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Succubus Experience Or Just A Dream? How Do I Know?


To start thing off I just want to say I'm not experienced at all when it comes to paranormal stuff. If you read my previous post a lot of paranormal things have happened to me. For the past month or two, since I have been wearing my rosary, nothing has happens. Then last week I had a dream (I was paralyzed and awake) that something was grabbing my rosary and putting it in my mouth making me bite it. Weird right? The next couple of days I was having a lot of astral projections, sometimes 3 a night. Although they were very short.

Two nights ago I had a dream where I was making love to a girl. No face just female counter parts. When I woke up I wasn't scared, but rather satisfied. It was actually a good experience.

Yesterday I was home alone upstairs in my room when I heard music start playing, loud. It was the song "As Long As You Love Me" by Justin Bieber (I know right). At first I was thinking someone left the radio downstairs on. But then the song repeated 2 more times, then halfway through the third repeat I heard a loud bang. Like a TV fell or an appliance. That's when I freaked out and went through my window out onto the roof thinking it was a burglar. I went and sat on my porch because I was only in my boxers. The music was so loud I could hear it from outside. I also heard vibrating coming from inside. After more than 10 times of repeating, the music stopped then the vibrating. I went to go investigate my house, all doors and windows were closed and locked from the inside, so burglar was out of the question. I looked to see if anything had fallen. Nothing was out of place.

The thing upsetting me the most is that I can find no logical explanation for all of this. I just turned 19, I'm a male and this is the first time I've had this possible Succubus experience. Should I continue this? Do I have a choice?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, UnknownAbilities, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

DevilsNeverCry42 (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-15)
Thrilling story, but I'm not sure if a Succubus would do that to the entire house, that seems more like ghost spirits, rather than sexual ones. However, it could be demons too. I was involved with Succubus experiences, and paranormal ones since I was like 6, 12, and and what I am now 18. I experienced and had communication with a real Succubus in very vivd lucid dreaming and my bedroom to the point of waking up. It happened many times, too many to count where I seen one in my sleep. If you have had sexual like experiences while dreaming, heard whispers, continuous throughout your life, its a possibility you may have a Succubus. I'm just stating facts what could be true. 😉
SimonMinz (1 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-04)
But there's a problem. The more you keep contact with a succubus, the more easily and rapidly your health gets deteriorated. And when you are too weak to be yourself, the succubus just drains out your soul and does the same with other males. So up to you to decide whether you want to live with a real woman or die for a succubus who seduces many males like a hooker. 😕
abanob (1 stories) (31 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-26)
First the whole life is a chance that means you allways have chance and don't remove your rosary from your neck it will protect you from anything evil and pray as much as you can from your heart and injoy it and you will be fine
UnknownAbilities (1 stories) (11 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-05)
Like I said previously, I get no negative feelings from this. Due to the numerous times I have almost died I like to think that whatever it is I could feel since I wa young and I think it protects me. As for the telekinesis I've been reading up on it and everyone interprets it differently. I feel like when I'm in the dream world I'm starting to get stronger and stronger everytime. For example when I started to control my dreams I attempted to jump from the ground to my second story roof. I tried jumping but I jumped too high and floated off and woke up. Now I'm using telekinesis!
milenko_necromancer (11 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-05)
I have had personal experience with a succubus myself. In fact, at one point I had been having full conversations with one via Ouija Boards that I made (using paper, a pen, and a soda can tab as the planchet). And because of those many conversations, this succubus began to grow attached to me. I suppose that some may wonder how that ties in with this story. It ties in because now I can give advice about these types of delicate situations to those who need it. After analyzing your story/comments on the story as carefully and throughly as I can, I have come to a conclusion. This is a succubus you are encountering. The love song that played is typical for most succubi to play in the home of those who it feeds off of/victimizes/falls in love with; as it is a very well known love song in this day and age. In your most recent comment you mentioned being concious of your dreams and the fact that you were dreaming. And in one of those dreams you had telekinesis (the ability to move things/do things with the mind) and were moving furniture in front of your bedroom door for no real reason that you were aware of other than the fact that there was something singing outside the door. Perhaps your subconcious mind recognized that there was a succubus nearby (the thing/person singing outside the door) and therefore it was protecting you by putting up the door and all the heavy furniture. You were unknowingly telling yourself and it that you don't want more interactions with this creature. Furthermore, you said that you have been waking up around 2:50 A.M. Recently. From my own personal experience, I'd say that the succubus was trying to interact with you, and, because succubi/incubi are known to interact with humans while they sleep, that was the way you stopped the interaction, though you may not have known it. You also mentioned earlier that the activity had been happening more when you were unhappy. I am led to believe that the succubus was aware of your unhappiness and that was how it was trying to cheer you up. Though it is a demon, a succubus is capable of loving and truly caring for people. You may just have yourself a guardian there. Any questions/opinions for me I'll be happy to listen or give further advice.

Hope this helped,
UnknownAbilities (1 stories) (11 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-05)
Does anyone have any insight on this? Sorry for the double post.
UnknownAbilities (1 stories) (11 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-05)
Update: recently in the past two weeks I have been able to control my dreams every night. I'll start dreaming and right away I am concious that I am dreaming. In my dreams I can jump really high and have unnatural strength. Also this morning I had a dream and I had telekinesis abilities. It was awesome, I was moving furniture in my house with ease. The weird part was that I was moving the furniture in front of my door so nothing could get in. I wasn't scared but I could hear someone or something outside of my door singing. The weird thing about this dream was that when I woke up in my dream I was trying to stop dreaming but couldn't. It almost felt like before I woke up in my dream I was dreaming within it. Also I'm quite the heavy sleeper and for a week straight I have been waking up at around 2:50 am every night fully awake like I've been sleeping for hours.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
UnknownAbilities - if you want to update your story, keep your comments "PG-13" rated. That last one that was deleted, was not. If you want to reword it and submit again, try and figure out a more appropriate way of saying what you have to say 'cause that's not going to get it. Okay?
UnknownAbilities (1 stories) (11 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-22)
Definitely not someone pulling a prank everyone who has access to my house was either at work or at school. Last night as I was half awake half asleep when I felt a force pinning my arms down not allowing me to move. I eventually sat up after quite a struggle and there was nothing there. While I felt this force I started to go in a dream where I saw a women. I was to scared to continue on so I woke myself up immediately. Also I had a big argument with my mom last night so this could have triggered it.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-10-22)
Lou, Lou, Lou 😆 - I just don't want to have to delete anymore comments. I'll be in the hole 😉
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-22)
Yes, Unknown.

No loud noises or sudden movements, I'll crack like an egg... (->-)

😉 Lou
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-10-22)
Unknown - before you reply to Lou, remember... Kept it civil and polite. Lou's only trying to help. And yes, by help I mean by presenting other "normal" scenarios that could possibly have happened, rather than assuming it to be paranormal.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-22)

I know this is a stretch, but is there any chance that someone with access to your home could have been playing a prank on you? If someone gained access to your house to prank you, or if someone gained access for some other less innocent reason, discovery that you were home may have led them to leave and to cover their tracks or mislead you, by locking their original point of entry on their way out.

samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-21)
Like I said in my previous comment I am no expert but I do feel some people have been slightly insensitive towards Unknowns experience and I did state "no disrespect". Comments on here can be like a big gang up on one person. I know people come on here for advice and I read the site most days. Just find comments patronising and insensitive to the author sometimes. Just think people should think before they comment. A majority of people on here give excellent advice and information and it should be just kept at that. Take care x
Lakota73 (5 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-21)

It is a bit harsh of you stating people have given irrelevant feedback on here.

WIth the greatest respect, the storyteller asked for advice and that's what he got.

If something doesn't appear to be paranormal then why make the teller believe it is?

samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-21)
Unknown - a lot of. People on here have given you some irrelevant comments and feedback, despite the warnings posted already from the mod. I have asked a member of here directly for information andadvice about certain issues, as I stated in my previous post about Rookdygin's cleansing method. I would greatly recommend you contact Rookdygin, if you look for him on here click on his profile it will give you details on how to contact him. No disrespect to anyone on here but I am surprised Unknown has even returned to this site, he has not had the warmest of posts left him to actually assist with his situation. Unknown- your near death experiences prove their is someone watching over you. Take care x
UnknownAbilities (1 stories) (11 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-20)
I too have had sex dreams and these dreams feel different. After writing down some things an marking dates of occurrence on a calendar I think I know why it becomes more active at certain times. I found that the long periods of time where nothing happens is when am positive and have a positive view on life. When things happen I'm usually sad or have a negative view on life, and or bad things happen and I'm a little depressed.
Scbsd (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-20)
UnknownAbilities, I have had experience with both Sex Spirits (one, anyway) and sex dreams (a lot when I was a teenager). Based on my own experience I would have to say that I do not think that you are being approached by a Succubus, and that what you experienced was a normal dream.

I think that the other "phenomenon" that you describe and that got you into a state of semi-panic had nothing to do with the dream. I don't know what the logical explanation for the music etcetera is, or if there even is one, but I do think that by associating it with your dream you are connecting unrelated dots and coming up with a result that has nothing to do with the reality of what may or may not be happening in your home.

To be blunt, settle down, dude. Don't let yourself get worked up so easily.

As for Ouija boards, I have no experience with them, so I can't say one way or the other what would happen if you did pick one up and use it. There is, however, a wealth of first-hand accounts right here on YGS, written by people who have used a Ouija board. Some of them sound like baloney, but there is an abundance of what sound to me like true accounts you can read by following the link I am posting below.

Be warned that most of the people who have submitted their stories about using a Ouija Board report extremely negative results.

UnknownAbilities (1 stories) (11 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-20)
I don't know about all of you but my natural instinct when something/someone is in our house is to get our as quick as possible. Here's the story from my perspective, I'm home alone sick for the day. I'm in my room and watching tv. The tv was on pretty loud I must say. All of a sudden I heard music, so I muted my tv. After the song had played and repeated 3 or 4 times I got up to go discover what was going on. As I was getting out of bed I heard a really loud boom. As if a major appliance had falling or the door hitting the floor off its hinges. I just got a really bad feeling inside so I went with my gut. The only way out of my house without going downstairs is to go out the window. If you think someone is in your house you don't take the time to put on clothes. Once I was outside I felt better and waited it out until the music stopped. I could hear it from outside. Also I could hear vibrating so I calmed down and thought that it was just someone's phone in my house. So I texted my whole family asking if anyone had left their phone at home. Everyone had their phone. The only other thing that can play music in my house is the radio and tv. The tv was off so that is out of the picture and radios can't repeat songs multiple times. So please I would love to hear what you think happened now. Rather than doubting and being negative you can ask me a question rather than doubt my story. When a person tells a story and mentions that they are asking for help what kind of persons first instinct is to doubt. I don't know about you but mine is to help.
As for an update on my life things have been normal this week. No dreams at all, no nothing really. This is how it usually is for me it goes from inactive to really active. Something could be triggering but what?
Are all you people who said do not try the ouija board saying this from experience or from hearing stories? Because Id love to hear what you have to say about it rather than the vague responses "don't do it" haha. Thanks for everyone who has been of help to me. If I videotape myself while I sleep would that invoke spirits?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-10-20)
Locrian - honestly, it doesn't matter whether or not you reply to Javelina's comments. They will be deleted, along with her's, or anyone else's for that matter, when they become argumentative and in no way offer advice to UnknownAbilities.

I believe I made that statement way down below.
Lakota73 (5 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-20)

With the greatest of respect, I believe most burglars opt for a quiet break-in and wouldn't switch on a music system to attract attention while they raided the family silver. Even more confusing is that if they had accidentally knocked the music appliance they wouldn't have repeated this mistake again and if they had, they would have pulled the plug.

Personally, I would have either checked out the noise or stayed in my room until I felt confident enough to investigate or wait until another family member arrived. I wouldn't have climbed out of the window.

As you ruled out signs of an intruder I wonder if you are a little nervous and jump to conclusions without searching for a rational explanation first.

Maybe it is paranormal, maybe it isn't, but sometimes it does one good to think outside of the box.

Lakota73 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-20)
[at] mamachong,

Those are the best questions I've read so far. Common sense does rule the day, and anyone with a lick of sense is not going to go leaping out upper story windows without at least trying to identify the sounds they hear first.

Jav 😁
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-20)
I just have a few questions... Why did you go outside in your boxers only? Seems kind of weird to me. Why didn't you check on the banging noise? Most people would check on the noise, natural instinct to check on the noise, I would have.
Locrian (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-20)
Seems Like Already You Are Being Doubted; I was also harshly judged as having fake stories just because I decided not to share evp's and video of my own "Private" investigation of what was going on in my home and so the whinning and mudslinging began.
However I do agree you must consider every source and possibility of your current situation.
If this is indeed a paranormal matter; first be certain of what you dealing with and then consider your options of removing it from your home. I am happy to say that after a cleansing ritual; all of my paranormal trouble has come to an end and I hope the same for you. Take care and don't loose hope and above all don't let the naysayers and doubters discourage you. For you are truly the only one who knows what is realy going on in your home.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-19)
Just a few friendly pointers for you when putting up a string of experiences into one story...

1) That's not always a good idea anyway. Things get mashed up into one ball of confusing and random thoughts that the reader will many times walk away from rather than finish reading the entire thing. I did.
2) You included the information about the locked doors and windows but nothing about how you got back in. If you have spent any time here reading others stories and comments you should already be familiar with the fact that inconsistencies will be questioned. It is up to you whether you address them or not. But jumping ugly on a guy because you're writing was lacking in content only goes against you, not the one who asked.
3) Imaginary friends are most times just that, imaginary. I know, I had two myself. And so did one of my nieces. One of my daughters had baby robots as imaginary friends. Not once did I consider that a paranormal event. All of them were simply imaginary, no big deal, it's a normal stage in the growing up process.
4) You had a wet dream. Why does everyone these days insist that theirs are any different from others? They are as old as man himself. They are intense and memorable as well. Consider yourself lucky. I do.
That being said, I realize that looking for reasons to hang all the supposed weirdness in someone's life on the paranormal is the popular thing to do these days. But that isn't how it's done. The process is actually opposite of that. Finding reasons for it not to be a paranormal event is the way these things are looked at. Eliminating any natural causes for what has occurred is the only way you get to the truth. You may not like it and you will probably get huffy with me for suggesting it, but that still doesn't make it so.

I'm sorry, but I have to agree with Miracles and the others in this case. You had a wet dream. Nocturnal emissions. That's all. Most of what you have collected and put up here can be reasoned away in the same manner. Be glad there are people here that will be honest with you about them. After all, that is what you came here for, isn't it?

LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-19)
Sorry, Marjie... Did not see your comment before I sent mine. Thanks

LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-19)

And how about using a cognitive thought process before telling a story... Some people call balconies porches, so they could be on the second floor...
There was no mention of a hidden key, so why would anyone think of that? You were the only one there and you are the one telling the story... So in the future, how about helping us along so we don't have to interpret actual events on our own?

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-10-19)
Unknownabilities - hey, tone it down a bit, okay? Lou's question about how you got in the house was a very valid question. One I thought of myself, just didn't ask. Let's not let the comments on your story get out of hand and end up causing them to get deleted. And trust me, if arguments or badmouthing begins... Comments will start to disappear.

This is the only warning there will be.
UnknownAbilities (1 stories) (11 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-19)
First off Lou, I didn't think that I had to mention that I climbed down from my roof and used the key that is underneath my mat in front of my door. Also it possible to experience a lot of paranormal things and not be experienced. Stuff happens and I'm no expert and came here for help. So next time how about you think before posting
Vikstal (4 stories) (64 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-19)
Sounds like just a regular sex dream to me, nothing else really.

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