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Who Came To My Aid?


I condensed this story as much as I could, because it goes over a span of about 20 years.

As long as I can remember I was confronted with ghosts/spirits, and not the nice kind. I had a fearful childhood because of them / it. It took me a while before I ever spoke of my experiences to anyone. I was afraid people would think me weird or crazy, so I tried to live with it. Acting as nothing was going on, keeping silent. I first came out with it to my sister, in my early twenties. The best thing ever, because she told me she had the same sort of experiences in our home, to a way lesser extent than I, but still she could for example point out the same main 'hotspot' in our house. That was a great relief to me and to her as well. I remember we toasted with a nice glass of wine to celebrate the discovery that we were not crazy! To this day the people who know my story can still be counted on one hand. I'm at ease telling you my tale, because it is anonymous. I'm still looking for specific answers and I hope to get more insight by hearing what you have to say.

The location of my story is the home I grew up in. It was not an old house (we were the second family to inhabit it) and it was only 6 years old when we moved in (I was just a toddler). Unfortunately we were not the only inhabitants. How or why they or it came to be in our house, I do not know, only that it was there. Sometimes it was very active and sometimes for weeks things would quieten down. Never knowing when it would start again. Most of the time it would start with the air becoming thick, heavy, like some sort of mist, but I could see clearly. It felt like I could take the air in my hands and the room would get a dark feel to it. Normally I would take a run for it, but there have been situations (for example when I was young and too scared to go away or in case the exit door was obstructed by it) I stayed. The air would become thicker, especially in the middle, and would then sort of burst with me pressing against the wall (got me some nice bruises because of that). Other things happened too (both day and night), for example: footsteps, a certain door that would open/close (with the doorknob going up/down), knocks, crazy/violent dreams, shadows (sometimes moving very close to me), lights going on/off, once I was kicked out of my body (I was around 8) and saw myself acting crazy from above, while the dog was squealing in the corner. When I came back he immediately came to lick me as if to welcome my return. During all these years, I prayed so much, but it didn't help. I felt completely abandoned.

Useful to add is that I only experienced these things in my home. On camping trips, vacation trips, staying over at friends or family, when I started to life on campus, I never experienced anything. When my parents moved out this house in 1998 I never experienced anything like it again. Oh, when others were around (and not sleeping) nothing would happen as well, only when I (or my sister) were alone.

One night, (I was 16 at the time) I woke up and found someone/thing was with me who was threatening me (and no, no sleep paralysis). I was so scared. When I was alone again, I just broke down; I was shaking from head to toe, feeling so utterly desperate that I just asked out loud: "can something or someone please come help me". I didn't sleep the rest of the night. The next night when I finally fell asleep (and that took a while) a woman came into my dream. The only part of her I saw clearly was her lower arms and her hands. She had very slender hands with long fingers and they were very pale. Her wrists were thin as well. The rest of her lower arms were covered by her sleeves. Sleeves that were bound around her wrists with as it seemed a piece of ribbon or elastics. Of the rest of her I never got a clear picture. It was all blurry, her body was covered in a sort of whitish/greyish misty dress and she had half long dark/black hair. I never saw her face nor heard neither voice nor noise coming from her. I was not afraid of her, strangely enough. I also just knew she had come because of my call. She showed me with her hands techniques how to protect myself. It was a strange combination of her showing and in my mind knowing, as if the knowledge just popped up in my mind. She only appeared to me twice (never saw her again). But that was enough. With the things she taught me I was able to cleanse my room. How much that meant to me! Undisturbed sleeps, easy dreams, a safe haven in my home. I could also manage to create some sort of wall around me so in the rest of the house they/it could no longer come close to me. Needless to say is that my life changed for the better. Happy times! I am very grateful for her help. But... (and there is always a but) I was always curious of who she was.

And so, when the internet came (still remember the time when it did not exist, huh?:-) I started surfing to see if I could find anything about such a person and about the things she taught me. About the latter, I ended up in the witchcraft world of things. I started reading up about it, and it felt familiar, although not completely. I ended up doing some spells myself (mind you, only on myself, like curing myself from a broken heart) and it worked extremely well. It was amazing, but freaked me out as well. The decent Catholic upbringing I had received got to me, so to speak. I was wondering if I was just about to open my own Pandora's Box. So I let it rest. It still pulls me immensely and feels like I am denying a part of myself, but I have (almost) two kids now (one two-year old and one on the way) and my top priority is to keep the home clean and not run the risk of getting something in my home that will jeopardize their safety. I want them to have a safe and happy childhood. Besides, I greatly value the peace as well. I also surfed to find out who she was, but I couldn't find anything useful. Anything similar to her appearance is mostly about sadness, misery, death and doom. How does that add up?

These are the questions I lay out for you: who was she? Was she my guardian angel? She didn't feel very angelic to be honest. And if she had been an angel, why hadn't she come earlier when I was praying? Was she a deceased relative? I don't know I never felt any sort of warmth nor recognition from her. Was she some sort of spirit who pitied me? Why did she come to my aid? And why wasn't I afraid of her? That puzzles me too.

I know I left bits out. The only goal was to give enough context information in order for you to be able to answer my questions. I hope I've done just that. If it turns out that some parts need more detail or elaboration, ask me so, I will do that in the comments.

Thank you!

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Isolde, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Fenrispro (58 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-25)
I like your nickname Isolde:) there's a charac in Dragonage too
Isolde (guest)
11 years ago (2013-02-22)
Your reply gives me again something to think about.
To be ready? Well, I guess at that point I was desperate enough to accept her as a teacher.
I may have not before.
Thank you
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-22)

It may sound a bit cliche but there is a saying that 'the teacher will come when the student is ready'.

You may have wished (prayed) for a guide sooner, but they did not appear until you were really ready to learn the needed lesson (s).

We MAY have many Spirit Guides during our Lifetimes, we may only have one or none at all. If we do they may not always be 'sugar and spice' and all things nice, like we think they should 'feel. But they are the 'right spirit' for the 'job'.

Your idea may even apply, perhaps your instructor, at the time this happened, was a spirit making an atonement for its actions in life, thus the reason it didn't 'feel' quite right.

Thanks for sharing.


Isolde (guest)
11 years ago (2013-02-22)
Lou and Rook,

Thank you both for your replies. As you know, I've been in an intensive communication with a mutual acquitance.

Lou, thank you for your answer. It gave us certainly something to think about. Ofcourse I had to read your stories. And I just did, read them all. You have written them down in beautiful way, like our reply to me.
Two of them felt familiar. The first one 'The inn'. Having a certain place in the basement where all trouble would come from (the 'hotspot' I referred to in my story)? What are those portals and to where do they lead? Why only unfriendly things come out of those doors (as was in my home)? And why do they seem to be 'closed' for weeks, just to be 'open' for a few days (up to a week) (as it was in the place I grew up in)?
And the story of 'Murder of one' about the atmosphere feeling 'lighter', like more peaceful. I recognise that. Like a certain pressure/tension got liften from the air, a stone lifted from the heart.

Rook, as for her being some sort of spirit guide. I agree, it is a very logical thought. But why she should have waited that long to show up? I would have liked her to come around a bit earlier:-). Say, years earlier. I did ask for help many times before. Or do spirit guides don't answer to prayer? I think they should.
I did take this thought into consideration as well, but as she didn't feel 'good' in essence (and spirit guides should be like that, don't they?), like I wrote in one of my comments I felt that I should have been afraid of her, but for some reason I wasn't, I don't think it is likely she was my spirit guide (if I have one to begin with, don't know that either). But for the little I know I could be wrong.

I'm starting to think that she did come from that portal, that the reason she didn't came earlier was because she simply wasn't there before, and my question came at the 'right' time. The reason she helped me, I'm not sure, and the reason she left, I'm not sure either. If it was her destiny to help others and providing balance, could be. I at least think this to be a beautiful thought.

I'm still just very glad we did cross paths.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-22)

I know this is well after the fact but I was 'poked' and came back to re-read this and the comments and I have another possibliity to offer...

This woman who taught you these things may have been your Spirit Guide.

Yes, it may have been your subconscious re-teaching you something you knew on an instinctive level.

However, spirits seem to find it easier to communicate with us in our dreams and after you asked for help your Spirit Guide may have contacted you in your dreams in order to teach you these things.

Just something else for you to consider.


LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-21)
I am very sorry I missed this account when it was first posted...
Usually when we read a story, they fit into a category familiar to us and we recite what we know or experience to relate to the reader that we know how they feel. Your account sent me into a train of thought I have not followed before, so if it gets confusing to follow... You are not alone.
I don't know if you have read any of my stories, and this certainly is not a solicitation for you to do so; but my family and I dealt with a particularly nasty situation a few years back. The entity in question was for lack of a better term, a soul collector. Our property was populated by a multitude of spirits who seemed trapped by the negativity created by one. When we were finally able to make the negative entity leave, the others were released, but some chose to stay. Of those, some had history with the property, but others seemingly did not.
My reason for recounting this is that commonly when we talk about spiritual attachments, they feel or are considered to be negative. But I have found in my experiences in life that there is always a balance. If good has a nemesis, then so does evil. When our experiences took place, for every unnerving encounter, there was often times an encounter with others that provided comfort, or at a minimum, a distraction from the darkness.
I don't know and actually doubt whether your experience involved an angelic presence, but I do believe it was a spiritual one. I think she presented herself to help, because she at one time had dealt with the same darkness you and your sister were experiencing. Why she needed you to verbally ask for her intervention is unknown to me, but you can attest that she showed up to help, as she was destined to do, and likely had done for others in the past. She has destined herself to protect those affected by the presence that haunted your family, now and forever.
I feel the spirits that still reside on my property are protectors against the evil that once was embraced by a prior owner. They know what it will take to protect the living if evil returns; as do I, when it is my turn to join them.

Isolde (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-09)
P.S. No need to apologise.

Isolde (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-09)
Ah, I understand. I wasn't referring to what BadJuuJuu wrote, but more to my pondering self 😊.
For example let's assume that I had already known about what she taught, why didn't I get this information only after I stopped praying, what does that say? Only when I requested it so open for anything to come? If this has been a part of me (my subconcious is a part of myself), what does that say about me? You see, it's a good thing I'm not in an hurry 😉 still have enough questions to keep me busy 😊
newhunter30 (2 stories) (137 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-09)
Isolde I must apologize as I must have misunderstood your prior comment. I thought from the comment of "Still not sure about that and what it means (as in full grasp)." that you were refering to BadJuuJuus explanation of the subconcious. That is why I wrote what I did.
Isolde (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-09)
Newhunter, I understood what BadJuuJuu told. That doesn't mean I will just take it in just like that. It means for me that I will let her idea sink in first. Combine with other experiences (like I wrote I didn't write everything down) and make up my own mind. That's the way I work, so to speak 😁
newhunter30 (2 stories) (137 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-09)
I may be wrong in this, and please correct me if I am, but I believe what Bad meant is she didn't teach you anything. You knew it all along but it was in your subconcious so you didn't knowingly know you had the information. The lady in your dreams was more of a way of your subconcious bringing the information into your conicous mind. She was just an image your subconcious made up to convey the message.
Isolde (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-09)
On the other hand, I'm still puzzled by the fact that, if your explanation is correct, I already knew what she taught.
Still not sure about that and what it means (as in full grasp).
But like I said, I love this new idea and will ponder on it. I already am 😁
Isolde (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-09)
Thank you both for your comments. Gives me a lot to think about. In some way this line of thinking makes more sense to me than the other possibilities (which I mentioned in my story).
Like I said I haven't written everything down and it does explain other things.

As for not being afraid of her. True, I wasn't, though it felt at the time (during her visits) that I should have been. That's mainly the reason she didn't feel angelic to me. No cotton candy that's for sure.
callthewind (17 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-08)
I like your story and partly agree with BadJuuJuu that your instincts manifested this comforting dream. It did strike me that you mentioned the practice of witchcraft came to you with some ease and familiarity, so I wonder if the woman in your dream could have been you from a past life. Could an older piece of you risen from subconscious slumber to remind yourself what to do?

I am glad you were able to take control of the activity in your room and came to feel peace because of your dream.

BadJuuJuu: I'll never forget the phrase from your last comment "emotional cotton candy". Makes me smile!
BadJuuJuu (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-08)
Sorry about being kind of vague. I try to keep my comments short or else I'll write a mile long essay lol. There's no middle ground with me. [ 😳
I don't think she was an angel for a few reasons, one being that I don't think angels really show themselves to humans that often. Angel experiences usually involve descriptions of feelings of love, protection, gentleness, emotional cotton candy basically. You only mention not feeling afraid, but no cotton candy so I don't think she was an angel.
(To the angel buffs, I'm sorry to sound so cynical, it's just how I roll)
I guess my reasons for not thinking she's a ghost are somewhat similar, the lack of emotion. Ghosts don't always scare us, but they do tend to take us by surprise. I think that's why loved ones come to us through dreams so often, it's less likely to startle us. She could have been an ancestor spirit, someone from your family's history, but I dunno. Somehow that's just not the feeling that comes through when reading this.
You consciously asked for help, but the help arrived in your dreams, the realm of the subconscious. Dreams convey messages through symbols, and everything you describe about this lady seems custom designed to be non threatening. From the way you describe her hands, her clothing, even not being able to see her face, it all sounds to me like a deliberate attempt to be a neutral message carrier. She conveyed her message through hand gestures, and your just knowing.
Since you couldn't see her face, you were better able to focus on the message. If you had seen her face, the message could have been overlooked in an attempt to recognize her. Your subconscious presented a perfect carrier to give you the information stored away in your instincts.
I think we all have an innate knowledge on how to cope with paranormal threats, same as our fight or flight instinct on any threat. But... We are told from a young age ghosts don't exist so we repress the paranormal fight or flight instinct. Some people are put back in touch with their instinct naturally, which is what I think happened in your case.
Isolde (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-08)
BadJuuJuu, thank you for your look on the matter.

So, basically everything she taught me I allready knew? That is something I hadn't considered to be honest. How did I knew? Why did my subconscious create something like her? You see, I'll have to ponder on this for a while.

You didn't mention, but what are the reasons you don't think it is a ghost, spirit or something else?

Thanks again for your offered insight.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-07)
Hm, odd experience but what the heck. I'll take a stab at it.
I've never been big on the angel stuff, and I doubt very much this lady was an angel. I'm not even willing to call her a ghost or an outside intelligence at all. What I think she might have been was a representation of your instinct. I think we all know how to protect ourselves on an instinctive level, but we can overthink things and ignore our instincts. In my opinion, this lady was an image provided by your subconscious to clarify your ability to protect yourself.

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