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The Verdict Conclusion!


I would like to start this story by saying over the last five years, I have tried to write about this account occasionally and each time I do, I have ended up falling short of finishing it, because it doesn't have a happy ending and I don't know if highlighting a few psychic points on the forensic search to the eventual finding of a young girl, her killer and the location of her body, is the right thing to do in respect of what happened to her. This poor child suffered from a horrendous death and most likely endured a lifetime of mental torture under the care of a callous mother. The details of evidence that later prevailed are in most part all relevant to the findings on a night where a group of YGS members got together and concentrated their energy towards finding the whereabouts of Kiesha Abraham via a group seance, which basically occurred over the net with myself at home, on the table with a home made Ouija board.

Sharing this story with respect to the group is something also that has been weighing on my mind, so I'm back here one more time, to finally give some closure to this story as I said I would... I apologize to those up front, if the accuracy of my account is not exactly how they remember it. I am going to rely heavily on my memory without digging up all the evidence involving the death of this poor young child, what came through and what was documented in a social group exclusive to YGS. So by all means, if you are one of the group members and you are reading this, please correct me if you feel my information is off the mark, or feel a need to add information to it. Regards and thank you sincerely for wanting to help find Kiesha some five years ago, especially to (G) and (R)

It was either the night or days just before the seance, I do remember sharing this dream with the group just after and it was documented for the record. During the night, I had this lucid dream of Kiesha appearing in front of me; a small child standing alone presenting herself with some physical distress. Her face was scared and burned but apart from that, her nature was quite normal as you'd expect a child to be... My initial thoughts were that fire played a part in this dear child's death. I can't remember if she spoke to me, but I think she was bringing my attention to the fact that she was burned and then showing me how she can dance as a means I guess? " to soften our interaction"...later on,

When I had asked this question via the Ouija board. "Was Kiesha burned" surprisingly the answer came back as (NO)... Basically leaving me with some doubt about my previous dream?... As it later turned out, when her killer was eventually caught and by the light of police evidence, Kiesha was murdered first and then stuffed into a suitcase. That suitcase was taken to a park where it was put on fire and then later buried. Kiesha was burned maybe hours after she was killed, so perhaps who ever was coming through on the board, had no knowledge of what happened after Kiesha was murdered?... Or perhaps Kiesha in a need to be found, was presenting herself with the physical duress of what followed later? Your thoughts about that are welcomed!

Backing up to the night of the group seance. My wife and children went away for the night up the coast and the group were all online willing their energy for information. It was around 9 pm, I was home alone as I heard the front screen door open adrift, not once but twice, the wind? Perhaps or maybe a visit from someone on the other side, I then proceeded with the Ouija Board. I'll move straight to the questions and facts of this case of which I believe are most relevant and there was only a few questions asked and answered!

.Asked: do you know where Kiesha is? Answer via O.B. Park, Park... (FACTS) Kiesha Abraham body was found in a park.

Do you know the name of the Park? GKLIDN, came through twice... It was not made clear to me of the actual name of park. (FACT) Shanes Park was the location of Kiesha's body!

How far away from Quakers Hill of where I live is the park? it less than 10 klm (6.2 miles): O,B (NO)

Is it more than 20 KLMS? O.B (NO). (FACT) Kiesha was buried in a park exactly 15. 5 klms way from Quakers Hill, probably the most profound information to come through, considering I live in Sydney surrounded by suburbia for about 40lkms in all directions and then hectares of open land beyond that.

Who killed Kiesha? O B, (her mother). (FACT) both her mother and her partner were suspects, however her mother was the sole killer!

Is she buried near water? O.B, (YES) (FACT), Kiesha was buried near a creek, one or two of the other members from our group picked up on this and also from memory that she laid to rest near a park.

Just to conclude this account, I will add one more thing that was a little odd at the time. When the police found her body and it made headline news, I wanted to know how far Shanes Park was from Quakers Hill... Borrowing my sons IPod, I'd Google maps to Quakers hill, as I ran my finger across the screen and took it off, Shanes Park came straight up among many other possible suburbs along the way, perhaps a coincidence or maybe not? Thank you for reading my account...

Kiesha Weippeart was laid to rest in the spring of 2011 by her loving biological father Chris Weippeart, who was obviously devastated by the loss of his only daughter. Later on in 2012, only at the age of 29 Chris Weippeart went to bed one night and never woke up... The police report found nothing suspicious about his death, I know I said there was no happy ending, but at least Kiesha is in the arms again of one loving parent, may their spirits soar!

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aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
2 years ago (2022-12-04)
Yes, she did put on a performance, the poor little girl must have gone through hell with a mother like that, thanks for your thoughts SWS take care.

Regards Daz
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
2 years ago (2022-12-03)
Hello again AussieDaz,

One thing I do remember about this whole horrible saga is when it was on the news, the mother begged for viewers to help find Keisha knowing she brutally physically abused that poor little one from as little as weeks old. What a total psychopath.

Once again reading this post for the second time made me tear up. That poor little girl went through so much pain and was in need of medical care up until her last breath but didn't get it.

Hopefully she can rest with her biological father in peace for all eternity.

Thanks for yet another great post AussieDaz. I know I commented on this post a couple of years back but I thought I'd read this again.

Best wishes,
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-04)
Very good response and I appreciate the comments. I know that there is a small amount of DA in all of us that researchers label as "alien DNA". Whether they mean actual alien intervention or they are using this term to label the anomalous strands found in all of us, I do not know. But it is good to know that there are others out there that have also noted similarities such as the ones we have discussed.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-04)

I think we are on the same page with this topic of which is not easy to open up over, especially in a community that may still have some reservations relating to the existence of extraterrestrial and their direct involvement with the human race.

I do remember a few years back there was an author here on YGS who wrote about an experience he and his father had with a couple of extraterrestrials on a hunting trip where the both of them were paralysed in broad daylight. This author was quite prepared to respond to questions and you couldn't help feel his account had some validity to it.

We do need to be careful when researching the topic as there is probably more disinformation out there than actual decent research and people you can trust.

I have vaguely touched on Jacques Vallee work and he may offer something not all that far from the truth?

I do concur with you on E.T having the ability to be behind some of the day to day paranormal activity people experience and yes they can intermingle on spiritual matters... To what extent? It depends on who you listen to and how you settle for what makes sense to you. I feel they are behind a fair mass of the invisible kinds of sexual relationships that go on all over the world every night of the year. They are known here as an Incubus/Succubus lover... Not all of them are E.T and some of them are brought on by ones own imagination, however they do engage with those humans selected for their programs... It is an embarrassing topic to come forward on I have no doubt 50 percent of people reading this have experienced something similar... For those who are involved in their programs, the E.T interactions are extremely intense ones...again, there may be other reasons aside from E.T

I find Zecharia Sitchen work on the Sumerian tablets extremely interesting... I do not believe we crawled out of the ocean based on the fact we are so different and unique to other species on this planet... The evidence he points to makes complete sense to me, the human race were created by the Anunnaki, and ever since then we have been visited and watched over.

One thing I am sure of, they know more about us than what we know about us... With the good/evil, I do believe there may be both, however I am convinced there are probably more of good than bad... Apparently 68 different E.T races have visited planted Earth. If more were bad, they would have probably exterminated us centuries ago.

We are left out in the dark, the sooner full disclosure comes around the better, I know you feel it may be soon, I hope you are right.

Regards Daz
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-03)
Aussiedaz, I have been wanting to share with you some thoughts, but have not been able to find a suitable "opening" for the subject. In any case, I have been involved in a lifelong pursuit in studying ET visitations over the years going back to ancient times. Not only have I discovered troubling coincidences between the paranormal and the ET's, but I also have discovered connections between ET's and spiritual matters. It has been a frightening road and I have been the recipient of these matters - which further fueled my interest in the area. As I read the many incidents detailed on this website, my beliefs in the connections existing between Good/Evil, the paranormal and the ET phenomenon have only been strengthened. Thankfully, there are an increasing number of very important researchers and authors that are noting this connection - most notably Jacques Vallee. Any way, I wanted to "come clean" on this matter with you. I hope you get this message.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-03)

Thank you Miranda, it was probably my most profound experience I have ever had, it was absolutely crazy to get it so right in front of a small group of friends here at ygs.

Justice prevailed in the end the mother got what she deserved.

Thank you for your thoughts.

Regards Daz
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2020-02-02)

OMG! I remember this happening.

I googled Keisha's death and came across this informative article which goes into detail about how the nasty mother hurt that poor little kid. That littley went through abuse from as early as a few weeks old.

I had tears in my eyes reading the article.

You did such an amazing job with your OB along the other members who got to the bottom of Keisha's murder. 😭

That poor soul. May she rest in peace. 😢

Thank you for sharing this post and thank you and the other members like Rookdygin who helped solve this brutal case.

Keisha is with her family now and is no doubt free and no longer in pain.

😘 ❤
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-07)
Hi there Wardo, I'm good mate and not a problem, I'm happy to be friends with you on facebook it might be easier if you can shoot me another email, I don't check up all that often,it's probably why I missed it. Ok on your question... I need to go back to another previous murder and I can't talk too much about that here,that's a long story, but just to paint a picture of my reasons for not revealing our findings to the police on Kiesha...I'll just quickly go over that account for you... My son and I saw a car with two people in it disappear in broad daylight. Previous to that, a women with long black hair appeared to me in physical form of which at that time, I had no clue she had been murdered. When I found a link of her picture on line and that she was missing, I had forwarded the police an email of where I believed she was and who was involved... As I believe both my son and I had a vision of the actual place the murderer's buried her body. Two people were arrested and it was the location they found her mutilated body, poor women, they have since been released on a technicality, anyway, with Kiesha, I just felt at the time, we didn't quite have enough to go on and I didn't want to give the police a cold trail or waste their time... When in Hindsight, it perhaps would have been pretty useful had I handed over our findings. There were a few other reasons of which I won't go into here.

Regards Daz!
Wardo (8 stories) (171 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-07)
Aussie! How have you been mate? I tried reaching out to you via an old email address, but was unsure if you got my message or not. I'd love to reconnect and was interested in joining your group on FB, if it still exists. What an interesting and sad story about poor Kiesha. I'm curious, did your group attempts have anything to do with the police finding her body? Thanks for sharing my friend. You can email on Gmail...wardo.exe[at] Talk to you soon hopefully! Cheers!
strangelife (3 stories) (16 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
You all really did a great job! Helping her get justice is really commendable. I can't imagine what kind of a mother could do this to her own child... Rather any child. Such people have no right to live.
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
Hi, I just wanted to point out yet again the fantastic work, support and guidance that many give freely on here. You all amaze me ❤
I've just read up about Kiesha as I haven't read about her before. Unfortunately all over the world, people feel its ok to harm children or worse. All these stories break my heart, bring tears to my eyes. I read one particular article that stated someone in the public gallery in court called out "I didn't even know her and I loved her more than you". How can this be? But you know what it's true. Some people don't deserve to walk this earth, (a strong comment, sorry. I'm a mum to a 3 year old girl and I love her more than life itself).

Daz and everyone else who assisted you. I hope you are proud of yourselves, as much as I am and other members on here ❤
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-04)
Val, I would add that not only philosophers, but physicist are split on what our reality is going right back to the Neil Bhor and Albert Einstein debates in 1929, in short, there is no matter, not one single solid particle in the universe can be found and when you ponder on that thought for a moment, you only have to think about what was here the day before the big bang?... I think it was Einstein who said... Reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one"anyway thanks again for your comment, you may well be right about my dream and I hope you are.

Regards Daz!
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-04)
Philosophers have long expounded upon the idea of which is the real reality (well that was awkward to type) our dreams or our 'awake' moments. Medical science has proven that the mind (indeed the entire body!) produces electricity. They like to term it an 'electric field'. I think this " eternal self sufficient unit of consciousness" you speak of is what many refer to as the soul. After all if it's a scientific given that we're made of energy, and energy can't be destroyed only converted then surely it exists after our death. I feel most of us here, would agree that this same 'energy' can be 'good' or 'bad' as well as intelligent. Most religions teach that our soul is what is left after our physical bodies give out, so linking the two terms is only logical.
You worried that sharing her story would extend her torment. It's there, my friend I would disagree with you. I feel, that you both reached out to each other at the time of your dream. You were probably thinking of her on some level, just like anyone would/should on hearing of a lost/taken child, and she... She was probably searching for someone to 'hear' her. In you she found a sympathetic ear, so to speak. Remember I mentioned wanting to protect her younger half-brothers? Maybe the picture is bigger. There are children living the same sort of nightmarish existence the world over. Being denied their 'happy'. If all their stores are swept under the rug, not talked about, forgotten - then what? We begin to believe it's always some 'other' kid, it doesn't happen 'here'. The evil is allowed to grow unchecked. Then Kiesha's, and others like her, death served no purpose at all. Their lives meant nothing. I think Kiesha wanted her story told, that it needs to be 'out there'. Her dancing shows that she's happy now, not 'stuck'.
Another fact about her birth-dad: He was 28 when he passed, and the coroner could find no reason for it. His mother maintains that he died of a broken heart, and if he couldn't have Kiesha with him in this world, he would in the next. Most religions teach that we're 'reunited' in the great beyond. I think perhaps they were both given another chance; him to be the daddy he wanted to be, and her to have the love she deserved.
dreamer01 (1 stories) (117 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-04)
the death penalty is archaic and abhorrent in my view. You get what you give out. An yes, they do throw away the key here in oz. Where I live it is called " the govenors pleasure." as far as I know there is one individual that is incarserated at this point under that law. 😊
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-03)
Silentwings, Yes the punishment should have been tougher, unfortunately here in Ausland our standards of law are not as forthcoming as what the standard of law are around the rest of the world. We don't have the death penalty and we don't throw away the key, thanks again mate and to the others here who commented on my account.

Regards Daz!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-03)
Valkricry, Thank you for you reply, I'd been hoping for another interpretation of my dream and I do believe you make an excellent point relating to that. She danced because her spirit was free,yeh, so, so true. I think you are perhaps a deep thinker like myself Valkricry and let me share with you, what I think the bigger picture is, relating to the processes of freeing your spirit, more importantly freeing your mind. Life is a physical dream, we are an eternal self sufficient unit of consciousness, that doesn't need a heart or lung to exist, we are all connected to the higgs field. One big giant field of information that is evolving itself with energies of emotion, we just suit up each time around in these physical plains and roll the dice.

In death,it's exactly the same as waking up after either a, a beautiful dream and thinking wow, that was fun or b, a nightmare of bad fortune and thinking let's forget about that one or c, Bruce Willis out of the six sense, those people who can't wake up, those who think they're still alive in this realm and that my friend was my greatest concern about this little child and part of the reason I didn't want to write about her, by keeping her nightmare alive... And they do pick up on our thought processes, just like the night the group got together. She needed to let go of her experience and move on, I just wonder if her father let himself go, just to help his daughter wake up once and for all? The other part of the reason, it's not about my ego, I consider myself more of a physic fluke, however something did go down here in my account and somehow I was connected to this event, perhaps it was through my mother who died in 2009 perhaps someone else.

Anyway,thank you for your thoughts, they are most welcomed!
Regards Daz
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-03)
I read your account with interest, then some read some internet news articles about it as well... Then I mauled it all over.
I understand why this was difficult for you to write about. I also know how exhaustive it must have been for you and the group to attempt this.
However, because you feel that there is no happy ending here, I did come across a bit of info that might make you feel a bit better.
Did you know that Kiesha had two younger half brothers? Since she was only 6, they were quite young at the time. Maybe, just maybe, she danced because she was free from the torment that had been her life, or perhaps she knew that through her death she could do what she couldn't in life - protect those boys from their mother. At least they now have a chance for a 'happy ending'.
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-03)
daz yeah I had heard she had a brother. Lord I don't even want to think of what might have been! And yes karma will get her eventually, good riddance to bad rubbish I say! Hope it gets her in this one as well!

Rook yes anything against women and children are treated the same here, one can but hope!

I know I sound nasty but well let's just leave it at that shes been convicted for what she did to that poor little beggar
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-10-02)
It's amazing what can happen when the right people get together seeking answers for such a precious little girl, I hope that she has found peace since her passing. I read about the case online and how anyone could do something so horrendous to an innocent child is beyond me. Her "mother" and the boyfriend should have a heavier punishment than what they got, I hope that their actions against Kiesha will be repaid back to them 100 fold.
Bonifaz (2 stories) (51 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-02)
Wow! I am utterly impressed. You really did some great investigation. Hats off to you.
And as far as the monster of a "mother" goes - may she burn in hell.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-02)

'Mom' may get to that next incarnation 'sooner that later' if they treat child killers sent to prison there the same way they get treated by other inmates here in the States.

I'm not saying I 'wish' this upon her but 'people are people' and it's funny how many 'hardcore criminals' can not abide hurting children.

Just saying...


aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-02)
Morticial, Yeh, poor little child must of went through hell, you know she had a younger brother who died at 6 weeks?, there's so much more to this story that won't ever get out, I'm not a hateful person, I just hope Karma takes care of her in her next incarnation.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-02)
A few someones Rook, your talking to an aussie old mate, no worries and not hard for anyone else here to work out who the (R) is in my story. You did work hard at it and came up with some reliable material, you know the first day I drove past the area via a near by road, I came across a sign with reasonable size print of SHANES PARK and right under it was a raging creek, their was some flooding at that time, but I remember you were adamant about Kiesha being near a creek and by a park, which was fairly accurate. At the end of the day, justice was served and the person guilty of it is behind bars and we can all feel content about that!

Cheers mate!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-02)
Tweed, thank you for your kind words and yes the community here do get behind you when needed. I think there were as many as 12 different members from all over the world up and down at all sorts of hours focusing their energy towards findings Kiesha, thank you again for your thoughts!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-02)

Many thanks for this, I understand how 'not easy' it must have been.

I remember this well, I also remember a certian level of frustration becasue of how carful those of us 'working' on this had to be with our comments becasue it was an 'on going', OPEN, investigation.

I like to believe Kiesha found some measure of peace knowing her 'plea' for help had been heard and there was someone... A few someones (is that proper grammar?) were doing their best to bring closure to this matter for her. This despite the 'Law' being a couple of years behind...


Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-02)
Daz I do remember you mentioning this when they were investigating it I believe. *sighs* Its something I thought at the time the mother had to have had something to do with it. I hate to think of what that poor little beggar went through.

As you say she is at least now at peace in the arms of one loving parent.

Its got me to thinking of the unidentified skeletal remains of the young child found in a suitcase in South Australia just recently. How many drove past it not realising? Who saw the man may have put it there? Etc

Im going to stop before I drive myself nuts 😊
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-01)
Hi Aussiedaz,

Over the past few months I've enjoyed your comments on older stories here at YGS. It's been great to read your comments in real time recently.😊

I can understand how this has taken so long to share. A bit of time between experience and sharing is very important sometimes. You know when the time is right, if it ever is.

This is such a tragic story. I can't tell you how moved I am by the members of YGS over those years. I think you summed it up perfectly 'May their spirits soar!'

Hope this land falls into conservation hands.

Thank you dearly for sharing.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-01)
Yeah, I'll have to see what I can find Ginny interesting you mention wooded, check this link out it refers to shanes park woodlands. Https://,_New_South_Wales...insert:Shane's Park woodland[edit]
The Shane's Park woodland is possibly the most intact remnant of the vegetation which once covered western Sydney, and contains a wide range of vulnerable, endangered and critically endangered flora, fauna and ecological communities.[17] The site is particularly renowned for its woodland bird fauna, including the Speckled Warbler. The site is not open to public access.

The present owners, Air Services Australia (a Federal government entity), consider the site surplus to their needs, and propose to hand over ownership as a public reserve to the New South Wales government. The Deed of Agreement for transfer requires the NSW government to gazette the land as regional park. This requirement has caused conflict with some community organisations.[18] The National Parks & Wildlife Act (s. 30 H) outlines the purpose of a regional park as being for recreation only, and does not expect management for wildlife conservation.

If the deed is signed, it is likely that the site will be amalgamated into the adjoining (in-development) Wianamatta Regional Park. Opponents to regional park gazettal for Shane's Park have also opposed the plans for Wianamatta Regional Park, which provide for commercial recreational opportunities and the fencing and culling of native fauna populations for public safety...'

I have to go for a while Ginny TTYL
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-01)
Aussie: Well now. I think it's awesome that you're now able to publicly talk about this case.

I think in the days before the seance, and with some brainstorming from several members (some of whom are no longer members) after your dream, many of us picked up on her being near and/or in the water. My vision included a building near the water, somewhere people would go to picnic like a pavilion, and also it seemed to me that I was looking out from under or near a tree.

Most of us picked up a wooded area. I wonder if it's possible to find a photo of where she was eventually found?

I can still picture the view I got, but I'd like something to compare it to.

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