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I Think My House Is Haunted, I Don't Know What To Do Anymore


I think that my house has spirits or demons, whatever you want to call them but, ever since I moved in I've seen things looking at me through my door way (when there was no possible way it could've been a shadow) they were pretty detailed. I'm always seeing dark figures walk towards and away from me and every time they do I get this incredible fear and I don't even know why, I wasn't scared at all I just thought it was me.

Once they walk away I'm completely fine but now I'm terrified because of what just happen.

The reason I'm actually on this site is because I heard really heavy breathing across my room so I held my breath and there was no one and nothing else in my room, once I turned the lights on it stopped.

I came back on here today because I honestly don't know what to do anymore... Every night I made sure my closet door is closed and then I wake up in the middle of the night randomly really late and it's cracked open... (just enough for something to look through and it's a sliding door) nothings pushing on it and there's no possibility for it to open on its own like that, so I guess I'm just on here seeing if anyone else has experienced this or any of this.

Some other things I've experienced

Glowing small eyes looking and blinking at me

Seeing shadows/figures looking at me through my window whenever I have it open

Things crawling on my ceiling

Things looking at me through every door in my house

Figures walking down the hall towards my room

(I know most of these things are just me probably being paranoid and I'm sorry._.)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, KatieOuO, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

MrsRizzo2429 (4 stories) (93 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-12)
Hey there:) I don't have much advice except you don't have to say your sorry. That's what we are all here for and the reason we can comment is to help people and help guid people if they need it! So no need to say sorry! 😊
vulcan10 (5 stories) (332 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-12)
If you're not on medications or in need of them, your house is probably, I don't know if I'd say haunted, or possessed. Or an item in your house is possessed, or a demonic entity has latched onto some one in the house. If you move and it stops great. If not. I don't know. I have read and heard so many different views on how to handle such a situation, but each only work on certain situations and may not work on another identical. But, I'd do something and do it quickly. I really hope you find the answer or way out.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-08)
Does your Family still graden? I ask because in my experience it may (MAY) be possible that nature spirits are interacting with you because something has changed/ been altered / is being done differently or not at all any more.

The biggest 'tell' for me is the way you describe them being in door frames or windows when they first appear or disappear. Nature spirits (and some others) find it easier to appear in a space that is 'in betwwen' outdoors and indoors. So windows and front and back door frames are good spots. Also, a nature spirit would not quite understand what a prayer is for, they would act confused/ possibly even agitated because they do not understand 'why/what's is going on. As far as your closet goes I am resonably sure that your Fathers prayer was fairly direct and to the point and between his conviction and direct wording they understood what he meant when he prayed for that 'entry' to be closed.

Please ask any questions you may have and WE will do our best to answer them.


KatieOuO (2 stories) (10 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-06)
Hello integrist,
Thank you for suggesting those psalms. And I'll be sure to ask my dad to pray with me
(Yes, I am christian^~^)
KatieOuO (2 stories) (10 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-06)
Yes actually,
When my aunt and her family were still living in this house they use to garden all the time. Once it was my family and I living here my mom took over and continued the gardening until winter came.
Integrist (83 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-05)
Hi Katie,

May I ask what your religion is? Since you have an English name and are from the US, I would assume you may be Christian?

You mentioned that the activity with the closet door stopped after your father praying over it. Have you considered praying with him regularly over all the places in the house where you experience any such activity?
From our perspective (Catholic) - if we are dealing with demons -, there is always a certain level of legalism, which - to a certain degree - can bind the malevolent spirits (again: IF this be the case) by virtue of the estate's owner's natural right to and authority over his own property: this combined with faith can be sufficient to banish malevolent spirits of lesser power.

You may want to consider praying especially the following Psalms:
Psalm 53;Psalm 90; psalm 67; psalm 69; psalm 53; psalm 117; psalm 34; psalm 30; psalm 21; psalm 3; psalm 10; psalm 12

Please note that the numbering of the above Psalms is based on the Vulgate. An English translation can be found at

You may also want to give a small "exorcism" prayer by St. Anthony of Padua a try:

And here is also the St. Michael prayer:

Just giving you some ideas there. But of course it is advisable not to jump into conclusions. The way I see it though, your father's prayer has resolved the issue with the closet door, and you seem to have had enough of the described activities in your house. While not necessarily having to believe you are dealing with malevolent spirits (more careful observation is required for that), praying with your father together surely would not go amiss.

Whatever it may be, I hope that your house finds peace soon!

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-05)

So, not the first owners, but it has been in the Family for some time. Were any of your Family members avid gardeners? If not family then the First owner? I mentioned I have a 'hunch' but need more info. Thanks.


KatieOuO (2 stories) (10 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-04)
Hi there rookdygin,

1- the house was built in the late 1990s from what I've been told. No I am not the first family to live in this house. Before my family and I moved in, my grandma and my aunt lived here and then the other family that built it. That's the only history of this house I know of.

2- Yes, every shadow shape I've seen has been ranged from the size of an adult to the size of a child.

3- Yes every shadow has either been coming out of a door or walking threw a door (and ceiling) but with the window, I've only ever seen a couple of things there. Sometimes I see someone standing at the window or looking threw it, I've always brushed it off though.

Thank you a lot for responding and I'll be sure to start a journal and try not to jump to conclusions o~o
KatieOuO (2 stories) (10 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-04)
Hi Sleeping-with-steve,

Thank you so much for suggesting that, I'll be sure to try it.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-03)
A few questions, if I may.

First: What is the history of the house, how old is it. If new (ish) are you the first Family to live in it?

Second: Are all the shadows you see moving about the house 'human' shaped?

Third: Do ALL sightings begin or end in a doorway or window (Yes even the thing on the ceiling)?


Start a Journal, include things like time of day, weather, where the experience started... What was on in the house (tv. A/c, celling fans ect.) Pets reactions, if any. After a week and a half or 2 weeks go back and try to debunk the experience... Also look for similarities... These can help determine what MAY be happening.

Second: Do not jump to 'evil spirit/demon' conclusions just because activity seems to pick up when you pray... The spirit (s) may simply not understand why/what you were doing and it 'bothered' them and they were trying to let you know this.

I have a 'hunch' what may be happening but more information is needed.

Thank you for submitting this experience.


Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-03)
Hello again Katie,

Here's the link to Rookdygins profile page. Scroll down half way on his bio and you will see his cleansing shielding ritual.


All the best,
Miandra 😘 ❤ 😘
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-03)
Hello Katie,

What an ordeal. I don't know how you have the courage to continue living there.

It really does come across as though you have many disturbed spirits. Question is why are they disturbed?

Are you religious? If so go to your church and ask for a blessing.

Also there's a member here called Rookdygin. He has a cleansing shielding ritual that was recommended to me by another member called CuriousDee. I took her advice and gave it a go. Needless to say, things have settled at my unit.

Keep us posted and stay safe. 😘 ❤ 😘
KatieOuO (2 stories) (10 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-01)
Hi Bibliothecarius,

So addressing the points you told me about,

I moved into this house approximately four years ago, I live with my parents and two siblings. If I ever have friends over they'll say they heard a strange sound but, never have seen anything.

I have a cat and two dogs. Whenever I see/hear things and they are in my room, they just start acting weird
Looking around meowing/barking strangely
Getting frightened etc but not on all occasions

To be honest with you, I don't know how to describe it, whenever I see the shadow figure walking around my body is just frozen in place but the strange thing is, I'm not scared at all. Once the shadow figure is gone it's like I've just escaped from a murderer.

To clarify what I've seen crawling on my ceiling, it's only ever one shape and there's only ever one space at a time, it looks like an 8 year old child just crawling around on their knees but I'm above them? I don't know if that makes any sense.

Yes I'm a religious person but, whenever I pray once I've seen the object, heard breathing, or heard sounds it seems to get worse after doing so.

I told my father about my closet door being cracked open randomly so, he looked at it. There's nothing pushing against it, there's not a tilt from what he said and there's no other reason (from what he looked at at least) that it should be cracked open like that at random points. It's weird though, he's a very religious person so he is assuming there are demons in this house. He prayed over the closet and since then it hasn't been cracked open once.

If there are any other things I need to be more clear about please let me know.
KatieOuO (2 stories) (10 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-01)
Thanks for responding, and I have a cat and a dog but, I leave my door closed because I am always seeing things appear in my hall so when it's closed and I hear things nothing and no one besides myself is in my room. Also, yes. I live with my siblings and parents, my dad is the only other one who has seen figures walking around (he's very religious) and my sister has heard many noises but never sees anything.
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-01)
Hi Katie.

Has anyone else in your house seen or heard anything? Or do you live alone?
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-30)
Greetings, Katie; welcome to YGS.

To address your last point first, your mind may be making up *some* of the images, shapes, or beings you have seen; this is not paranoia, it is your brain being frightened & over-alert to possible sources of fear. Paranoia is when there's nothing to fear, but your brain fixates on a state of terror; it's like the OCD of danger. Whatever the cause, your writing seems honest and straightforward; I believe something has triggered this fear in your mind, even if your brain occasionally exaggerates the phenomena.

You stated "ever since I moved in" as a reference point, but have not told us how long ago that is. You are identified as a teenager, but we don't know if you are living with your parent/parents or if you have moved out of their home. Does anyone else live with you? Have you had a friend stay over and witness anything? RC's question about pets is just as important: if you *do* have pets, have they reacted to anything?

When you see shadow figures, your reaction seems odd: "I get this incredible fear and I don't even know why, I wasn't scared at all I just thought it was me." You *feel* fear --understandably so-- but you are not "scared at all." Could you clarify what you mean here? I think you're describing the difference between emotional state and physical action, but I'd like to be certain.

The part of your listed phenomena that concerned me was your claim that you have observed "Things crawling on my ceiling." What sized "things" and how many of them have you seen? Were they the size of coffee mugs, footballs, cushions? Is this a repeating phenomenon, with only one shape on multiple occasions; several shapes on one occasion; several shapes together at different times?

Sometimes it's such a relief to type out what is going on and have people take you seriously that people skip writing out details that are "obvious" to them, but not to those of us reading the narrative. Your clarification on these points would be helpful, as I believe you are in need of some help/advice.

Are you a religious person? People who pray find some relief in their religious rituals. I am not a religious person (nor am I judging you, whatever your answer is) but there are different approaches to dealing with an obnoxious, heavy-breathing sound in your room, depending on who you are.

Oddly enough, it is possible for sliding closet doors to be hung at a slight angle, which would account for some slight movement of the doors over a period of hours. If it is a small angle, it would take longer for gravity to overcome friction *initially,* but the regular movement "downhill"means the track would eventually be worn smooth, allowing the door to slide sooner and slightly faster. The ruler containing an air-bubble suspended in fluid is called a "spirit level" (not "ghost" spirit, but "alcohol" spirit). If you haven't got one, cheap ones are often available in Dollar Stores, and that would be good enough to determine if the track above the doorway is level.

Thanks for addressing these points so we can help you better.

RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-30)
Hi, Katie.

I think you've come to the right place. We have opinions, but we're not too judgmental.

Just for clarification: am I correct in assuming you have no pets? In my experiences, a cat could explain some, but not all, of these things.

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