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My Doll Dada


When I was 12 years old, my aunt visiting from America, gave me a doll. I thought why she'd give me a doll... I am a big girl now and don't play with them anymore...

I called her Dada for some or other reason I am not sure of. She was very pretty, unlike any doll I've ever seen. She had a face like a normal doll, with a sweet smile and dimples but her body was mostly light blue with rainbow colours on her arms and legs, and a beautiful blue and pink dress. She had blue hair made of long strands of wool that was in a high pony tail on top of her head. Perhaps some of you will recognise this doll, I think she was called Rainbow Bright. I Googled Rainbow Bright dolls, and these dolls do not look exactly like Dada (she was far more pretty than the images on the net), but similar.

She was not bought in South Africa, this I know, she came from America. What freaked me out a bit was that when I loosened her hair, there was this very big bald spot on her head; the hair was only 'around' her head, so if you fastened her hair, you could not see the bald spot.

Because Dada was pretty, I made her sit on my vanity table so everyone could see her when entering my room.

One day while I was doing exercises in my room I looked at Dada. She was sitting on the left side of the table. I looked away for a couple of minutes. When I looked at her again, I could swear she'd moved. She was now sitting in the middle of the table. Perhaps my imagination? I was very sure at the time...

I started to feel uncomfortable when I was in my room. It always felt as if Dada was looking at me. It fascinated me how her eyes almost looked alive sometimes, with that knowing grin, as if she knows something I don't. Sounds ridiculous, I know, perhaps the overactive imagination of a child...

One day my best friend, Liezl, came for a visit. We were sitting on my bed, busy talking, when all of a sudden Liezl jumped on the bed with a scream, pointing with her finger towards Dada. I asked her what the heck's wrong, and she screamed that the doll on the table just moved her eyes! She was speechless for about a minute or two after leaving my room, white in the face, and after calming down a bit, she told me that while we were sitting on the bed, she looked directly at Dada, and Dada blinked her eyes. I tried to find a rational explanation for this episode, thinking that this could not be true, but Liezl insisted that it was TRUE! She did not want to go into my room again, telling me that doll is evil. She asked me if I haven't yet realised what a evil face this doll has. I went into my room, took Dada and looked at her. The smile I always thought was so cute, now looked like an evil grin to me! I threw her inside my closet and closed the door very fast, all of a sudden very scared.

From then on I would take her out of the closet in the day time and make her sit on the table, but when I go to sleep, I would put her back inside the closet with the door ALWAYS closed, I would make sure of that. Some mornings when I woke, I would find my closet door open... But I never dwelt on that thought though, I didn't want to.

Until one night I had a very disturbing dream about Dada. It was as if she came to 'visit' me in this dream, it was so real. I was sitting in my room and heard a knock on my door. When I opened it there stood Dada with a very big butcher's knife in her hand, giving me that evil smile. I made a run for it and she followed me, knife in hand.

That was it, when I woke I took her out of my (open) closet, and locked her inside the garage... Yes, I did not have the heart to throw her away! Possibly because I am still sceptic to this day about her.

Years later I found her again when my father was looking for something in the garage, and I gave her to my own daughter. I made her sit on the drawer in my daughter's room. Of course I still wondered about what happened long ago and sometimes actually laughed at myself when I saw her, wondering if she is still 'alive'... Ζ’ΒΊ

One day when I got rid of a few toys in my daughter's room, I put Dada in the bag with the rest of the toys and gave her to the Hospice. Sometimes I wonder if she is still out there somewhere.

To this day I couldn't help but wonder, was she only a normal doll, or not. What do you think?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, anneke8, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Para-Hunter-Anne33 (19 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-08)
Detective3 The doll you described sounds like Strawberry Shortcake.
elnoraemily (guest)
11 years ago (2014-07-29)
Cman, I am literally following your comments to all the creepy doll stories.

I don't know whether to thank you for the great stories or blame you for my nightmares tonight.


Cman710 (9 stories) (94 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-29)
Interesting story. I would definitely never given her to my daughter, but that's just me. XD
ghostseeker9 (1 stories) (10 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-18)
I don't think it's a normal doll. I don't get too close to dolls. If I had a haunted doll, I would keep it locked in a room. If the doll could talk, I would ask questions.
MaryAnneTHEdoll (23 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-26)
Whenever I recieve a doll from a relative I always keep an eye on that doll especially now I got a porcelain doll I named Mary Anne (yah I know it's my username). Mary Anne looks fine and friendly so I was fascinated with her decorated her to my room. Your story is kind of weird and creepy, maybe next time you recieve a doll better observe it first!

❀ MaryAnne
anneke8 (10 stories) (274 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-25)
LOL Kia, sien jys Afrikaans!
I always thought about Chucky when I saw my doll. But now I feel so sorry that I just chucked her away...
xxxKiaxxx (3 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-20)
BRITE! Sorry blonde oomblik! πŸ˜† I woulve been scared aswell! Especialliy the one with red hair
xxxKiaxxx (3 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-20)
I just googled the rainbow btite doll, she kind of reminds me of chucky 😊...
Barbie1637 (1 stories) (34 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-08)
LoL anneke8... My hubby sure don't like the doll with no eyes... He says it stares at him... Although I don't know how without eyes... I can pick it up and put it on the couch with him and he freaks
anneke8 (10 stories) (274 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-06)
Hi guys.
Detective, I also felt very sad when I put her in a bag for the last time. And sometimes I wish I rather kept her. I am sure you get a phobia for many many things 😐 I have a phobia for moths and butterflies. Although I think it is for anything that can fly. Not scared if it is not flying... πŸ˜†
I am not afraid of spiders or the dark or anyting.
Pebbles, ha ha, I can think of quite a few horrible crime scenes where I can put one of my exes in...LOL
Ibelieve, I think it was a rainbow bright doll yes. She was pretty and freaky at the same time.
Barbie wow, I don't think I will have the guts to do something like that to a doll. I think they have feelings too, stupid as it sounds. I don't think I want a doll without eyes, looking at me every night in the dark...
Barbie1637 (1 stories) (34 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-06)
Great story. I myself love creepy looking dolls and have made one of my own out of a porcelain doll that we found in the trash... I colored around her eyes with black so they looked hollow and then took her eyes out... She is indeed creepy and my hubby hates it... He will not let me put it in our bedroom... Lol my 5 year old son is not to fond of it either... But my 2 year daughter loves it... Guess she is going to be weird like Again great story... 😊
Ibelieveheshere (2 stories) (68 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-21)
Goodness Did yOu say Rainbow Brite? That exactly my step sister had when she was little she got for christmas along with my other step sister and I got cabage patch dolls wow creepy...
detective3 (14 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-16)
I have a doll similar to dada... Her hair doesn't have the bald spot when you put it up in a pony tail but when it's out it has this huge ugly bald spot thing on the back of her head... She was like this strawberry doll thingy with a red dress with white tiny polka dots, she had blonde hair and she was really weird looking, she had really flat hands and her legs were different shapes and she wore bright red sneakers, I used to like her but when I grew older I didn't like her as much and I found her scary looking at night because her eyes used to watch me, I hated it so much, but I was sad when I ended up having a big clean up in my room and I decided to give her away... It was weird when I put her in this plastic bag and the only thing I could see of her was her shoes, her dress, and her eyes watching me through the plastic. I sort of miss her but then again she really freaked me out sometimes! I don't know why but I hate old looking dolls, I hate china dolls, I hate those really realistic looking dolls that actually looks like a real baby (I have about three in my bedroom though!) and I have no idea why they freak me out so much! Is it normal to have a phobia of dolls at night time when they watch you? Also is it normal to have a phobia of furry seats? I remember when I was three I cried because I didn't want to sit on a furry seat in the taxi! LOL RANDOM I KNOW! πŸ˜† 😁 ❀
PebblesnBammbamm (4 stories) (30 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-09)
It is an interesting and fun course. They do look a lot like people so that may be one of the reasons they scare me. When I did a simulated crime scene as an assignment the group I was in told me to imagine it was my ex-boyfriend (we ended on very bad terms) and this helped me get over the fact that it was a mannequin. I still can't go by clothes shops without shivering though 😊
anneke8 (10 stories) (274 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-06)
Pebbles, it's an interesting course you take! It must be soooooo nice! Especialy manequins can be very scary sometimes, I agree. Because thy look more like real people perhaps?
PebblesnBammbamm (4 stories) (30 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-28)
I don't know really, I've had this fear of dolls and anything like them for years. I hate mannequins aswell which is a disadvantage as I do a forensic science course at college and we need them to be the body. I think its because to me it feels like they're watching me. I don't really remember 😁 but thanks for getting back to me.
snigdhajha (2 stories) (12 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-10)
Wow, I have goosebumps. Ever since I saw child's play I've been scared of dolls. I didn't know that such things happen in real too.
But hats off to you for letting that thing stay in your house for so long.
anneke8 (10 stories) (274 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-10)
Because I was sceptic about what realy happened, I could not get so far as to get rid of her. My daughter never ever played with her though.
Haha I remember the Cabagepadge dolls! They were the most ugly dolls for me, I never wanted one πŸ˜†
I saw Childs Play after my experience with Dada, was much like my dream.

Shellzy, I never thought about it you know... If I can recall correctly, she was brand new when I got her, but I'm not so sure now...

Pebbles, first time I hear of someone who hates dolls! Is there a specific reason for this perhaps?

Haha Moongrim, nice to 'see' you again!

Thank you all for the comments, love you lots. A xx
shalyn03 (5 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-09)
OMG! Your story is just enough to freak my noontime. If I were you, I"ll try to bring her to the church and see if she's really an evil...:)
SnoWQueeN (5 stories) (100 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-09)
Woahoo! Damn that scares s**t out of me! If I was you I would have thrown it somewhere or make ashes of it, I can't stay calm throwing it in the garage and my head keeps knocking its still around me!

puppyqueen67 (9 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-09)
oh my gosh, that is so awesome! Don't get me wrong, that's completely scary, but that's such a good story. I had a rainbow bright doll and she was green haha. I forget what her name was... I don't have her anymore though πŸ˜•
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-09)
Ugghh! Sounds creepy! I had a Rainbow Brite Doll, but I was never freaked out by that. Now, I have a much-loved soft toy named Twinken (from 1 of the Barney movies) that sometimes freaks me out!
Love & Light, Rachel ❀
PebblesnBammbamm (4 stories) (30 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-08)
Just to clarify things before there's a long lecture, I didn't mean any disrespect towards this story, I liked it and I thought it was a great story
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-08)
I'm sure Chucky would've wanted to meet up with this little munchkin!
PebblesnBammbamm (4 stories) (30 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-08)
One reason why I hate dolls. They always look sinister and whenever some says 'Oh look, a cute doll', I always turn around and get out of sight of them. They have the creepiest grins and eyes, your story has just reminded me of my hatred towards them, great story and thank you x
shellzy (8 stories) (218 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-08)
Anneke your story brought back memeories of my own Rainbow Bright Doll! Ha ha I had forgotten I once had one!
There is something just so creepy about the thought of a doll blinking and moving on its own! Makes you wonder if a spirit had attached itself to the doll. Was it new when it was given to you or second hand? I wonder if your Aunt thought there was something strange about it too?
Lild0ggirl (3 stories) (39 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-07)
Wow, Anneke! This is creepy. I sometimes had my dolls or stuffed animals move. I hope all was alright with your daughter and Dada. I looked these types of dolls up and they looked a little creepy but very cute at the same time. I hope you have found peace. ❀
BlueBakemono (23 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-07)
I also had a Rainbow Bright doll when I was little. She scared the crap out of me. My conclusion: Rainbow Bright dolls SUCK.
clever210 (3 stories) (189 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-07)
MissyM: I loved rainbow bright! I still have all of my dolls packed away somewhere. I had so much fun playing with those.

Anneke8: That makes me think of "Chucky" as well. What a super creepy dream! 😨 Thanks for sharing.

~clever210 😊
MissyM (2 stories) (152 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-07)
YAY Rainbow Bright! Lol I had a doll like yours too. Oh and Cabbagepatch dolls also had the same hair
Your dream sounded just like the movie CHUCKY. (Im sure you've seen it. But if you haven't I recommend it to you for the sole fact that your above story reminded me of this movie so much)
I'm pretty sure the doll is fine and being enjoyed by another little girl.

Thanks for the story. It brought back youthful memories. ❀

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