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The 3rd Floor Dark Room


This experience of mine happened 14 years ago, when I was still 9 years old. It may have sound like a long time ago, but this experience of mine is still vivid in my memory that whenever I see or went to that place I still remember it.

It happened during in 1997 with a typhoon that hits Metro Manila. I was then in the 3rd grade in elementary and the school I'm attending announced late of suspension therefore I have to wait for my father to pick me up. If you guys think that the event happened at the school, sorry but it is not. My father is the one to came to pick me up an hour after the suspension of classes but we have a hard time getting a ride back home since the buses going back to Alabang are stranded due to heavy traffic because of the flood cause by the typhoon, my father then decided to stay the night at their office room.

My father is an employee at one of the government offices situated in the T.M. Kalaw Street in Manila and works as a photographer. The office room is located at the 3rd floor just right beside the stairs and only two of my father's co-workers are remaining inside the room: Mang Boy and Mang Tony.

The room is square and divided into 3 smaller rooms which composed of the staff working area, storage and the dark room. After some chit-chats, my father decided to call the night off. My father and I slept inside the storage room which had a green sofa (I slept in the sofa and my father slept on the floor) and the door is left open. The door of the storage room is right beside door to the dark room and the main door of the office is across the door from the storage room; the sofa is aligned with the door of the storage room.

Sometime in the night, my father got up to urinate inside the dark room which has a comfort room inside. I'm always a light-sleeper so I am easily awaken by just a slight movement that is why I know that my father got up and watched him left the room. I patiently waited him to come out of the dark room still lying on the sofa when a man comes out of the dark room. It was dark that time and the only light available is from the light coming from the hallway. By the way, the main door of the office room is a double swing door with glass therefore the light from the hallway goes inside the room.

The man headed towards the main door and goes outside the hallway turned to its right. Then I heard a scream and loud "thud" that sounds like something hit the ground. I did not dare to get up from the sofa that time to see what happened and that time I think that man come out is "Mang Boy" and might have just slip on a wet floor since the windows at the hallway misses some window panes. Right after that, my father came out of the dark room and I told him that I saw "Mang Boy" went outside and heard a scream and loud "thud" but my father told me back that it is impossible since Mang Boy and Mang Tony left together after we slept in for the night.

I did not told anyone or think what I have encountered that night is true of since I thought it was just a trickery on my sense as a kid though and it only happened once in my life. Not until I was now in college that I realized what happened might be true.

When my younger sister and I came to my father's office to waiting for him at the ground floor at the security desk (since both of us are lazy that time to go up) so that we can all go home together. That time, the head of the security guards and two other guards talks about their experiences about the office building: they mentioned to us that they only inspects the ground and second floors at night because they said that starting from the 3rd up to the 6th floor, many unknown "office employees" and "visitors" haunts those floors and almost all of the security guards that have been stationed to inspect inside the building after office hours have encountered those haunting in various places in between those floors and that at the 3rd and 4th floors have the most haunting. Since then, my sister and I don't wait anymore for my father to go home just to avoid the 3rd floor and the dark room.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, little_faerie, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

ram (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-26)
oh really a nice incident and the way you have told makes it even more interesting, please share more, if you have any?
anneke8 (10 stories) (274 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-16)
Very real story to me, I like it. You must learn more about the history of the place. And let us know!
little_faerie (1 stories) (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-15)
I do not know... But the building is erected in 1902, designed by Arch. Burnham
Tiffanyj (1 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-14)
Maybe the ghost was a residual haunting, the walking through the room and then the bang could have been suicide, although a scream suggest an accidental death. Did any one die in the making of the building?

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