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Real Ghost Stories

The Verdict


I thought I would come back here and share another story with you all, three different accounts, all of the same nature over a span of 30 years. Two of them I can talk about now and with the other one, unfortunately laws provided in this country leave me unable to comment on the matter until the court proceedings in relations have taken due course.

This story starts with the very first time I'd conducted a sΓ©ance, I was around 17 years old and it was with my youngest brother and his two friends of whom were around 15 years of age at that time. I can't remember what made us want to do it, but I guess it was just that curiosity factor that makes you go through with it and we do see a lot of that now days here at YGS with our younger community, perhaps not that much has changed between generations despite us older folk making other wise claims...

It started off with us all sitting in a circle in the middle of the lounge room and with me being the eldest, I was the obvious one to lead the way. I can't remember what I'd said to start it off, but I guess it would of been along those usual lines of, is anyone with us etc...etc...However I do remember this much very distinctly, about 1 or 2 minutes into the sΓ©ance, the lad who was holding my hand and sitting on my left side, Warren, suddenly went into a trance with his eyes closed and his head and body slumped forward in a slightly awkward position towards his crossed legs.

I remember thinking to myself "is he for real, or is he going to lunge up at all of us with one of those prankish type of things that teenagers usually do?" Warren by nature, was always a little more conservative than the rest of us and it did seem so out of character for him to play the fool. But then again, as we were all probably being a little foolish for going into to something without any idea of what to expect or what I was doing for that fact. I guess we was just a little bewildered about his sudden impulses and crouched position and so we'd continued on.

As I'd proceeded with the questions that have now deserted my memory, the others just sat there basically quiet and followed my lead keeping the circle connected. The whole proceeding from best guess went on for about 5 to 10 minutes and that's a long time for a group of teenagers with a short attention span on top of being a little bewildered and not much really happening on the surface of things paranormal. As it was coming to an end, Warren stayed crouched for the entire time and I think from memory I was kind of getting that picture, that even if Warren was playing the fool, even a fool would have lunged sooner rather than later thus running the risk of having a sore neck to gain what?

I can't remember how it wound up, but I do remember Warren coming around and quite frightened about his ordeal to some degree. He had no recollection of what I said, or what was going on on the edge of his outer boundaries during the process. But on the inner of his own psyche, Warren described seeing a flash of light right before his grandfather appeared to him and I have no doubt that somehow through the connection of our group, this whole experience was always meant for Warren.

Moving along about 4 or 5 years later, I was at my eldest brother's place with him and his de-facto wife and her ex-husband's brother. Her ex-husband was unfortunately killed in a street brawl leaving Bev and their daughter with traumatic memories and alone for a period of time before meeting my eldest brother. Somewhere through the night and into the morning after my brother had gone to bed, it was decided that we would set up, what I do call, a make shift Ouija Board/table. Basically formulating the letters in a similar way, not exactly the same as a professional board, but I'm sure just of as effective.

This was the second time I was at the helm leading the proceeding with two other people Bev and Claude, both of the nicest and straight up folk you could ever wish to meet. Once again I can not remember what I said exactly and I do apologize for that, but I do remember almost immediately the glass of which was reasonably solid and on its head, spelt out the name of her ex-husband who was killed some years prior. I do remember the glass moving very purposely to each letter and with our finger tips at the edge the glass, it was on a mission of it's own.

Sometime into the proceeding, a thought came over my mind, to ask Bev if she could take her finger of the glass and ask questions that she knew only her ex could answer? As a way of validating the whole proceeding that was taking place before us. As we did this, Bev asked the questions and just about on every single account, I'd remember it spelling out the exact answer, although questions long forgotten the positive outcome to them was the definitive part of my memory. I'd also remember Bev being a little emotional in that happy/sad way, of which I'm sure most of you can imagine.

As we continued on, another thought had come into my mind about seeing if the glass could move with just one of our fingers on it. Which was probably not impossible, but would be difficult for one person to push so freely around the table of which the make shift Ouija Board was conformed. So as Claude took his finger off the glass and with one finger left on being mine, the glass still moved just as quick and as purposely. I can't remember if Claude then asked some questions, but that may have been possible as well. There was no doubt in our minds that Bev's ex-husband came through on that night and validated his presence before the three of us.

2010, After having one of the most profound paranormal experiences and something that has changed my whole concept of the paranormal period. I'd submitted my story here, "The Women in Black" involving the murder and corpse of a women found not far away from where I currently live. During the dialogue on that thread between the members and myself here at YGS, one thing led to another, another post led to the other and next minute you know... It was decided with the encouragement and help of some very respectable long standing members here, I would seek out the paranormal through the usage of a make shift Ouija Board once more...

On this final and third occasion, the task was huge and probably fair to say expectations where not so great, with a missing child and not a clue of her where about's, it wasn't going to be as easy as the previous accounts to make contact with the ex-living.

This time however, I made a note of all the questions and responses and presented those transcripts to our group over at Facebook and those facts and results will be presented in my next story, "The Verdict part 2"...the facts of the case and the transcripts of my notes and others are chillingly accurate, with the rare experience of having respectable members here as witnesses to my account and with the patients of waiting a couple of years to share it, laws will soon allow me to talk about it.

Thank you for reading my story and I do welcome your thoughts.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, aussiedaz, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

27flowers (2 stories) (25 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-28)
Wow just reread the related story and all the comments and blown away again, I was hooked the first time around. I do hope that eventually the "story" will be concluded on here (I learned of poor Keisha's end through Google but I mean more in relation to your ouija use), feels inappropriate to say story when so many lives were affected and some lost.
There should be a "classics" section for exceptional accounts like this one so new readers can get a sense of what YGS community is about. AMAZES me the support you had here!

Best wishes
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-18)
[at] Rook, I will get around to writing it mate, justice is being served and your right, I do owe it to those involved here to put some closure to it in writing, Regards!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-17)

Not to be a nudge but...


I hope you have had a chance to work on Part 2 as this, as you mentioned, involved not only yourself but many folks... Not only some near you but from around the world. From the outset as the whole thing developed it seemed it would be a good 'case study'.

Looking forward to this...

Who has the popcorn?


babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-07)
You have saturated my fascination point with all of your amazing accounts daz and I will be on the bus with the rest of this amazing group of people waiting for the outcome of this one! 😊
Loganz_sis (1 stories) (150 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-12)
Aussie> I remember how hard you tried to help with this case of the missing girl: (

I am looking foward to the next account from you, it is amazing what people can achieve with a little faith.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-11)
[at] Aishling, The two murders are not connected at all with each other, but I believe both girls were crying out for help from spirit and connected in that sense... Interestingly the aboriginal elder led the police to one location on a feeling where the other girl was found... And it is in the back of my mind about the women in black and her case of which is not as high profiled as Kiesha but every bit as important in regards to the order of justice... I will bring that result forward as well, when I can find out more about it, thank you for your comment!
Aishling (1 stories) (35 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-11)
Wow this is so interesting! Went back and read the woman in black and went through all the comments and I can't wait until this is over so you can reveal all! Really curious as to if the two murders are connected at all. What a horrible area that is to have two bodies dumped there! I know you can't talk about kieshas case but what about the woman in black? Were her murderers sentenced or what happened there? Also really glad nothing went horribly wrong with the ouija board. I would never go on one. My mother did it when she was young and she told me the furniture started lifting up in the room so she legged it out of there and never talked to any of the people again. Thanks for sharing this:)
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
[at] Lou, Mate Justice is more important than the sequel that's for sure let's all pray that takes it's due coarse...shouldn't be long now, with in the next few months I would say!
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
Wait! We have our own facebook page? *mutters and grumbles*

Ok ok so like granny, Jav etc I'm hoping the legal proceedings are done quickly cause I'm on pins and needles to see part 2 of this!

Talk about edge of your seat reading daz! Mate I love your experiences but this one just yikes got me waiting on that part 2!
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!

I will give you a pass on this one, but you know how we hate sequels. Kidding, mate... I know that this has to run its course before it can be made public. I pray you and your countrymen get the verdict that is deserving for these individuals.

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
Let me make another point, perhaps Warren slipped into this transitional sleep state as like Edgar Cayce and myself during our sΓ©ance... Perhaps that's why he was temporarily oblivious to his conscious self and the others in the group and had direct communication to his granddad whilst we were none the wiser?
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
Thank you clever210 for your comments, my last reply was for you too I think? I hope you can understand what I'm saying there I just read it back and I think another leg just fell off that theory horseπŸ˜†
Thanks for reading mate much appreciated 😁
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
[at] Cosmogirl,I believe with some confidence that it's the person/s own spirit that directs the board in probably 90 percent of accounts... I draw this conclusion from one of my own experiences... The great Edgar Cayce use to talk to spirits from his sleeping state as well documented and the time I had a mini conversation with my mother, it was from a similar state of consciousness I'm sure and perhaps by fluke, because it hasn't happened again as much as I would like it too, anyway, as I was laying next to my wife and talking to my mother in spirit... I could hear her voice so clearly and quite profound... As I know she could hear mine and we both interacted with dialogue for a short period of time...Now, I'm pretty sure my wife at the very least, couldn't hear my mothers voice or feel her prescence like the way I had just prior... So what I believe happens when people use a board or conform a séance, we wake ourselves up on a spiritual level unbeknown to our conscious self as in like the state I was when I spoke to my mother from dual states of consciousness (Me being able to hear my mother wife probably not)... So basically from there, when people use a board they interact with other spirits who hear them loud and clear but not in return to the physical side, some spirits of good nature and some malevolent spirits as well I'm sure... And that's usually where the (D) WORD comes into play and it's probable IMO the spirit on the other side, being the one orchestrating the proceeding by directing the user from spirit to spirit and those transcripts relaying through hand by sub conscious means via the board... Another plausible explanation for the Nasty's is this:... With the spiritual group all consciously awake or just some of them it may be the one person in the group thinking sub consciously about the marshmellow man like Dan aykroyed did in that movie ghost busters, or Freddy Krueger and a nightmare on teenagers lane is where most of the negative activity can go haywire... Perhaps it's the energy of a poltergeist? Or a sudden tsunami of Drama energy that generates through the board causing all kinds of havoc and death threats for its victims lmao...anyway, as Miracles pointed out, if the mind is pure and it comes from the heart, it seems like a good means of communication for some and it was for me on those three accounts... Thank you Cosmo my friend, your thoughts are always appreciated...Daz❀
LindaG (3 stories) (32 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
Thanks for your story. I'm far too big a chicken to use a Ouija board, lol, so you'll have to do it for me! I'm new to this site, and I'm looking forward to the end of this tale.
clever210 (3 stories) (189 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
It's nice to hear a story about the Ouija board where all hell didn't break loose (no ZoZo attack). I've only used one once (back in college) and I was in contact with something/someone, but nothing bad happened to me or the other person using it. I'm inclined to agree with Miracles that intentions matter.

Thanks for sharing this with us.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
Aussie, I was thinking the same as Miracles regarding Ouija Board sessions. Perhaps it does depend on the person, what's in their heart, or maybe just a roll of the dice on what comes through. I also remember when we all did that prayer circle for you regarding this session. I join the rest of us who are waiting anxiously for the verdict so you can reveal the session to us. As always wonderful account 😊 ❀
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
Thank you sara77 for your comments and you are right for those who are keen to understand the point we are all at now...It's not just my story The women in black, but all those post that came after and some of those people there are a part of where this story is at the moment, thanks again sara appreciate your thoughts.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
It has gone fast Rook and I'm with you with on that one mate, I think they'll have another day of justice long after there done and dusted from this world Rook, unforgivable sin of the cruellest nature!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-06)

What's hard to believe is that it's actually been two years... Two years...but, at least for me, it only seems like a couple of months ago when we were putting our heads together, comparing notes and sending you positive energy and prayers.

Is it Justice or Revenge that is best served cold? πŸ˜‰ LoL


aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
Cheers Dan, I'm trying really hard to respect this thread for it's sensitivity and there is a right place and time for humour, but I can't help myself on this one... Miracles and Aussiedaz doing their own daytime show "the medium within" would be like Dumb and Dumber doing a cooking show on prime time for a bunch of inmates πŸ˜† πŸ˜† sorry Miracles if it makes you feel better your just dumb πŸ˜†, but seriously and we shouldn't go down that road, it has been an interesting journey for me mate and one that I'm really grateful for, I'm here to learn mate and will continue to learn a little from all of you...lol
sara77 (1 stories) (40 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
Ahhhhhhhhh Aussie!

You told me to be patient!
You told me that you had submitted another account and it would be on soon!
And here it is 😊

But I want more... MORE I TELLS YA!

Thankyou for this snippet and I eagerly await your next posting.

And to those of you that have not read Aussies story "The woman in Black" I urge you go do it now and then read all the comments, and then you will understand why we are all here on tenterhooks. ❀
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
Cheers Rook, I knew you would understand the correlation in this story and what took place on that night back in 2010, it didn't really dawn on me until I sat down and gave this all a real good thinking over... And yes mate, with out going into it here, some of what you picked up on was in fact accurate and validated in area of location... Regards again and 2 years has been a long time to wait but patients is a virtue and justice is so so sweet,won't be long!
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
Mate fantastic accounts as always buddy, I remember the night you did that we were all sending prayers, thoughts, light etc to you mate! I havnt heard much news wise regarding dates etc on it but will speak to you privately on that.
Im in agreement with our friend Granny in regards to that little medium that was lying dormant inside of you mate, I'm thinking that yep every August it is growing a little bigger soon you will be on TV along with Miracles with your show "The Medium Within" only on the spiritual network!lol!πŸ˜† Looking forward to the follow up champ!

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-06)

Mate, thanks for sharing this and like the rest of us who may have played a part in this I am on 'pins and needles' waiting until you can publish Part 2. Thank you for the detailed background, it makes a bit more sense now. πŸ˜‰


aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-05)
Thanks Granny, August is a special time of the year that I hold close to heart for all those reason your acquainted with, without going over all of them again here...BTW, the intensity this year has not been the same as previous years, but there is a little cute story that I might share at some point involving my sons girlfriend that occurred on my mothers birthday and the next couple of days after that converted her beliefs pretty quick... πŸ˜† Thanks again mate and you know something, I think we both have grown here over the last couple of years, I understand where you coming from there on that one mate and I see it in you too... ❀ it's not back slapping here I think we both are and have been willing to learn during this whole process and I still feel there's more to come, cheers again mate. 😁
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-08-05)
Aussie: Ya' had to bring up Freddy, didn't ya'?...You know Chucky's not too far behind LOL πŸ˜†...

You know, the more I read your posts, the more in complete awe of you I am...And, August is here, I'm sure I don't have to point that out to you... Just seems like you awaken even more with every passing August... That doesn't even begin to sum up what I'm so ineloquently trying to say πŸ˜†...
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-05)
[at] Miracles, You know me pretty well by now and sometimes my theory's run as wide on a home turn as a horse with three legs in the Kentucky Derby...πŸ˜†, but seriously for a moment, I believe our spiritual consciousness is generally asleep when we are awake and awake when we are asleep if that makes any sense...it's not the board itself 99 percent of the time, its the person or persons waking up their spiritual consciousness during the process and being a passenger of their own sub conscious in regards to what comes through and if the thoughts or intentions are not of pure mind, that's usually when Freddy Krueger makes his presence felt, thus is the power of the sub conscious mind and it's whole bag of tricks... Perhaps in 1 percent of time IMO!... There are genuine Evil transgressions, but those accounts are probably fewer than what most people think. Thank you for sharing your thoughts Miracles.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-05)
[at] Gab, Thank you for your thoughts, Truth is, I did need some help with the first few stories I wrote here and except for the couple of spelling mistakes I made in this one I wrote it all by myself, I'm glad you appreciate the way I expressed it means a lot to a truck driver of 20 years who pushed a rig rather than a pen... Wish it was for better circumstances, but as Jav pointed out, it is a story that needs to be told.

Regards Daz
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-05)
at] Jav, Yes mate it is a story that needs to be told and it's not ever to be forgotten the horror of what two poor innocent individuals went through and you guys were sincere with your affection and attempt in earnest of finding a resolution in respect to it all... The consultation of Justice will soon be bestowed upon the guilty and their actions will haunt them for eternity from this world to the next... Thank you for your comment Jav your thoughts are appreciated.

And yes it is funny how us old dogs frown at the puppies for chewing the souls of the same shoes πŸ˜†
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-05)
[at] Cliney1212, There probably are sites over there for participation this group was formed from with in YGS, your welcomed to be my friend on facbook if you like I'll put up my address on soon and you can forward a friends request.

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