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Real Ghost Stories

In The Arms Of An Angel


It was the night before that fatal accident, two best friends not quite yet teenage girls planning their day ahead and enjoying each others company one last time at a sleep over. For one of them, her life would come to an end and for the other she would soon lose her best friend. Somewhere through the night, as they were talking and sharing their souls like best friends do, one of them fell back on the bed and went into a trance. At first her friend thought she was playing around, but soon realized after a few seconds, that what she was witnessing was something very unusual and bizarre. Skye had gone into some type of spiritual trance, preparation perhaps? And as she came around minutes later, the two of them ponder over the unexplainable experience eventually resting themselves on their pillows and falling off to sleep. What happened in those few minutes still remains a mystery today?

As sunlight hit the pavement, so too did the girls set out on their bikes heading to the park and bike circuit as previously planned the night before. As the girls approached the busy three lane road of western Sydney, Skye got off her bike and decided to walk across the road pushing bike by hand, as her friend watched from the other side... Skye was obscured by a blind spot from the on coming motorist who was steadily heading toward her direction. As she cautiously pushed the bike out from behind a tree, what happened next is just a parents worse nightmare. The front end of the car collected the steering wheel of the bike and Skye was thrown awkwardly into the air causing serious head trauma, as she laid there dying with her best friend screaming and bystanders urgently calling for help the ambulance was soon on its way.

A short time later as the ambulance was loading Skye into their vehicle, Skye's father by coincident, was only about 5 minutes away from where his little princess was hurt and in a fight for her life. Hearing the ambulance leaving the scene, you could imagine the horror he felt when recognizing the bike he bought for Skye twisted and mangled left eerily alone near the side of the road. His immediate thoughts derived him with an overwhelming sense of being with his baby.

Putting his foot to the floor, Skye's dad had arrived at the hospital not long after the ambulance and upon the emotional horror of seeing medics attempting to resuscitate his little angel. He followed his daughter into surgery where the doctors worked effortlessly to save the life of his little princess. Skye died again moments before her dad made it to her side. Frantically once more the doctors recommenced CPR. With the help of the doctors and her father's love as he held her hand pleading for her not to go, Skye battered and bruised beyond recognition bravely fought back to life one more time, perhaps for a reason in her own way to say goodbye to her Dad. As the Angels from heaven were taking her with them the doctors could do no more, Skye had exhausted her last breath of life in the arms of her loving father... The world had lost a loving child and heaven had gained a little angel.

My niece's death was a shock to our whole family, none of us took it well, not even ok. I remember my little niece walking into our home when she was only three years old, big beautiful eyes and big round cheeks to match, she was such a lovely child. I can still remember her walking up to me dragging her doll that seemed as big as her and kissing me on my cheek when it was time for her to go home. With feelings of helplessness, something compelled me to write a song towards relieving the despair I was feeling and maybe for others as well. It was a song that was soon welcomed sincerely by Skye's parents and eased there grief ever so slightly. Which was welcomed by a phone call from them that came from the heart.

Skye's mother had asked me to write another song and entrusted me with Skye's diary where she used to write pages and pages of her own poetry. Skye had a passion for poetry and music, it was a tribute formulated from her journal of poetry from a life so short on journey but not on charisma! A couple of days after her funeral and some many hours of putting together a second song, it was emotionally exhausting and difficult to complete, reading through her diary, I was allowed to walk along with Skye and share her dreams, sadly dreams that will not come true.

Finally, I'd put it all together and conformed it into a song. As I played it back over and over again, I was thinking about my niece and still battling to come to terms with our loss, overwhelmed with emotions and feelings of despair, I'd laid back on my bed, eyes filled with tears... Suddenly within my room, I could feel someone there, although on this occasion I couldn't see who it was like I have with other spiritual visitors, there was no mistaking it was Skye and why she was here! As I laid on my bed, I felt these tiny little lips give me a kiss on my cheek, a kiss that took me back to a time I'd remembered well and cherished dearly Like when she was only three years old, this little angel came in to give her uncle one final kiss goodbye, she has never been back... We all love you Skye!

In The Arms of An Angel... Http://

In Memory of Skye!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, aussiedaz, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-25)
Well Daz, if it wasn't for YGS, to take my mind off things, I would have been totally round the bend! Everyone has been So good to me so far. I mentioned once before, that my friends were as close as my computer... All my friends on YGS! You all have been/are fantastic! Thank you Daz, and all the others (you know who you are) for the helping hand and kind words, along this rocky road.
Bless you all! 😐
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-25)
I know it's helped me Fergie with the healing process, talking about some of the pain and letting people know how hard and brave our loved ones are when their in the battle of their lives, their are many caring souls here at YGS Fergie and I'm sure people here would give you all the support you need should you decide to write about your own family battle... Either way mate just know your not alone and people do care.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-25)
Thanks Daz, I was so wrapped up in my own situation, that I totally forgot about YOU! Sorry for my selfishness... This time of year is hard for you too!
I read your other accounts some time ago, so it slipped my mind about your circumstances. I am happy to hear about your mom comforting you.
My husband has been 'contacted' twice, since Angel passed. (I am jealous!) But he was the one that needed comforting more. He was still in denial, hoping for a miracle... That his baby would get better. He is very angry with the Man 'upstairs'!
I was more realistic about the situation, as I had spent many weeks with her, at her house, over the past 4 years. I sat up nights with her, when she went through bad patches. Plus, I and her big sister spent the last +/- 18 hours of her life, in the hospital with her.
Daz, one of these months, when I have plucked up enough courage to answer comments, I will post the account of all that happened on that fateful night.
Thanks again for your kind words of encouragement Daz.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-25)
I understand Fergie and my thoughts are with you over this especially sensitive time of the year, it must be hard on you and your family and it's ok to let it out when you have to mate... Coincidently in regards to the dates, my mothers birthday is the 30th of this month, my dad passed on the 5th of August, mum the 13th and they got married on the 2nd August... And since my mother passed over in 2009, she has been with me throughout July/August the last previous two years... And I have spoke with her and take heart she is doing well and in peace on the other side... Not all of them come back and make contact Fergie, but it doesn't mean they don't look over us from time to time...I'm sure she loves you very much and wants you to know that and also know she's fine... ❤ Take care again and your always welcomed here to share your thoughts when ever you feel Fergie!
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-25)
Thank you Daz, for your caring words. We are muddling along as best we can. 🤔 Tears can still fall at the drop of a hat. It all takes time, I know!
On 21st was our Angel's birthday; we lit a candle for her. Next month will be her daughters 8th birthday... All things that will bring back vivid memories... But we will survive!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-23)
Thanks Jav, never a easy subject to talk about but maybe we need to from time to time and you have a nice evening too!

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-23)
That was beautiful Aussie. It made me cry. All the love mate, have a nice evening.

Jav ❤
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-23)
[at] Fergie, I read your reply to one of my other stories and I'm so sorry for what you had to go through as well, my heart goes out to you Fergie and I hope you are coping as best you can, it's a hard pill to swallow losing a child, but life does go on for all of us and I believe our departed ones want us to move forward to complete our own journey as fulfilling as we can...BTW...Skye's parents are doing OK and we are too... I do know one day we'll see them again and I take strength from my own personal experiences with the paranormal and I do know first hand there are some amazing energies on the other side full of love and kindness and I have felt there energy and love a few times, heaven is real and I have faith that our children are in the arms of the Angels, thanks again friend and take care. ❤
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-22)
Daz, I have only just plucked up the courage to post on this. Firstly, my condolences to you and the family. It is tough to loose a member of the family, especially when it is a child, no matter how old that child may be!
How is the family holding up? I know it takes a while, but eventually, life must go on. 🤔 I am speaking from experience.

Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-10)
Daz oh lord what is there to say but sorry for your loss and such a beautiful tribute 😊
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-23)
Thank you all for you kind thoughts and love most appreciated. ❤
adsouza (guest)
13 years ago (2012-03-21)
Aussiedaz - I just read this today. I don't know what to say that's appropriate enough on something like this, except that it touched me somewhere deep inside.
Thank you for sharing...
herohead (2 stories) (61 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-09)
Wow, I read this story while my son (2 yrs) was playing on the floor with a toy, I just had to hug him.

My heart truly bleeds for you and your family.

Im truly sorry Hero
SnoWQueeN (5 stories) (100 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-09)
Aussie, I am speechless. This emotionally written story made me to cry my heart out. Believe it or not I'm still crying. It hurts me. Sorry for your loss. May your little princess Skye rest in peace.

sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-20)
Real good story Aussie. I am sure and definitely sure that skye was there when you were thinking about her. By the way you described, yes, earth has lost an angel and the heavens have gained. I know it would be painful but to put it to words requires a lot of courage. God bless you.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-17)
Aussie, this is one of the most emotionally (to steal a word from Darkness) "intense" stories I have read of yours. I am so sorry Skye was taken from your family so soon. It breaks my heart, and the song "In The Arms Of An Angel" is definitely a beautiful way of expressing your pain and grief. Just thinking of the lyrics now is bringing tears to my eyes.

Thank you so much for letting us be a part of your experiences. You are an amazing person and a great friend.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-17)
Geez Aussie that has got to be one of the most intense accounts I have ever read on here mate, what a horrible tragedy my heart goes out to you and your family and Skye's buddy!
You can bet 100% that it was Skye coming to see you that day, you have done her proud and she has acknowledged this with love. Good onya mate keep being the champ you are! 😊

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-17)
Hey Aussie, you know we all love you. I figured it out pretty easily, and so did the others, obviously. This was a beautiful tribute, and I appreciate that you found us worthy enough to share it with.

Your sister,
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-17)
Thank you all for your comments, the link at the bottom of my story unfortunately didn't transpose when submitting it... Kelly Clarkson sings her version of... "In the arms of the Angel", a song I chose from you-tube in memory of Skye!
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-16)
daz, I'm sat here lost for words mate.
I know! Me! Lost for words indeed 😲
The loss of anyone is painful but a child,
This has to be the hardest to read on here but with such a sweet touching ending, again thank you daz.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-01-16)
Thanks, Granny. Figured I'd better just let you handle it rather than get into a hair-pulling contest 😉. The last comment did get quite a laugh when I read it, though, so I think it may have backfired 😆
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-01-16)
I see absolutely nothing in Miracles' comment that could be misconstrued as coming across as rude... I think that decision lies with the moderators no?...And in my opinion, you omgitsjessika and simmo26 have been the rude ones...Now, the point was cleared up, and it would be appreciated if you didn't sulley this this thread with any further disrespect toward anyone...

Do either of you have anything else to say about this story, or are you just here to troll?...Because if trolling is what you're here to do, then kindly leave this site...

Since you're both "newbies", I'll let it slide, but consider this comment a warning... Disrespect will not be tolerated, voice your opinions without acting like you have no manners, and you will be welcomed...
omgitsjessika (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-16)
Yes! Some of us are new here, and don't know the people on this site yet... I have to say for a site in which people come together to discover/share experiences which others may find odd... You would think people would be more 'friendly'. Sadly, people like Miracles51031 make it seem like if you don't 'know' everyone and you're not in their 'CLIQUE' then you are not worthy or welcome.
sunset_savage (17 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-16)
Someone who knows the author might know he wouldn't take credit for a song he didn't write, but for the rest of us it does seem misleading. The clarification from the O/P helps quite a bit.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-01-16)
daz - thought I knew you well enough to know you weren't taking credit for a song you didn't write 😉. Thanks for clearing it up yourself, since it seems to have been necessary.
omgitsjessika (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-16)
Thank you for clearing it up. That is all I was asking, without people being rude.:)
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-16)
I better clear that up for you all, I never made any claim in my story that the link below was the song I wrote... I just thought it would be a nice song to put with the story and an appropriate title... There is no title name for the song I wrote and it will remain private with in my family.

simmo26 (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-16)
actually Miracles51031 I agree with omgitsjessika whilst not discounting the whole story the title of the story is somewhat misleading as it insinuates that the song at the end is linked to the story and then when reading it the story is misleading too how it mentions writing songs and then the link is posted with no further explanation?!?!...omgitsjessika was just tryna clear things up...geeeeezzzzzzz
omgitsjessika (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-16)
Erm...Miracles51031, thanks for your 'input' but I was asking aussiedaz.

If you are going to write a story in which you state that

"With feelings of helplessness, something compelled me to write a song towards relieving the despair I was feeling and maybe for others as well. It was a song that was soon welcomed sincerely by Skye's parents and eased there grief ever so slightly. Which was welcomed by a phone call from them that came from the heart."

...and then stick a link to a song at the end of the story... It is very misleading.

Maybe he should have stated more clearly that it wasn't the song he himself wrote.

I wasn't discounting his story, I was simply questioning why he would talk about writing a song, and then put a link to a song he clearly didn't write at the end, insinuating it could be the song he was talking about.

So how's about you get off your high horse, because unless you're a mind reader, I don't see how you can say for sure that WASN'T what he was doing...

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-01-16)
omgitsjessika - whoa, hang on just a second there. I believe you have misunderstood what daz was saying. Never did he say he wrote those lyrics.

Daz, sorry if I'm answering for you, but geez...

Omgitsjessika - before jumping to conclusions, as we are all prone to do from time to time, and yes, I do too, perhaps aussiedaz just felt the title of this song to be the most appropriate for his story. After all, it is a beautiful song.

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