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Waking Up with Bites and Scratches


I'm new here, but I would say that I'm not new to the paranormal. Since I was quite young I have had a large number of strange unexplainable feelings and experiences that I cannot even begin to recount. But recently things have been happening to me personally (in the past it's been observations... Seeing things or hearing things, but it never felt as if whatever I was seeing was trying to communicate with me), and frankly it is beginning to worrying me.

So, these are the two stories I would like to share with you all today. Any advice or answers or comments will be greatly appreciated.

Recently I have been having a lot of trouble sleeping. Two nights ago, I was taking my dog outside to go to the bathroom at around 3am, and I was still fully awake at the time. Nothing was out of the ordinary at first, but then my dog stopped still and sat down, making a faint whining sound. This was not entirely unusual for him, so I didn't pay it much attention and walked forward, telling him to hurry up and do his business.

I noticed it was cold out, which is certainly odd for Florida at this time of year. But again, I wrote it off, since I knew there had been a storm that day and thought maybe it had just brought cold air. A couple minutes later, I noticed the form of a person standing near the man-made pond diagonally left from my house. I squinted my eyes to see better, thinking maybe it was one of my neighbors was outside. It seemed the person was staring at me, though I could see no eyes or specific facial features, I felt I was being watched. But as I walked forward to inspect further, it disappeared.

Now, I'm not positive it was something paranormal... But something just didn't feel right about the whole thing, so I just thought I'd share it here.

But on another topic, I could use some help. My problem as of late is that I sometimes wake up with scratches, cuts, and swollen bites (like insect bites). I have checked every possible explanation, and I can't find anything that could be causing it. Just to be sure I wasn't out of my mind, I invited my friend over to my house about a month ago to spend the night. She and I slept in the same room, and I woke up with small swollen bites and scratches on my arms and back, but she was not scratched or bitten. I don't understand. What is happening to me? I mean, I've felt things weren't always right in this house before, but this is the first time anything like this has happened. I should say in the interest of full disclosure, that I have heard strange things and seen figures in my house before, but as I said at the beginning of this message, I never felt before that they were trying to harm me or communicate with me.

Strange occurrences like this have become common themes lately for me, and I'm not scared, but I am confused and a little worried. What is going on? And will it get worse?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ItachiChanDesu, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-07-08)
Bbrave: Also, a little info for you and others who are newbies: at the bottom of the comments you'll see a link that states "read previous comments"...Some stories have several pages, so in order to read the comments as they were posted, you need to start with the LAST page FIRST, and go from the bottom of the page to the top, etc...

The link Javelina posted has quite a few comments, and when you get the time to read them, you might find them very entertaining to say the least 😆
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-08)
Excuse me, Bbrave. I realize that the comments look out of place on this thread. The story all of this is referring to was closed down for comments because of how ridiculous it all became. It was an interesting drama at the time, however, it eventually got completely out of control when the O/P made the decision to go Hollyweird on us. If you are interested in checking out the original narrative, I'll post the link. Just know that many comments by the O/P and other members involved in helping the family, have been deleted.

ALSO, if you are looking at stories from a link at the bottom of another one you read previously, or from a category list, remember to check the dates on the story and the comments first. This was two years ago that all of this took place.


(formerly DCinAZ)
Bbrave (1 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-08)
I wasn't going to comment at first but since I read DCinAZ's comment which was filled with the basic skeptic nonsense feel I must.

It's possible things might get worse and they might not. I can't say for sure. What I can say is that many stories of violent encounters with the paranormal begin with scratches and bites. Also it's a known fact that animals can sense spirits as well as any ill will from them. My advice is to stay as calm as possible since it is through fear that any malevolent presence gains power to harm. If you can manage to stay calm and keep your wits about you then you will have the power
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-30)
To ItachiChanDesu, My apologies for posting these comments on your forum, it won't happen again. Deane
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-28)
Look, let's just say it was fun while it lasted and let it go. I'm sure those paying close attention to the "storyline" will see it for what it is and get a good laugh from all the "drama" that's been played out here. For me, it's all TOO convenient, and happened too fast to be real. So excuse me if I use common sense first. This story was just too easy to pick apart. Too "Supernatural" you might say. Nice try though guys.
conceredparent (1 stories) (31 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-28)
DCinAZ I'm sorry you feel this way all of what I have said is the whole truth I swear to it my entire family will say the same my entire neighbourhood so I'm very sorry you don't believe us but that's ok we are all entitled to our own opinions I guess this is yours all of what mazza says is the truth also she is my mother inlaw everyone else that commented also I believe as they did help us god bless you
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-28)
OK! Let me be the first one to say "And the Emmy goes to..." Nice performance kids, we all enjoyed the show. Next time don't pick such a 'familiar' storyline. Yes, everyone's been there and no, I'm certainly not swallowing any of this. Do us all a favor and take your toys home with you when you go. What a waste of space this was. Seriously, this could have been a nice distraction had you learned how to spell better. Go back to school, you've got way too much time on your hands! 😐 😐
conceredparent (1 stories) (31 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-28)
ItachiChanDesu (1 stories) (2 posts) 0
I strongly recommend you take all the advise that you are given and do it now as you know I have been here and lived this with my son every bit of advise every prayer every one helping you can't unless you let them and they were ment to help you you helped me without even knowing it I read your story I posted what happen because you had the same happen to you I put my own post up and everyone helped I accepted all help from everyone did it all and now we are all safe my sons are safe my family is safe please I urge you to just listen follow the instructions given and I know you will be safe everone has there part to play in helping you and trust me I have just lived it I know god be with you I will pray for you too
Loganz_sis (1 stories) (150 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-22)
CParent- I am glad you are in touch with the RIGHT people. My prayers to you and your family.

Thanks WB,Zgranny, Rook and Mazza... I am so glad you all came here!
I was going to mail WB to contact CParent, obviously this site stands for everything you guys have always said- help, pray and support people like CParent. Thanks... Thanks a ton.
mazza (22 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-22)
I have spoken to the family today & they are intent on going to a church & ask for help. I have suggested to both parents to purchase a cross for all of them & ask for it to be blessed with love & protection. I feel that I do not have to go for help (I also live over 400ks away) as I believe that God & Jesus have more power than this entity & have been speaking to the family to try & convince them of this. I have advised the 16 year old to try & keep calm & that God & Jesus will be there for him to help him. Last night they all slept in the lounge room & with prayers it was kept out of that room but lurking around in the background. I suggested to the parents to try & print out all the prayers that have been sent to them so that they can say the prayers in every room. The father went into one of the boys room with the bible & it dissapered into the roof. I think that it is trying to escape from the prayers that are being read. Please can I ask everyone to pray for this family for guidence with there problem.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (203 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-22)
To add on to what White Buffalo said- If you can't get a priest blessed jar of Holy Water, you can make your own, bigger batch of it, which works just as well.

To do this, put water in some form of container, and take a holy object, such as a cross, and put it in with the water.

Honestly, you wouldn't believe how well this works. Some instances really had me stop and say, "whoa", especially when I was first introduced to the homemade version, because I wasn't sure how effective it would be. But now, I'm a believer, and I stand by it.

Also, White Buffalo is VERY trust worthy and helpful. In many instances, she has helped a lot of people, myself included, and when it comes to advise, I'm more than happy to ask her.

I hope you are able to get through this. Positivity can be a very powerful defense. 😊
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-22)
I actually shot an e-mail off to Jim. I did that as early as four o'clock my time. As I said, he does tend to be busy this time of year, but he is one that I have NO PROBLEM linking my name to.
Those of you who know me, know what I mean.
I have also contacted two Men of the Cloth, whom I have personally worked with and studied under. One is a Priest the other a Bishop. They are not fanatics, but they ARE no-nonsense guys. I WOULD trust them with my life. You all do not know me, but that is high praise.
Please follow these suggestions first: Please go to whichever church you are affiliated with and seek council of your Religious Leader. If the children have their personal (youth pastor/priest, whatever) leader, also speak to them. Ask them to ADD you ALL (G ma included) into their "ritualistic prayers". Be very honest. If you have the SLIGHTEST thought that illegal drugs MAY be involved (that is NOT a sign of demonic take over, but COULD be a catalyst), please try to STOP the use, at the very least, while fighting this thing.
All need to have a clear mind.
Please try to get your hands on a jar of Holy Water. You may have to do some fancy wording, but when your intent is clear, it will more than likely be not all that difficult.
Please hold your family close. There is power in numbers and you MUST stand FIRM against this as a unit.
I will see if I can push the assistance button a bit harder...
Do not give up on us!
Thank you.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-11-22)
mazza and concernedparent: In addition to the help offered by Rook, may I suggest you e-mail one of our fellow posters JimD...

Dukes [at]

Also, and I know this is easier said than done, do not be afraid of this thing... It will feed on that and only get stronger... If you're forgeting the words to the Lord's Prayer try writing them down and reading them when your memory fails...

Thank you ItachiChanDesu for your understanding... ❤
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-22)
If permission is given, I would like to offer my assistance in this matter. It goes beyond advice, as a few on this site can attest to. Please let me know and I will answer any questions to the best of my ability and do 'other things' to help aid and protect this family but I can do nothing without permission.


mazza (22 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-22)
I am the grand mother of the young child that has been terrorised by a very bad entitity. I am also letting you know the experiance from conceredparent (I think that is what she is known as) I spoke to the father & mother & 2 of the boys tonight they are all terrified. The 16 year old & everyone were saying the lords prayer with me & apparently it was laughing at me. I have never heard so much terror comming from my grandson. I told him how to white light himself & ask for protection & love to be bought into the house & ask for all eveil to be taken out of the house. I hope I ahve done the right thing as I have only delt with this kind of thing once before & it did help. The paranormal is such a scary thing to encounter at such a young age, or something like this at any age. I have told the family to learn the lords prayer & to say it often. I also told my grandson to take the bible to bed with him. Please can anyone let me know if I have helped or if it will not help. Apparently the entity did hold it's hands up like it was about to be shot my grandson said & then it clapped & then disappeared, but he could still feel it, but it was so good to hear him sound so calm to what he was like at5 the start of the phone call. I am a great believer in God & Jesus & he was saying tonight he was starting to believe as well. It was not really that he didn't believe it was that he was not sure. My daughter-in-law said that it gets cranky when she starts with the lords prayer & then my grandson becomes terrified, so we think that it is doing this so my grandson can stop his mother from saying the lords prayer, & as she told me she forgets the words when she is around near it. This family needs some help so anyone that has had an experience with this kind of parnomal please let us know what to do.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-22)
Please excuse the interruption to your page, ItachiChanDesu.

Conceredparent? I DO pray that your visit to the church helped out, but just in case... I sent word to one of the people I "use" when things are beyond my expertise. He IS rather busy, at this time, but he is a trustworthy guy who is very informed, in MY humble opinion.
Please watch your e-mail for some kind of response.
Thank you.
Good luck, good Health and may the Good Lord Bless you all.
conceredparent (1 stories) (31 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-22)
logans-sis I have changed my profile to show my email and thankyou
conceredparent (1 stories) (31 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-22)
omg plase help us my son was taking a shower today we were in the kitchen heard banging and screaming from the bathroom my husband and I ran we tryed to break the door down as our son was screaming like he was being murdered we finaly go in and my son colaped in our arms still screaming scratches all over his chest saying that this thing was throwing him against the door scratching him realy fast and wouldn't stop that its angry we wrapped his naked body in a blanket and huged him we calmed him enough to lay him down and examine him and yes scratches everywhere we took photos then got him to get some clothes on we were withhim then we only got his jeans on no shirt and a message on his phone sent from no number saying you will be mine soon you filfy thing was on his phone we left the house its now 12am and we have been back for aproximatly 2hrs and scince it has shown its self at least 14 times as I say the lords prayer it gets angry it laughs at my husband and other son we are all crying without knowing all our eyes haVE WATER RUNNING DOWN BUT WE ARENT SOBBING I don't understand why my family y my neighbourhood y my sons y won't it leave us along we can't sleep we can breath properly with fear it will attack again my son won't leave our side I have never seen him or the rest of my family this terrified of anything my son that keeps being attacked is weak he is very sick he has type1 diabeties and has almost died a few times he was never sick until we moved to this house I don't know how much more of this he can take its realy taking it out of him please if anyone can help please do its still here and as I type its here it can see me typing my son is beside me he can see it looking I can feel it looking it likes games it laughs when we get angry at it it gets angry when we say the lords prayer its sarcastic at my husband it clapped its hands when my husband yelled you will not win you will leave this thing is dangerous and harmfull my mother inlaw is trying to white light our house threw the phone and its laughing at her she is too far away to come and do it in person but its laughing its angry and its sarcastic and likes games it does physical harm this thing is smart and extremly strong but it does move away it moves around me when I say the lords prayer and its angry as soon as daylight hits and a church is open I intend to take my son and my family there and ask for help my youngest son is at a neighbours house he is too scared he is still awake over there too scared to sleep a new detail of this thing it only has 3 fingers with realy long nails
Loganz_sis (1 stories) (150 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-21)

Please go to your profile on the top right hand corner of this page and then go to 'account' you have options to change your E mail ID and display it.
conceredparent (1 stories) (31 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-21)
how do I change it then cause tonight I can feel something but can't see anything but it don't feel right I feel like some one is watching me
Loganz_sis (1 stories) (150 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-21)

I wish you had left your e mail ID. There are tons of people on this site who have great knowledge on this and could guide you through this.
conceredparent (1 stories) (31 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-21)
hi there I can't beileve I'm reading this I just looked up ghostly scratches and found your story ItachiChanDesu its unbeilevable you see the reason I was looking this up is my son has been sleeping and been scratched on his legs then just as you said he also seen a person with no eyes but my son discribed it in more detail it had no eyes with blood coming down its face and was angry and wanted to hurt him my other son has also seen this thing and has had his face touched this thing with no eyes also flew after my son so fast my son is 16 and ended up in bed with me and my husband he has my son woke up on our bathroom floor scared and didn't know how he had got there then the first time he seen this thing was in my bathroom threw a mirror in my hall way we have also been hearing our floorboards creek and sounds like someone is walking towards us the only thing different with your story and my sons is that he descibes in more detail and that its happening to 3 of my sons you see the other son also has had an experience of breathing on him I thought it may have been a draft and layed beside him I felt it too then he said that someone was pinching his cheek and I seen his cheek pinched but nothing there also my neighbour and two doors up from me are experiencing some abnormal activities too similar to my son this not only happens when its just us it also happens when we have guests my neighbour and my aunt have witnessed it also my daughter and I have heard our draws and cuboards slamimg when we went to look everything in the kitchen was open even the fridge that night I said to her trying to calm her let's just close them and have a coffee I had three coffee cups in front of the kettle as my son had woken up we were waiting for the kettle to boil then we heard another clunk and another cup was there when we moved it it would knock over this is all becoming to much to handle I'm scared for my children and can't believe the same thing is happening to you on the other side of the world what is happening my son was that terrified last night we had to wrap him in a blanket how do we get help how do we stop this what is happening it won't go away when I showed my family your story the couldn't believe it was the same thing and we've never heard of each other and such a distance between my son went white as I told him your story
PROOF (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-28)
Hi Summer,

Are you still having these occurences? If so and you need help, my team and I may be able to assist you. We are Paranormal Research Organization Of Florida and are an organization that investigates these types of phenomenon. Please check our website at and if you are interested, please fill out the questions on our "Contact Us" page. We will get back to you right away to set up a consultation.

Take care and I will look forward to hearing from you. 😁
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-10)

Well I for one look forward to the rest of this. Please post the rest of this event as a story. Thanks.


SummerB (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-10)
Oh, and to TammyMom, I thought that was the case at the time too, and I had it checked out, and there were no bugs or anything in my house.

And I'm still not entirely sure of what the cause of what happened to me previous to December 07 was or what I could have done to upset whatever it was that I must have upset. I can only hope that some day it will all make more sense to me. At this point I have not solved anything as far as questions go... All I have done, and all I fear I am able to do, is run away.

It may have put an end to the situation, but it does little to ease my mind.
SummerB (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-10)
This is ItachiChanDesu. It's been quite a while since I was last here and I seem to have forgotten what my logon was. ^^;

Well so, so much has happened in this situation and in my life in general since I posted this and for some reason something possessed me (no pun intended) to come here and give a update. And to warn you, the rest of this post and those that follow may make me sound crazy, but I swear every detail of it is true, to the best of my memory.

In December of 2007, a good friend of mine came to live with me following the death of her mother. At the time when she moved in, things were relatively quiet around the house. I hadn't had anything strange happen in several weeks and I was quite happy to see an end to the madness.

Or, at the time I thought it was the end of the madness. Until near the end of December my friend, I'll call her Amber for the sake of privacy, began to act very strange. At first I had thought that it was just the fact that it was the first holiday she had been through without her mother, and it was normal grieving distress. And I wish that would have been the case.

But as it were, I woke up at 3 in the morning (is this time significant in any way? Because a lot of what happened to Amber and I happened around this hour) on Saturday before Christmas, and Amber wasn't in her bed. That was weird because she usually slept so damn soundly you couldn't wake her for anything, but I thought maybe she just wasn't feeling well and was in the livingroom watching TV or something... I tried to go back to sleep but some instinct kept telling me to get up... So I did, and when I walked out into the livingroom everything was dark. Now that was really weird. I decided to check the kitchen, nothing. Then the bathroom, nothing. The porch, nothing.

That left me with only the 2nd bedroom, which we didn't use but for a sort of storage, and I was expecting that to be empty too considering I sure as hell never went in there (I never liked that room to begin with). And as far as I had known, she didn't either.

But come to find out, I opened the door and found her sitting in the middle of the room, which was lit by a few of our red candles (it was Christmas, it's all we had. I don't know if the color is of significance or not), using a Ouija board.

I guess she was startled by the opening of the door, because it let in the light I had turned on in the hallway. She kind of jumped up, and she looked at me with a guilty expression. She knew my stance on Ouija boards, and I'm certain she knew I would be pissed. I asked her what the hell she thought she was doing bringing that thing into my house, to which she replied I should "relax" and that it was "just a game" and she was just trying to "get some answers" and "have some fun" too.

Needless to say, I was livid. We argued the rest of the night. I told her she needed to get rid of the board and that I was not comfortable having it in my house after all that had happened to me.

Neither one of us thought at the time of how she never ended her "game" with the board. And neither one of us could have possibly predicted what would happen from that point on.

All of a sudden we heard something that sounded like glass breaking. Amber thought it sounded like it came from our bedroom, so we ran in there to see. A picture of she and I that had been sitting on her bedside table had busted on the floor.

That was the first sign of what proved to be six months of hell.

This post is getting very long so I'm going to cut it off here for the time being but I will write the rest as soon as I get the chance.
TammyMom (32 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-01)
ItachiChanDesu, At first I was thinking that you were being bitten by bed bugs and scratching yourself all over because of the itching, but when I got to thinking about the dog sitting down and whining, I now believe that it's fleas. When a flea bites a dog, the dog will sit down and whine before biting at the spot where it was bitten. Fleas also bite people. When you're sleeping, you wouldn't even realize that you're scratching at your bites. However, you would likely wake yourself up, so you wouldn't be able to sleep much. I hope that you update this story. Good Luck, TammyMom
davidparker (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-14)
You could wear a cross while you sleep. You could also have some holy water next to your bed. Have you tried to tape the entities yet? I agree with the lavender incense 100%! Indians would use it to protect themselves from evil spirits while the slept, worked, and played. Preasts also use it in some blessings.
I hope you get it taken care of soon.
Best of wishes, David
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-24)
Have you tried the lavender incense yet? Also you could try and wear a cleansed and charged clear or smoke quartz crystal and see if that helps with the problem. You might even want to try and put one on your dogs collar and see if it doesn't help him.
Good luck.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
ItachiChanDesu (1 stories) (2 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-23)
Hello all,

I have been very busy lately with traveling and training, and haven't had much free time. I haven't spent much time idle except for sleeping up until this weekend, and I hadn't had any major problems in the house for a while. But tonight, just a few minutes ago, a strage thing happened and I decided to turn on my computer and share it here.

My dog has been going around for the past few hours barking and whining and growling, for no apparent reason. I went through the house and looked around and also went outside and checked around the house, and nothing seems amiss. But my dog just keeps acting weird... Sitting there staring at nothing and refusing to move making his little noises.

Well, I was coming inside after taking the dog for a short walk around the house so he could go to the bathroom, and all of a sudden I felt a sort of tingling... Almost electric feeling. I shivered and a moment later I felt almost like something had slammed into me and I stepped back a couple steps. I then felt like I was going to throw up (but didn't). This was about 10 minutes ago and the feeling is just beginning to subside.

Sitting here now writing this I am getting strange sensations... Sort of like an itching or tingling (think of how it feels when a small bug or something is crawling on you) sort of feeling on the back of my head and neck and I keep reaching up and nothing's there.

I need to sleep because I have a lot of training scheduled tomorrow. But I don't know if I will be able to sleep a wink. This whole experience is freaking me out, but I don't have time to deal with it in the proper way... As in getting someone in to help or anything... And I won't have any free time until mid-November, so I'll just have to deal with whatever is going on at least until then. 😕

Any advice on what I can do until then? Maybe something that will keep it from getting worse? Because I certainly have enough stress right now as it is... I really don't want to make things in this house any worse than they already are. 😭

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