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Michael The Imaginary Friend


Michael was an imaginary friend that I interacted with from a very young age. He must have appeared at about the age of 4 and when I began to grow up I gradually mentioned him less and less. As my family are very strong paranormal and spirit believers, an imaginary friend was no surprise and they accepted it.

I used to talk about Michael as if he was really there, and described his dress attire to my mum as Victorian. Now in the present, I can't remember what he looked like or what he specifically dressed in, but I remember clearly some experiences I had with him.

When we lived in the house I grew up in until around the age of 7. My room had a cupboard that had shelves leading right up the top. I don't know if people reading this from a different country will know about this, but I had cuddly toys that were the Tweenies. One day I was playing with Michael and I began to cry because I couldn't find one of the Tweenies - Milo. I told my mum and said to her that Michael had hidden it in a place where I couldn't get it - in the cupboard on the topmost shelf. My mum opened the cupboard and sure enough my toy was sitting on the top shelf which would have been impossible to get to.

Once, my family were round my grandparents and the adults were all in the kitchen while I was in the living room. I had toys all over the floor, which included a colouring book and crayons. My mum and grandmother came into the room to find the walls had been covered with crayon scribbles. I got told off for it even though I had been quietly watching a film, and I insisted it was Michael.

Finally, my mother and her friend, a woman very sensitive to the paranormal world, had taken me out shopping. Whilst paying for something, my mother placed me on the counter and my legs begun swinging wildly. My mum told me to stop as it was causing a scene, but her friend quietly told her that I couldn't stop because Michael was playing with my legs and he wouldn't stop.

I never had any bad experiences with Michael, I believe he was merely a playful spirit.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, kaysie_x, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Lizzy2695 (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-21)
Wow. That's sweet. ❤ 😁 I used to have an imaginary friend like that. I miss him. 😢
LilyOfWartune (19 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-18)
Wow...I think that Michael is just lonely and want to play with you
I wonder what happens to him and why he leave you...
Maybe you just too mature for him now LOL 😜
Sparkie (6 stories) (30 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-17)
Sounds similar to my own experiences with a little girl spirit. I like this a lot though. Just childish fun for Michael it seems!:)
kaysie_x (4 stories) (18 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-17)
Swimsinfire no I haven't seen him since!
Lady-glow it wasn't that grandmother who had the scribbles over her walls. My mum's motherer is the clairvoyant, it was my dad's mother who this happened with.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-17)
Did your grandmother, the clairvoyant, ever see Michael, specially the day he scribbled on the walls?
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-16)
That was very intense. Good story. You've never seen anything of Michael since?
lostghostgal (69 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-16)
Sound like a playful Child Spirit that are harmless and I know what you mean what he wear not sure what it call but I call it old fashion. 😁 I enjoy this story about child spirit and always wonder why or the reason with child spirit on earth with out the parent maybe lost or something not sure *strugs*

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