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Our House Came With An Addition


We have owned our home for thirty-nine years, as of this May 2018. Our home has been witness to our lives and all our changes through time. This house I speak of, was purchased by us as a fixer-upper, the best we could afford back then.

The home came with history, built in 1962 by an older woman's family, as she had always wanted a smaller home and they wished her to be happy. Her sons did much of the work, with the help of a carpenter. The problem was from 1962 to 1979, there had been no improvements or updating. If you were to know my husband and I then you would know we would not be happy until all of this home was done over, everything was changed eventually. Then came the deck, garage, three season room and finally a pool.

But for a moment let's go back to that December day in 1978 that the seventy-two year old owner of this home was stopping at the bottom of her driveway, to check her mailbox, before leaving to attend a Christmas party at the Senior Center. What exactly happened next was not witnessed, apparently her car slipped out of gear and knocked her down and the woman was then run over by her own car. Even more horrible was that the older 1960 Falcon was still running high choke and its wheels were turned. It proceeded to circle, crashing through the hedge and around the front yard, and down the driveway gaining more speed, running her over again. It might have happened a third time but for a passing motorist stopping it before that could happen. The small town newspaper gave this information, describing the broken hedges and ripped grass in the front yard.

A horrible event to learn about and naturally we, the townspeople, were all were concerned for her family. I knew this lady's daughter-in-law, we were sort of friends. She told of the woman's injuries, and how she died at the hospital. All of the sons were able to see her before she passed.

We had been house hunting for more than three years, again and again we walked away from the perfect home as it was sadly beyond our budget. We were giving ourselves a rest, every agent in our town and beyond had us down for the next fixer-upper...I think you have an idea where this story is going. We said no, we were not interested when the first call came in April, we said no again a week later, then we said we would just look on the next call, and... Yep we bought it. When we were not even in yet, my sort of friend, raised her voice saying "what are you a thrill seeker"? We were sick of looking and we planned to fix up and sell, that was really our intention.

I only was able to look at the house twice, and it had scatter in each room, hiding the worst. Also hiding the possibility for me to read or feel anything uncomfortable. Everyone told us how pleasent this woman had been, I began to believe it, and look forward to home ownership. We had lived in a duplex and I had much work ahead, as did my husband.

Everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. For example we had been told the hot watertank had quit so it was first on our list, calling Sears. We blew out three 82 gallon heaters, and guess who had to mop up the basement, yep twas me! It turned out we needed a pressure reducer, and the water department put it in place. They had no answer as to why now, as they raced out the door, and so it went.

My husband switched to the hours of 3 to 11 for three months allowing for a work day starting in and on our new home, I helped by picking a different room, scrubbed and painted, washing, everywhere. Much of the woodwork was in poor condition, that made me think the grandchildren were not watched closely. I have the memory of my son sitting on the floor buffer as my husband went over each room's floor.

We also learned an adult son had lived in the basement. I think he was quite a drinker and smoker, perhaps that was why he was put into an unfinished cellar. It was years before the cigarette smell was gone completely.

My husband moved our spare bedroom furniture first, and he began to sleep there. My son packed and I would move the lighter boxes each day, while we remained sleeping where we rented. Had I been there more I would have noticed her sooner. School ended at the same time we were totally in, finally we could slow down.

I had taken over their old garden and we were given a bunch of garden tools and a rusty rototiller. I turned the soil but had to stop as there was some items under the top soil. Silverware, car parts, rusty things. My son, playing nearby, stepped on a nail barefooted, a bad afternoon and we had many. I could not figure out what this was all doing just six inches under. This was how things were, each time we turned around. My husband and I both lost weight, all the bad things began to run together to a point where it was just all bad. I began to take notes, a book someday I thought.

Our son started first grade, the house was shaping up, we began to have friends over, life was becoming better. I felt her at times though, she still lingered. Had I known of Rook's wise advice, I would have been cleaning the home under his direction, all I did was speak to her suggesting that she move toward Heaven.

I felt she was gentle, in the beginning, a soft kindness. For example, one afternoon my son ran into the kitchen, dirty and so happy. He had found handfuls of pennies where he had been playing, I think a gift for him, unless you can think of a reason why someone would bury about $2.63 at the garden edge. My son also told of dreaming about an old lady sitting on a chair, that was a pretend chair, talking to him and laughing. I considered she may be happy in how we are making her little house as nice as it once was or even better then it ever was.

Then came the late evening where I sat in my living room chair. We had eaten, dishes were done, kitchen cleaned and light off when my husband loudly said "What are you doing?" I looked behind and every burner was red hot, even the oven. "You know I would never do that," I screamed back! So much for gentle. Perhaps that was not the beginning, but it was the beginning of what was yet to come. I put this into my notes, wondering what else have I overlooked.

Having done much in other rooms, we started to replace the wainscot paneling in our kitchen. I pulled the wood under our phone, when several pieces of paper fell from behind. A grocery list, three postcards, and a picture. There she is sitting on a green lawn chair, grey hair in a pixy cut. A small woman, big smile. Yes, she does look like that. How do I know that?

We loved putting our Christmas decorations up early, our son was at a wonderful age. One morning reaching for the oatmeal in the cereal cupboard, I found one of my dancing girls. When in art school I created many of these dancers for gifts that year, I treasured them. Made with blown glass and colorful outfits, a fond memory. Who put it up here? It flew out and away from my hands, I squeezed my eyes shut as it hit kitchen tile. NOT funny... It began to get worse each day. They one by one disappeared, I have yet to find them all. Next came both hot and cold in the tub and bathroom sink. I have read of it happening to others. Now she wasn't even being very original. Little ghost games.

I was alone with my son frequently, my husband had to travel for his job (military). With my little one in bed asleep, she began whispering into my ears. I could not makeout the words, she was trying to frustrate me, and I could not share with anyone, for who would believe me. My notes tell me I cried, I do not remember doing that. I have also written next, she has now been quiet for months.

In the second year I was feeling so happy on a fine late spring day, out in my garden, placing seeds. I was enjoying the birds and mild wind, humming quietly. The garden dirt clear from all last year's rusting metal, life was good. I thought I saw movement, and looked up, breaking my attention. There she was under the oak about twenty five feet away. She was waving, she looked younger. She turned and walked towards the woods, becoming see through more and more until she just wasn't there. Gone.

I knew one day this was going to be sent to YGS; without all my notes I could not have done it. Had I written more of the lost details, this event could have been far more interesting. I have never in all these past years seen nor heard from her again. I think perhaps when losing life in such a brutal way, a person (ghost) needs time and adjustment. Three of her four sons are now gone, she no longer needs or wants to linger here. I wish her well, and think of her often.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, msforgetmenott, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-26)
Hello Manafon1,

I guess I missed your note, sorry for the delay, but thank you for the well wishes. Everyone has been so kind, I am so grateful.

My best,
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-03)
Hi Jan,

That was a tricky old lady... She had a tragic death, and it is heart breaking but it doesn't give her the right to take away your dancers from you. 😉 I'm happy to know that she moved on, good for you and good for her!

Did you get surgery already? Please keep us updated!

Take care. ❤
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-30)
Jan - I am sending positive vibes your way. You are much loved here on YGS. I'll be looking forward to your continuing contributions.
Peace to you, Mike (Manafon)
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-30)
Hi Lady glow,

Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. I will write you all when I reach home.

I did want you to know that I regard your first comment, often the first under an event, to be the way I would agree with, most or all of the time. I can't wait until I get back to see your opinion when I read.

❤ Jan 😊
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-30)
Hi Dee,

Thank you for the well wishes. I have the chief of the surgery, in that department. So I feel important. He called me this morning and repeated his words, but that was good. I am hopeful.

Yes we are in the same time zone, I have to be at the hospital at 5:45 eeeek!

Jan ❤
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-30)
Hi Tweed,

You remembered! Thank you so much.

I had wanted to write of this previous owner, but had hesitation, as there are local family that were her relatives. Yet I wanted to get this out. It without doubt was the longest visiter I ever had. I basicly had it written in 2015 so it was an easy write.

This woman continues to be on my mind, as I walk the yard, I have forgotten what she had for flowers or did I plant them. I guess it doesn't matter any more.

I have lunch every few months with her Daughter in Law, she would not enter the house for many years. I had a gathering some years ago, there is a group of friends that I have known for 43 years, she came and seemed to have fun, I think.

I have never asked, but as far as my husband, he became a believer, because of her. It wasn't a lot but that winter he was shoveling snow out in the driveway, and each time he shoveled, a pile would come back. Just a small amount, like if it was thrown by an older person. Shortly after we got a snow blower.

Later, Tweed, thank you for thinking of me.

Jan ❤
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-30)

Sending light and healing energy your way. ❤ If I remember correctly, your surgery is tomorrow, Friday (I believe we are in the same time zone as I'm in NY)? I know I'm not alone when I say I look forward to seeing your name pop up soon.

Wishing you all the very best ❤
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-30)
Hi Jan - just wanted to let you know that I'm sending lots of positive thoughts to you.
Wishing you the best. ❤
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-30)
Hi Jan,

I came here to wish you all the best with your upcoming surgery. Wasn't expecting to read a new account from you, a neat surprise!

I'm glad you sent this, though I can understand your concern over townsfolk reading it online and thinking badly of you. I have had the same thoughts about some of my experiences.
The events in your home during that time were most strange, I couldn't make head nor tail of them. I wondered, like DarkStar, if it were multiple beings, and not the woman alone.

(Haven't read the rest of the comments, will do at a later date, pretty busy at present)

I think Miracles and Manafon brought up PTSD, and do ghosts suffer from this? I believe they would, if conditions allowed. If this was the work of one woman, her displays sure were erratic. You handled everything so well. Man, if I had the stove turned on like that I doubt I'd sleep easy for a while.

Well, Miracles' diary keeping has always inspired me to be more verbose in my own. Your account here really shows just how important documenting these things is. Pride myself on my discipline, don't you know, it all but disappears where paranormal journals are concerned. Weird huh.

I hope you spend today and tomorrow stress free. Just as if it's a daytrip to a spa or something fancy. Sending you lots of love.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-28)
Ms.Forgetmenot, I saw that it said you're a senior on here, but seeing how the age group on here is, wasn't sure if you were retired yet. I think now days, people in their 60's, and well into their 70's still seem young, and full of energy. Before my Mamaw passed last year, only 2 weeks before her 90th birthday, she still went to the gym on a regular. Granted she had some accidents happen while doing so, she still kept going. Both her and my papaw would bowl every week, as they were on a bowling team together, well into their late 80's. I want to say it was only a year or so before my Mamaw passed, that they finally had to stop. I have a story about what happened after my Mamaw passed away, that I've been meaning to submit here, but with how close I was to her, I want to put in the extra effort to make sure I write it the way I want it, so others can feel just how special she truly was. I'm afraid of going too off topic of it being a ghost story, because of details I want to add of her background story. Like her being a Japanese woman, that came here from okinawa, back in the 60's. She apparently even was in a concentration camp, back in the whole bombing of pearl Harbor. That's really amazing that even in death, your father was still looking out for you on warning you about that. As for me getting in the medical field, being a mother of 3, I rarely have time for myself, much less trying to pursue a career like that. I'm in my 30's now, so it's not really realistic for me either. I did however use to want to be a psychiatrist. But unfortunately went down a different path. I agree with not worrying over the amount of likes you get on here, just like I think of Facebook, I've learned you can't please everyone, and ended up getting off of Facebook completely, because of how I viewed it being. To many people waste so much time on there, worrying about what others think of them, not realizing what all they're missing around them. I rather just stick to this site, as I'm able to read others experiences, and help them if I can, or just getting to know little things about them. I love the open minded community here, and support system as well.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-28)
Twilight, I have not looked at that in years! Things like karma points and the number of comments are really unimportant, in the big picture.
I do know I have been on YGS way too much lately, I must stop.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-28)

My Dad died, just days before his 90th birthday. That was in 1999, I no longer work as I am 70 years of age. In my Dad's last weeks of life he did slip into dementia, or perhaps I overlooked it and he had it longer. As your Grandfather, my Dad had farmed also.--

*Just to keep this on the subjects of ghosts, shortly after my Dad died I had a visitation dream, my Dad was concerned even after death, for our health. There were dusting and spraying materials in his basement, as he had hundreds of apple trees. He told me to give the chemicals to a neighbor, and be sure they would be in an out building storage. In this dream he said, my mind was failing me as I had stored them to close to a dwelling and the chemicals had gotten into his lungs.*

--There was 60 miles between his farm and our home. But we were blessed as he had good neighbors who would call me. All in the past now.

I am unsure of your age, but wondered if you had considered nursing, as you seem to have a tender caring attitude.

I am off for more testing.

Later, Jan
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-28)
Ms.forgetmenot, I'd like to add this, as I just saw you were credited a down vote, that I wasn't the one to down vote you. I just wanted to say that, so you know that I didn't get offended by your comment towards me, because I was more afraid I came off rude, and disrespectful.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-28)
Ms.forgetmenot, there's no need to apologize, I understand we all have our bad days, and it seems you have a lot of important things going on, that involve other people's lives, which I thank you for doing, as doctor's and nurses are very important people ❤ I'm just glad you're not offended over what I said, because I really worry about saying or asking things that may come off the wrong way then I intended it, to where I don't really say much at all now. That's so sad to hear about your father, I know it's hard to see loved ones get hurt at such an old age, where they're unable to heal like they use to. Apparently my Papaw seems to have dementia, or alzheimers, maybe both, because for some reason, I don't think he's allowed anyone to test him for either, but his memory has gotten so bad to where he's constantly confusing his daughters, as he has 5, and with me being right next door, makes me the one he takes out most of his anger on. I've been in tears over how he's treated me, and what he has said or accused me of doing, because he's confused, and doesn't remember that he's yelling at me, for something he has done. It's very hard to be in those situations, and telling yourself that they're not their selves right now, so not to take it personally, but it's much harder to accept that. Your father kind of reminds me of my Papaw though, with being very proud, and wanting to do things for himself. My papaw even at his age now, will still get on his lawnmower and mow grass, or his tractor and goes and finds something to do on it, as we live on a huge piece of property, out in the country. At one point, when my mother and her sisters were little, this huge property was their farm, but now my family has built their homes on it. Your father seems to be a very strong man though. I hope your day is better today, and everything goes great at work for you.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-28)
I am so sorry, I spent hours yesterday, at hospital meetings and classes for a coming surgery, and I am afraid I took the fact that I had a horrible day, out on you and I am sorry. Please forgive.

I understand what you are saying about older people being alone, and have seen the pride in an older person, when that is all they have left. My Dad had fallen and smashed his face and had a broken neck also, needing to wear a halo then a surgery. (He was with neighbors when he fell) It was an awful time. After a long time in the hospital and rehab, at 85, he took it out on me. It was tough. I still worked also and it was a hard balance. He did manage to get out and work again on the farm and lived another five years. As he had facial plastic surgery he was cute and all the old ladies were chasing him, but he still could run faster. LOL

Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-28)
Ms. Forgetmenot, I just saw your other comment, and that is so horrible to hear 😢 elderly people worry me so much when they want to live alone, because I know that these type of freak accidents could happen. I feel so horrible that this poor daughter had to find her mother like that, I couldn't imagine how I would even react, other then hysterically. After my Mamaw passed away last year tragically while taking a bath in her home, my Papaw now lives in their home alone, which makes me so scared of what all could happen to him, before anyone even realizes somethings wrong. He's almost in his 90's now, and his balance is very bad, yet he's a very proud man, and refuses to use anything like a cane, or walker, to help him get around better. I've known since I was little that bad things just happen, as I lost my brother to a rare disease, when I was 11, and he was 16. It's so scary to know that no matter who you are, you can't escape the bad, so we have to learn to not let it keep us down. Even things that may seem so typical as your everyday routine, as in checking your mail, or taking a bath, can turn out a different way then you could ever imagine. But in this case of your past resident, I'd like to think that at least she had a happy, fulfilling life. Sorry to get carried away with all that. I have a tendency of doing that alot.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-28)
Ms.forgetmenot, I'm sorry if I came off the wrong way in my questions, as I did not mean any disrespect by it. The cousin I spoke of that had this similar accident happen to her grandmother, was in NC, and the home has stayed in their family since then, so I didn't mean to imply that I thought these were of the same. And I'm sorry if I was disrespectful in asking of the newspaper article, my mother had me curious to wondering more of the details of how it all happened, because of the vehicle being able to go through the hedges, and around the yard, gaining speed, instead of losing it, or getting stuck, which made my mother wonder if some type of fowl play could have been possible, and assumed the paper would give more coverage of what all the investigation concluded of this accident. I feel horrible to have came off so insensitive over this tragic accident, as I can not even begin to imagine what all this woman's family, and young neighbor that witnessed most of it, went through. I can understand you hesitating for so long on even sharing such a sensitive story, and did not mean to be pushy on what you choose to keep private out of respect. My commenting to this post was only comparing how similar the two were, and how I didn't realize how often something so horrific happened, as I found many other cases that too were similar. My other reason for commenting was to say how it was nice to hear that it seemed the woman finally found peace. Again I'm truly sorry for coming off rude, or insensitive to your post, and honestly did not mean to offend. Thank you for deciding to share this woman's story, as the ending seems to bring peace for her. I wish you and your family nothing but happiness in your home.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-27)
Hello again, Twilight,

In rereading I see that you are only making comparisons. Both events are horrible.

Bad things happen. Two years ago we had a lot of rough winter days, The cold came and it stayed.

Just up the street from me, an older woman was walking down her front yard the reason is not known to me. Walking was tough as there was thick ice everywhere. This woman lived alone, a widow. Living there for many years, for privacy, she planted bushes and flowering plants so that only the higher parts of the house showed from the road.

She slipped, breaking her leg, and she also injured her head. She was unable to get up or get help. Her daughter became concerned as she had not answered her phone and they had not talked for a couple of days.

When the Daughter finally got to her Mother's home, it was too late... Not a ghost story, just truth. Bad things do happen

msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-27)

Wow back! I thought I was a gardener, but I know nothing of this, and it makes so much sense!

We were so frustrated at that time, I thought she put that junk there, to upset me.

She would have gardened with old methods that came down in time. The pennies had some age and probably had more copper then today. I am so happy there was a reason for that. We pulled it all out and had to pay to have it removed.

How about that. Thanks!
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-27)
Hello twilight,

There are similarities in what you have said and the event I have spoken of. In our case the neighbor was a 17 year old girl, and the injured woman was as close to her as one gets, having had her next door for most of this young girl's life. She took it so hard she had to repeat a year of school. It was an impact, she has carried for life. This neighbor is now in her fifties.

Perhaps you read it too quickly, as she was not coming home, but leaving, the driveway slopes downward to the road. The mail box was (is) on the right, she stepped towards the mail box in the cars path. The car ran over her twice as the choke was set too high and the front wheels were turned, it is believed the car slipped out of park, she may have left it in drive. No one knows, as there was no witnesses. She was pushed down from the car, then run over twice, as the car turned a circle in the front yard and hit her again. The girl next door did see the accident as the car hit her a second time, she stood screaming and that got the man passing by, to stop.

I will never publicly abuse the family that suffered through this horror in 1978. I have waited a long time to tell of this, but there are still some of her family living in town. Please respect them, they lost a Mother, Grandmother, and the town lost a person that was friends with many for almost a lifetime.

We have lived in this woman's house for thirty-nine years, so it would be doubtful, your cousin could be living in this single family home. We live here, and our Mortgage is paid!

Please read the story again, there is much you missed. This woman was Polish, old Polish, the ones that survived World War 11, and then came to the States, to make a new life, legally, and settled in WESTERN MA. That is the only hint you get.

AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-27)
Wow, what an experience! I am so glad you took notes on it - having so much detail is incredible!

The only two cents I can add is about the pennies and metal in the garden. Many folks use pennies in the soil in hopes of running off everything from slugs to blight. The copper can also be used to effect the PH of the soil. The iron based metals can also be used for a similar effect to add iron to the soil particularly useful when growing vegetables. So that may help explain the oddities in the yard...
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-27)
Hey, I was wanting to know if you know how I could look up the newspaper article on this woman's accident? I was telling my mom about how similar this was to my cousins grandmother, when my mom was curious to some details on what exactly happened. I tried to look it up, but honestly I'm not that great at digging stuff up that was so long ago. Where in Massachusetts did this happen if you don't mind me asking? Maybe the name will help narrow down the search. I hope I'm not making you think that I question your story being real, because I do not mean to imply that, and understand if you rather not give out the name of the city, if it may make you uncomfortable to give out that information. I was just wanting to read the newspaper article on it, to see what all details were given. Again I apologize if I offended you by asking this.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-27)
Msforgetmenot, reading your story on how the original owner passed, reminded me of how one of my cousins grandmother had died. She too had pulled into her driveway, as she went to check her mail, resulting in her vehicle backing over her, which was fatal. I think she had a neighbor that witnessed this happening, but was unfortunately unable to get to her in time. My cousin now lives in her grandmothers home now, but I don't think she has had problems there. I had no relations to her grandmother, since she was from the side of her family that I was not kin to, but still couldn't help but be heartbroken over hearing how she passed, as that is such a tragic way to go. I'm sure there's more details to what all happened, but it's been so long now that I have forgotten them, but like your story, hers too made the paper in her tragic accident. I'm glad to hear that your house guest finally decided to find peace, and hopefully left ya'll to live peacefully in your home. After reading how similar their deaths were, I'm just in shock to know that what happened to them, seems to happen more often than I realized. I just couldn't imagine losing a loved one so tragically. Thank you for sharing your story.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-27)
Thank you Dee,

I almost missed you, that would not have been good. I have been so grateful that so many nice people are helping me this week, to make the time beforehand be enjoyed. To not think of Friday...

I have about 5 more events to write about, but will sit back and plan to complete them at a later date.

There was a message to all of you though. When something happens and after realizing this YGS material. WRITE it down, every detail. It was neat, that in this case I did.

My best to you Dee ❤
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-27)
Well DarkStar, I thank you.

You are right, I have many friends world wide, but I will tell this, I plan to put up a good fight. Can't tell you how much I do not want the pain, am really dreading it.

Getting back to the moody Lady, she was only 72 herself, and I am sure she didn't want her own car to run her over, either.

We take what we are handed, and make the best of it.

Nice to have met you, I hope we can have an opportunity to chat again.

Jan 😊
DarkStar (1 stories) (25 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-26)
Hello, msforgetmenott...

You're right--I guess I assumed that he was a Vietnam vet with no evidence--good catch! As Maxwell Smart used to say, "Sorry about that, Chief!".

Hearing about your interaction with the son during the walk-through and other functions gives me the impression that my idea about him causing the negative experiences is pretty unlikely. As you observed, the family was sad and stressed, but it sounds like they were not hostile to you. So, I now withdraw my theory, and crumple it up and give it to my cat to play with. He is uncritical about good or bad theories, as long as they are crackly and ball-shaped.

Good luck on your upcoming surgery. You have many friends here pulling for you, and so am I.

Best regards,

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-26)
Hi Jan,

I really enjoyed your account, the details helped me picture everything clearly. A strange similarity: A past owner of my parent's house was struck and killed by a passing car while checking the mailbox. My childhood home is in a very rural area; the driveway alone is 800 feet long, with the house nestled back in the woods. I just thought the similarity was strange.

It does sound like the woman was trying to warn you with the burners, albeit not in the best way. Thank goodness you noticed them on right away. I truly hope she has found peace and I'm sure she is happy with what you've done with the house.

Thank you for sharing. Wishing you all the very best ❤
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-26)
Hello DarkStar,

That would be a different take on some events we experienced back in those early days. I had to get out my note book, and study what I had written and when. Her Son passed away in Dec. 1979, His health was not good, the beer and cigarettes didn't help. We met him at various functions, It was very easy to like him, soft spoken, and pleasant, yet he had problems.

His Sister and her Daughter were also living with their Mother/Grandmother. The home was busy and when we looked while considering a purchase it could have been neater and less crowded. Both Son and Daughter were there, explaining that none could afford to buy out the others. I observed stress and sadness. They had rented a place in town and planned to share that rental. Frankly, I remember at that moment I wished that I could just look, without their chatter. I suspect they might have been distracting me on purpose.

I do not think I said a Vietnam Vet. World War 11, or Korean is a possibility as he was fiftyish when we bought the house in 1979. PTSD was unheard of then but never the less some may have suffered from it.

The stove event happened on the 2nd of Sept. 1979, much of 1979 was recorded and a short amount of 1980 as I recorded house disasters and other trauma too. She was quiet after Christmas, until the day I saw her under the oak in late May. That oak still stands on the edge of our woods.

One thing I do wish to mention, I was not all that alarmed by the stove burners on high. I think I have seen it mentioned on YGS before. All we had to do was shut them off. When she whispered in my ear, I wanted to swat her like a fly, geez she would not stop.

Thank you for the ideas,
DarkStar (1 stories) (25 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-26)
Hello, msforgetmenott...

This was a fascinating account of your experiences, and very well told, as well.

You mentioned that there was a son of the owner who lived in the basement, a disabled Vietnam vet who died the same year that you moved in. It strikes me as a possibility that this son might have been the source of some of the more frightening things you experienced, like the stove burner incident?

Being both disabled and a Vietnam vet, possibly with PTSD as a result of his Vietnam service, might have predisposed him to be unpleasant or just plain angry after his death. It seems possible to me to attribute the burner and glass figurine incidents to him; I wonder if the former owner's entity might have actually protected you and your family against some of his attempts at mischief and worse?

The account of her waving to you and walking away into the woods is touching, and it makes me wonder if she really was responsible for the negative incidents as well as the kind ones.

Best regards,

msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-26)
Hi RCRuskin, good to hear from you too,

I had never done repair work on walls, but when you are in your twenties, everything is easier. Our problem was money, my Husband hand sanded, as even buying a sander would have broken our budget. All did get better with time.

I was able to line up back up child care when needed. I had an offer in the commercial art field, mostly Mothers hours in the beginning. I loved that job when I started. Then we were able to work with the tools, as needed, back then the word "charge" was a dirty word.

your question reminded me of another thing that happened with this lady. Speaking of tools, we worked from room to room and there were three bedrooms. As we were about three months into this, my office was then a guest bedroom. We found more holes in the walls and problems in that last room, then any other. All the needed tools lay about ready for use. One morning my Husband stepped into the room, and looking down he saw an unusual thing. All of the cords were braided together, and tied with a curtain sash.

If we had a cell phone then we could have proved it, back then we simply didn't share with others, the multimedia is full of proof of all kinds now.

One thing to mention though, I never had seen the curtain sash, it was not anything we owned. We have no idea where she snatched it from. It was 1970s orange, I hate that color! Never would I have owned it.

Always nice to talk RCR,

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