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Is This Paranoia Or Something Paranormal?


Yes, I am a teenager, but this does not mean I'm making this up. I'm not sure if this is hormonal or something, so I'm wanting some feedback please. I am a male.

I have heard my name either said or whispered randomly. At first, I thought it was one of my friends. None of my friends were looking at me or trying to get my attention. (This was at school, by the way) This happened last year. The same thing happened just a few months ago and it was at school also. I was just finished taking a test, first one done as usual, and was walking back to my seat. When I got there, I was just standing since these were large tables for Chemistry class. As I was looking at a cabinet, I heard my name whispered directly in my ear. It was clear as day. I looked towards my left, which was the direction the whisper came from, but there was only one person in that direction and she was still working on her test. Nobody else to that side, and it didn't sound like her, though it was a female voice.

Another situation happened a few years ago, like 3 or 4. I sleep in the same room as my nephew. We shared bunk beds at the time. I slept on the top bunk, being as though I am older. Well, I was sleeping one night. I was jarred awake by me hitting the floor right beside a nightstand that had points on it. I don't remember what time it was, but I do remember climbing right back into the bed and going to sleep. I woke up the next morning and my right elbow and knee hurt. The fall was about 5 feet, and the way I fell, I would have fallen right on the edge of the nightstand. I went out to the living room and told my mom I had fallen during the night, and she said that I would have hit the side of my nightstand if I did.

The other night, this was recently, I had a friend over to spend the night. He is very sensitive to the paranormal. We slept in the living room on our large couch, his side facing into our kitchen. He told me that he could see several spirits in my kitchen. I asked him if any of them are malicious, and he said that they were mainly residual and could possibly be protective. When he said that, I instantly thought of when I fell off my bed. I told him about it and he said that it was interesting.

Is this just a coincidence or something paranormal? I don'twant to get rid of anything, so don't say I need my house blessed please.

Thank you for reading and sorry if it is annoying.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, flyclarinet, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

flyclarinet (1 stories) (36 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-26)
Rook, I found the counseling thing funny. XD I might have to take that into consideration. XD
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-23)
Pardon me for my intrusion into the page with a completely unrelated matter...

Dear rookdygin,
I was just kidding and trying to elicit a response from you 😜
Always a fan...

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-20)

I really do not have a clear answer for you... This situation... What you heard could be anything from an odd 'noise' that your brain 'translated' as someone saying your name close to your ear to a 'Stress Call Out' from a relative who doesn't remember a 'why'. It's also possible 'your hearing voices' and need to seek counselling... (😲 JOKING).

I've had this happen to me before... In my own home... No one at the house... As I climbed the stairs I thought I heard someone call my name from the top of the stairs... Never figured out 'why/what' that was... Sometimes we can find no answer... Things just happen.


flyclarinet (1 stories) (36 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-19)
As I had said, it was directly in my ear on my left side. Everybody was quiet and taking their test. Nobody was talking, nobody was whispering. Nothing had happened to a close friend of anything.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-19)

Your referring to this...?

"The same thing happened just a few months ago and it was at school also. I was just finished taking a test, first one done as usual, and was walking back to my seat. When I got there, I was just standing since these were large tables for Chemistry class. As I was looking at a cabinet, I heard my name whispered directly in my ear."

It's much harder to 'debunk' something happening in a quiet room... Though perhaps the whisper was just that... Someone in the room whispering your name... And it sounded closer than it really was due to the acoustics of the room.

Or...time to think... Time to remember... Think about that moment in time...year, month, day, hour and minute. Did anything happen to a Family member/close friend... This incident would have been something 'stressful' something 'traumatic'. It is really hard to say what may have caused you to hear your name at this given point in time.


flyclarinet (1 stories) (36 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-16)
Thanks for the help debunking the one about right after class. Could you help with the one about in Chemistry class?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-14)

Ah...Thank you for that bit of information.

So the bell rang... The sound level increased because people started moving and talking as they left their classrooms and filled the halls...

What you heard could have been many things that your sense of hearing interpreted as your name being called... There are just too many variables to say if this was something really paranormal or not... Considering the noise level its my opinion that this was not 'paranormal' in nature.


flyclarinet (1 stories) (36 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-13)
Rook: It was right at the end of class, right after the bell rang. And my nephew didn't wake up, he is a heavy sleeper.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-12)
[at] mysteriousgirl,
Do you know the writer of this story? If not how are you going to do any research on his experience? You tell him not to do anything because if it is a spirit he might make it worse. Make what worse? He fell out off the top bunk and missed the night stand. He never said he felt like he was pushed. If there is a spirit involved it could have been his Guardian Angel that made sure he didn't hit his head.
Obviously you are new to the site because you have made only 1 post no stories. People post their stories either they want/need advise or post experiences for entertainment for people to read and start conversations.
Again I would like to know how you are going to research for this young man?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-12)
(Not to detract from helping the O/P but I have to say something)


Huh? 😕

I'm not mad, miffed or even mildly 'ruffled' by anything you have said. I'm not sure what gave you that impression but I apologize for what ever may have made you feel that way.


mysteriousgirlnumber1 (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-10)
hello um dude I have to say that after reading the story it sounds like it might be a spirit but I'm not too sure I'll do a bit of research and then come back and tell you if I find anything, but until then don't do anything because if it is a spirit you might just make it worse ❤ ❤ ❤
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-09)
Dear Isolde & Miracles,
Please stop spoiling me by saying such nice things 😜
More so because it seems rookdygin is angry with me 😐

Dear rookdygin,
Are you angry with me because I took your name in such a light vain? 😕 I apologise if I enraged you. Do reply.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-09)

Thank you for your reply. While being 'in class' limits the narrows the number of things that you may have mistaken as your name being called it does not eliminate any natural causes. I wish you would ahve mentioned it was 'in class' rather than 'in school' in your original submission it would have made things a bit clearer... But that's water under the bridge as they say.

When you heard your name... Was it still 'between classes' or were you in the middle of class? Again this question s to narrow down the number of sources that may have caused what you heard.

Again, thank for your reply.


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-09)
Isolde - 😆 I was thinking the same thing. I wondered why Sceptic-Ari was Ughing LOL I understood exactly what he meant, or at least I think so 😉 😆
Isolde (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-09)
Sceptic-Ari: well, your English is better than mine... II couldn't find a flaw in your post on this story... 😊
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-09)
Ugh! What's wrong with my english tonight? I'll refrain from posting anymore comments... Will you please fill in for me rook 😜
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-09)
Dear flyclarinet,
I completely agree with rookdygin. You must first rule out all normal causes first.
One question though; did your nephew not wake up when you fell from the top bunk? You must have made enough noise in the still of the night to have awaken him!
You were very lucky not to hit the nightstand 😐

flyclarinet (1 stories) (36 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-09)
Rook: nobody in the class has the same name as me, and there was nobody in the class that has a name similar to mine. About me falling off the bed, what you said makes sense and I did think of that. It was just something that I had thought about and decided to add that. My friend has told me about his past, and it was very unique, I doubt somebody could make it up.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-09)

Is your name really, really unique? If not then the odds are you heard people talking or calling out to people with either your same first name, or one that sounds similar and mistook it as someone calling out to you. That can be a problem in large groups of people.

As far as falling off the top bunk and missing the nightstand...

Think about how you landed... Were you stretched out to your full height? If so then there is a chance your head may have struck the table or the table edge if, IF you rolled out of the bed flat that is.

If however you were curled up, even just a bit then your head would have missed the table/table edge and there is a good chance you struck your knee and elbow first as you landed on the ground.

As far as your friend being a sensitive... He very well could be... Not enough evidence has been presented one way or the other to show that there are spirits in your home, or that he can really see them.

Thank you for sharing... Please let us know if this makes sense.



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