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Dark Silhouette Of A Man


I am 50 years old now and live in Tennessee, but when I was a young man living in Michigan with my 2 brothers and 3 sisters in about 1971, I had a very real ghost experience. The farm where the occurrence happened was built in the late 1800s to early 1900s. The front steps of the farm had a tombstone turned upside down at the bottom of the front porch buried in the ground level (we discovered this later after the ghost or dark silhouette experience). The tombstone (marble) read Eliza Cole with a from date but no to date from what I remember.

Dark Silhouette Of A Man

I was laying in bed one night and for some reason I woke in the middle of the night and standing next to my bed was the dark silhouette of a man standing right next to my bed. I remember being so scared that I closed my eyes and opened them to see if it was gone, (it wasn't!) I closed my eyes and remember thinking I knew I was not dreaming and kept them closed, would wait a while and then I would open them to find it was still there. I was so scared that I refused to allow myself to look up at his face, and this went on for several attempts at closing my eyes, realizing I wasn't asleep, and opening them to see if he was gone. I can not describe the fear I felt and how terrifying this experience was. Finally, after I could not seem to shake this thing by waiting for it to leave, I screamed to the top of my lungs, DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD! My two brothers who were in separate beds in the same room immediately turned on the lights and my dad came running up the stairs. I told my dad about the experience and nothing else ever happened to me but he assured me I would be ok.

My brother Tom was two years older then me and I believe it was a few years after this happened to me, he had a similar experience with this BLACK SILHOUETTE of a man, only downstairs in the room opposite the stairs. My brother saw him at least twice and he would stand at the door of his room. Tom told me he was wearing a hat and he did look at his face and it was just dark. I went to visit my brother a few years ago at that same farm (he acquired it from my parents) and asked him if he ever sees the man anymore. He told me he did not, but my brother that I remembered to be so stable and down to earth seemed a little distant and weird compared to the solid personality I used to know as a kid. Don't know if it has any significance, or any relation to the black ghost, but honestly, the whole thing's just weird!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, aviater, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

tempestmoong (3 stories) (33 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-04)
I see what you mean about the upper window bit I was talking about was the one directly beneath it.

I don't know maybe it's my imagination but I see a from in the window. It almost looks female.

Nickie ❤ 😕
Cliney1212 (4 stories) (121 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
The profile I see is quite large... I could be imagining it but I've looked again and's in the upstairs window to the right looking down towards the door I can see full facial features with grey hair but it is definitely not a person in the room I have zoomed right into it...
mellybarr (4 stories) (46 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
I don't see the silhouette. It could be someone actually in the house maybe.

Here is the smudge I see amplified. I'm pretty sure it's a rain smudge.


Cliney1212 (4 stories) (121 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
Hi...ummmm may sound a little mad but I zoomed in on my iPad and there appears to be the profile of a man in the upstairs window also around the porch it's a little misty... Anyone able to see this? 😆
mellybarr (4 stories) (46 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
What do you see Nickie?

I see what looks like a mist in the window, but I think it might be a drop on the lens. It seems to be overcast so I wouldn't rule it out.

tempestmoong (3 stories) (33 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
Has anyone else taken a close look at the pic?
I want to know if anyone sees what I saw.
Just so I know if I'm insane. 😆 😆 😁
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
Exactly! I know just how that feels! Holding something like that in for so many years? I've been there. And it does feel great to let it go, doesn't it?
Good for you!

Jav 😊
aviater (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
Thanks for your comments Javelina:)

Yes I agree and have considered your thoughts also of course. The stones could have just been left over grave stones that were repurposed due to an error or whatever (obviously under the circumstances I felt them worth mentioning). I have carried this story around for years however, and it was kind of a relief to share it on whatever small scale with the ghost stories followers. I don't know what happened that night so many years ago, or what happened on the nights my brother seen this entity, I can assure you however, I have not seen anything like it since. Anything that would terrorize a young boy like that can't be good and this website claiming to be for true stories seemed like the best way to kind of let the whole thing go. This thing has been in the back of my mind my whole life, and with all the interest in these sort of things, I'm glad I could share it, as for some, it may be entertaining, but for me, it was a "REAL" event! God Bless
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
I'm sorry I missed this the first time it was up, but I did find this experience very interesting. The tombstones could easily have been put there as stepping stones. Nothing more, nothing less. They could have had errors on them, it is actually not that odd for someone to find a new use for them if they were ruined in the process of carving the information they were meant to display. It may seem weird, but if they were never used on a grave, and without a second date I would have to guess that at least that one was not, what's the big deal? I don't see anything wrong with it myself.
The dark silhouette you tell about is a bit freaky though. To just stand there staring at you? Yikes! The fact that it seemed to be a one time event, and your brother seeing him downstairs, doing that staring thing again, makes me wonder if it is an intelligent haunting. Perhaps one of the previous owners of the property? However, him staring at you boys gives me the willies! That is just too creepy. And rude too!
The change in your brothers demeanor, especially after the inheritance issues, almost sounds as if he is weighed down. Inheriting the farm, and thus losing his brother as a friend, may have taken a toll on him. Maybe it caught up to him finally. It is terrible what happens to families in the wake of losing a loved one who has passed on. If there is property left, sad to say, there are wars to be waged over it. I'm sorry that has come between you brothers, that is one thing people seem to never forget about. I've seen it in my own family too.
Thank you for sharing aviater.

aviater (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-07)
I've sent in a picture I found of the farm back in the late 60s with the tombstones at the front porch steps. I was very surprised to find the picture and I'm excited that it will support the factual basis of my documentary. I sent it to the webmaster of Ghost stories last night, as they have to ad it to the story page.
Ghostbeliever5 (8 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-06)
i'd be scared to hell if this happened to me! I hope this never happens to any one! 😭
Argette (guest)
12 years ago (2012-04-04)
Aviator, I meant no disrespect by my use of the word "story."

We all have a story to tell. I did not imply your posting was anything other than a documentation.
aviater (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-04)
The Tomb stones at the foot of the steps were about 2.5 inchs by aproximately 30" X 30" square and there were two (only one had a name as I recall in the documentary), the Eliza Cole. The stones were warn into the ground and when lifted they left an imprint of there location and of the thickness of the stones. They were there for years before we found out about one of them being a grave stone. We did dig down about 4-5 feet (I remember my Uncle John being there) before we decided to stop digging (we didn't find any remains) (maybe we decided we didn't want to either). For ZZ my dad bought the farm from Ben Mallott and the farm was on Cady Rd in Grass Lake MI (beautiful location with a huge, more like Gigantic, very old BARN. The stones may still be there, but my brother and I don't talk much due to a dispute of inheritance (he got all, I got NILL) but if the stones aren't there, he probably can tell you where they went.

I consider this a documentary of an experiance I had as a young boy, and not a story. This is true to the best of my memory, knowledge and belief. Thanks to everyone for your interest and kind words. It is appreciated, I have tried to be as honest and straighforward as possible. 😊
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-04)
Hi aviater, it seems like zzsgranny already figured out a plan to help you to discover some history. I think we are all waiting now for you to reply to her question. It seems to me that this ghost might be attached to the farm. I know how you must have feel because I had the same experience, and it was very frightening for me too. It is the worse feeling to feel so helpless and not knowing what to expect next. If it wanted to harm you then it would have done that already. For me I agree on the fact that it just wanted to get the message to you that he's also there on the farm.
Thanks for sharing. Take care.
TheLurkingUnknown (1 stories) (19 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-03)
I think the spirit just wanted to make itself known. It said look at me I am here and I want you to know that but I am not here to scare you (which it failed at)
Argette (guest)
12 years ago (2012-04-03)
I guess I just assumed the tombstone was used for a step because in the 19th century or thereabouts, people used anything that was at hand to build their homes. Perhaps the tombstone was taken from a family grave, maybe it was never used, perhaps Eliza was disinterred, who knows? My family home, which was brought into the 21st century by new owners had sawdust used as insulation, which is probably not unusual in lumber country.

So I didn't find the tombstone too odd.

By the way, was this the famous Hat Man, do you think?

Very interesting story.
bereal25 (1 stories) (22 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-03)
Wow. Interesting accounts. It would seem just being on the farm for that long would start to get to a person (reminds me of the Summerwind haunting when the husband starts to change and has a mental breakdown) . I'm really interested in the tombstone. I wonder why it was placed there
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-04-03)
aviater: Can I ask if you recall the "from" date?...Rootsweb lists an Eliza Cole, married to Chester Cole in or about 1830, lived in Michigan...
RainLilly (36 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-03)
The tombstone is interesting. By upside down, was it flat and face down? Or placed vertically in the ground? Just trying to get a clear mental image. No "to" date makes me think the stone was commissioned, but stolen by vandals before Eliza's death. It's an idea anyway. Have you ever searched local history for an Eliza Cole?
You said your brother seemed different than before. If he lives alone he may have just gotten used to solitude. This dark figure's appearances seem few and far between, so maybe it doesn't have anything to do with your brother being a little different. But, if you live close enough, try to spend more time with him. If he's just lonely, the extra time with him will be a huge benefit. And if it's something else making him a little off, he will be more likely to confide in you if you see each other more. If you live too far away, try to call him regularly.
Creepy account, no doubt about it.
mellybarr (4 stories) (46 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-03)
Aviater - I'm a little confused about the tombstone under the porch.

You wrote,

"The front steps of the farm had a tombstone turned upside down at the bottom of the front porch buried in the ground level"

I can't seem to get a clear picture in my head of where this tombstone lay. The front steps of the farm seems a little vague.

Also I find it very strange, even for an house as old as yours was, that someone would bury their dead under the porch.

As a person who's seen shadow people herself I do believe your story, but I find the tombstone part a little hard to swallow.
Lild0ggirl (3 stories) (39 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-03)
Wow aviater! This is a great story. My question is why were you scared to look at his face? I mean, I would have to, but still why?
Cocoa (guest)
12 years ago (2012-04-03)
Wow, I've been in that state of shock before. I too have had the SAME experience though it was just a black man with no features at all. If it was a hat, which kind of hat, a bowlers cap?

If you can, maybe illustrate a picture of this man and post it in a comment?

Thanks so much! 😊
Argette (guest)
12 years ago (2012-04-02)
I would think that living in a house like that for so long might change a person...

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