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The Woman Is The Doorway


NOTE: This is my first story so please bear with me on this. I was born with the third eye just like the rest of my family so the paranormal is not new to me nor is it unusual. I have paranormal experiences on a regular basis. They do not scare me as I am used to them. I was once even haunted and assaulted by the paranormal but that is for another story.

At the house that I am currently living in with my mum and my siblings we get a large range of spirits passing through but one seems to stay.

Just outside of my bedroom in the lounge room, you can't see it from my door but you can see the doorway that leads from the lounge room to the dining room/kitchen. That is where she is (the woman ghost). She is only around at night and she either paces in and out of the doorway or comes into my room.

I haven't seen her full formed but I do see her shadow or silhouette. She has her hair in a high bun and just by feeling her presence I can tell that she has medium brown hair, is white, of average height, she wears a light blue dress with long sleeves and a white apron which she ties around her waist. Kind of like a maid.

She will generally leave me alone but she doesn't like it when the door in the doorway is shut, probably because she can't get through it. If it is shut she will generally either stand in the doorway to my bedroom or watch my sister sleep, or she will come into the room and annoy me by shaking the bed or making noises or playing with my hair and ears.

Anyway, one night I was up with my mum and we watched a late night movie called "White Noise" (about ghosts). It was about 1:30 in the morning when we finally went to bed. Mum fell straight to sleep (as she always does) but it takes me about 45 minutes to an hour to fall asleep. I was lying in bed and my sister was asleep in hers when it started. I first felt a strong presence in my room, especially around my bed, and I tried to ignore it as I usually would. All of a sudden my heart rate went up and I couldn't move. All I could hear was deep breathing coming from beside my bed. It wasn't my sister breathing because I could see her from the corner of my eye (I was laying on my back) and her breathing patterns were different. My sleeping dog next to me was the same. I even held my breath to make sure that it wasn't me. The breathing got louder and louder and I felt that something flat (a book maybe) was being pushed onto my face. I couldn't move, I lay there pinned to my bed I tried to speak but no words came out! This went on for about 3 minutes but it seemed forever. I am not usually scared by my experiences but this one was just so dark. I finally managed to turn my head and I could only just manage the word "Chloe." I repeated my sister's name in the loudest voice that I could manage until she woke up. She mumbled at me and I said, a bit louder this time, "Quickly, Chloe, turn on the light." I had to say it again and she sensed the urgency in my voice and threw herself up and hit the light switch.

As soon as she did that, the breathing stopped and I could move again. I threw myself up and stared at the direction of the breathing. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I struggled to tell the story. My sister understood and we slept (if you could call it sleeping) with the light on for the rest of the night and two nights after that.

That was the only time that had happened and it didn't happen again, though I still get the feeling that something sits on the end of my bed. I wonder if it had been the woman in the doorway but I just don't know. She is still there every night and is often in my room.

Any feedback would be good but I don't want any cleansing things as in our house, they just don't work. Thank you.

Blessed be.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sarah84, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

lovebug (8 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-18)
I think it was a different spirit that attacked you because if nothing happened to you with the ghost in the doorway than it must have been it must want revenge. God bless you. ❤
sarah84 (2 stories) (18 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-12)
reddysteady: I thank you for your correction and it is the best descrption of the 'third eye' that I have ever heard. I didn't fully understand what it meant but I assumed it was to do with sensing the paranormal. I respect you and thankyou again for helping me understand about it.
Mslees: I am not christian nor do I believe in jesus. I am open to other religions and will give what you sugested a try.
Rook: I am not sure whether or not this was sleep paralysis but what ever it was scared me and I'm not easily scared. I felt a presense next to my bed last night and it seemed darker than usual but nothing happened. And what I mean by 'cleansing' is that we have used smudge sticks, prayers, bells, incents (sorry of the spelling). None of these seem to get rid of the spirits in my house.
Thankyou everybody
Blessed be ❤
ivory (9 stories) (77 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-11)
Red that is a very informative post. I always connect 3rd eye to anything paranormal especially the ability to see ghost and such. Although what I learn from my other belief is that everything, alive or not have their own auras and it takes a lot of practice to some to be able to see or feel this aura. I'm also sensitive to the shift of nature although I'm still very far from being able to feel huge disturbance like quake or eruption.
Marypatricia (2 stories) (19 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
Oh man this is really deep. I really feel for you. This must have been awful. I couldn't even imagine.
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
I love bullpocky, like I love hogwash! Lol
50,50,50 characters
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
reddy and MiMi: bullpocky 😆 I love that word!...Yeah, I see what you mean... That particular definition seems to rear its head in the summer-time, when the membership becomes mostly *sigh*, well you know 😆 😆
reddysteady (5 stories) (95 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
Granny - I do see your point, yes, spirits or 'ghosts' are energy - But everything is energy. 😉
I'm speaking to the fact that a lot of Westerners tend to think oh, third eye = mad ghost-seeing skills. And to be polite, that's bullpocky. The third eye implies spiritual enlightenment and though I understand the disambiguation, it doesn't mean I have to like it, eh? 😆
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
zzsgranny- My error for not clarifying. What I meant was that I don't understand why people make the association with actually seeing ghost, with having the third eye, they can see ghost because of the third eye etc.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
I make the connection of ghosts and the third eye for precisely the reasons cited...No, awakening may not make you "see" ghosts, but for many, picking up on their energy and sensing their emotions gives a much clearer image in your mind's eye than physically seeing them with your eyes... After all, most would agree that ghosts/spirits are nothing more than energy...
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
Red- I have often wondered myself why people associate the third eye with paranormal happenings. I am 36, and when I was just shy of 27 I noticed that I became more in tune with the motion of things in the wind. The color of a persons happiness, anger or sadness. I can often close my eye and "see" how a person is feeling. I appreciate your description.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
That is the best description I have ever read concerning the 'third eye'. Thank you for bringing that to the forefront. This is very educational.

reddysteady (5 stories) (95 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
Ohh man... I'm sorry, Sarah84, I read the first paragraph and needed to stop. I'm sorry, child, but you do not have any concept for what the "third eye" is. It has nothing to do with seeing spirits, or "ghosts". That is such a Westernized misconception of such a beautiful, positive, powerful, and sacred part of our anatomy, physical and metaphysical, and as a practicing energy worker, I'm terribly, deeply sorry for the propogation of this misinformation.

One that is conscious of his or her third eye can 'see' energy, but this takes years beyond your time on earth to develop and contain and expand and - Understand! By 'see', I mean, have a heightened awareness of the patterns in nature, and out of nature, in order to gain an understanding of the world around him or her via the tangible senses. Nobody is simply born with their third eye open and aware. It would positively detroy a child's mind if he or she were "born" in such a state as its power is extreme beyond human understanding. To whit? You would be insane. Absolutely bonkers.

Third Eye is not paranormal, darling - it's human, it's celestial, it's the acceptance of 'everything is energy' and incorporating oneself within that acceptance in order to gain higher consciousness. Is it often used to 'see' or feel auras? Yes. Auras are? Energy. I'm very sorry you were mislead on this account. May you one day find the pathways to heal the harm this has caused to your higher consciousness.

Love and light,
ivory (9 stories) (77 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
hi... I learned that doorways can be either a pathway or a barrier... You might trapped in a passing spirit when you closed your door and the spirit decided to annoy you as a small revenge for trapping him/her
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
I have to play 'devils advocate' and ask this. Are you 110% percent sure this was not a case of sleep paralysis?

I ask because of what you have told us concerning your family and the 'third eye' and how comfortable you are with the activity in your home and from your descriptions this activity seems benevolent rather that malevolent.

You also say that you do not want any 'cleansing suggestions' as they do not work In your home...I'm VERY CURIOUS concerning this 'observation' of yours... Any chance you could elaborate on it?


mslees (1 stories) (6 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
You prayer, and l hope this doesn't offend you. Only demons and evil spirits would want to cause fear and discomfort and they all fear God. Ever tried saying Jesus in their presence? Just try it and let me know how it goes. Anything rebuked in the name of Jesus has no choice but to flee. Now l'm a christian but don't get me wrong l respect other religions, I'm not here trying to force it on you if you're not or believe in something else, each man for his own. I too have had these kind of experiences and everytime l experience anything strange, sleep paralysis being the more common experience like the one you had, I swear all l do is say a prayer& it all stops!

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