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The Orb And The Angry Woman


This is my first story that I am writing on YGS, so I want to tell you guys some information about myself. I am a 20 year old female, born and raised in Lakewood California, and I have lived in the same house my whole life. I don't remember ever having any imaginary friends growing up or my mom ever mentioning that I did anything out of the ordinary "for a child" (not that I've really asked her to be honest). My first paranormal experience was when I was around 6-8yrs old and they have continued since. I not only experience paranormal things in my own house, but pretty much every where I go. I am NOT the only one that has experienced things in my house, everyone in my family has their own stories to tell.

On a side note, I have tried doing research on my house, but I've had no luck. The only thing I can reference is an engraving outside of my front doors step that reads "Bea & Tom Tow 5/31/1975" and right under "Darren Reinke"

There's not much to my first experience since I was rather young and I can't really remember anything else out of the ordinary. This is my only paranormal experience that I can replay in my head over and over again being that young in age (6-8yrs old). I woke up in the middle of the night to find myself staring at a big white ball (sort of like an orb) bouncing from wall to wall (left to right, my bed was in the middle). I remember being scared after a minute of watching it and hiding under my bed. Needless to say, I cannot sleep with the light off even until this day.

There's minor things that happen in my house such as lights turning off, things missing only to find them later that day or weeks later, someone walking up and down the hall in the middle of the night, seeing someone at the corner of your eye while you're watching T.V, things getting thrown a couple feet away (nothing dangerous), drinks moving on the table a couple of inches away, dark figures standing in front of you while you sleep, etc etc. Anyone that stays at my house (relatives) feels uncomfortable. The only reason I say minor is because these things happen quite frequently.

My scariest experience happened when I was around 13 years old. It was around 1-4pm when I got home with my mom and I decided to go straight into my room. I opened my door only to find myself face to face with a woman that had the angriest expression on her face. To my surprise I did not scream, I closed my eyes feeling the heaviest pressure on my chest ever. As I closed my eyes, I closed my door and ran over to my moms room (right behind me). She noticed that I had turned pale and had the most surprised look on my face. I told her what had happened and she went into my room and told her to leave me alone (not like she listened). I honestly thought I was imagining this woman, since I had never seen her, but have always felt a presence, until my 5 year old cousin confirmed it about 3 years ago (I was 17)

My uncle had brought over his 2 kids that LOVED to play in my room since I used to have all of my old build a bears laying around. All the adults were in the living room having a drink just sort of hanging out. I was in and out of my room that night just because I didn't want my cousins ruining anything, but I kind of got nosey with the adults for a while and they were left alone. My youngest cousin Andre (age 5) comes out with a weird look on his face and comes up to my mom and I asking "who's the lady with the purple dress in (my name) 's room?" We both looked at each other and asked him what he was talking about. Andre again comes with the same question, but this time he adds the angry lady with the purple dress. I swear I did not sleep in my room that night.

I'll be sure to write some more of my experiences soon. Any comments or questions are welcome.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, LosAngelesGirl, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

migelito23 (32 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-25)
Hello LA girl. Spooky story you shared with us right here. The scary thing is when you saw the ghost woman in your room with an angry expression and also your nephew also saw her. So how old that she look like? What color of her hair and skin?... Thank you for sharing your story I really like it. I hope you never see that angry woman again. Lol 😁
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-16)
Greetings, LAGirl;

First, a quick aside to agree with Hecate, "Everybody's research here is phenomenal. Who knew these cool sites existed..."

Your home, built on a small lot or built as one of a small grouping on a larger shared lot, probably looks very similar in design to many of the other homes in your neighborhood. Much like the "GI Bill" in which military service is compensated with affordable access to college/university classes, the American Gov't compensated WWII veterans with reduced-cost housing, so they could move out of cramped tenements and apartments in the city and live in the suburbs. William Levitt (of 'Levitt & Sons' an architectural firm) designed planned communities that could be built rapidly and effectively; the secret to doing this was all of the houses used the same floor plans, so their factory in California could pre-cut all of the lumber *before* it got to the building site. Basically, professional builders were hired to the manual labor, but there was minimal problem-solving involved because they were constructing 200 identical houses out of a "build your own town" assembly line pre-packed kit. They were sold as move-in ready because each house was sold with the kitchen appliances already installed, the front lawn growing, and a white picket fence surrounding the property. Veterans who had been through hell now had a very good chance to live the American Dream and to raise their children in healthy, safe neighborhoods.

The first two of these constructions, in New York and Pennsylvania, were the only ones officially named "Levittown," the third one Levitt's company built (New Jersey?) changed its name to something else, and the fourth one was built in Puerto Rico; HOWEVER, the name "Levittown" became a generic term used by the public to describe all such constructions --irrespective of the architectural firm responsible for the designs-- because the first person to be officially credited with the idea and to publicize it was William Levitt.

When you were told that the neighborhood was built for returning soldiers, that was probably because the single greatest expansion of the suburbs in the USA occurred in the 15 years after World War Two. Even some of the non-Levittown constructions would have 3-5 basic plans which would be alternated with each other (some of them would be built as mirror-images to the original plans, too), so as to create quickly-constructed neighborhoods without every home looking exactly like the others. To the best of my knowledge, the Levittowns in the east were built in Gov't-purchased open spaces, such as woodlands, and no-one was displaced by the construction. I have no idea if the same is true in CA, so I'm afraid you'll have to do the research on that yourself...

Hope this little architectural history lesson proves helpful.

LosAngelesGirl (2 stories) (13 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-14)

Completely off topic.

I think it's a grandmother thing LOL
I don't like to label myself, but if I HAD to it would be Atheist.
On a daily basis she tells me I'm going to go to hell because I don't go to church, it's her way of telling me she loves me I think haha. It might also be the Hispanic in her when she calls me the devil the himself "el demonio". I actually accept to go to church with her once a while though, just so she can lay off. It's not like I'm a bad person, it's just religion isn't for everyone.
LosAngelesGirl (2 stories) (13 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-14)

I honestly wish to NEVER seen that woman again. The energy that she gave off and the way she made me feel was just horrible.

I don't think what's in my house is trying to harm anyone, it's just the energy you get and only in my room.
Quick story, I wasn't able to sleep in my room for a month and had to sleep in the living room. I literally could not be in there for more than 5 minutes. After that month, I was able to sleep in my room and with the lights OFF. I've NEVER been able to sleep with the lights off. Whatever has been in my room, went away for a couple of months.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-07-14)
LAGirl: Yes, you and Val are right, it looks as though they were the ones who had the concrete poured for the stoop. That is a stoop, isn't it? I'm afraid I would've had to put my hands or feet or both in it as well 😆😆. At least that gives a little glimmer of hope that they were once owners of the property.

Along the lines of Satan worship: my maternal Grandma, rest her soul, told me once that her neighbor's grand-daughter's friend was a devil worshiper because she wasn't allowed to march with the high school band at the football games on Friday night. I asked what made her think that and she said, "Well, THAT'S her sabbath day!" I took a deep breath and said, "Grandma, she's Jewish..." hahaha just a little anecdote about how some people make assumptions without fully understanding the basis of another's beliefs.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-07-13)
Hi LAGirl.
I looked at the pics and tend to agree with you, that they're just 'memory' signings. My parents use to have us do the same thing.
If you see the purple lady again try to note her style of dress, that would help get a time frame for her.
On the upside, nothing you describe sounds harmful. You said you've lived there your whole life, 20 years would have been ample time for it to be destructive if it was so inclined. You have to remember for some folks anything the least bit 'not normal' sends them running. Hopefully if you can get in touch with Darrin, he can send some light on the house's history.
LosAngelesGirl (2 stories) (13 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-13)

Thanks for reading my story as well!
My grandma did mention that her nephew went to Satanic churches to worship the devil and that he practiced witch craft. She could have been exaggerating since she's a total Catholic and basically lives at church, so I'd honestly have to sit down with her and talk seriously.
LosAngelesGirl (2 stories) (13 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-13)

Thanks for reading and taking the time to give me all that information lol I will let you know as soon as I talk to my neighbor because I'm pretty sure she'd honestly know. Maybe I'll get a couple of other different names to do research on as well.
I looked up the history of my city and it says this city was built for veterans and their families (who knows how accurate this is) so I'm definitely uncertain if the current home owners might have been wealthy.

Thanks again!
LosAngelesGirl (2 stories) (13 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-13)

I'm going to look for Darren on facebook (Hopefully he has one) and maybe I can see if something was in this house before even they got here. I'm really taking in consideration on questioning my neighbor, she's a friendly lady and I don't think she'd mind sharing any information with me.
LosAngelesGirl (2 stories) (13 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-13)
Okay so here are the pictures (excuse my foot on the side lol)



I hope these works on your end, if not I can send them to anyones email that is interesting.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-13)
Hi LAGirl, just chiming in with another opinion/idea. The rumor of someone practicing satanism makes me nervous. That could have let something in that can change its appearance to frighten the living. So woman in purple dress might be a smokescreen for something else, especially since that is that angry energy. Bea could be brushing her hair in your mother's room, sounds more like someone in healthcare.

Everybody's research here is phenomenal. Who knew these cool sites existed...

Cool story. Thanks for sharing!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-07-13)
LAGirl: Thank you, looking forward to it. In the interest of satisfying some of my curiosity, I did a short search for Darren. I found one whose age would coincide with that of 5/31/1975 being his birth date. As MysticGypsy said, he is still around and in the same state. I think these names should be a good jumping off point for further research into the history of the house (as former owners or tenants) and that could lead you back even farther. But, you probably already know that hahaha.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-13)
Well isn't this the story which just keeps on giving 😆
I've been thoroughly enjoying the progress of this and everyone's input, sigh, so cool.


If this woman's purple dress was from, say, over 50 years ago, I mean if she was from an era which predated what we know as modern textiles, you may be able to narrow your search to wealthy folk who had some connection to your home and/or the surrounding homes. It sounds like your home might have been one of a few built on a plot, which may have been owned by one or two wealthy families at some point. Might be completely wrong about that. Anyhoo.
In textiles the colour purple was, for most of recorded history, a highly expensive luxury. Although purple has been accessible and affordable for most of recent history, it was still more expensive for a long while after scientific advancement (albeit an accident while trying for a malaria remedy I think.)
An angry woman who makes a point of showing up in a purple dress may help narrow your search to the wealthy or elite. But this would *only* apply if this woman predated, say, the early 1970's or so. Which I *think* is when purple started to lose its status, and sometimes hefty price tag, in the elite circles. Regardless of being technically affordable for around 100 years before this. Anyway, there's just something about that woman's purple dress which I *think* may give her away.

This is a mere last ditch search option. Don't go on a wild goose chase for textile factories throughout history or anything. But I would make a point of concentrating on the socially elite folk, where they crop up in your search.

All that aside, if she was decidedly 1970's then everything I just said pretty much doesn't apply at all. In this instance I would urge you to disregard my babbling!

Looking forward to the pic!
LosAngelesGirl (2 stories) (13 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-13)

I'll take a picture of it when I get home from work and I'll just upload it on tiny pic, so you don't have to try to imagine it lol

I'm thinking they engraved their names just to leave memories honestly. You know, like when you engrave your name on a tree or something? I just referenced that, because that's all the information I had on my house in regards to previous owners or what could possibly be in my house.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-07-13)
LAGirl - not to say the nephew didn't practice Satanism because I don't know, but I do know depending upon who you talk to, Satanism means many different things. It can mean a wide variety of things including actually worshipping Satan, practicing witchcraft, having premonitions, seeing ghosts, etc. See what I mean? I wonder what was actually meant by Satanism in this case.

Also, the angry expression on the woman's face could be due to strangers in her home/territory. Maybe your room was once a room she considered hers.

I enjoyed reading this and thank you for sharing it.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-07-13)
LAGirl: I'd like to know more about the engraving; where it is, how big it is, etc. Is it possible for you to take a pic and post a link? If not, then a description will have to do LOL. I also wonder about the significance of the date.
LosAngelesGirl (2 stories) (13 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-13)

Thanks for the research, seriously! I'm going to show this to my family as well as my neighbor.

Everyone one else that wanted me to keep you guys updated, here's what I got this weekend.

I just found out this weekend that my neighbor is 90 years old and has lived there since a little after our house was built in the 40's (according to some website I found on the history of homes, can't remember the name). My aunt shared that the neighbor had told her that someone had died in her house which is in front of my house. The property I live on has 3 homes and they're all occupied by my family members.

Another interesting story that my aunt brought up this weekend was that an old friend of hers that rented out my room with the previous owners (25-26 years ago) claimed that there was something in my room. She moved out pretty quick, since she didn't like how she felt in there I guess.

I don't know if this has anything to do with it as well, but before we moved in to my grandmas property she had a nephew that also stayed in my room. She shared with me that he practiced Satanism.

Well that's pretty much it until I speak to my neighbor. Thanks for reading.
MystieGypsy (15 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-13)
I agree with zzsgranny. My personal "gut" feeling was that Bea isn't the spirit LAGirl saw. I've looked and I haven't found any record showing that she has lived in Lakewood, CA since at least 1993/1994. I doubt she would haunt someplace that she hasn't had a very close connection with in the past twenty or more years.

I also haven't found anything tragic in her life that would explain her being "angry". Her son that passed died as an adult over twenty-odd years ago. Though that event would be sad, according to her obit, it would appear that she continued to live a fulfilling and happy life.

Take zzsgranny's advice. Go to your hometown library and look through old city directories and newspaper archives to find out previous tenants. Some libraries have their newspaper archives indexed and it's a breeze to search through (my library's newspapers are not indexed). They will have info that you will not find online. Also you can try your local courthouse/tax office and ask about the owner history of your house.

Do your parents own the house? Ask them to look through their paperwork (deed, title, etc) to see who they bought the property from.

You mentioned that you tried using Being that I am too cheap to pay an arm and leg every six months 😆, I use which is free to use and has a lot of the same information that Ancestry makes you pay for. The site is run by the Mormon Church, but don't worry, they don't try to convert you or anything of that sort.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-07-12)
LAGirl: According to your timeline, I don't believe your first visitor was Mrs. Bea. Your first experiences at 6-8 predate her death. That's not to say that the more recent ones aren't her because they very well could be. But maybe there's more than a couple of your ghostie friends.

To find the history of your house you could use a site such as but it will cost you. You're better off to go to the local library and search their archives. This can get tedious and you have to be committed to your cause 😆.
Zander (7 stories) (150 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-12)
I saw the photo of Mrs. Tow which MystieGypsy posted. The obituary states that she was predeceased by her son who died in 1991. To lose a child...that's enough to make any parent angry [depending upon how it happened as well]--for life and beyond... Is she trying to warn the children away from something that affected her son? That helped bring about his untimely demise? I'd be interested to learn how the son passed if you can find out, MystieGypsy. Thanks so much for what you've found already...fascinating.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-12)
Whoah bet no one expected that!😲
Mystie, you're like YGS little guardian angel or something! Had no idea a site like that even existed, god bless America! 😆

LAgirl, when I read some of the stories on here I sometimes crack jokes, in my mind I mean. When I read about the angry old woman in the room I jokingly thought pms too haha!
MystieGypsy (15 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-11)

Hi, I found Bea Tow's grave and obituary here at She passed away in 2007. Her husband was listed as Thomas Tow and one of her grandchildren was named Darren. Thomas and Darren were still alive as of 2007.

Someone also added two pictures of Bea. She looked like she was a very sweet and lovely lady.

Have a great day!

P.S. I love genealogy.
LosAngelesGirl (2 stories) (13 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-10)
Hi Tweed,

Thanks for your comment!
I've honestly looked and looked and it's so frustrating due to their last name, all I get are Towing companies. Tried looking through image search for a good 2 hours with my address, names, dates, and pretty much any other information. I even tried Ancestry (which I'm not willing to pay). I took into consideration that Bea could be short for another name she might have had, as well as Tom (Thomas, maybe)?
My last stop is searching public records. I'll try to stop by soon and keep you guys updated. 😊

I was going to save it for another story, but I see a woman all the time in my moms room combing her hair looking in the mirror (way before "The Ring" came out) or sitting at the edge of the bed. I'm not sure if it's the same woman because she's never in purple in my moms room nor does she ever look mad, maybe she got pissed off and came into my room to scare the shiat out of me. Maybe she was pms'ing? Hahaha

Thanks again!
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-10)
Hi, LosAnglesgirl... Interesting story... Tweed has already share my point of view... I think you need to dig up the history of your house 😁 Please do share updates
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-09)
Hi LAGirl and welcome!

Wow, great, or not so great, to get a shared visual on the woman! I know you've tried looking into the history of your home to not much success but have you tried an image search? Perhaps some local historical societies could help you out. You may be able to track down who the woman is from a preexisting photo from the names you already have, or find any old residential records which may be accessible to the public through local historians.
It's interesting that only young people seem to anger her and over a long period of time between sightings. I'm wondering if your room was once her child's bedroom, or maybe even hers and she's angry about anyone else using the room.

Thanks for sharing.

Oh one more thing, do you know if your cousin was in about the same spot you were when you saw her? Perhaps even opening the door? Maybe she doesn't like the way the door is handled or something. Kind of like an old pet peeve that really irritates her to the point of manifesting in a grimace to make her point of: "Don't slam the doors!" or something similar.

Take care and thanks again!

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