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Real Ghost Stories

Showground Road


It was about 12 years ago to the best of my memory. I was running my own franchised soft drink run and my regular area was at Thornliegh, Sydney Australia. I have had many premonitions in my life, most of them were only trivial and occurred sometimes day in and day out... Spanned from memory over the last 30 years or so. Although today, they have basically stopped, a lot of these premonitions occurred way back and most of them at this point of time are long forgotten.

There are some premonitions that I will never forget and this one was so profound and accurate, my decision to follow my instincts ended up saving my life, no doubt. It was the night before and in this dream I was driving along Showground Road at Castlehill. Suddenly I could see myself in this traffic accident and I was dead. I remember distinctly how horrible the feeling and sense of death was, it literally chilled me to my spine.

The other thing I remember was the impact, that too was awful. The whole dream was more than just a dream and waking up, I had this feeling in my gut that what was shown to me was for a reason and when you have premonitions on such a regular basis, it doesn't take much to convince you otherwise. Heading to work that next morning, my daily routine was in progress and most of the day went pretty smooth, until the point where I finished my last delivery and time to head home. My journey home from Thornliegh should have taken me through Castlehill and along Showground Road, like on all of my previous travels this way was the best option.

Being in a truck, Showground Road was really the only way home for me, unless I was willing to take a suburban way, at the risk of being fined a 1000 dollars by local laws designed to keep trucks out of these areas. At that time financially with a young family and living week to week taking this risk is not something I would have considered lightly. But thankfully it was a risk I was prepared to take as I had no intention of using showground road.

It took a little extra time to get home, but eventually I made it and felt relieved I was home and safe, I was wondering about the what if factor and at what point do I use that road again? It could have been perhaps half an hour later, as I was still sorting out the goods on my vehicle the news came over the radio. It was peak hour traffic and accidents were often relayed to motorist on a daily basis.

When it was relayed about a fatal accident at showground road castlehill, I knew instantly it was the accident I saw in my dream the previous night... I don't believe premonitions are necessarily accredited to our own abilities, but are given to us for reasons sometimes beyond our understanding, it was not my time.

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Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2020-02-02)

I found one. Not overly funny but anyway.

Helvetica and Times New Roman walk into a bar.

"Get out of here!" shouts the bartender. "We don't serve your type."

😘 ❤ 😘
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-02)

Don't take too long I have until Wednesday before I'm on the couch with my therapist... Lack of karma points are high on my list of issues 😆

All good Miranda, I know you mean well.

Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2020-02-02)

PS: I read a few of your posts and several other members. I gave you 6 up-votes all up. It's all I'm allowed to give each member from experience. 😕

I can't up vote the comment below until the system allows me. I will as soon as I can.

😘 ❤ 😘
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2020-02-02)

You're killing me. 🤣

I haven't got any jokes to share back.

I'll have to google something especially for you. 🤗

It's finally raining here. Wooooohoooo. The farmers will be happy all over NSW.

Stay well and happy. Oh, find somewhere dry to kip that's not to close to the ocean so kids don't mistake you for a whale again. If you get really badly burnt, they mistake you for a lobster and throw you on the barbie. Lol 🦐

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-01)
Hello SWS

2042 is only a probabilistic departure it doesn't mean I can over eat or smoke three bongs a day, tehe, I'll go out with a bang much earlier if I take the message for granted.

Speaking of over eating, I fell asleep at the beach Miranda and woke up to find three young children rolling me into the beach.

I said: what are you doing? of the kids yelled out to his mother... (:Hey mum the whale can talk...doh! 😆
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2020-02-01)
Hello AuzzieDaz,

Once again I'm stitches.🤣 Your wife running off to the mall with your credit card and the ankle biters whiles you kip is hilarious. (I hope they brought you home something nice too).

2042 is 22 years away and leaves you stacks of time to enjoy many more kips and hopefully still have money in your account to enjoy yourself after your wife goes on her shopping sprees.

Stay well and happy.

Best wishes,
😘 ❤ 😘
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
4 years ago (2020-01-31)

Yes,the ''empty nest Syndrome''deary me, they are all grown up... However, I do get to see the little ankle bitters once and a while... There I am, telling the grandchildren about the old war stories back in the day only to wake up an hour later to find an empty wallet on the floor, a missing credit card and a note from my wife informing me she's taken the grandchildren to the mall. Doh!

Btw, It's ok to talk to yourself, it's a sign of madness when you start answering yourself back... Who that? It's me, oh ok.

I have been informed the year will be 2042, however I do know that's my probabilistic exist from the big bang we call the Matrix and not a certainty. I have no idea how I'm going to exit the joint, however, I do hope it's after they announce the winner of ''get me out of here I'm a celebrity 2042,haha...I'm also hoping it's a quick exit, I don't fear death however, I'm not keen on

Intuition tells me August.

Thank you again for your kind thoughts,

Regards Daz
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
4 years ago (2020-01-31)

Thank you for your kind words, it's uplifting for me in knowing some folk here appreciate my own perspective and theories. I'm not always right however at the very least, I will offer (with some critical thinking) an explanation I hope gives the author and those following the thread something to think about.

Thank you again,

Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2020-01-30)

🤣 Hmmmm, talking to walls on Sundays, screaming at the TV during 'celebrity get me out of here' when the wrong celebrities are booted, talking to plants, have all been done before. I've done a few loopy things myself. Hey, after being locked up in a mental institute anything after that is normal. Lol

Im so glad you are a member here. Your funny, considerate and always offer sound advice. You, Lady-Glow, LeighLea, Jubelee, Rex-T, Biblio, CuriousDee, Tweed, Valcricry, Melda, Twighliggt1011, Rookdygin, Zaruje, Haven, Lucia Jacinda, and Cuddlebear have an amazing intellectual flair that I admire. The advice from all of you and many other members on YGS have helped me tremendously. There's so many members that have been so supportive, the list is endless.

AussieDaz, I can't tell you how much you cheer me up with your humour. It's definitely something I enjoy and look forward to.

I guess your kids have grown up and left home and that's why your walls have the privilege to your banter. It's hard dealing with empty nest syndrome. I'm looking forward to being a grandma and giving lots of hugs and kisses to my grandchildren.

If you lived near by we could have coffee. I can imagine the conversation going for hours. You are very interesting and have so much knowledge.

What do you know about when and how you will cross over. Knowing would scare me. I'd rather be in the dark.

I can finally up vote you again.👏

LeighLea I've done my dash on you. I've voted you too many times and have to wait a bit.

Thanks for getting back to me AuzzieDaz.

Best wishes,
😘 ❤
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
4 years ago (2020-01-30)

"My old mate Tweed gave me some good advice this week, I need to think about the advice I offer here, apart from talking to myself, my spirit guides and the wall on Sundays, I don't believe I'm suffering any mental illnesses, I hope not."

I hope you're not talking about putting down the bong. That's crazy talk.

Just kidding. I don't do that either.

I find your advice to be very uplifting. Your advice doesn't make me feel any sense of doom. Yours is a good perspective in a community that is full of good perspectives!

- Maria
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
4 years ago (2020-01-30)

I have met my spirit guide's in a state of which Edgar Cayce referred to as super consciousness for brief spells perhaps only a handful of times over a span of around 35 years there may have been a few more... So it's not like, dial a spirit guide and your pizza will be here in 10,no,no on most of those occasions they have given me messages that have come true.

The only pending one is the age of which I will cross over however the way I'm going I may turn up

They are people and no I don't know who they are, I do feel blessed they watch over me and I know they want me to work on my flaws.

I like seeing the karma button pressed up as much as anyone else however feeling rejected is a human flaw, I'm working on recognising my weakness and letting them go. You can't control how people feel about you, you can only control how you feel about yourself.

My old mate Tweed gave me some good advice this week, I need to think about the advice I offer here, apart from talking to myself, my spirit guides and the wall on Sundays, I don't believe I'm suffering any mental illnesses, I hope

However some poor souls that land here on rare occasion are suffering issues we need to take into account.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2020-01-30)

Ooops... 😋 Spellcheck corrected my word. 2nd paragraph, 13th line down: 'weeking' should be 'weekly' 😣

😘 ❤
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2020-01-30)

We all tend to mumble to ourselves or to our pets, or sing along to music in the car, nothing wrong with that.

I'm sure we would have passed one another. I used to be on the road as a sales representative before getting into PR. I used to drive all over Sydney, Surry Hills, Parramatta, the North Shore and the Northern Beaches. That was my geographic selling zone. I was hardly in the office. The boss used to say, 'get out there and sell, sell, sell'! Most of the representatives would go to Macca's or the pub and just pretend they were out selling. Me? I was actually selling because I needed that job to pay my rent and bills. One representative, let's say her name was Julie, was often seen getting her weeking groceries or seen with her car in her drive way of her home. The boss used to do a 'drive by' which was check to see who was where and what they were doing. Julie was always skiving and always got caught. 🤣 Lol

Do you see your guardian Cleary? What does he/she look like? Is your guardian someone you knew/a deceased family member?

Thanks for your reply Darren. God bless.

😘 ❤ 😘
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
4 years ago (2020-01-30)
Hello SWS

From memory I used Hasting road as my detour home, Hasting is a 3T load limit street my truck was around 4T, often back then you did see council rangers booking trucks over the limit so yes, taking a risk is something you don't do lightly.

It wasn't my time, I was given an opportunity to continue on most likely by my spirit guide who probably assisted me with the precognition.

Small world Miranda, you'd know Showground road isn't generally a busy road. It's probably the only fatal accident I have heard about in 30 years, chances of it all being an coincidence is near nil. I wonder who it was that died in my place? I wish I had investigated it a little further, I should have felt guilty about it however at the time in all honesty, I never thought about it that way.

Anyway, thank you for your kind words and support we have probably driven past each other on some occasions and not even realised it. I drive all over Sydney my brain is a mobile GPS. If you ever see this old dude driving around talking to himself it's probably yours truly.

Regards Daz
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2020-01-30)
Hello AussieDaz,

You are lucky to have been warned not to take Showground Road in your dream and acted on detouring the next day. Most people don't trust their instincts, dreams, gut feelings or sound advice.

I'm so glad you are okay and still round. I love reading your comments. I can't up vote you anymore today. I'm getting the message, 'please vote for someone else' (We only get 5/6 votes per member).🤔 I hope that increases in the future.

I know where Castlehill is. I've been there a couple of times, 10 years or so ago. I don't know much about Thornleigh, apart from it being a well sort after area.

I'm in the process of reading your posts. Being an Australian, I'm sure I'll be familiar with the places you write about.

This post is now in my favourites.

Best wishes,
😘 ❤ 😘
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-23)
I don't ignore my gut feelings or dreams either. It was wise of you to take a different route home... So glad it's not "your time" yet. 😊 I've only had one premonition. It was many years ago when my kids were small. I was sleeping and woke with a terrible feeling something really bad had happened. I sat up in bed not knowing what to make of it? A few weeks later I was driving home with my kids in the back seat when a woman on a bicycle swerved right in front of me! I couldn't stop and she bounced off of my windshield and on to the road. My kids were crying in the back seat. I stayed with the woman until the police came. Later we discovered she was riding her bicycle drunk, but thank God she lived. That's amazing you have so many premonitions. One was enough for me!
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-13)
Daz oh that IS wonderful news! Glad to hear it and will keep an eye out for the story when its posted. Hope justice is done for the poor woman 😊
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-12)
Cheers mate, just letting you know that in regards to the women in black, cause I do remember you asking to keep you up dated... They have charged two people for the murder of the young girl and I will put a story here at some point that I'm sure you will find interesting... I am just waiting for justice in the court to prevail before I do but it could take some time.

Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-12)
*waves to Darren* how goes it? Fb account is down so not up to date with what's happening

Anyway onto your story. Thank god you listened to your gut instint on that dream. Sounds like if you hadnt there wouldve been dire consequences for yourself. In fact it reminded me of the gut feelings/intution/sixth sense I often get. When I don't listen to them it always seems to spell trouble!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-29)
You wanted me to keep you informed. I've sent you an email. If you're still interested.

Jav 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-24)
Thank you Darren, for your thoughts and prayers. But so far it's not good news, and that's the plain truth of it. You are right, it takes a lot out of family and friends alike, but nothing compared to the one who's suffering. You have a good night sir. And thank you for listening.

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-24)
Yes I do know... My prayers and thoughts are with you, not only does it affect the sufferer but their whole family is affected directly and in directly... Hope things go as well as they can. ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-24)
I hear you mate, my older sister Kathy is struggling with it now. I've been wringing my hands night and day over it too. Cervical cancer is her tormentor as we speak. It's hard to sit on the sidelines when you just want to get up and kick that killer down. Prayers and support are so important, and I've got to keep it going for her, but it's times like these that you want to kick something back, you know?

Jav 😢
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-24)
The women in black story was my most profound experience for a few dark reasons of it's own... And being able to see, hug and talk to my mother has filled my heart with joy and left me with a good memory to move on with... I don't consider myself psychic... More blessed that God could bring us together in a peaceful loving way one more time after she had a cruel tenacious fight with that horrible disease cancer and she did really suffer in a way that's best not to
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-24)
Your 'Woman in Black' story was a pretty dark one too, but still stands out as one of my favorites. I can understand you having trouble putting pen to paper though, knowing it has to do with someone so close to you. I don't know if I could find the strength myself.

Jav ❤
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-24)
Thanks again Jav, that's a nice thing to say mate and it means a lot to me... I have a story to share about my niece and have struggled to complete it a few times over the last 12 months... I think your last comment may just give me the strength to finish it this time, but let me prepare you, there is no happy ending in the next one lol ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-24)
Just so you know that I always have enjoyed your stories. You have a way with words that always leave an impression on my soul.

Jav ❤
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-24)
Thanks Jav, I will get around to it in the near future and its nice to know that people like yourself enjoy them, just gives me that little more incentive to put pen to paper...❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-24)
I would really like to hear of other experiences you had of this nature. I find this to be one of the more fascinating realms of the paranormal. Thanks again for sharing.
Jav ❤
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-06)
No worries mate, your not as bad as me, I sometimes don't reply for years... As you may have noticed on one of Granny's story... 😆...cheers mate I'm glad you did... You usually either give me something to think about that is more positive than the what if factors... ❤

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