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Another Past And A New Experience


So my last paranormal experience that I can remember consisted of when I was eleven. I was at my friend Kai's house because he was having a party. It was midsummer, perfect swimming weather, so I went to go change into my bathing suit when something caught my eye in the upstairs hallway. I called out "hello?" just in case anyone was up there. No response.

I called out for Kai's mom and she answered from downstairs. I just assumed my eyes were playing tricks on me and went into the bathroom.

When I was done changing,Kai's bedroom door opened. I walked to his doorway and peered into his room.

"Why'd you open the door?" A girl was sitting there, and girl I'd never seen before, but from behind... She looked familiar in a way."I didn't." I said, and I walked up to her. I asked her what she was doing and she said just sitting here. When I asked her why she started to cry. I was about to ask her why she was crying when she bolted out of the room and down the stairs.Kai's twin brother,Jordan,walked in and asked why I was in his and Kai's room. I walked straight past him and into the hallway. I asked him if he'd seen a girl go down the stairs when he came in and he said I was the only girl he'd ever seen come upstairs all day. I was a little scared. The girl had medium red hair to her shoulders, and her eyes were a little gray with a green. She was wearing a bikini that was a faded blue and she had the palest skin, mostly common with redheads.

When I went back downstairs, I asked their mom if she had seen anybody rush downstairs, and gave her the description. She said no. I asked everybody else and only ONE person said they had... It was Kai. He said when I went upstairs he saw a girl looking out the window from his and Jordan's room and he said he thought it was me until he realized my bikini was black and I have brown hair, not red. He had told Jordan to go upstairs and check on me. For the rest of the party everything was fine, until I was getting ready to leave. I was hugging Kai and Jordan and their parents goodbye, when I hear crying outside. I left and when I got outside and closed the door. The girl was sitting on the steps. This time she was really bawling. I asked her what was wrong and she said she didn't know how to swim. I told her I could teach her and I promised I wouldn't let her drown. That was until she said,"You can't drown twice."Her voice was so low... I could barely hear her. I ran away, as fast as I could until I got home. I never told anyone about that experience.

Now,for the experience I had just this past weekend. My mother came home from dinner with her 'girlfriends' when she brought me the most WONDERFUL news!

My birthday is St.Patrick's Day and she said I get to go spend that weekend with my father! I was so happy, I hugged her, and she hugged me and actually told me "I love you."

Anyways,I rushed upstairs and put the plane ticket in a secret compartment only I know about in my dresser. I fell asleep late Saturday night. When I woke up, I checked the secret compartment again, and the ticket was gone! I trashed my room looking for it, frantic to find it. I have not seen my dad in almost five years! I ran downstairs and there it was... On the counter. I picked it up, still good from the previous day. I asked mom and Nick if they had moved it and they said they hadn't had a clue how it got there.

I took it back up to my room and set it underneath my bed in a little Winnie the Pooh lunchbox I had gotten for my fifth birthday from my sister."Stay!" I told the ticket. Then I heard laughing down the hallway, it sounded like a little boy. I looked down the hallway and no one was there. Then something lightly "pushed" me towards my parent's room. I took a few steps toward it and then looked in.There,I saw an apparition of a little boy sitting on the bench at the end of my parent's bed."Hey!" I said, and it disappeared.

Any info,questions,comments welcome. Thanks for reading!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, lyssaret, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

sacul (1 stories) (71 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-13)
Thanks for the input, Lou- I thought that smell was my cat's box, but it's probably BS. Not expecting anyone to "give in" (to what?), just maybe bring the hostility down a notch. Http://
There's no need for that. If it's self righteous to politely give a person the BOTD until *proven* (Ip address, ahem) otherwise, then I guess I'm self-righteous. I don't know much nor do I know everything, but I do know that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and I apologize, Jav, if I hurt your feelings. 😉 I'm not here to bicker. I hope you all have a nice day!

Take care,

LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-13)
What you seem to be missing in this is that the O/P is a habitual offender when it comes to posting these stories. Hiding behind new identities doesn't seem to work for long here...we've stepped in it before, and regardless of how long it takes to clean off your shoe, it always smells the same.
None of us take any particular delight in routing out these perpetual fiction writers, but when they try again and again, thinking they will fool us this time, it gets tiresome and a bit insulting. I don't feel the need to defend any one of the regular posters on this site, they have all shown they can handle themselves. Just be aware that this train has been rolling for a while, before you step out with your hankie and your dictionary to waive it down; realize that the gush you are standing in is the hamburger of the last self-righteous chickensh** that stepped out on the tracks.
All are welcome here, sacul, and all opinions as well... Just don't expect us to give in because the O/P has played you.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-13)
You might want to check that one again. That is a legal definition that does not apply to this situation. No matter how much you would like it to.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-13)
And once again you are misinformed. But if you are judging a persons ability to know the difference between BS and truth on their access to IP addresses, you have a long way to go yet. That isn't how it works here. The mods work with the same information we do. Like it or not dear, some of here don't need the title to know when something doesn't smell right. Some of us are pretty damn good at it, if I say so myself. And the name calling is universal. Pay better attention, you just might learn something. But that's not your style, obviously, as you seem to feel you know it all. Too bad. Because I can say with certainty in your case, it's what you don't know that will get you. And though choosing me as your adversary may seem fun now, I can guarantee that decision will come back to bite you in the end. Just sayin'...

sacul (1 stories) (71 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-13)
Perhaps my only point is this: What if you're wrong and adding turmoil to a person's life that has already been through enough? I've read far more ridiculous posts, and unless someone has hard proof that this is BS beyond doubt, it seems a little harsh to deem it as such over the plane ticket bit.
Lets get a non-static IP confirmation from a mod when she visits the East coast and find out!
sacul (1 stories) (71 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-13)
no one has to go far out of their way to do that, Jav, but It was never my intent.

Granny & other mods probably have access to ip addresses and a less abrasive way of expressing her opinions= credit over you.

She leaves out slander, name-calling, and other generally irritating and obnoxious text (ie the "chckens**t" (sp) comment).

Do I need to say more?
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-13)
It is also a shame when, during the process of debunking, you have to deal with people that go far out of their way to make you out as a monster for doing so. That ugly part of the processs ususally lands on the heads of those without the word "mod" next to their name. No matter that the mods are onto the person being debunked, and are certainly just as critical. It's a little chckens**t to attack the only one who is not the mod. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not crying in my soup. I'm just pointing out a simple fact. Now excuse me, I have to go wash the footprints off the back of my shirt.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-12)
sacul: It is sad, and it's one of the reasons some members have become disenchanted, for lack of a better word, with this site... The thing is, as editors, we have to give the benefit of the doubt to begin with, unless it's an obviously Blankie worthy story 😊...It's all in the details, and although it may seem like we nit-pick sometimes, there are tell-tale signs when someone is pulling our leg...

Some of us are better at picking up on those signs than others... 😊
sacul (1 stories) (71 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-12)
That's too bad, though. Shame that people post false BS in general. Hope that's not the case, cest la vie if it is.
sacul (1 stories) (71 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-12)
I've flown plenty, granny- what I mean is the copy available online. Good eye, though.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-12)
sabul: In this "post 9/11" world we live in, boarding passes are issued at the airport during check-in and not before... Boarding passes and identification have to be presented to get through security...
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-12)
sacul - we have a "story teller" who likes to change identities every so often just to see how long it takes us to catch on. It usually doesn't take long because there are certain things that give her away each time.

It almost seems like a game for her, i.e. "How long can I string them along this time?" Some of us have just gotten seriously tired of the game.

She played several of our members for fools the first go round. Each time she picks up different members who feel sorry for her, until they figure her out too.

Since she likes writing stories (and I'm not talking true ghost stories), I figure this will continue until she "grows up."
sacul (1 stories) (71 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-12)
Perhaps she was handed the printed boarding pass and, being a kid, thought it was the ticket? I don't know if she's who she claims to be, but that doesn't seem like a reason to discredit her. After all- wouldn't an adult know that they no longer issue tickets?
I'm obviously missing something but don't so much have the time to Matlock this person's story apart. I'd have to quit my day job and get single...
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-09)
It was the airline tickets that did this one in. Why she wanted to make it worse by going on about her age is beyond me. Both things were just too hinky...

Great catch granny! Once again, the Google Queen wins the day! 😆 😆 😆

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-09)
granny - I'm a firm believer in anything is possible. And if there's a Santa and the Tooth Fairy, then there's definitely somewhere in North Carolina without electricity and computers and either of them can get her there 😉 😆
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-09)
Miracles: I guess there could be some remote area in North Carolina without electricity or computers, but I don't know if you could get a flight there from Cali... 😆 😆
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-09)
And just as a reminder of the sais visit to your dad... (your words)

"More stories next week, but I want to believe my mother was possessed since she would NEVER do anything to hurt me. She just pushed me off the bed out of nowhere. She would never ever ever do anything like that. So I'm wondering, could it have been that black figure that possessed my mother, or was she not possessed? After that I went to live with my dad for the last time. That was the last time I saw him, and one of the only two times I saw my brother and sister. (Read my 2nd story if you haven't.) "

It's the little things that pop out at us when a story sounds too fantastic and contrived.
I could also add the other subtle hints that gave me that "not so paranormal" feeling when I reviewed these tales, but that would just help you on your next attempt at pulling one over on the membership of this site.

~Rolling my eyes~
I cannot believe we have to go through this a b c like process every time you get the itch to try again.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-09)
granny - maybe you should have googled all airlines from California to, now where is it Dad lives? Anyway, just to make sure some obscure airline counter isn't living in the middle ages and still handing out paper tickets to make this story more believable 😆

Nice work, granny. Zoe would be proud of you 😉
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-09)
Okay, the real deal? Let's just try this one more time,
(Because we place such a high premium on getting to the truth of things around here, none of this should surprise anyone, do just hold your judgements kids and you you might learn a little about debunking)

Since you are a brand new member, your profile page is less than a few weeks old, correct?
On your profile page your stated age is 13 years old.
Now, I can't understand you saying you are 14 when you have made such a big deal out of NOT being a normal 13 year old. I see that your birthday is coming up in about 6 days. How old will you be then 14 or 15?
Your time line is so wacky I cannot believe you are insisting on sticking to it. From your several accounts it shows you had a birthday slumber party for your 10th birthday. "later that week" was when you were jumping on the bed and throwing things around to get your mom;s attention. At which point you are still 10 years old as I doubt you would go the reverse in age, right? Right. Your mother allegedly sends you sailing and you smack your head, nearly blacking out, and you then think or hope your mother was possessed as she would never do such an awful thing normally. SO, you are still 10 years old, unless your mother knocked a year off your life with this tossing she gave you, correct? Okay.
Next thing that occurs is your mother finally let's you go visit your dad, remember you said that was AFTER she shot you across the room as if you were lettuce out of a salad shooter. STILL 10 years old! See how that works? I see no mention of any time machine in this scenario at all. So what gives?
You then went to visit your dad in North Carolina where you are now 9 YEARS OLD?!
Please tell me what I got wrong here, because you are having a hard time convincing me there is a way to go back in time just by going to North Carolina via LAX!


~~Who's with me? We can maybe get a group deal if enough of us go, anybody heading to N.Carolina for the fountain of youth tour?~~ 😆 😆
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-09)
This, from

"As of 31 May 2008, the International Air Transport Association (IATA), which represents 230 airlines worldwide, and 93% of scheduled international air traffic, no longer issues paper tickets. The primary motivation behind scrapping paper tickets was to cut costs and increase efficiency. Although not every airline worldwide is subject to IATA's rules, the vast majority are, and paper tickets are now virtually obsolete.

The airline industry estimates that it will reduce costs by three billion U.S. Dollars worldwide by eliminating paper tickets. This is because the paper to print the tickets had to physically delivered, and equipment used for printing had to be maintained. The cost of issuing a ticket will decrease from ten U.S. Dollars to one, and 50, 000 trees will be saved, according to the industry.

There is a common belief that airlines in developing countries are the last to move to electronic tickets, but this is not always the case. Some small regional airlines, such as Aerocondor in Peru and Kingfisher Air in India went paperless before industry behemoths such as Virgin Atlantic which issues tickets to multiple international destinations across carriers.

The elimination of paper tickets will make things more difficult for airlines that serve remote locations where there are no computers or electricity. In these cases, the airline will have to print out passenger lists at its headquarters and carry them to remote airports, and rely on radio and phone connections to verify changes to the lists."
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-09)
lyssaret: These are your own words from your previous story "Something A Little More":

"Cassidy was not allowed back over after this. None of my friends were for a while. Then I had a slumber party for my 10th birthday party! It was a girl-boy party, but only the girls stayed after. Cassidy was actually sick at the time but we figured she probably wouldn't stay the night anyways"

In your last full paragragh:
"After that I went to live with my dad for the last time. That was the last time I saw him, and one of the only two times I saw my brother and sister. (Read my 2nd story if you haven't.) "

That was AFTER your Mom wigged out on you, again, in your own words "Later that week"...You had just had your 10th birthday party...10+5 never will add up to 14...

Give it up child, your busted... And you know full well what "Zoe" and "Granny" have to do with

😆 😆 😆
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-09)
I believe you saw what you saw Lyssaret 😊 What your telling us isn't BS. It's the paranormal thinking behind it that is.
lyssaret (4 stories) (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-09)
I'm not a native Californian, I am from Georgia. And I haven't seen my dad since I was nine. Nine plus five is fourteen. I didn't have my sleepover at my dad's when I was ten, I had it here, in California. And no, I didn't hate your last comment, I haven't been on here to read it.
As for the other comments, I really do have a friend named Taylor with the last name Santiago. And what does the name "Granny" have anything to do with you? I mean,you're poster name IS zzsgranny... But the name in my first story had nothing to do with you... And the name "Zoe"...what does that have to do with anything?
And "killing a tree so a 14 year old can go see her dad"
I didn't even purchase the tickets... My mom did... How she got them... I don't even know, she just got them!
No,you're comment did not send me over the edge,I'm perfectly fine with the "BS blankly" being thrown because my stories aren't BS even if you think so.
I don't post fake stories,I'm not good at fictional writing. I don't have to put up with this... So I'm just going to keep posting my stories like nothing happened.
Can we just put this all behind us please?
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-09)
If it was a girl in a bikini you seen... What about it? Its a party and she was dressed in the swimsuit attire. She looked familiar because you HAD seen her at the party maybe just a glance but you did all the same. She was crying as she couldn't swim. She said, 'you can't drown twice' an immature statement exaggerated by her being upset. Maybe she got pushed in the water by one of the party goers and got so upset that well she said what she said. How do you know the girl didn't run into one of the other rooms before Jordan showed up? How do you know she didn't make it down the stairs before him? And lastly why would you take his word for it? 🤔
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-09)
A few more details, granny.

If you witnessed an individual that ran out of a room you are in and you pursue it, not knowing yet that it was a ghost, wouldn't you ask the first person you meet, "Did you see the girl?" not, "Did you see A girl?"...unless random unidentifiable children are always wandering around your friend's house.

I believe Kai could forget your bathing suit color, but why would she suddenly have to remember what color your hair was?... I don't believe I've ever forgotten what my friends look like when I'm looking at someone who is obviously not them.

And last but not least... Children do not allow others to refer to children who are roughly their age as "Little" as the first poster did, without correcting them...well, at least the two or three thousand kids I have known, anyway.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-08)
You've done it again! Kudos on the "Cali" reference, as a native Californian, I can certainly attest to that fact, WE HATE THAT! 😆
Aaw! Doesn't that blankie look perfectly at home covering this mess?

Jav 😆 😆
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-08)
Phwoar Granny just defragmented it all up right there, this is why we love having you and Miracles as our Moderators! Nice work my friend! 😊
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-08)
Well, I can see we're playing the petty "points game"...If you guys hated my last comment, then this one will probably send you over the edge 😆

Lyssaret: I'm going to use this thread to make points from all of your stories... I find it, um, interesting to say the least, that in your first story the names "Zoe" and "Granny" were used... And I don't think a four year old is old enough to make the decision about "which parent" they're going to live with... No parent in their right mind would place that kind of pressure on such a young child... Also from your first one, I find it extremely curious that you didn't make a point of changing the state where these experiences took place, since the point was emphasized in story #2...Also, people from California don't use the term "Cali" when refering to their state... Californians get downright ugly when they hear that 😆...And what the hell does this mean: "She told me something I'm pretty sure I will forget... But I haven't"?...

3rd story: Again, an interesting reference to an all too familiar name: Taylor... Shortly after your 10th birthday, you visited your Dad for the last time...Here's a quote from your profile: "I am Lyssa and I am not a normal 13 year old."; which means that this coming birthday, you'll be 14 years old, and yet, you state in this story: "I have not seen my dad in almost five years!", while evidenced through your own chronology, it's actually been almost four...Which, I guess, TECHNICALLY it could be construed as nearly five, but whatever...

And I will reiterate that here in the States, airlines don't issue paper tickets... In this high tech world, there's no need to kill a tree so a "14 year old" can go visit her Dad...

What this all comes down to is, you guessed it!...The hurling of the BS Blankey, the supersized multi-colored one...

To those of you who feel I'm picking on a "poor, little, needy teenager", you just got sucked in by one... 😆
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-07)
lyssaret: I'm very surprised your Mom placed an important, expensive document like an airline ticket in your care, for you (a 14 year old child) to bear the responsibility of for two weeks... Even more surprised that there is a ticket at all, since most airlines stopped issuing them years ago...
MandyyNicole (7 stories) (183 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-07)
Did your friend ever have any experiences with the girl, before/after you mentioned it to him?

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