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He Is Back


I am currently 20 years old. The earliest paranormal experience that I remember was probably when I was 5 years old. I thought it was all going to be over when I started college two years ago, but I was wrong. It only got worse.

I attend Mills College, an all women private school. It has so much history, and if you ask the students, it has a lot of ghostly visits.

My first year of college was horrible. I will get into the details of my first year in another post, but that is when the nightmares began. It was my second semester of my first year of college when I started getting the nonstop night terrors. EVERY single night I would dream about the devil raping me. They were vivid, the smells were strong, the noises were loud, and it felt real.

I would wake up screaming, and I did not have a roommate to talk to. I would sleep with the lights on, and try not to sleep. However, I had to sleep. Then it would begin... He would trap me in a temple, house, hospital room, and my room. It was different every night, but I knew what was going to happen. He would kill the people I was with at the time, and he would send his little friends to hold me down. They stung my skin as they griped my legs harder while I tried to get away. They were smaller than he was with red hard textured skin and black eyes. Once they knew I would not get away, he would come. I always refer to him as "he".

You have to see him to truly know how he looks like. He has pitch black eyes, and that is about all I really can describe. When I see him, that is all I see. The rest is out of this world to even describe. He is a mixture of a lizard, bull, black shadow, rough skin, tall, and bulky.

I thought he was just in my dreams until I went home for the summer after that year. I sleep with my three younger siblings (now they are 17, 15 and 13). They would look at me weird in the morning, until I asked one day what was going on. My sister (the 15 year old) said that every night I would start screaming, "No, No, Stop!" Then, my brother (the 17 year old) said he would hear me moan. The youngest brother thought he was the only one that noticed me acting weird. I told them that I was having bad nightmares, and next time to wake me up. Well, that night I was being raped by the devil again in my dream. My sister said that when she heard me moan, she shook me, and that is when I woke up screaming and my dad came running in. He asked if I was okay, and I said," Yeah I woke up and I saw my her face, and it scared me. I am okay." They laughed, and went back to sleep. I did not want them to worry that something had happened.

Before my sister heard me I had woken up, and I noticed I could not move. I thought it was sleep paralysis, but it got weird when I could move my upper half of my body. Then, I felt prickles on my legs going up and pressure on my stomach. It felt like somebody was on top of me, and I wanted to scream. However, as I was about to pray this thing somehow put me to sleep.

If we fast forward this story, we end up in my second year of college. I had my mom bless my room, and I did not have a nightmare again. However, as I will explain in future posts, I am very sensitive and I know when he is around. He got really angry, and so did I. I taunted him one day and said, "I bet you are angry because I do not fear you anymore." That night I arrived in my room at 8 pm, and started my homework. Then, I heard a too familiar growl. I did not want to deal with him, so I went to my friend Laura's room to finish my homework.

I like to sleep at midnight to get a good seven hours of sleep, so I headed back to my room at midnight. I opened the door, and closed it behind me. I put my books on my bed, and turned to the left to brush my teeth by the sink. With my toothbrush in my mouth I walked towards the right of my room to my dresser, and my heart stopped.

There on my new dresser were three long scratches starting from the middle down. With my toothbrush still in my mouth I ran down the hall to Laura's room. I was pale, and I told her what I saw. We both ran back to my room, and her eyes got big. She quickly grabbed my arm and said, "Lets go, you are sleeping in my room tonight." We did not even lock my room, we just left.

My final exams came along after that, which were interrupted by my accident and concussion. So I did not have time to worry about it. I have spent two months getting better after that.

Three weeks ago... I saw him. I was coming out from my boyfriend's house at 11:34 pm. We went out from the back gate and I turned to the left, and I gasped and jerked back to the wall. I almost fell but he caught me and asked half laughing, "Are you okay?" I replied with, "Yeah, let's go." Once I was comfy in bed, I texted him saying: I know you do not believe in the paranormal, but he is back. I saw him, and this time he is not playing around. He is taunting me."

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, jeluna, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

jeluna (1 stories) (6 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
Jemiance: Thank you. I have been working on controlling my dreams. It's easier than I thought it would be.

Johndeere21: Thank you for your words. I have been praying when I am scared at night, and it usually calms me down almost instantly.

Spirtsercher: I am not Jewish, even though I am convinced I was Jewish in my past life. Who was this lady singer? Thank you for your advice I will take it. I will definately NOT taunt him anymore.

AdriannaMarieCole: Thank you! I hope I get better at writing down my experiences with time. I have so many, but it is hard for my to write in details since there is so much happening. I will try though!

CammiAlice: I know what you mean. I have had weird things happening to me in the past month, and I will keep him away!
jeluna (1 stories) (6 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
I am sorry for the late replies. I have been busy with my summer class and finals. I am done with the class! I am excited to tell you all my other experiences to figure things out together. Something strange happened to me yesterday, and now my boyfriend does not think I am crazy. He was with me when it happend, and he is scared. I will reply to all of you in the next comment.

Yesterday's experience: I walked out of his house and starting walking down the stairs as I said bye to his younger brother. My boyfriend was behind me on top of the stairs when he got a call. I turned around and stopped midway and asked who it was. He replied with, " I don't know. It's restricted." After that, he answered the phone and he said, "Hello? Umm, hello?" After that he hung up, and I asked,"Who was it honey?" He replied with, "I don't know. I just heard breathing on the other line. It was weird so I hung up. Wait... It was you!" I looked up and said,"How can it be me? I was right here with you. Look!" I showed him my phone, and we both were shocked. My phone said I had called him, not only called his number, but with a *67 to block the call. I never touched my phone because it was under my sweater in my bag. Then, I called him again to see if maybe I had his phone number saved as blocked, and it showed his number without the *67. He then blamed it on me, and I said,"Well if it was me, how could I dial your number with the block that fast, I don't even know your number by memory. Therefore, I would have to edit it, and that would just take too long." He drove me to my house, and when he drove up the drive way I told him to go with me because I was scared. Once he turned the car off we heard loud noises outside coming from all sides. It sounded like metal scrapping. We both came out and investigated, but nothing. Then, he said,"I think it was just a phone glitch." I replied with,"Then how do you explain the breathing." He looked at me scared, and said this is weird. He then said he heard a breathing in and out about three times before he hung up. Something similar has happened to us two years ago, which I can tell you guys if you would like. I don't understand what happened with my phone!
CammiAlice (5 stories) (12 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-30)
bless where you live again, try to get rid of him as soon as possible, maybe get a demonoligist involved. You say he raped you in his dreams, please do not leave this to the point that he rapes you when you are awake. I do not want to scare you by saying that but messing with this thing is really dangerous, so try to do something about it and ignore him in the meanwhile. Good luck
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-30)

I believe you are referring to this comment of mine...

"It's hard to say what may have triggered your nightmares, they seem to be of a very specific type of attack (being 'raped' is the word you used) and repetitive nightmares of this sort usually have a 'trigger' event, something that has happened to the individual or maybe someone close to them that causes the 'nightmares' as the individual tries to process what has happened to them. Having said that, you have mentioned you've seen this 'figure' outside your dreams and he's taunting you... I wonder if 'it' isn't a manifestation of negative energy that has built up around you because of these nightmares. Or perhaps a negative 'entity/spirit' had attached to you because of 'energy released' by the nightmares and because they stopped after your mother blessed the dorm room it chose to manifest in an attempt to scare you and 'restart' the nightmares."

So no... It wasn't something 'not attacking' to be a good sport... Jeluna even confirmed this when she stated...

"...failed to mention something important! During the two month period I had no dreams at all. I usually have vivid detailed dreams, but during that time I had none."

So if jeluna was not having any dreams... Due to the 'bump on the head', possible medications she was on during her recovery... What ever the reason there were no dreams. No dreams = no energy for the 'entity/spirit' to be attracted to or to 'draw energy' from. So there was no reason for it to 'manifest'.

I hope that clears things up...


AdriannaMarieCole (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-29)
Real or not this is my favorite ghost story of them all. This was very interesting! I read it about 2-3 times.
kardagen (2 stories) (161 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-28)
SDS: I believe what rook was saying (correct me if I'm wrong rook) was the "entity" saw no sport in attacking a individual that couldn't resist. Many "hunters" feel this way. The chase reflex in most predators is another example of this. Resistance, running away. Fighting back, its a sport. It makes it more enjoyable.
as the O.P said, it could be chaulked up to sleep paralysis.
and a side note. To my bible believing companions, it may be true "your god" may not have a opponent bigger then "it" but there are countless losses to "them" any way. Some times the "tried not-so-true" method isn't always the best.
spirtsercher (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-28)
this is horrible! One of the worse things I have ever seen. Now may I ask are you Jewish? You said 'In a temple" first of all do not taunt the spirt secound I saw on a TV show that a singer lady was talking about her experiences simaler to yours after the announcer dude said that when you are on the path to greatnisss the devil will come sometimes and try to stop your destiny. This lady was very famous. Her experences are VERY simaler to yours she discribes a wall of black mas glowing eyes and bad dreams starting in her child hood.
First what you need to do is continue what your doing ignor the nights and keep going on with your life.
2. Bless your building its just for extrprotction. Wear a blessed cross (or jewish star wich ever) wher ever you go.
3. Take other drastic precostions the others tell you
johndeere21 (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-27)
This is very serious!...I went through horrible episodes myself. This is demonic in nature and should be addressed as such. I grew up not knowing about spiritual warfare. Fear ran my life for years, I was attacked in my dreams and also when I was awake. There is permanent relief in your situation. Total deliverance for you, and anyone who is going through demonic attack. The enemy is not as big as God. He is a defeated foe. He wants you to believe the lie that he will always own you. What a lie! He is the father of lies. That is all he does. -But there is one that over came our adversary on the cross.- His name is Jesus. I am telling you the truth. The enemy is cunning, and very cruel. In the Word, I Peter says "your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking who he may devour." Also John 10:10, says that Satan seeks to kill, steal, and destroy." What does he want to destroy in you? Your joy, peace, sleep, sanity. I encourage to read these Scriptures Proverbs 3:24...It says "When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down your sleep will be sweet." There are so many Scriptures on peaceful sleep, restful sleep. Ask Jesus to be Lord and Savior of your life and you will see how different your life will become. I speak from experience. My life has been made new. And my sleep; absolutely peaceful. I will be praying for you, my friend.

Jemiance (1 stories) (18 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-25)
You need to remember that you cannot show fear at all when dealing with things like this. I've seen a lot of things growing up, some I will never forget. As I got older I finally realized that they feed on our fear, it's as if it gives them energy and power and every time we get scared they'll come back. AS for the dreams, you need to remember that they are your dreams. Not his, meaning you can control what occurs in your dreams, when it happens I want you to keep a clear head and focus on breaking free. Not physically but mentally, it will take practice but it will work.
jeluna (1 stories) (6 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-24)
Rook: You are welcome! There has been a traumatic event in my life, which is too personal for me to share just yet. I am here to share my experiences to get more of an understanding whether it is paranormal or if its due to my past. This particular story can easily be explained with logic. However, there are other stories I cannot explain. Such as, when people take pictures of me and see a little ghost girls. Or, when people see the same ghost at the same time I do. I will share those experiences later. Thank you for the advice, I will try it as soon as possible and keep you updated!

SDS: I failed to mention something important! During the two month period I had no dreams at all. I usually have vivid detailed dreams, but during that time I had none. I even have a hard time remembering what I did in those two months. It feels as if I fast fowarded into the future. I was so disoriented and confused that I wouldn't have noticed a ghost even if I saw one.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-24)

Without more information I can not be 100% sure, but if she did her entire recovery in her dorm room, which mom had blessed, this may have protected her during her recovery.

Blessing and Cleansing's both have to be renewed to stay effective... While our 'Strength of Faith' may determine how long they hold as with anything we do if we do not FOCUS on it they become forgotten and 'weakened' over time. During the recovery the blessing weakened and this Entity has chosen to manifest and 'scare' jeluna, back into a 'state' where she has the 'nightmares' it was drawing energy from.

Again, without more information I can not be 100% sure, but with what the O/P has told us this 'feels' like the right answer to me.


sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-24)

Thanks for your clarification. But I would like to ask you that whenever you go to sleep prior to the accident, you had the experiences. You said in your reply that after the accident, you slept all day (figure of speech) for nearly 2 months. Then why it didn't happen. Thats a mystery. Again now that you are alright, it is coming again. Try rook's method of cleansing. Hopefully you would be out of these bad experiences.

Now, to you rook, I want a clarification. In India, whenever a spirit attacks or targets a person, the attacks will be more virulent when one is weak and not able to fight back. In the case of Jeluna, she says that she did not have any experiences for nearly two months during her convalescence period. That is one thing I couldn't understand. Can you please clarify.

Regards and respects to both of you.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-24)

Ah, now things begin to become clearer. 😁 Thank you for your reply.

It's hard to say what may have triggered your nightmares, they seem to be of a very specific type of attack (being 'raped' is the word you used) and repetitive nightmares of this sort usually have a 'trigger' event, something that has happened to the individual or maybe someone close to them that causes the 'nightmares' as the individual tries to process what has happened to them. Having said that, you have mentioned you've seen this 'figure' outside your dreams and he's taunting you... I wonder if 'it' isn't a manifestation of negative energy that has built up around you because of these nightmares. Or perhaps a negative 'entity/spirit' had attached to you because of 'energy released' by the nightmares and because they stopped after your mother blessed the dorm room it chose to manifest in an attempt to scare you and 'restart' the nightmares.

Please feel free to try this method, I use it for my home and Family and others have used it as well...

Recipe for a Home Cleansing/Shielding... (allow for two or 3 days to complete)

Day one: Open all curtains window and doors with screens installed, let fresh air and sunshine into the home. Have all closets, cabinets and other 'dark spaces' open so that as much natural light as possible can enter those spaces. After 2-3 hours take a broom and 'sweep' out each room (this is symbolic and you do not have to really sweep) focus your thoughts on sweeping (pushing) out all negative energies / entities /thoughts. Close home up after completing each room of your home... Please do not forget your garage if you have one. (Optional) Light incense (sandalwood or Dragons-blood works well for me) and let aroma fill the home, and/or play a tape that contains your favorite Church/Positive, Upbeat (songs that give you good thoughts) songs before you begin sweeping.

Day two (or three): Once again open all curtains, windows and doors. Take a White candle (Optional) to the center most point of the home, sit on the floor and place candle in front of you. Light the candle (visualize a white ball of light) and then focus on the flame... Visualize the flame (white light) filled with positive thoughts, energy. (Say a prayer at this time if you so desire... Ask for cleansing positive energy to fill the candles flame/white light). Hold this 'image' in your mind and then visualize the flame (light) slowly expanding outward, visualize it filling the room your in, every corner and 'dark space'. Continue to visualize it's outer edges pushing away (burning away) any and all negative energies/entities out and away from each room in your home. Once you have visualized this flame (light) filling your entire home, picture it expanding to your property lines. Hold this image in your mind for a few moments then visualize 'anchoring' this flame (light) where you are sitting which is the center most point of your home. Once you have done this. Take a deep breath, relax a few moments and then blow out the candle. (If you didn't use a candle just let yourself relax a moment or two.) "

Now you can create a shield for yourself using the 'home shield' technique but instead of focusing on your home visualize the 'flame' simply surrounding you instead of your home... Best time to do this is after a nice shower using a rosemary scented soap (rosemary is good for purification and protection.)

Please keep us updated.


jeluna (1 stories) (6 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-24)
Rook: You are welcome! Let me make it more clear (thank you once again). I saw a movie when I was younger about some girls in high school who got into witch craft. I also saw Hocus Pocus where the witches flew above the cemetery. I wanted to "fly" like a witch. As a child, I thought if I became a witch I could fly. So I got some friends and we went to a library. We asked a woman in the library if she could tell us about witches. She basically said they have long noses, brooms, and can make spells. That was boring for us, so I asked my aunt who was 16 at that time. She told only me to sleep over, and she played the quija with me. Nobody knew about this. My parents would be ANGRY. I played with her many times, then I took the game and played with my friends. I stopped playing when my mom found it. She made me throw it away. My aunt played it because she was doing drugs (which I did not know at the time and she never offered me any). She was very high, and wanted to see spirits. This has nothing to do with my parents beliefs, this is just what I did for fun as a naive child. We are very spiritual family.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-24)
Growing up and playing with an Ouija board at 7 to summon a demon so you could become a witch, is that particular reason I was referring too that needs confronting and part of the reason why your are having the nightmares your experiencing today, can I ask this question, dd your parents condone or know about what you was doing at that's not for me to be judgemental of them, I'm more interested in trying help you confront some of the issues that may have led to the problems your having today... The first step to healing, may well be to understand how your were hurt in the first place and thank you for answering our questions, it's sometimes not easy to read comments that may not be what you expect to see or how you thought your story would be perceived by others!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-24)

Thank you for your reply, may I ask just what your Cultural Background is? There are not many who would let an 8 year old 'dictate' the 'rules' of 'game' that contacts spirits. In fact you are the first '8' year old I've heard of using a 'board'. (This is alarm # 1)

You said this...

"I used to play with the quija in order to contact demons so I could be a witch to "fly". I was naive and young (8 years old). I remember asking my family and friends to play a game with me and the devil. Some would do it because they thought I was kidding, others were freaked out. I don't really remember many details since I was young, but I would rub their temples and make them go into a house with 7 white or black doors. Some laughed it off, others ran out screaming and never came back. Those who would run said they saw a black shadow in the corner of my house right after they opened their eyes."

Just what do you mean you would rub their temples and 'make them' go into a house with 7 white or black doors? (Alarm # 2)

I have never met a Family who believes in the Paranormal and/or Practices Wicca who would let an 8 year old 'play' with items or 'abilities' they may have. Certainly they would 'work with' and help the child develop them but to let the child 'play' with a Ouija Board to talk with 'devils' so they could learn to fly? Maybe I'm being judgmental (I hope not) in asking these questions, but your answers (at least those directed to me) have left me even more confused.


jeluna (1 stories) (6 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-23)
vicuttie8: thank you =]

Rookdygin: Sorry for my word choice, I will be more careful in the future. It is a devil, not the Devil. In my culture it is believed that if a priest blesses a cross it has the power to bless the place where it is located at. I used to play with the quija in order to contact demons so I could be a witch to "fly". I was naive and young (8 years old). I remember asking my family and friends to play a game with me and the devil. Some would do it because they thought I was kidding, others were freaked out. I don't really remember many details since I was young, but I would rub their temples and make them go into a house with 7 white or black doors. Some laughed it off, others ran out screaming and never came back. Those who would run said they saw a black shadow in the corner of my house right after they opened their eyes.

Rozo: That would be difficult since we all have single dorms. Something that would explain would be if an animal came in and scratched it while was brushing my teeth. That would mean it would have done it in a minute without me hearing it though. It IS very possible though because my next door neighbor had rats and had to be moved.

Aussiedaz: I will try =].

Seeker1: I have not seen the movie, but my dad did tell me what it was about. You are right, but I do not have that kind of money. Since the concussion my anxiety has calmed down a bit. I do plan on using my campus resources next fall though =].

Lsandhu: Will do when I get insurance!

Waffles: About a week ago I had a terrible nightmare and said, "In the name of Jesus Christ leave me alone!" Right away I felt at ease, and went back to sleep. It does work!

Jack86: Haha I wish I was! I will try tomorrow to sketch him.

Vegas: I tried it and it worked! =]

Reddysteady: I am so sorry haha. I am getting better, but my mind is really slow I forget the reader does not know what I know. I was having nightmares throughout last Spring semester. This incident happened two weeks before my semester finals. I had my accident the first day of finals. I got a concussion, and I was sent home. I taunted it because I was angry at him. He caused me so much panic.

Sds: The accident was after my dance final. I climbed up concrete stairs, ran a bit, and jumped to do martial arts front flip. I was supposed to land on the grass gracefully, but instead I landed on hard concrete head first. I passed out for like a second because I don't remember anything, my friend told me everything that happend. It wasn't a horrible accident, but it was bad enough to be sent home and rest for two months. After the accident, I slept ALL day. It was difficult for me to even shower. When I slept, I had no dreams. I did not think clearly either. That is why my story does not make sense. The nightmares happened before the accident.

Joshuakeys: Thank you. I am here to share my experiences to see if this is just sleep paralysis and anxiety. Or if there really is paranormal in my life.

Slenderman: None taken =]. Sometimes I do not know things. The more comments, the more I realize.

LiLiLantern: This has happened to me at my parents' house, my dorm, my friend's house, a hotel in Boston (which was the freakist experience ever!). When people sleep over my dorm and my parent's house, they say they see a black shadow in the corner. This is coming from 5 different people.
jeluna (1 stories) (6 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-23)
Thank you everyone for your comments. I appreciate each one because it is hard for me to tell somebody what happens to me since I forget the reader was not present at the time. The more blunt the comments are, the better and more appreciated they are. I will answer each question with time since I have only little. Overall with your help, I believe this experience can be explained by sleep paralysis. I will write about every experience to try and find a logical explanation for each one.
LiLiLantern (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-23)
Kinda sounds like what I have experienced. Never actually saw a face, but then supposedly demons can take many forms, and yes, to me, this sounds demonic.

Just to rule out other factors, you should see if you experience things at another place besides college, because like someone else posted, college kids are known for being pranksters. Maybe when you go to your parents house, spend the night and see if you have similar experiences. Speaking of which, try and see if anything can happen in the day time, it seems that these things only happen at night at around or on midnight. Also see if you can get a friend to stay with you, that way if something out the ordinary does happen, that way you have another person to validate what you see and feel.
Slenderman (33 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-21)
[at] SDS

To understand why "He" didn't attack when she was bedridden you would have to understand "His" motive. From what I read above there doesn't seem to be an APPARENT motive.

A SIDE NOTE: My opinion on why he didn't attack at that time was simply, he decided it wasn't fair sport, as a demonic, they do have a sense of pride. How proud would he be to attack the HELPLESS, not the weak? <-- No offense Jeluna.

Keep it real,

joshuakeys (7 stories) (45 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-21)
jeluna, You have to consult a professional, This is not going in a right direction, If you do not get rid of it, You will get used to it, in turn, you will make it stronger & it will make you weaker.

Get rid of it & please take care

sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-21)
Jeluna, I am really sorry for all the nightmares you are having. From the narrative, I think you need a professional to ward of the devil. Second one I wanted to ask you is that how the accident happened to you and you said you had concussions. Did it have anything to do with the haunting? Another aspect is that you said that for two months while you were recovering from the accident, you did not have time to worry about it. Then whether that means there was no nightmare. Please clarify.

Also, if it or he had attacked you while you were in your house or hostel room, why it did not when you were bedridden due to accident. That is confusing.

Better to consult a professional in paranormal and if there is any negative energy or devil, he would help in warding off the evil.

Take care and God Bless you.


reddysteady (5 stories) (95 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-19)
I'm going to echo the "Wait, you were having nightmares until your Mum did whatever-she-did to get rid of the energy that was causing them, and then you taunted it?" o_o That's just silly bananas.

I was pretty lost with the time-line of this account, too, and I don't get what you mean by "My final exams came along after that, which were interrupted by my accident and concussion. So I did not have time to worry about it. I have spent two months getting better after that." I'm sorry you got hurt somehow 😢 But we don't know what that means! And it will make some of us mightily tilt our heads to the side - zuh?

I'ma wait to vocalize any of my other concerns with this, too. I'm terribly sorry you're having a rough time, however, and hope that your boyfriend, friends, and family are a comfort 😳
Vegas (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-19)
When you see that dark spirit All you have to do is Say the name of Jesus Christ and command it to leave you alone in the name of Jesus Christ! The spirit will run away in a blink of an eye and be strong do not show weakness
Jack86 (1 stories) (44 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-18)
"He is a mixture of a lizard, bull, black shadow, rough skin, tall, and bulky"

Are you in anyway artistic? Why not try a sketch of him... I know he appears in different forms to different people but it couldn't hurt.

And remember just cause people are sceptical doesn't mean they don't want to help you... Chin up and stay strong
waffles (1 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-18)
I AM SO SORRY FOR YOU! I hope He stops taunting you. If you see him, and if you are Christian, just know that God is here for you.
lsandhu (2 stories) (360 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-16)
Rather than going straight to a psychiatrist, I would start with a regular doctor and ask for a referral to a sleep clinic. It's always best to rule out natural causes for these troubling nightmares before you turn to the paranormal for an explanation. Personally, I don't believe in devils or the Devil, although I do not rule out the possibility of malevolent spirits who would like to harm us if they can. However, I don't believe they can harm us unless we let them. Thus, they are great liars and manipulators. Try not to help it by imagining it has powers there is no evidence it possesses. And please do seek medical help.
Seeker1 (3 stories) (58 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-16)
No offense here.
Theory 1). I'm thinking this account sounds too much like the movie, "Entity".

Theory 2).If this is a true account I think you should seek out a very good psychiatrist. Not saying you are crazy. Our dreams help us solve daily issues and can/do point to much deeper life issues/possible trauma. A good doctor can guide you through and help you fight your inner demons.

My best to you in seeking and finding the peace you need.
Blessed Be
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-16)
Repetitive dreams to the degree your having them are not normal that's for sure, there has to be a reason for them and I don't want to presume some things that may be causing them, but if your mother blessed your room I'm sure you must have grown up believing the devil is real as you have seem to convince yourself that your dreams are caused by the devil himself, one thing you can try and you have already eluded too it...It's more probable this is your sub conscious causing these repetitive dreams for a particular reason... Confronting that reason and removing all the fear and emotions attached to it, will release your (sub) mind enough to suppress these nightmares and get your dream state back to normal... I used to have repetitive about being attack by a shark for years... And I'm sure a few of the folk here remember that movie Jaws, the Colbert for causing my nightmares... Then at 20 years old and went a gained my scuba diving certificate and instantly cured my nightmares, it works!

Regards Daz
Rozo (3 stories) (108 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-16)
Hey Guys,

I totally agree with you Rook, I am also not sure just how much of this story sounds plausible, I am also thinking that if O/P might have told anyone at college, they could as a 'Bully' if you will made the scratches on her table to freak her out. College Kids are known for being Pranksters.
But this is obviously just debunk suggestion and am in no way saying it didn't happen.
Look forward to getting more clarity.

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