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The Man Bites Mommy's Pants


After all my supernatural childhood experiences, I really should have known better.

We moved to a small city, Kimberley, in 1975 when my eldest child was seven weeks old. One of my husband's numerous business transfers!

We bought a very old house, built in the late 1940s, which had been beautifully renovated but still had the high ceilings and lovely wooden floors, (I think yellow wood) plus archways leading from entrance hall to lounge, dining room and kitchen. I won't go into the whole description of bedrooms etc. My husband and I fell in love with this house at first sight. Strangely enough, I still dream about that house!

Well it was necessary for me to work so I found a half-day job at a construction company when my son, Craig, was about six months old and fortunately, living right across the road from us, was a day mother, a lovely older lady, Auntie Ann. So she took care of the baby while I was at work in the mornings.

I know I need to get to the gist of my story but I have to mention that after many scary ordeals in my childhood and teenage years, I tried very hard to distance myself from anything paranormal. To me any being that was not alive was just plain scary. As life has gone on, I've learned otherwise.

Moving on. Shortly after I found myself pregnant with my second child I resigned from my morning job. I decided to keep Craig at home with me instead of sending him to Auntie Ann, as it was an expense which I could no longer afford. He was an extremely hyperactive child but as long as he was busy, he was fine.

We had acquired a dog, a cross-breed, which was mainly boxer. Believe it or not, although she was female, her name was Jethro! One of the most amazing dogs I have ever known and Craig's companion until she died in 1989. This might come across as unnecessary information but in fact it does fit into the picture.

While I was home pregnant, and after my second son was born, Craig was constantly running around the backyard where I had my rotunda washing lines. He used to jump up to the washing, spin around on the pole, Jethro jumping up and down, and the two of them would go running around all over the lawn at the back, Craig laughing his head off all the time, only to keep repeating the procedure.

Then I started noticing that even when Jethro was not around, Craig was still continuing with the same behaviour. One day he was lying on the grass, laughing hysterically and I asked him what he was laughing at. He said "it's the man". He was just over two years old at that stage. I told myself that he had an imaginary friend but I must admit I felt a few tingles down my spine.

A while after that, I remember it was a Saturday afternoon, I had washed loads of laundry and was folding the whole lot up in my bedroom. My husband was with me. Craig came strutting in and said to his dad: "The man bites mommy's pants".

Instant reply from husband: "What man?!" Craig: "The man who plays with me."

Husband: "What pants?"

Craig pointed to a pair of jeans and a pair of beige slacks.

I will never forget the look on my husband's face! I then had to go through the whole procedure of explaining Craig's shenanigans around the washing line, running around the lawn, laughing like mad, with the dog in tow at times and that his own little boy had told me that he plays with "the man". Try explaining that to someone who doesn't believe in anything that isn't human and logical.

We had very good vibes in that house, so "the man" was certainly keeping my child amused in a very positive way. Believe me, Craig was so hyperactive that "the man" actually did me a favour! Jethro was obviously happy with "the man", so he must have been a good guy.

I never ever felt any supernatural presence in that house, except for my grandmother when my mom was visiting me for a few days and we had been discussing granny.

I don't think that my child simply had an imaginary friend. I truly believe that "the man" was actually there!

I would love to hear opinions on this.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Melda, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-19)
Cherubim - Thanks for your response. I just loved the comments I received.

When I had supernatural experiences from early childhood, nobody in my family believed me. Eventually as the years progressed they realised that there was something a little bit different about me. How could I constantly be lying about everything?

My son Craig who was a toddler at that stage is now 44 years old and has had a few supernatural experiences throughout the years. He tells me about them but is otherwise silent on the subject.

Regards Melda
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-16)
I believe there was a man playing with your son. I think spirit shows themselves to children because they are so innocent. I guess he knew if he bit your pants your son would laugh his head off! 😆 Maybe he lived there at one time. Thanks for sharing. ❤
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-06)
Jubeele - No the Big Hole in Kimberley is not on the world heritage list, as far as I know.

Regards, Melda
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-06)
Melda, I'm glad you knew I meant Kimberley in Australia! Do you know if the Big Hole in Kimberley SA ever made it into the World Heritage list?

About this "purple rock" that you've been talking about: my younger sister gave me a purple/green jade bangle years ago when I got married. Now that I realize how expensive it is, I'll have to take better care of it... As soon as I remember where I've put it!
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-03)
Jubeele - Thanks for reading.

I haven't asked Craig whether he remembers, he was only about two at the time. Actually I should ask him, possibly he remembers a little about those days.

Thanks for the link to Kimberley Australia - very interesting. Kimberley in SA is renowned for The Big Hole, which is the largest man made mine in the world. Actually there's a lot of very interesting history attached to the town.

Regards, Melda
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-03)
Thanks Melda for this story. Haha - Romeo or 'super-special' babysitter! This is another one for my "favourites". Does Craig remember anything about this man now that he's grown up?

The Kimberley is on my 'bucket list' to visit one of these days. The region has stories about the Wandjina, spirit guardians from the Aboriginal Dreamtime, said to have started human customs and invented all implements. Maybe a guardian spirit was using the clothes hoist (washing line) to amuse your son?

Just for interest sake, here's a bit about the Wandjina:
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-04)
To all Americans out there!

Enjoy your Independence Day festivities - I hope you all have a great holiday 😊

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-07)
BeagleMom - Thanks for reading. Yes, Craig, Jethro and Man had a great time, sometimes only Craig and Man!

I hope you have a wonderful vacation in the UK 😊

Let us know when you get back!

Regards, Melda
BeagleMom (3 stories) (84 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-07)
Hi Melda!

Late as usual, me not you! I so enjoy your submissions! We had a neighbor who had the same kind of clotheslines when I was growing up. What a time we had with the laundry on wash day! Their line was always spinning in the breeze, or by the hand of one or another of us kids. Yes the dogs went wild as well. I can just see the "man" playfully biting your pants to get a rise out of Craig. I bet he roared at the sight! I too dream about past residences!

I will be off of this site for about a month as we leave for our trip to the UK on Sunday! I will really have lots of reading to do once we return!

Mother of Beagles
Carolyn E.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-05)
Fergie - Believe it or not, I did think of sending you an email a while ago because I knew you were raised in Kimberley! Bear in mind that I read many of your accounts on YGS before I even joined. Then I thought no, don't intrude on her space with personal things.

I will certainly send you a mail but I'm trying to remember the surnames of some people who were born and raised in Kimberley, as you were.

Also, I hate going this route again, my husband's office (which is just down the road from us in Lynnwood Glen) was broken into and robbed over the weekend. I'm not a violent person but I'm reaching the stage where I'm ready to whip out a gun and fire. We've been victims so many times.

I think I should ask Rook for a protection shield against humans!

Will chat to you soon.

Regards, Melda (Denise)
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-05)
OMW Melda, we may have passed one another on the street and not known. I stopped going to Kimberley after 1983 when my dad passed away.

If you would like to continue reminiscing, you are welcome to email me privately.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-04)
Fergie - Yes this is a trip down memory lane for me as well 😊

My eldest child was born in Windhoek but the other two were born in Kimberley. We lived there from October 1975 until June 1982.

If you go straight across the traffic light at the Halfway House (direction from the town centre) the very next turn to your right is Pratley Street. Just thinking, spending a night or two at the Halfway might indeed be an experience. Many miners of old used to go their for their drinking sessions 😆 and travelling on the old tram!

I was told before we moved to Kimberley that I'll cry when I arrive and Ill cry when I leave. When I arrived, I did indeed cry but I can tell you that when I left I sobbed. I met people there that I will never, ever forget.

It's been so nice chatting to you about this 😊

Regards, Melda
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-04)
Melda, Pratley St rings a bell for me. Yes, it is quite close to the Halfway House in Du Toitspan Rd, and my old high school, KGH.

We moved to the top of Herlear (Diana Rd) from West End when my dad was allowed a mine house after he remarried. My dad's second eldest brother lived in Beaconsfield. Gosh Melda, you are stirring up all sorts of memories from my past; none of them paranormal, unfortunately.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I haven't been back to Kbly in over twenty years. All that I have left there is a second cousin, she is 91 years old.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-04)
Fergie - I remember reading in one or two of your accounts that you lived in Kimberley. I know the general area of West End which you are talking about.

I lived in Pratley Street, very close to the old hotel in the main Road. (Du Toitspan Road?) I think the hotel is called the Halfway House, though I could be wrong. There was a pre-primary school very close as well, which my eldest attended, called Stepping Stones.

We were at the very top end of Beaconsfield, just opposite Herlear.

I'm not surprised by ghostly activities in Kimberley - that place is steeped in history!

Regards, Melda
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-04)
Hi Melda, I know I am late for this party, but I have been busy lately.

What really drew my attention was your mention of Kimberley. I lived there until '64. I lived in West Circular Rd, West End. The house no longer exists, but was facing the reef of the Big Hole.Incidentally, my old submission, "Granny's Bed" took place there. Which suburb did you live in? It is only since I left Kbly that I heard of its rich ghost activity; strange eh?

I never had an imaginary friend even though I was an only child for the first 14 years of my life. I don't think our girls had one either.

Thank you for your charming narration, I enjoyed it immensely. ❤
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-25)
Thanks to all of you for your interaction - I found it extremely entertaining 😆

One thing I've learned, listen to your kids!

Regards, Melda
Myst (63 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-24)
Argette- How well I understand the "distraction" part of your post!
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-24)
Yeah, I figured Tack left to go get Amethest or something...hey, the 'taco' is just some Houdini training! I'm sure he thanked you for it. Maybe.

That would be weird to see the clothes line spin by itself! Was he armless? I guess whatever works, ha!

I'm pretty clueless regarding imaginary friends, I never had one, but my sister did. His name was Ambi and the only thing I remember about Ambi was one night we were getting ready for dinner, I was walking down the circular stairs when the doorbell rang. Dad opened it and there was no one there. My sister came running down the hall yelling - Ambi! You've come for dinner! - And there was a burst of light in the living room. It was WEIRD. I remember watching the whole thing from the stairs and dad saying - wth?!

I recently asked her about more info on Ambi, and she said all she could remember was him walking in the door for dinner that one night.

She asked me why I never had an imaginary friend and I told her, Santa, Jesus, and the weird alien on the front of mom's book was plenty of stress for me. Why bother with an imaginary friend?! Lol!

(I saw her reading Communion and I said ew! What is that on the cover?! And she said oh it's just some weird alien thing that comes and visits this guy from outer space. Great... Something else peeking around corners and coming down chimneys, ha!)
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-24)
Melda: it seems to me like 'the man' was very imaginative and resourceful at taking care of kids, while reading your experience I imagine him to be a loving grandfather, a perfect match for Auntie Ann.

During my preteen years, one of my aunts used to visit my house frequently, bringing along my little cousin; she was trilled because my two younger siblings and I always managed to keep the little guy entertained. What she didn't know was that we used to wrap him in a blanket and tied him up with several belts saying that we were playing to 'the taco'; then he had to free himself off the wrap!😆

When I got my own children I came to the realization that 'the taco' game was a subtle form of abuse... But it worked!

Thanks for sharing this lovely story.
Argette (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-24)
I love this thread, Melda! I'm with you on charming men. I've been married for 25 years, and no one can beat my husband for charm, not even a ghost man with no annoying habits.

Good thing your young son was entertained and not appalled by the cheeky "man."
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-24)
Argette - I agree wholeheartedly with your comment, purple rocks (Shelbyloree), biting pants and all!

My husband certainly considered the biting of the pants as "pervy", which is why it took some explaining on my part. Fortunately he knew I was a loving wife and mother, so no accusations on his part 😆, simply disbelief.

Then again, on the other side of the coin, which young woman does NOT have an eye for a good-looking, charming guy?! The difference of course being that I couldn't see this one and I never did like creeps. No, I always loved my husband too much to fall for the charms of of a 'Romeo'!

Fortunately all "the man" did to my son was make him laugh and keep him entertained.

Regards, Melda
Argette (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-24)
I love it, Myst. You beat me to it! I was going to do that, too, but got distracted!

Nice work!:)

So it's entirely possibly whoever Tack was, he had a keen eye for money making in China.
Myst (63 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-24)
Shelbyloree-Sorry, I got your story & Melda's mixed up- please see my comment to Melda. That'll teach me to get my head out of the research before I reply to someone!
Myst (63 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-24)
Melda- I couldn't help myself, I had to look up "purple rocks in China." Aside from a rock band, I found that purple rocks have been used in the past for pigment, and a substitute for jade. There seems to be a brisk trade in purple/green fluorite chunks. The prices I saw on the one page I looked at ranged from $900-7500 US! I guess The Man knew where to go for the good stuff!
Argette (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-24)
Something was in those trees.

I'm no expert on China. But I agree that hitting purple rocks is not something a child would pull out of thin air.

And biting someone's pants could be construed as a bit pervy.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-24)
Shelbyloree - Apparently the man bit my pants while they were hanging on the washing line. The assumption I made was that he did that to make the lines spin. Craig would laugh and run around the washing line with the dog, so I always thought that Craig was spinning the clothes around. I didn't stop him, he was amused and happy and it was one less boredom tantrum for me to cope with!

This ended as he got older and went to play school and starting inviting friends home to play, or went to play at friends' houses.

Thank heaven the guy didn't bite my pants while I was wearing them. I'd have smacked him back to life 😆.
Of course I cannot say with 100% certainty that "the man" was a ghost. It was only after Craig mentioned him that I actually took note and watched his antics and his body language that I realised that this child was not playing on his own. When the dog was there, fair enough, but when the dog wasn't?

For your daughter to tell you that Tack went to China to hit purple rocks, how could she simply come up with that kind of information off the top of her head? Also with trees being cut down and fewer shadows, voices etc! Too much for coincidence. It makes one do a double take!

Regards, Melda
Argette (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-23)
Interesting, Shelbyloree. I had an imaginary friend, but I knew she was imaginary. I kept my mother entertained with her exploits, all of which came from my head. I think...

Fascinating that Tack left when the trees did. I wonder if there is some significance to purple rocks?
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-23)
My daughter had an 'imaginary' friend named Tack. It was when I was noticing a lot of odd shadows and voices and things when we first moved in. I'm assuming he was imaginary, one day she said he went to China to go hit purple rocks, and that was the end of Tack.

But his departure coincided with the front yard trees getting cut down and a significant decrease of shadow people, voices and general unease in the house, so I don't know. I never did like Tack, I was glad when he 'moved to China'. She hasn't had an 'imaginary' friend since.

Maybe biting pants like when a dog is playing tug of war with cloth? I have no idea.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-22)
I hear you Melda lol

Besides being really funny and active my son can also throw some real tantrums at times...It's getting better and he hasn't done that in a couple of weeks or so, we are also working on it!
I can tell you as a mother now that educating is no easy task, that's why I do not throw rocks to anyone. 😊

Having 2 small children, like you did and I do, isn't easy, but they are the best thing in world! ❤

Thank you for sharing another of your beautiful experiences, once again.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-22)
BeautInside - Thanks for the comment!

Unfortunately when Crag wasn't kept entertained the house was not filled with laughter - he used to throw the most unbelievable temper tantrums! Once he went to nursery school and preschool again that got sorted out, luckily😊

Regards, Melda

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