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Real Ghost Stories

Explanations For Some


I have to be very careful this time not to make too many enemies as I did with my first try. So let me start this off with a little introduction. I am of the latest generation of my bloodline (which at last I counted was walking into the 22nd). I descend from a very distinguished line of former kings and rulers of the Samoan Islands (as do many of countrymen). The cultural aspect of life is where the supernatural practices are most evident. Oral stories of great people and great wars amongst the Samoa's and other Pacific nations forged our identity. Wars that helped shape not only who we are as a people but also solidifying our identity as the people of the sun. In our cultural upbringing, we are taught of the traditions and taboos. The clash of course is when it comes to our western education; the cultural aspect tends to lose its meaning because of western values. But we continue to enforce the meanings of these because most taboos are based in very very true events.

I have read in many accounts posted here of skin walkers, or demons, or even dopplegangers. In Samoan culture in fact all of these accounts describe one type of supernatural being. We call it the AITU. (AH-EE_TWO). The Aitu are classified into many subgroups but the three most dangerous and malevolent are the Aitu (Specter) the Sauai (more physical in manifestations and will harm you physically) and the Aitu-lua (the half human). These three entities are most feared and often seen of all the forms of the Aitu. The Aitu, or specter has the ability to invade your dreams, cloud your senses, and even sound like you. It is often playful but is not to be toyed with.

The Sauai (sah-ooh-ahh-eee), is one that has made his/her mark throughout history. Kidnapping, mass murder, even mocking the Religious movement when they first sought to establish branches here on the islands. These very real beings were often seen and served by the locals when they walked with us in physical form. Nowadays, they are seen and sensed at events for families (as their main function is as protector to bloodlines). If the family is doing something wrong or the cession of a very important chieftain title is not done correctly, you will see them appear or someone will be possessed in order to be it's mouth piece to plead its case. The Sauai is also known to take on not only a human form but also other elements such as fire, water, trees...etc...

Aitu-lua (Ah-ee-two-loo-uhh). These are humans who are also ethereal I believe the word is. They exist on all planes and are very violent and vengeful. They have black eyes, very pale skin and are noticed by the bright hue of red hair they cannot hide. They are human in view to the plain eye until they are crossed or jealous of someone. Then people can see through the facade (unless you are born with sight, then you can see them regardless.) These people have held important ranks in Samoan history. Kings, warriors, even Queens. Physically, they stand almost superior to you. A little taller than most, a little more built than most, a little more charismatic than most, a little more hungry than most. They have oral histories of these people eating an entire village of people until his own son attempted to become a sacrifice hence stopping his cannibalistic father from further bloodshed. These entities are also said to be direct descendants of the gods. They have the ability to make you sick, take your wife or valued belongings even cause death.

Now that you have an small inside look into my culture, let me begin my next account of an event that happened to me the summer of 1995. I was hunting with 3 of my uncles on land my family owns that is on a mountain side about a 3-5 hour hike depending on the weather. This particular spot was so beautiful. A pond about 20-40 feet in circumference and seems almost bottomless (we never tried to touch its bottom but its pretty deep.) The water is ice cold. The pond is sheltered on three sides by a natural canopy. It looks like something out of a painting. The pond then trickle's down to a stream that flows all the way down the valley of the mountain. The mouth of the stream is a flat plateau approximately 200 feet filled with Samoan Cotton trees (vavae (vuh-vah-aye), fruit tress called Vi (vee) and mangoes and bananas. The bats we were hunting love to roost in the vavae tree as the cotton cones camouflage them. My uncles were hunting with 2 12 gauge shotguns (1double barrel) and a 14 gauge and a 30 aught 6 deer rifle just in case we were to come across wild boar or anything that wasn't friendly.

My uncles spot bats roosting and take positions at the base of the tree. They form a triangle perimeter about 20 paces apart to get maximum blast coverage. They fire off the first volley of rounds and I can hear the bats hit the ground. So I start to gather our hunt as volley after volley is heard. Lasted about 10 minutes before I noticed they had gone silent. I wasn't really paying attention because I thought that they'd taken a break to cool the barrels of the guns. I slowly straighten up to look for them when one of my uncle's uses the army signals we were taught to stay and not move. So now (mind you I was in my early teens and now was beginning to let my fear take over). So I just let my eyes roam to spot where my other uncles had taken position. (mind you, a pyramid perimeter with me at the base, about 50 feet behind me was the pond.) I look left and my uncle with the double barrel started to get into forward observer stance. My uncle to the right had also taken an attack stance which left my uncle in front of me, who also had the deer rifle.

He was slowly approaching me and with his signal hand he was counting down and letting me know to take cover. He took a step and one of his fingers folded (he had five of them up). Step and another finger, 3 left, two, one and I hit the ground covering my ears. I hear them all unload one round each and wait. I get up and shout "what the hell is goi---'' and didn't finish as I was turning around as I was talking. What I saw standing before me, until this day I cannot explain.

For those of you who hunt boar, you know they can grow to a pretty big size (about waist high and weighing about 250-450 lbs or more. The boar I was looking at stood easily at more than five feet (at the time I was about 5'8".) I was downhill from it but I could tell it was pretty tall for something that I could see above many of the natural surroundings. (fallen trees, boulders, the back of the pond which was a mound or rock and trees. Its tusks were sharp and wrapped about 4 rings. Its eyes were a peculiar shade of red (as I could see from my vantage point). The weirdest thing was that we could all hear it breathing hard (as if getting ready to attack) but never seemed to want to move. My uncles then unload another round.

Now for you who don't know about hunting, 12-14 gauge shells can be bought with either pellets or 1-2 or 3 punch style rounds. My uncles left the house with about 12 rounds pellets 12 3 punch each and about 5 30 aught 6 shells. That is 36 pellet rounds and 36 3 punch and 5 which come out to 77 rounds. All the pellet rounds were used for the bats. They unloaded twice on the boar. The boar didn't even move. It was like watching a terminator movie. It just stood there with a defiant look. That was enough to scare my uncles to just pick up and get out of there. (we left about half of the amount of bats we shot that day about 30-40). We followed the stream all the way down until we got to the main road and made our way home which was about 15 minute hike.

That night I could not sleep. I felt as if someone or something had latched on to me and was not happy. So the next morning I went to my Grandmothers house (which is next door by the way). I told her about what we had seen and she told us to drink this elixir made from the bark of a tree. We asked her why and she said it was to sever the tether the sauai had made with us yesterday. She then told us to make amends by going back to the spot and checking to see if we had disturbed anything. She said it could a big rock or blade of grass. All we were to do was to put it back in place and apologize. So my 3 uncles and I make plans to do it the next day as they had work and I had school.

We make our way back up to the pond and are exhausted. More exhausted than we were the day we were there. We felt like we were dragging baggage or we just weighed more. We were beat. I make my way to the pond for a drink when I am told to stop by my uncle. I am too thirsty and just want a sip. Then a thud from my uncles hand hitting my head made me think straight. "Start looking" he said. So I get off my knees and start to the right. Mind you now, there were only the 4 of us up there at this very moment. We did not see anyone coming down the trail or see anyone there when we arrived.

We all split up about 10 paces apart to go through all of the bush and surroundings when we are greeted by an elderly woman who is sitting upon a boulder at the mouth of the pond where the stream begins. "So what are you young men doing up here so early this day?" she asked. My uncle replies, "we are so sorry ma'am, we are here to apologize for trespassing and find what we had disturbed." I, on the other hand, was looking at him like what are you doing.

I get that look from him that we have found who we were looking for. So we all gather around the boulder and sit. The entity laughs, "why the glum faces?" We all look around without making eye contact because in our culture it is considered a sign of disrespect.

"Nothing ma'am, we are members of the Paramount Chiefs bloodline and come to make amends for any wrong doing we might have done to offend you." all of us reply scattered. She/he replies "arise, you had done nothing wrong, I was just watching the hunt. I did not mean to startle you. I was surprised as you turned and tried to hurt me, but I understood that you were also scared."

We all were about to breathe a sigh of relief when her voice changed from sweet to not angry but almost forceful. "You should have known better though. Who taught you manners? Who told you about this place? Who?" She demanded. We replied, "this land is of birthright. We have been to this place from when we were young with our father (my grandfather)."

She then asks my oldest uncle to rise. She looked at him with curiosity then told all of us to rise. "Tell my son (my grandfather), he has done good in raising you. You are always welcome to come here. Feel free to leave "us" some of the hunt if there is enough." She then sent us on our way. We were all looking at the ground for some reason as we turned around. We took maybe 5 or 6 steps before we noticed that there was no evidence of the bats we had left there just 2 days prior. None, no blood, no bones, no maggots, no rotting bats. We turned around to see no one. She just disappeared.

Think about it, we are on a mountain ridge, the only down is in front of us and the ridge takes about 3 hours to scale before you get to the other side. Where did she go?. We really didn't wonder because we had done what we had to do. We also flew down the mountain like we were carried by a force (it took us about a hour and some change).

We got home and told my grandparents and they were relieved. I slept better after that, but that didn't last long. (For another time).

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Trybal_Knyte, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

katcyn19 (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-12)
this story is great. I learned something about your culture... Thanks for sharing...
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-17)

Not a problem. This site is here so people may find either help or understanding, or both and I'm glad to be a part of it.


Trybal_Knyte (6 stories) (37 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-17)

Great read. I never knew you can could actually control some of the aspects when you are in the astral state. I haven't tried it yet but I am definitely intrigued. Thanks again for sharing.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-10)

You've stated...

"As for the astral plane, I would like to know how one achieves this."

I can only tell you how I learned to 'project' myself. I used this book...

The Llewellyn Practical Guide to Astral Projection: The Out-of -Body Experience By: Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips (

As far as Sweat Lodges go... There are that are for ones own Personal Journey and there are those where the Tribal Elder's 'seek' knowledge/guidance as a Group (any Native Americans reading along please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).

I hope that answers your questions.


Trybal_Knyte (6 stories) (37 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-09)

Thank you for the insight. I would have never connected my experience to the Indian sweat lodges. (I have heard of them and I was under the impression that is held for only one person). Yes, many of my experiences have happened when I am with people which is crazy because most of the accounts I have come across here on YGS all happen to people when they are alone.

As for the astral plane, I would like to know how one achieves this. I tend to have experiences that leave me mystified to explain. I guess it is because when I am "there", things seem the same yet different. I am not sure if I am explaining correctly. But I have had many experiences that I am still trying to find a plausible explanation for. I would love to share them. I just have to find the right words.

For Sacul,
Thanks for the sentiments about writing. Funny how I used to hate it through school and now I find it very relaxing. I have been told that my style is very engaging, but for me, I tend to keep to myself. I will keep the sentiments in mind though. Thank you and I hope the post helps.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-09)

Feedback is always good. Speaking of feedback I've been wanting to say something about each experience you have shared with us... Something about the fact that they seem to involve multiple people...

The experiences sound as if they could be 'Guided' Shared Lucid Dreams. 'Group' Spirit Walks. Sweat Lodges Experiences of some Native Americans. I'm not doubting that you've had some strange experiences but Based on my own background and experiences they do not sound as if they happened on the physical plane/ the 'waking world'. The experience you just shared with us is a great example of what I mean. A GROUP of you were camping and fell asleep on the night of a full moon... While 'sleeping' you all had a vision and saw the same thing...

In another experience your hunting group 'spoke' with an 'old lady' who just vanished after saying you could 'hunt' and to please leave anything you were 'able' to. In this case you Uncle was the 'guide'.

Now to answer your question directly... The only times I have seen 'shape changers' is when I've 'projected' myself onto the Astral Plane.


Trybal_Knyte (6 stories) (37 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-09)
Thanks Rook for pointing that out. I kind of figured that out after I had posted. My mind was wondering in and out of thought. But to address issues. What I meant is seeing a being (not a shadow, but a being or something resembling a human) change its shape in front of you or in the blink of an eye. Reason being, I have read that demons tend to manifest into different forms. I have never seen a demon per say (ones that many of the writers on ygs describe) but I have seen specters and sauai's manifest into other things. For example, the black eyed children or people, I have seen one change from that to an alien looking thing. (its arms went way past its knees, it grew in height and its head went from having hair to being bald in a blink of an eye or a sauai went from being a giant eel (mao a'e (mow-ah'eh) to a person upon reaching the shore.

As for the maluia, I hope I described it efficiently. It happens during the moons cycles. As for being sick, I was not really sure if I was. Mind you when we did finally decided to settle here, we were all still new to the surroundings and I might have gotten sick. I am not sure. I do remember my first experience that I am certain was because of maluia. We were camping. It was a little past midnight. I could feel myself slipping into deep sleep as the sounds around me gradually went to silence. As soon as it happened though, there was this really irritating buzzing. Like white noise on a cassette. I opened my eyes (or thought I did) what I could see was a shade of baby/sky blue. All the living things (trees, animals, insects, etc.) were giving off different auras of color almost like mini rainbows. I could also see humanoids/specters that were giving off a dull array of colors. I was so scared by this time I forced myself to wake up (I found that during these episodes concentrating of wiggling your big toe actually does help you come to your senses). I shot out of my sleeping bag and tried to wake my cousins who I was camping with. I noticed that they too seemed to be experiencing something and were tossing and turning until one by one they came to (there were 6 of us). I asked them what had happened and they described everything I had seen to the finest details. All the while none of us really paid any attention that the moon was not only full but had been right on top of us the whole time. That's when we all looked at each other and said under our breaths, man it was a maluia.

Thanks Rook for the input. It is always very very interesting to read feedback.
Trybal_Knyte (6 stories) (37 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-09)

In Samoan, Maluia happens when the moon is in its cycle. Something about the moon beams and your soul. It is said that as the moon becomes more and more full during its cycle, so does its pull on your soul if you expose your physical being do it. When this happens, your inner being is also exposed to those who are in that state or plane. Be it evil/good, you will see, feel, hear, smell them all around you. Its really intense.

Unless you love sleeping with your windows/curtains open, then I would say yes what you are experiencing is a Maluia.

I suffer from insomnia at certain times of the year. The sleep doctors and psychiatrists whom I went to seek peace of mind and body could only tell me that it was due to my excessive lifestyle growing up. (I partied all summer long and every holiday in the school calendar when I was a jr. In high school all through college and right before I got married.) My spiritual healer says it is the scars of previous engagements with the paranormal that have not truly healed. It takes time and over time the fabric of my inner self can heal.

My insomnia has not been as bad as it was when I was in my 20's.I too went about 48 days on an hour of sleep or less. Both our of fear and the feeling of dread that loomed over me. Now, I feel more complete in a sense. I have been able to sleep most of this summer; which is a relief. My mind and third eye though seems to be in over drive with all of things that I have seen so far this year. That's for another time.
I hope that this helps. Thanks for the question.
sacul (1 stories) (71 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-07)

I enjoy the way that you write- you'd make an excellent author. Have you ever mistaken a person for an entity? I could definitely see myself doing that, hehe.
After reading your two posts I recall several times that I've felt strongly as though a person was not quite that, and a few in which they simply disappeared with a quick turn of my head. Thanks for bringing some validity to the notion. How do you tell?

1 more question regarding "mah-loo-ee-ahh" as you would say w/background (sorry if its long):
I suffer from sleep paralysis only occasionally now (perhaps by the cycles?), but as a young adult it happened sometimes every night for months on end. Not just the creepy "I can't move and get the idea something is here", but terrifying, violent, and *real* to the point I was afraid to go to bed at the age of 24 😳. It got so bad that I had to take GHB prescribed by my doctor in order to get more than a few hours of rest. It still happens today, but only about twice per month. It does, however, happen EVERY time I sleep in a room or location that is new to me (such as the first/last night on the recent vacation I took- cousin's home/uncle's home)

Does your culture have a word for chronic sleep paralysis -or- a cause for such exceptionally frequent and intense episodes? Why did it subside? Why is it predictable?

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-07)

Your question and attached 'experience' do not seem to have any 'common ground'. Your questions seems to ask if it's possible for a 'Dream Entity' or an Astral Being can alter it's shape (I feel that they can, but that's my opinion).

You also shared a 'new' experience with us and it seems to be about sleep paralysis, At least you mention that in it...

"Sleep paralysis is called malu ia (mah-loo-ee-ahh.) The only difference with how people have been describing it here on the site is that it only happens during the full moon or its cycles."

To tell you the truth, with the details you have described... The having problems sleeping, the 'world looking dim' and the very 'VIVID' dream along with... How did you say it... Oh yes...

"I fell asleep that weekend on a Sunday and noticed everything in my dream vividly. The sand of the beach in the front of the house, the house across the street and me standing on a plateau near the middle of the mountain behind my grandmothers house. Its was then when I noticed the distance when the fear started to take over. I could feel my body sweat and my body twitch but I did not wake up. I could feel the hands of a someone who was either dead or rotting because it felt like sand paper when I felt wet. I had been ice bucketed to wake up and my entire family was there with very concerned faces."

Sounds to me as if there is a chance you were sick and had a fever dream. I say that because everything you describe can be accounted for as symptoms of a high fever and people taking care of you because you fell into a mild coma due to this high fever... Your body was 'oversensitive' during this time while your body 'fought off' the illness and what you remember is a combination of 'fever dreams' and what your Family was doing to take care of you.

What your Grandfather said even supports this 'idea'...

"He told me that the pull of the beings (aitu-lagi) (ahh-ee-too-lahh-ngi) had been strong enough to start to separate my spirit from my body. They were trying to pull me back in."

From everything you have posted your Family sounds very, very traditional, and what your Grandfather said could be his way of speaking of how your body was 'fighting to live'. Yes I understand this was very real to you, and the Spirits he mentioned are very real for your culture, but it doesn't sway me into believing that an illness did not play a factor in what you experienced.

This is of course only my opinion, based on the facts you shared with us... If you submit this experience in the proper way perhaps you can include more details, but until the 'complete' experience is shared I am of the opinion that what you just spoke of was a 'fever dream'.

Thanks for sharing.


Trybal_Knyte (6 stories) (37 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-07)
I do have another question for those of you who grace the posts. Have you ever seen a being change its shape in front of you? Meaning, you are either in a trance or just unable to move and like a dream you see a man that all of sudden grows in size and has multiple hands? (this is an example of course.) Just curious, funny thing memories. I was reading Between Nightmares and Reality and a vivid memory came back from the abyss in my mind. I was about 5 or 6. We had just moved to American Samoa the 1st time (late 70's). It must have been about 3 - 4 months since we moved here and I know that I was having trouble sleeping I just could not figure out why. I told my dad and he would just tell me to buck up and its all in my imagination. It wasn't until I told my grandfather that it started to register that I was experiencing unnatural. My grandma started to perform this ritual that involved me falling asleep during the day. About a week had gone by and I noticed that my house seemed to take on a really dark aura. Like the lights were dimmer than usual. The TV was dull. That kind of things. I fell asleep that weekend on a Sunday and noticed everything in my dream vividly. The sand of the beach in the front of the house, the house across the street and me standing on a plateau near the middle of the mountain behind my grandmothers house. Its was then when I noticed the distance when the fear started to take over. I could feel my body sweat and my body twitch but I did not wake up. I could feel the hands of a someone who was either dead or rotting because it felt like sand paper when I felt wet. I had been ice bucketed to wake up and my entire family was there with very concerned faces. My mom held me and rocked my body. I was still trying to figure out what had happened. It wasn't until I was a teen (14-15) when my grandfather told me of what happened that day. Sleep paralysis is called malu ia (mah-loo-ee-ahh.) The only difference with how people have been describing it here on the site is that it only happens during the full moon or its cycles. He told me that the pull of the beings (aitu-lagi) (ahh-ee-too-lahh-ngi) had been strong enough to start to separate my spirit from my body. They were trying to pull me back in. Till this day, I still do not know what to think.
Trybal_Knyte (6 stories) (37 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-07)
Thanks Ivory. Yes that is what I was trying to get at hunter. Thanks for reading and posting.
ivory (9 stories) (77 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-07)
hunter11: I think the lady is just addressing TK's grandpa. In a way a stranger address a child with "are you okay my boy"... Like that...
Trybal_Knyte (6 stories) (37 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-07)
Yes Javelina,
Spheres/orbs. I have read about them too but have yet to see one. I have seen many of things that are considered to be supernatural in nature, just not those.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-04)
In your last comment you mentioned 'spheres' and how they are the only thing you have yet to experience. Can you explain what you mean by 'spheres'? Are they what others would call Orbs? Not the orbs people catch in photos. I am thinking of the kind I have read about here. They float, some give off a glow from beneath their surface, but the ones I have read about here will often times try to catch someone's attention, not in a frightening way, more of a playful gesture I guess. Bobbing just outside a persons window, only to find it passing through the glass and into the room. It has a sort a floating/bobbing quality to it's movements. Is not malevolent, and gives off no bad vibes. Would this describe, at all. The type of phenomenon you are referring to, or is it something quite different.

Trybal_Knyte (6 stories) (37 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-03)
Wiki kind of has the idea. Like I said, the term aitu is almost what Samoans would call the unexplained or unnatural. So the degrees would differ in regards to ability, appearance, times of the day these happen and such. Some have the ability to take over your body out of spite. Some are just there to warn of evils. Some are just specters. The only phenomenon I have not experienced here since we moved here in 1980 is the spheres. I have seen boulders shoot flames, pigs diving in about 50 feet of water, even beings that since recently could only be described as mermaids. (only difference is that the ones we had seen could walk upright). Then again who can honestly say that these beings do not exist?
That is truly a Samoan. Known for our brute strength and violent tendencies. People who get to know us and are considered to be close enough to be family. You find out how loyal and protective we are. I feel it is because of our history of being and oppressed people until we fought our way out and embraced our people entirely that we unlocked some sort of mana. It is truly fascinating. I am glad that you have met someone and befriended and Samoan. Many people often let their feelings be judged by the media and such. We are a warm, friendly race and I am glad you have seen that side. Have a great weekend.
kardagen (2 stories) (161 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-03)
yes miniature as he only stands 5'11, and his brothers are well over 6' but the boy is built like a tank. And the best friend someone could ask for, truly caring individule. I have a question if I may? From what I was able to find on the internet, the Aitu, is a "umbrella" type term, like (but not associated with) Demon, there are specific types of demon, are there also specific type of Aitu? From what it says the aitu/eitu can be described as "lesser gods" but as we all know, Wiki- is not always the most accurate of sources.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-03)
Thank you for sharing your story and your culture, I agree with Cosmogirl it is really interesting to listen to your beliefs and customs, I'm sure a long time ago, I attended a Samoan wedding with my wife from memory and that too was so different in many ways we had the best time... And well done on coming back to share another one... You did cop bit of a battering last story and showed some remarkable strength of character to take the hits and keep your composure without spitting the dummy like so many have before you... Well done mate, look forward to reading some more.
Trybal_Knyte (6 stories) (37 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-03)
Miniature Samoan huh... That's great. I am glad that this story didn't leave a bad after taste as the first one did. Have a great weekend Kardagen. Tell your friend Talofa from islands.
kardagen (2 stories) (161 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-03)
TK, thank you for posting again, it is interesting, as one of my greatest friends is a "minniture" samoan, and it gives me much to talk to him about when we get to see each other. I look forward to you next story. Respectfully.
Trybal_Knyte (6 stories) (37 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-03)
I guess you could cay that cosmogal. I have seen when someone is tethered to an entity and it is truly scary. The movie exorcist and Emily Rose had nothing in regards to the emotional strain it puts on everyone involved.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-01)
Wow that was amazing! I always enjoy learning about other cultures and the supernatural beings that are part of their history. Thank you for explaining what some of them are and how they came to be.

From what you told us about the Sauai, you and your uncles were lucky that it was only interested in the hunt. If your grandmother had not given you the elixir, would it have kept it's hold on you?

Thanks for sharing this with us, and hope to read more of your experiences. 😁
Trybal_Knyte (6 stories) (37 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-01)
The entity was speaking in Samoan and the translation of the word it used in English is son. As far as I can tell it meant the closest "living" descendent to it. I hope that this helps.
Hunter_11 (16 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-31)
Great story
I didn't understand everything.

'One thing' entity said:-

["Tell my son (my grandfather), he has done good in raising you.]

I mean! Your grandfather is the entity's son?

(no disrespect. Just asking) 😕

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