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Intelligent Interactions


I have had many out of body experiences over the last 30 years, but only a few validated ones worthy to write about and I thought I would revisit one of them in hope of better understanding the interactions and thought process of those walking around our home in spirit or at least from my point of view... One of my most profound and validated out of body experiences happened some years ago here in my home of which I have lived for some 20 years... One night, I found myself out of my body and looking at myself on my bed in a deep sleep, my perception of reality was excellent and my consciousness was totally spiritual. I felt completely separated from my body and quite comfortable with the situation I was in, even though it just happened the way it did and unexpectedly... As I started walking out my room, I felt a desire to find my wife, probably in hope that she would see me and validate myself in spirit and with the wisdom of hindsight, I do believe a vast majority of spirits have that same desire when they find themselves in the home of their loved ones? I'd walked down my hallway, I went passed my eldest son's room and focused on the next, where I knew my wife and our youngest son where sleeping.

As I walked into their room, for whatever reason I found myself back in my body fairly quick, it wasn't my choice, something just pulled me straight back? Perhaps sub consciously or consciously from my own body which laid some two rooms and a short distance away from where I was? Once again, I found myself back out of my body and walking out of my room with the desire in reaching my wife to validate the experience and I guess to establish proof that these experiences are real and not dreams or hallucinations. I started walking down the hallway for a second time, my perception was same and my intent was a little more determined with in my thought process. As I'd walked into the room, I'd managed to touch her on her foot... But just like before, once again I found myself back in my body fairly quick and rising out of it just like the previous times... On this occasion, the third and final time I was able to leave my body, there was something different I was able to observe upon walking into their room... On the first two times I made it to their room, I'd noticed that my son was facing the wall and my wife was facing opposite to him more towards the entry point of the room... Basically I could see her face the first two times from where I'd entered the room... This time upon arriving to their room, my wife had turned over and now was facing the wall as in the same direction as my son... I had no idea at that point my wife had picked up on me walking into their room on all three occasions and actually was quite frightened but not willing to open her eyes... I make this point, because I wonder how many spiritual visitors enter homes with the same intent to validate their presence, only to frighten the person for all the wrong reasons and I would like to hear your own thoughts on that, in hope we can better understand some of these interactions... Rather than hauntings?

The following morning and most of the day my wife had said nothing about the previous night and I was starting to wonder if what happened was real or not and patiently waiting to see if she had any recollection of my interactions the night before... Sometime later in the afternoon, I decided to get the ball rolling in general conversation and mentioned to my wife, that I thought someone was here last night... She said YES... There was someone here, someone touched me on my foot!...she also mentioned that someone walked in a few times and after a little more validating she also confirmed to me that upon the last time, she turned over and faced the wall keeping her eyes shut in fear of seeing something there... I do understand that there are some ghost out there with malicious intent and some stories here are genuine hauntings, but I do believe there are many more miss interpreted ones from a view point of my wife, but not the intent from the visitor, who I believe are just trying to validate themselves to their loved ones rather than frightening them just like my intent was in this story... I welcome your thoughts.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, aussiedaz, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

generalchaos (2 stories) (141 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-22)
This makes me wonder even more about some experiences I had that lasted for a few years.
Is it possible to have an OBE, or project or astral travel, to a place that you've never been "in person"?
(and never seen photos of, or anything like that)

There's a place, a very specific place, that I have recurring dreams of- if that's what they are. I'll have to write it up one of these days.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
stormangel, thank you for your comment, what you were experiencing is what they call ceiling height, more confined to the area's of your home a little different to astral projection which normally occurs on the ethereal plane... Interesting point about the burning sensations you were feeling at the time, Cheers mate... 😁
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
Hey Aussie yeh that would be great to find out mate, very interesting stuff! Cheers buddy! 😁
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
You know something Dan, it would be interesting to ask her now her memory and thoughts about what happened all those years ago and come back to you... Around that time I didn't really discuss with my wife or kids the activity going on in our home... Although she does at times pick up on energies coming and going... I think she just decided to keep her eyes shut... The level of fear? I'm not sure, but I do remember her telling me it was enough to frighten her, but not enough to want to confront it... Cheers mate.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
Cosmogal, Yes it would have been interesting to know what I looked like that's for sure... I can only imagine if I were solid, she may have thought I was actually there in person, I think she would have saw me more as an apparition like I saw her... And Taz, interesting point you make about crossing boundaries... Perhaps that's what I was pushing, I remember once talking to my Dad in spirit during what seemed like a lucid dream but more was a meeting on an interim plane... I remember the first thing he said to me... You did it son?...after a period of time and some further questions that were later validated by my mother... I saw a light coming through the rooms and and heading for the room I was in... What ever my Dad was referring too when he said... You did it son... Had something to do with that light and my time on that plane, I went looking for my dad but I do believe for some, these types of experiences are expressions of family Love... So I think you could have a point there about how much these experiences can present themselves hard up with proof and confirmation, perhaps it was going to far for my wife to see me in spirit?... Once again Thank you Cosmo and Taz Lol 😁 ❤
stormangel (3 stories) (55 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-07)
excellent that you brought this up as I have often wondered about this myself. I rememeber being so annoyed at my aunt snoring I suddenly found myself horizontal, mid air, right next to her face wishing I could pinch her. Once I was outside, seen a beautiful cozy looking house and with one thought I was in there floating looking down from there ceiling. They were playing monopoly! I remember thinking 'look up!' I have had a couple of partial astral projections but can't find much information about them, my arm was painful and burnt, I was awake but felt so so heavy and my arm kind of unglued from my body but I took the time to notice that there was an outline at the edge of where my astral arm was, like heat waves coming upwards from a road (but thin) Its such an interesting theory and I feel going in the right direction that may account for a lot of sightings or 'sensing' somebody's in the room with you, wow loads of branches could grow from this theory! When your thoughts are so clear and your decision making as you would while awake while floating around I think it can help differentiate between sleep paralysis and obe's
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-07)
Bahh look what happens I come here late and everything I wanted to say has been snapped up already lol! 😆
Aussie mate good post your experiences never cease to amaze me buddy! 😊
The feelings your partner was receiving, were they negative or was she just frightened because she sensed something was there? Haha I'm not saying you were projecting negative vibes mate just wondering how she felt at the time other then a bit frightened, if that makes sense mate! Lol 😁 Thanks for putting this up champ!

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-07)
wow daz another fantastic post mate!
Most of my thoughts have been already put in comments so won't go through them all again BUT I still have one left,
Do you think in some way that you did not knowinglly pick up on at the time that you could have felt your wife's feelings of fear and that was what was dragging you back to your body quickly?
During the obe you wanted to see if your wife could "see" you but the feelings she was giving off automaticlly kicked in the "protect family" sense and forced you back into your body to be ready to protect her?
Just a thought
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-07)
Hey Daz, I was wondering the same thing as Miracles. In what shape or form would your wife have seen you in had she opened her eyes? Then in one of your comments you mentioned that you saw her walking around the house one time during an OBE, so I guess you project the same image. I agree with you in thinking that most people who react with fear to one of these experiences don't realize that it could be a relative or loved one just trying to make contact. You have a lot of validation with this one which makes you want to know so much more. I am glad I got a chance to read this today especially with my recent experience that a few of us discussed over the weekend. Thanks for posting this Daz 😁 ❤
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)
That's a good way of putting it Jav, a mathematical equation that could go on for ever, so true mate... And I would be the first one to admit I still know very little in the over all scheme of things... I feel a little fortunate I guess to have had some of the experiences throughout my life, especially connecting with my loved ones on more than one occasion, being able to see, talk and hug my mother from beyond is something I really cherish mate and I thank the lord for that... I guess I'm hoping through this story, others too can open themselves up to their loved ones... And not let distractions like sleep paralysis get the better of them and those trying to come through and speaking of S/P, I'm thankful for experiencing sleep paralysis as well, I have come to appreciate how our spiritual consciousness can fabricate some of these uglier experiences we have...I'm probably spitting in the wind in hope that one day we will get through the layers... I don't think that's going to happen any time soon, but I guess we need to believe we can hey mate... Cheers Jav 😁
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)
Once again, your experiences bring forth the most interesting thoughts and discussion. I agree with so many of these thoughts. I like James' description of layers upon layers". Because, if you really get to looking at all the ramifications of what you've brought up, the connections could stretch on endlessly. Fascinating is a good word to describe it. Similar to one of those mathematical equations that can go on forever.
Anyone for some pie? 😉

Jav 😊
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
It is fascinating granny and I remember you telling me about seeing a double of your husband once before... I think we could sleep walk spiritually without having any conscious memory of it at all... I really believe there's enough evidence here to support that theory? Why not... I believe we have two levels of consciousness that function separately and perhaps that explains why the person has no recollection of their OBE experience?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
Aussie: I'm glad you submitted this, and the questions you pose... I agree with Nysa, and I've often wondered how many times someone thinks they're being haunted, and it's someone having an OBE or projecting in their sleep...

When I used to work across town, I was going into work very early in the morning; around 3 to 3:30 am... Several times I swear I saw the doppleganger of my husband along the way...I've wondered if perhaps he was projecting to follow me along the way?...
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
James, I always welcome your in put and appreciate your thoughts mate cheers for that... "between Layers and Layers of possibilities " well put James and so true... The paranormal science does really intrigue me to a point of wanting to understand it's fundamentals and powers to be, the key in knowing that could remove some of the Myth's and circumstantial stigma's associated with it... Still learning mate but I do appreciate you for acknowledging my hope's and intention.

Regards 😁
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
Miracles, I think there's every chance it was your grandfather, "If I only knew then what I know now"...that is so true Miracles, you know the very first time I saw my Dad's spirit, it really freaked me out... So I do understand how hard it is for people to open themselves up to the spiritual realm without reservation or fear...time, wisdom, with a willingness for learning can change all of us on a spiritual level and I believe it has for a lot of long time residents here at YGS and one of my most profound spiritual experiences was being able to hug my mother and talk to her and interact with total peace with in and around without that fear I'd previously mentioned... Perhaps you should share that story with us Miracles I for one would be interested in reading it... ❤
Scorp2011 (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
Brilliant, Aussie Daz!
Your experiences are always more interesting by your thoughtful curiosity and analyses, but I think you surpass yourself with this entry. Your conjectures begin forging new links in these on-going mysteries and the layers between layers in possibility, consciousness, and peception. Thank you, sir!
~ James
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
Daz - you know the old saying "If only I knew then what I know now"? I truly do wish that. My grandpa died while I lived in that apartment. I wish I knew then the things I know now. I'd have been keeping my Journal then and I'd know if it was possible it could have been my grandpa. He asked about me the day before he died. He was in Ohio, I was in Virginia. I woke up the exact minute he died.

Could it have been my grandpa coming to see me after he died? Possibly, but I'll never know because I have no idea when this happened. I lived there almost a year.

I never included this experience in my Journal because I never knew whether or not it was paranormal.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
Yes Miracles, I do understand how you felt and it may well have been someone you knew, living or deceased... And when I get around to writing interactions part two, I am going to go into a experience shared by my wife and me over a period of 3 hours with a deceased family member, I hope it will illustrate the difference between her take on the experience and mine... Basically she was not comfortable and I was comfortable during this whole visitation which ended with my wife demanding me to stop it... The point I'm trying to make here, these general descriptions of hair standing up on our neck... Someone is watching me, someone is following me... Feeling cold and not comfortable are not always the spirit deliberately trying to un nerve someone... But more our own defences trying to keep us on guard and unfortunately when the experiences progress to S/P...Then we are in a whole new ball game of self inflicted mind terror.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
SmithNW, I always knew it was an outer body experience, but I'm fairly confident my perception was the same as one who had crossed over.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
Daz - I completely understand how your wife felt. When I was 19, I shared an apartment with a woman who worked nights, so it was like living there by myself.

One night I woke up and just knew there was someone standing in my bedroom watching me. You know that feeling? The one of something watching you? The hair on my body was standing, I had chills. I was scared to death; afraid to breathe, too afraid to turn over and look because I didn't know who or what was there.

After what felt like forever, the feeling of being watched went away. But I never heard footsteps leave my room or the living room. (I had wood floor, no carpet or rugs.) Never heard the living room door shut.

The whole time I lived there, I thought it was one of the maintenance men of the apartment complex. But as time has gone by, I've wondered if it was a ghost.

Could it have been someone having an OBE or astral projecting? Could it have been a ghost? Darn, posted a story just to say I understand how your wife felt 😆
SmithNW (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
If I were in your predicament, I would assume that I had died in my sleep and that I was now a spirit. Did this thought ever cross your mind? Or did you just know that you were having a temporary out of body experience?
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
Nsya, you make a good point and to also answer a point that Miracles made... I wrote a story a while back called living residual and in that story I talk about the time I saw my wife walking around our home OBE... Interestingly when I had questioned her on this experience she had no recollection? And Miracles she looked pretty much the same as what she looked at the time? But yes I too would have loved her to open her eyes and see me there... Another point worth mentioning I remember a friend who wanted to project herself to my home some years ago and told me she would do it on this certain night?...I remember her coming and I felt her hand but she too had no recollection of being in my home... So it's all food for thought in drawing our own conclusions... But I do feel our spiritual consciousness
Has some amazing abilities.😁
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
Miracles, I think it is quite a natural reaction to put your guard up when dealing with the paranormal and looking back over my own experiences I remember a time when I use to throw pillows and punches and generally become mad about the activity that was going on around me... But not any more and that's my point for putting this story forward with intent of looking at them from a different point of view... I think also what starts out as a friendly visit sometimes progresses to sleep paralysis due to ones own senses of fear... The person may presume that both experiences are related when all the time their loved one may have no idea about the sleep paralysis and how they are interpreting their interaction... Perhaps when the priest turns up or the cleaning ritual starts the penny drops for the spiritual visitors who thinks...WOW! I had no idea it was affecting them like this I better move on, as I said I had no idea my wife was frighten. 😁
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
It also begs the question, how many "ghosts" are actually living people projecting themselves in spirit form for one reason or another?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
Daz - I'm glad you submitted this story. I think you've made a very valid point, many actually, on behalf of our ghostly friends and people like you who travel.

I agree that there are many people who sense something or someone yet are too scared to look and see what or who it might be. Most people are ready to jump to the conclusion that they are being "haunted" instead of just being "visited" by a loved one.

I can't help but wonder what your wife would have done if she'd been able to overcome her fear and had turned and saw you. Actually, I guess what I'm really wondering is what she would have seen. What image of you would she have seen? Would you have appeared the same to her, or would you have taken a different form? Questions, questions, questions LOL

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