staring at them. It just doesn't connect coz yours is a man. But anyways thanks for sharing your story
Myst (63 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-04)
Phoenix; Did you perhaps mean sleep paralysis? Peristalsis is associated with the digestive process.
ThePhoenixIsHere (2 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-04)
Hi! The reason you couldn't move is probably because you were in a state called Sleep Peristalsis. This is when you go into a sleep/awake state, but you can't move when you are in this state. You are aware of your surroundings in this state though. This commonly happens during paranormal incidents. This is just for your information!
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-04)
Hi Alaina! I would say a good solid cleansing (or two) is in order - there are methods to be found online and Rook, a well respected contributor here has a method too. Melda and DirtCreature also had really good ideas- lay down rules and don't let this entity feed off your fear - it is your home now and this nasty old fellow needs to accept that or move on.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-04)
Alaina7 - I'm pleased to hear that you prayed when this frightening experience happened. It really does help. What also helps is to talk out aloud to this entity (or even in your head) and lay down the rules. Tell it that it is not welcome in your home, that you are stronger than it is. You are in fact stronger if you can allay your fear. I know it's not easy - these occurrences tend to be terrifying.

If you experience this again, or if the entity persists and becomes more aggressive, please have your house blessed according to your religion. There are also cleansing methods that you can use, many of which you can learn from members of this site.

Regards, Melda
alexandrapr369 (2 stories) (16 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-03)
Hi there! Kinda glad that you didn't opened your eyes, I would have done the same. Do you live with your dad or on your own? I ask to discard something targeting your family or just a bad vibe got on your home. Either way I would take precautions to protect the home or family.
DirtCreature (guest)
8 years ago (2017-03-03)
I am so sorry you had to have a frightening experience like that. Many paranormal experiences are definitely interesting but not scary. So to have that happen is terrible. It seems this entity isn't fond of you or your dad but that's the spirit's problem, not yours. Perhaps this man was angry and mean before his death and continues to be. But this is just a guess. I do not know the history of where you live so that is the extent of my idea.

Any advice I could offer is to not let this fear stay with you when you sleep in your room because of what happened to you. Keep the peace and calm steady to not let this entity have any psychological power over you. Some believe fear can exacerbate entities being disruptive to people. It's like letting a bully make you feel small over and over again.

Hopefully this was an isolated incident. Thanks for sharing your story:)

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