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Real Ghost Stories

The Women In Black


This story is about a recent murder, a visitation from a spirit of the women whose profile fits the description and a bizarre vision of the evil act that possibly surrounded her death. Also an unbelievable experience shared by my son and I, involving what I believe was a residual replay involving the car that carried her mutilated body to a sacred aboriginal site right before our eyes and then disappeared into thin air in broad daylight. It also involves an aboriginal psychic that led the police to the location where her body was eventually discovered.

But first I need to go back to the start, I'd recently posted my story August Soul Mates 3 and during that experience with my mother, there were other paranormal things going on at the same time. Including some visions and dreams in regards to a friend of mine and a difficult time she was going through, in relations to an unfortunate loss and personal family matters. Later on my friend had confirmed what I'd saw and validated that experience for me. My wife too, at that time had felt the urgencies in our home. A few months ago as I was going to work, she saw a shadow follow me out the door and it wasn't mine. She was at that time a little unsettled and I have been reassuring her not to worry, on most occasions I try to keep my experiences to myself and not alarm my family, especially the ones that may be hard to explain.

One night as I was resting on my bed, I had rolled over from my right side to my left and standing inside my room probably about 2 or 3 feet away, was a woman all dressed in black. With trousers or jeans on, with a shirt and jacket her hair was black and medium long. She was in full body, not an apparition as such. She was just staring straight at me, the room was dark her face was not so clear, but I knew instantly she was not a family member. I remember looking at her and I guess what had surprised me, was the fact that she was not startled or moving away from me. She was waiting for me to initiate a conversation; unfortunately I'd lost sight of her and was unable to connect for the purpose of that visit. I had no idea who she was or what she wanted then? But I believe now, that she was the murdered ghost of a woman that has been missing since June and later found at a reserve not far away from where I live. Now my memory of when I saw her is a bit vague, but I believe it was around June or July? At that time, every night the paranormal activity in my home was crazy. To a point where I thought I was digging in too far, as at that time I was seeking to help a friend and had some unusual experiences in the process.

One night as I was astral projecting myself or experiencing a projected dream field? I had left my body and travelled to another country. Most of my out of body experiences are confined to my house. But on this occasion I'd found myself travelling across the universe to another place far away. I had come across a man sitting at a table; he looked at me and gave me an evil stare... He seemed a little surprised that I was there. His face started to change in demonic fashion, instinctively as crazy as this sounds I'd started walking straight toward him. Refusing to succumb to fear or to the nature of what was going on and what he was trying to achieve. This is not the first time in astral flight or dreams have I come across a nasty being and any sign of weakness is an invitation for them to enter your mind. I am no hero and excuse me for being a little self-patronizing, but I want others especially children to understand, that they can't enter your mind or destroy your world if you don't fear them. Without your fear they are powerless to hurt you. Before I had returned to my body I saw what I can only describe as three witches levitating of the ground. I am not suggesting they were evil, but I do believe they were connected in some way to my friend and her circumstances. I cannot rule out the possibility that this experience was only a dream, as I have come to acknowledge over the years that not everything presents itself as clear as what you interpret or remember; now getting back to the story.

I know over at Facebook back then in a chat room with a few friends, I had posted a question if anyone knew of a woman all dressed in black with medium long black hair? Another night as I just went to sleep maybe 4 seconds in to a dream state, I had a vision that just seem to come from nowhere and present itself to me. This woman who had long black hair appeared right before my eyes, she pulled a knife up above her head and in a blink of an eye and she ran it straight through my chest. I could feel the knife go through my chest and I mean physically feel it. My muscles had contracted and I could feel the pain for maybe a few long seconds and for some time as I was waking up to a conscious state. The suddenness of this vision jolted me out of the semi dream state. This is the first time I have shared that experience and this experience is an example of what I try to keep away from my family. As I know sometimes our mind can plays tricks on us and I thought? Perhaps it was my imagination. I know privately I'd mentioned to my friend that I would withdraw my focus on her experience, as I had thought the connection of being stabbed had something to do with my friend's experience or from too much psychic activity or even an overactive imagination. I am totally aware of how powerful our minds can be and often distribute advice at your ghost stories with this in mind.

I could relay dozens of experiences like this over here, like the previous paragraph about the three witches and demonic man. But I have decided to only submit stories that are mostly different to the ones I have already wrote! I believe this vision of being stabbed was a past premonition or perhaps the vicious nature of the crime that she fell victim too. It was a very unpleasant experience that kind of shocked me to some degree. After 45 years of running around the block, you kind of think that you have experience most of the mystery's that life can bestow, but I guess this is the first time I have been through a paranormal experience with such vicious circumstances. Maybe some years ago it may have really unsettled my nerve, I know I have said this before and I'll say it again, I will not fear my paranormal experiences I am more afraid of the living.

GHOST CAR... This experience was amazing and absolutely connected to the women in black. My son and I decided to go training at a park adjacent to an aboriginal sacred site; it is about a 10 minute drive from where we live. Keep in mind at this point we had no idea that in this area, the torso of a woman's body was dumped in a creek adjacent to the park and it was an aboriginal elder that tipped of the police to the possibility of finding a body down there due to a gut feeling. At this time there was a six year old girl missing and police pursued with the lead. Now here's what went down, as we drove under the bridge and into the park we had noticed this car behind us, we were the only two cars driving in at the time. There was another vehicle already parked and a red car dumped nearby with no rego plates on it. Now as I got out of our car, I saw this mobile car, which was a white Holden commodore sedan. In it was a man and women driving slowly very close to the edge of the reserve on the bike and walkway track, it did seem a little strange and quite odd to be where it was. The last time I saw the car it was probably 3 or 4 car lengths in front of ours and heading in the direction at the back of the toilets, maybe 15 meters passed.

As I turned my head around toward the park my son had now got himself out of the car and headed to his back seat to grab his drink and towel. He saw the car and saw the women in the passenger seat just glazing in the direction in front, as he bent in the back to grabbed his towel and keep in mind that he was very conscious of where the car was and standing toward the only way in or out! So basically he never really turned his back at all, when he pulled himself back out of the car, which was only a couple of seconds later "he said". With a very surprised tone, hey dad where did that car go? From the last time I saw the car to the point of him saying hey dad, it could have not been longer than ten seconds... Keep in mind for about 5 seconds of them my son had vision of the car and had the prolific side vision of anything turning around. He only lost sight himself for maybe 5 seconds tops? When he said" hey dad" where's that car? I turned around and pointed confidently with my own geographical bearings of where the car was and said; it went behind the toilets...Suddenly! I was just as surprised as my son... Quickly I'd realized that there was a barricade at the back of the toilet and no way possible for a car to get pass, so immediately I'd look toward the bridge we drove under. Which were about 200 metres back and I saw nothing. It is the only way in or out, very open and nothing at all to obscure our view, at this point this whole experience could have not been any longer than 15 seconds and even that may be longer than it was...

We are both convinced that due to the short time we turned our heads and that's if we did at the same time, there was no way it could have doubled back, it just vanished. We examined all possibilities for about 20 minutes, tracing over our steps and timing how long it would take to reverse or turn around etc., and at best that I could manage and that was driving pretty quick in reverse a car would have needed 45 seconds to make it back to the bridge and disappear out of our view. Another thing to note there was no noise, we heard nothing but when we had re-enacted the car turning around there was a reasonable amount of noise. There is no doubt in my mind that the car disappeared, it would have been impossible to turn around and get passed us that quick and especially with no tyre noise as there is some gravel in the location and on top of that, no prolific vision of it going back at all.

The only place the car could have gone in a few seconds was in the creek, which was still impossible to do, as the reserve has thick bush and shrub on the edge of the walkway and furthermore there would have been some substantial noise. I had decided to investigate up and down the edge, looking into a swamp like creek, looking for something that I knew I couldn't find and all this time unbeknown to me, somewhere in that creek a woman's torso was recently discovered... Coincidently by an aboriginal elder who had sensed that there was a body there and informed the police. We decided to continue with our plans, but as my son pointed out to me later, I did keep on going back to the creek in intervals looking in each general direction.

I believe its possible what was shown to us was the actual murder taking place, I remember walking to the edge of the reserve and glancing toward the creek. I can't say I was picking up on anything I was more wondering if the car was in the creek... As that would be the only logical place it could go in a short space of time. But there was nothing there; It was a bit eerie to think that I was probably standing only metres away from where the girl in black was discovered.

When we got home such was the circumstances of the experience, my whole family was informed about what happened and to the contrary of keeping things to myself... We all were mystified to the nature of what happened. My youngest son goggled up on the net and discovered a recent news clip of a woman who's Torso had been discovered in the creek where we saw the car disappear; the date of this news clip was the 13th August coincidently the day my mother died in 2009? I felt that what we saw had something to do with this murder and decided to contact the police and forward what we saw and what I had felt, I sent an email stating I'd believed that a woman and man where involved? Based on the fact that we saw a man and women in the car... I found out a short time later, that a women and man have been charged with the alleged murder of this unfortunate woman.

When I eventually saw the latest bulletin in regards to the murder, I was in shock when I saw a picture of the women who was murdered; she had long black hair and was dressed in black. I believe it was the same women I saw standing in my room some 2 months prior. I cannot be 100 per cent sure it was her, but her profiled was remarkably similar. I was considering trying to contact her family, but have been advised not to at the risk of being ridiculed by our local community. My son and I have been back over a couple of times replaying our movements, just in case we'd missed something. But we keep coming back to the fact that the car just vanished. I think it's fair to say, if I were reading this story from another author, I too would find it hard to believe. Our minds can play tricks on us, but for both of us to see the same unexplainable event, rules out any type of delusional status, I welcome your thoughts.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, aussiedaz, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
2 years ago (2022-12-02)
SWS,I feel the correlation between my own account and the other story by (D) has to be these two folk driving the car into the area obeying traffic rules. I guess the one difference between my own account, the other and Telly S, has to be the fact we saw a solid metallic car disappear? Anyway, I don't know why they were released the whole account was one out of the box no doubt.

Regards Daz
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
2 years ago (2022-12-02)
Hello Aussie Daz,

I remember you and discussing the YGS members who helped locate the two people. At the time I was thrilled that the 2 didn't get away with it and now I'm disappointed that they're released.

You and the other members who helped have a talent worth it's weight in gold.

Best wishes,
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
2 years ago (2022-12-02)
Hello SWS I'm doing well, I hope all is well with you too and yes, the knife experience was pretty surreal to experience although eventually I ended up a little nonchalant about it the following morning wondering if it were more related to sleep paralysis or imagaination from memoery? However as it turned out, it probably was all hooked up to the disappearing car.

Hello CT, I wouldn't consider myself a medium however, as you have mentioned I do believe my mother may have somehow pulled me into receiving more attention than normal, as I stated in an update, the night some members from here were invovled in trying to find the body of the young girl who was missing. The information that came through ended up pretty spot on... From memory, having the location of her body within 10 to 20 klm from where I lived ended up accurate. I lived in Quakers Hill and as you may know, there's a whole lot of suburbia within that region.

Two people were arested for the murder (man and woman) of the lady dispposed at the park... The car we saw disppear had a man and woman in it... As a further update, both of them have been released for anyone else following this story.

Regards Daz
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
2 years ago (2022-12-02)
Hello Aussie Daz,

Yeah my sister CrimsonTopaz used to hog the computer and read all night long using my login to search for interesting posts like this one. I also remember reading these experiences you had thinking I wouldn't have known what to do if it was me. What a scary encounter you had with the knife. I hope you are well.


Thanks for your comment. It's hard. I talk to mum and I'm sure she hears my words. I'm still waiting for her spirit to visit and if that happens, I will submit what I experience and share it with YGS members and guest readers.
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2022-12-02)
Daz, Before I became a member, I remember reading this. I used to go through various Australian members situations and needed to read this in 2 stages with lots of coffee and lots of OMG's throughout the events. The knife going through your chest sent chills down my spine. The lady in black sighting on your late mother's passing anniversary may have been your mother trying to show you who did it. 13th August is too much of a coincidence. This is sad and interesting at the same time. I hope you and your son have recovered from the ordeal. My condolences on the loss of your mother. May she RIP.
galleygal (3 stories) (150 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-11)
[at] aussiedaz - heavy duty stuff, man. Alright, I look forward to seeing how it all shakes out!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-11)
[at] galleygal, You can talk about the case to a degree, providing you allegedly make claims about it... What came through on that night was the same person who is allegedly charged with her murder and to discuss that night here could be in breach of our laws especially as I would have no control of the comments and their insinuation of guilt should there be any... And for that reason, I am waiting for the trial to finish.

Regards Daz
galleygal (3 stories) (150 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-11)
[at] aussiedaz - I came over here after reading The Verdict; what an incredible story. I'm curious about Australian law preventing you from discussing the case, though, when it's all readily available to read online? It's not as though you are a material witness, or a juror...what's the law called?

I always thought (without really thinking about it, mind) that Australian law was based on English law, in which case it's open season for gossip on all topics 😊.

Anyway, this is an amazing account, I can't wait to here more.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-25)
Thank you for understanding Sara and nothing was discussed at length to warrant investigation... We just can't mention names in the context of guilt here... But soon justice will be severed and then its open for comment...BTW, I had a dream a while back about the number 77, so I'm kind of curious each time I see that number pop up, cheers for the info and thank you once again!
sara77 (1 stories) (40 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-25)
Whoops 😲 I thought that it was all over! (Sorry Australian laws! I know nothing, I swear) I have been reading through all your stories and you write beautifully and I am really looking forward to your next submission 😊

As for my profile name... Well my name is Sarah and I was born in 1977 (in Parramatta Hospital, but moved to Tammworth when I was a few months old and then to the Mid North Coast when I was 7 and have lived here since.)
But really my profile name is also my password at work 😆 (Just trying to keep things as simple as possible)
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-25)
Sarra77 As you know the case is before the courts and at this time I am not able to comment on it for laws forbidding, just being on the safe side as well mate, I have been waiting nearly two years to write my next story in regards to the young child and a continuum from where I left off here... Both the women in black and Kiesha were found at different locations, with in about 10 klms of each other... As soon as the submission page opens, I am submitting a type of prelude account of the verdict which is still pending and if your interested in reading that it should be on here soon and my complete story will follow in a few months... Can I ask you about your profile name and the significants of 77?

Regards Daz
sara77 (1 stories) (40 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-25)
Aussie-I was just reading through the archives and came across this amazing account of yours, of course being Australian myself, the body being found by police being led by the Aboriginal physic, seemed familiar and so I started googling info based on what you said which led me to Keisha.

Now I'm sure by now everyone is aware that Keishas body was found and they charged her mother and step father with the murder, but I was wondering if the river that the lady in black's body was found runs anywhere near where Keishia's body was found? (I ask you as I am not familiar with Sydney and its surounds)

BTW... WOW you said it! She was found unresting in a park (National Park?) and it was by people close to her.

Did you feel closure when they found Keisha and charged her parents? Id love an update from you regarding this.

RIP Keisha, you poor little darling ❤ ❤ ❤

And a big THANKYOU Aussie for sharing such an amazing experience.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-23)
It's a good point, I'm hoping she answers the questions so at least we can consider all the possibilities.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-23)
One thing I am thinking, if the grandad never drove that blue Nova while he was alive, then there's no way that what she saw was residual. Even though I pretty much agree that what she saw was real, it is better not to have the question hanging about, you know?


Just needed to put that out there before I left.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-23)
I remember seeing him tell that story on tv years ago, I had forgotten all about that! Man! You have to believe he's telling the truth. He has no reason to lie, he was already as famous as a person can get. There's no motive to lie. I believe him. But you're right. What does that mean to what we are talking about? A whole freaking it lot is what it means. I sometimes don't like opening some of those doors that seem too fantastic, you know? But then again, I've had my own experiences too. It's hard to figure how it could be so solid in form that he could get in and ride in the vehicle...

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-23)
And of coarse you have the most incredible account of all these types of stories, coming from the mouth of a ex tough guy straight shooter... Check this link out, I have no doubt his telling the truth and what does that mean?

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-23)
And them not turning their heads. It seems, in the other story, she didn't mention making eye contact. She made out that was him because of his bald head and crooked nose. That can be because he didn't look her way. I am just assuming, I realize that, but she doesn't say anything about them looking at each other, no waving, no nothing it seems. Just driving in a way that she would have to notice him. Then speeding up to give her a look at the bumper sticker before pulling off again leaving.
So if he never did look at her, what does that mean, I wonder?

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-23)
See, that gets me. Solid matter. In the other story she never does say anything about the car being like the one her grandfather drove, so that's a big question as far as I'm concerned. If he never drove a blue Nova (oh crap, that rhymes), then where did it come from and why?
With you and your son seeing the same thing together, I am wondering if that vision was part validation for the visit you had from the woman in black and part putting you on a quest. The validation wouldn't be good enough if you had been alone. You would still have questioned it.
But it has always bugged me about the tires, and how they made no noise. There was a story up a ways back where the author could hear the engine of the vehicle, and I recall one from a year or so ago where the author could hear the radio in the other vehicle. But those are the only ones I remember.

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-23)
Not so sure you hear it? That's another questioned I asked on the other story, because we never heard no tyre noises and if it was a vision how did we both see it... We both can't be crazy that much I do know... I feel that it was real, had I'd been close enough to it I'm sure it would have felt solid... How is it possible solid matter disappearing? I have no idea?
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-23)
All of the above questions are answers I'm still seeking Jav... I do look at new stories coming in and see if I can find a pattern between theirs and mine... What was interesting in our experience was the point about both the male and especially female kept there heads straight... Now keep in mind, it was broad daylight the car was travelling at 5 to 10 mph, with nothing but boredom viewing to there right and ahead for that point... My son was standing there with no shirt on, 6ft 9 inch etc most women would look at him or even glance such is his presence and even the men too and both of the people in the car just kept there head straight as if we weren't there...that's why I asked that question on Daphne's story, I want to know if her granddad kept his head straight... Which leads me to think that what we both saw was something that perhaps was put on for us and a reason... Both of those reasons are different ones, but there may be something common enough to draw a conclusion? I can't let this one go just yet and I need to understand it better if I can, I'm sure you understand!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-23)
I had to come back to this one again. It's the car that brought me back this time. From reading the other story we were both commenting on, it occurred to me that when I have read some of the others that have been submitted, that have someone seeing their loved one that has passed, or even just seeing a car go by them with no one in it, it starts getting me curious. How is it that a machine, a car, can be right there in front of you, you see it, hear it, and you swear it was just like any other vehicle on the road, then it's gone? Just gone. Did it ever exist somewhere? How did it materialize in the first place? Does it count as a spirit, or is it a vision? And if it is a vision, what about the person driving it? AND, for it to be a vision, would it have been sent to you, and for what purpose? As validation for something that you might be confused about or feel you hadn't done? Or is it putting you on a path to maybe help with something that needs closure? And if the vehicle is being driven by someone you know has passed, does that then mean that the vehicle is from the spiritual realm as well?
We haven't had one of these talks in a while, and this subject just seems to keep popping up. It's almost like a reminder, you know?
I just wanted to put these thoughts on this story because this is where it all began. Sorry that I took up so much space here, but it's back on my mind again and I wanted to get this out in words on the page.
We'll talk about it again sometime, I'm sure of that.
Have a nice day mate.

Jav 😊
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-27)
Indigo,I don't know of the third person you are talking about and why you presume we are the only three that have ever seen them, for me it was one time only and I'm not sure of the reason why I saw what I saw... Although I find your explanation interesting and It's good to have an open mind my reason for saying perhaps... You may need to submit your experience here at YGS and see if other's can help you... For me last year was an absolute intense year of experiences involving many various types... Included this one we are talking on where a couple of girls were murdered... Good luck with the answers your looking for, but for me It's not something I can speculate on at any length... Although I would be happy to read your account should you choose to share it.

Regards aussie.
Indigo (263 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-27)
Ok, so 3 of us see them, and none of us know their function...hmmmm. I've never met ANYONE else before that saw them, only myself. This means there has to be more than us that see them. We are from 3 different countries and 3 separate belief systems. Why us and nobody else?
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-27)
That's interesting cause at the time I saw them, there was a lot of spiritual commotion going on and some tragic personal events not to far after, you could have a good point... It may well of had something to do with what happened in the following months

Indigo (263 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-23)
Hi. I'm curious as to your findings on the three witches. Did y'all ever figure it out? I'm curious to know because I have 3 witches that appear in astral, but only when there is a major crisis, such as the Russian theater siege, the olympics, plane crashes etc. I've also come to view them as a caution light. I've seen them several times but didn't think they were common. Can you guys fill me in?
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-20)
I'm working on a couple of ideas here too. I'll let you know what comes up. 😊
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-19)
I will keep things here posted if anything comes to hand, there were some folks here put in some extra yards trying to help which ever way they could... And they deserve to know anything new... Also I have sent you an email...
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-18)
Thanks for that daz definitely keep me posted on anything that happens in regards to this.

Shame theyve not got anything they can go and charge people with yet though.

As for facebook would love to keep up and chat there. What do I need in particular to search for over there?
My emails listed if you need it
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-16)
I'm glad this one was bumped back up, we never finished this one off. It deserves another go around, I didn't feel good the way we ended it. There's more here, I can feel it! We just need to start from where we left it and look at it again with fresh eyes. 😕 😐
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-16)
Morticial, Thank you for your comment, I heard only last week, the police have confirmed it as a Murder case, I believe they have some strong suspects, but not enough proof to convict... Only talking to someone else here privately today and came across your comment, strange coincident, anyhow thanks again for your comment and if anything comes to light I will let you all know... Your welcomed to send a facebook request if you would like to talk further about this story or anything else.

Regards Daz.

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