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Paranormal Experience In My House


My name is Josh, I'm 21, and have lived in the same home my entire life. I live with my family which consists of my mother, father, brother, sister and my grandma from my mom's side, who actually owns the house. The is located in a modest suburban neighborhood in Long Island, New York.

Throughout my life I have experienced various paranormal activities. Although I would not describe it as paranormal, I always felt very uneasy sleeping in my room which I shared with my brother for a period of time. I always had the feeling something was present and watching.

I'll describe the house the briefly: when one walks through the front door there are steps to the bathroom, two rooms (which at one point both had been my shared room), and the master bedroom which my grandma lives in. To the right is the living room, directly ahead is the kitchen, and off to the right corner is the dining room. Just before the entryway to the kitchen is another flight of steps to the den, which also has a bathroom, and at the base of those steps there's a door leading down to the basement.

Now on to my various experiences which I'll try to keep short. My first experience was when we were going out to dinner. I was very young at the time, no older then ten, and this was before I ever touched a drug. We were all in the living room and my mom had just asked me to get a pair of socks from the basement, which were kept on an old dresser beside the washer and dryer at the time. So I went ahead to the basement to go get them when I stopped dead in my tracks upon picking the socks up. The boiler is at the end of the room, and right in front of it I saw an apparition. It was in a human like shape and its actual 'body' consisted of a distortion per se. If you ever look above a hot grill or a tip of a lighter, the way it distorts light behind it, that's what this figure appeared as. It was almost like a living flame, not so much like a shadow as many people describe. I just stood there staring at it for about five seconds before I bolted up the stairs. I know my family now is aware of the experience but I'm not sure if I told them at the time.

My second experience was when I was sitting in the den before my brother had moved into it years later. I forgot to mention that at the base of steps to the den there is a rusty door to the garage. It's difficult to open as it's very old as the metal gets stuck in a way between the frame and door. An adult male really has to tug at it hard in order to get it to open. Well, I was just playing with my phone I believe when the door flew open. It opened as if someone had just kicked it out from inside the garage. The main door for the car was closed, and so I immediately thought someone had somehow broken in to burglarize my home. I ran downstairs and grabbed a bat and grabbed my dog by the collar and approached the door. No one was inside the garage. I was freaked out for sure.

My third experience was when I was trying to sleep upstairs (I was sleeping by myself in the basement at the time) on the couch in the living room. I had my dog next to the couch as I tried to get sleep. The reason why I was trying to sleep upstairs was because of a very strong feeling of being watched that I could not shake and, frankly, I couldn't bare to be in my room. As I was laying there, I heard very clear footsteps walk up from the den, across the the living room, right up to the couch. Right when the footsteps were just at the couch my dog looked up at something that was 'standing' right in front of me. It felt cold and it was absolutely terrifying.

My other experience is actually a set of events that have happened recently. I've been sleeping in my parents' room because the uncanny feeling of being watched started happening again. Well, the first few nights were okay I was able to sleep on the floor on some cushions without a problem. Then one night, I kept hearing banging sounds coming from the living room and also what, distinctly, seemed to be footsteps coming up and down the steps between that floor and upstairs to my parents' room. I got sick of it and so I began closing the door before we went to sleep so I didn't have to deal with it, of course believing whatever was responsible wouldn't further pursue.

Well, for a night or two that seemed to work and I was able to sleep. After a while the sound became louder and more persistent and at this point I was certain I was hearing something go up and down the steps erratically, making a few steps up, one down, two up etc. Definitely not like how a person would climb the stairs. This was very disturbing and I began to not be able to go to sleep easily again.

Well one night soon after I once again was trying to get to sleep. I was lying down, with my head right by the door when I heard the footsteps again. This time, they were close. I was intently listening and facing the door. My dog and two cats were in the room with me, both awake. Eventually something happened that sent a chill down my back. I heard two loud footsteps right outside the door, as loud as if a real person had just stopped outside the door. The doorknob then rattled for a short moment. All my pets quickly turned and stared at the door at that moment. It totally freaked me out and I went and locked the door.

The nights that followed were also very uncomfortable. I continued to hear banging sounds and footsteps throughout the night, between 12 and 4 in the morning. I also began to hear whispers and as I lay down, which I began to sleep the opposite way with my feet by the door, and I felt cold rushes of wind. There were no windows open in the room and really no explanation for it. I also began to feel my sheets being slowly tugged off me. I would hold them and actually feel a force distinctly pulling on them. This was extremely unsettling.

Those are my experiences I have had. I'd also like to mention that I have heard whispers in almost all the rooms I have slept in from time to time. I have also had times where I felt a depression on my bed, as if someone had just sat on it, even times where I felt something moving across it. Also I have had my bed knocked into as if a person stumbled against it.

I'd like to also mention a few things about myself and my beliefs. I'm a Christian, in that I've accepted Jesus Christ as my savior but I admit I have done things in my life and still do to this day which I know are not Godly and know He would disapprove of including cussing, stealing, lying, doing drugs and other sins. I'm like everyone else, I'm not perfect.

I used to have sleep paralysis everyday of my life a few years ago, which ended by prayer and screaming Jesus Christ at the demons I would see in that state. I also believe, and I know many of you will disagree and challenge this, that all hauntings and paranormal activity are demonic. This is because my spiritual beliefs are biblical and the bible clearly states human souls go to heaven or hell. That's it. There is no helping a spirit go to 'the light' in my understanding. For me, that's nonsense. And I also believe, inherently because of my Christian biblical understanding, that putting faith in herbs and stones is nonsense. I do not believe burning incense or opening your windows and 'sweeping' the spirits out can do anything in reality. I firmly believe calling on Christ and God is the only way to banish these things.

I wrote this not so much in asking for others help, but to give my experience for others to confirm that paranormal activity is very real. However, I'm curious as to what other people have to say.

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deidrej24 (1 stories) (20 posts)
10 years ago (2014-01-01)
To allieB - amen! I soo agree with you like my exact words! I consider myself a strong Christian but I have opened my heart to gods will, not all the little words that people take wayyy out of context! I know that our god is a loving god and I don't agree with what a lot of "Christians" do bc I believe our god is so loving and wants us to be and not judge. I do believe that the only way to get rid of any demons is through jesus christ finding your faith and standing strong by god and fight evil. I would suggest a Catholic priest or demonologist to help you rid these demons. Good luck I pray for all those affected by this type of evil...

* these are just my personal beliefs*
AllieB (10 posts)
10 years ago (2014-01-01)
I respect your right to believe in whatever you want, but there is something that no Christian seems to realize. There are many versions of the Bible but they all talk about it like there's only one. The fact that there are versions means that there are differences in each one. The Bible has been rewritten several times by the church as a means of controlling the masses and gaining power. I'm not saying the Bible is full of lies, most of it is definitely true, just that it's foolish to blindly follow every word like it's law. The most popular version, the King James version was written by a man to gain popularity! I don't call myself Christian but I do believe in God and know that His love is infinite. If He truly wanted us to relinquish our free will to get into heaven then He wouldn't've given it to us in the first place. Furthermore, the church is against science because knowledge is power. In ancient times the church kept the masses stupid so as to be easier to control. The earliest Bibles were written in Latin so that ordinary people couldn't read it. I believe blind faith makes us numb to Gods word. It closes our hearts and minds so that we can't even recognize His will. The next time you read your Bible, open your heart and mind and really think about the words you're reading. God will let you know what is His real word and what has been changed.
Melissa28 (2 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-21)
I believe in God and Jesus and I've had my personal experiences with the paranormal. I believe the bible can be used as a guide, but ultimately you have to go with your gut and feelings of right and wrong. God gives you a choice, he does not force you to do anything but guides you. So why after your physical body dies, would he force you to leave the earthly plane or worst condemn you to hell if per say, you chose to stay wondering the earth and not go to "the light"? There is a lot of evidence to show spirits, not just demons, roam the earth. In my experience, burning sage in the house several different times did remove the spirits we had in the home. It does not hurt to try it and using sage to my knowledge isn't evil or witchcraft like it is commonly associated with. There's nothing wrong with cleansing the environment and you can even pray while doing it. Not that I do or don't believe witchcraft is evil per se. I have not done enough of my own research or had experience with it to know. Some people are born tending to be more narrow minded with their views, and there is nothing wrong with that as it's their nature. I consider myself to be open minded yet skeptical. I believed in afterlife but I never thought that ghosts could actually roam around and interact with humans and their environment until I had my own personal experience. I've learned a lot about it since then. Demons can come about when a person strays from God. The bible and religion tends to put fear in people that if they stray from their specific belief system, they are doing something wrong and will be persecuted for it. It's natural to have doubts and allows us to make critical decisions in our lives. If you know God in your heart, he is forgiving and merciful. The path you take is the path you're meant to go through, even questioning your faith or not. I feel that God does not intend for us to live in fear but he is there to warn us of what could happen if we allow evil to consume us and he guides us. I associate fear with what the devil and evil entities want us to feel, it's oppressive. You can't hide from God so if you don't truly believe in something or you are believing it out of fear, he will know. Be true to yourself.
Melissa28 (2 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-21)
I believe in God and Jesus and I've had my personal experiences with the paranormal. I believe the bible can be used as a guide, but ultimately you have to go with your gut and feelings of right and wrong. God gives you a choice, he does not force you to do anything but guides you. So why after your physical body dies, would he force you to leave the earthly plane or worst condemn you to hell if per say, you chose to stay wondering the earth and not go to "the light"? There is a lot of evidence to show spirits, not just demons, roam the earth. In my experience, burning sage in the house several different times did remove the spirits we had in the home. It does not hurt to try it and using sage to my knowledge isn't evil or witchcraft like it is commonly associated with. There's nothing wrong with cleansing the environment and you can even pray while doing it. Not that I do or don't believe witchcraft is evil per se. I have not done enough of my own research or had experience with it to know. Some people are born tending to be more narrow minded with their views, and there is nothing wrong with that as it's their nature. I consider myself to be open minded yet skeptical. I believed in afterlife but I never thought that ghosts could actually roam around and interact with humans and their environment until I had my own personal experience. I've learned a lot about it since then. Demons can come about when a person strays from God. The bible and religion tends to put fear in people that if they stray from their specific belief system, they are doing something wrong and will be persecuted for it. It's natural to have doubts and allows us to make critical decisions in our lives. If you know God in your heart, he is forgiving and merciful. The path you take is the path you're meant to go through, even questioning your faith or not. I feel that God does not intend for us to live in fear but he is there to warn us of what could happen if we allow evil to consume us and he guides us. I associate fear with what the devil and evil entities want us to feel, it's oppressive. You can't hide from God so if you don't completely believe in something or you are believing in it out of fear, he will know. Be true to yourself.
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-10)
LOL clarencetuvera. I am so sorry. (embarassement) I should have read your name a little better, clearly a guy's name.
clarencetuvera (7 stories) (41 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-10)
[at] mamachong: <<sob>> waaahhh. I'm a guy. I admit my body type is a bit rounded, and that I'm a bit on the chubby side, and I do have a squeaky voice, and that most people mistake me for a girl. But... But... I'm sure I'm a guy <<sniff, sniff>> Mooooommmmmm!
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-10)
Ok so you asked that we confirm that paranormal activity is real. According to the wikipedia, paranormal activity is something that happens out of the normal that can not be explained scientificially. It says specifically, by entities. It does not sppecify that paranormal activity is ghost related. Well, in my experience, demon activity is not normal, they can be classified as paranormal activity can they not then?

Jesus and God then must be paranormal too. You can't see God can you? You know he exists because he has done something out of the normal to prove to you he exists.

Im sorry if I pissed any one off by putting it that way.

I too am a christian, I believe that God, Jesus, Satan, demons, angels, and ghosts all exist. I think that clarencetuvera has said what I feel and think to a tee. I echo her words. I try not to let my beliefs get in the way of others beliefs. And I try not to be judgemental.

Clarencetuvera, you said it perfectly.
valkricry (49 stories) (3271 posts) mod
10 years ago (2013-11-10)
Granny - scary, ain't it? 😆
Here's a riddle for you: What do you get when you have Jews, Christians, Atheists, and Pagans living in one household?
Answer: My family! Talk about needing to know religious tolerance! 😉
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2013-11-09)
Val: Geez, great minds and all 😆 😆 😆

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2013-11-09)
clarencetruvera: That was a great comment. I think what it all boils down to is that none of us will know until the minute we die.

JBrophy: That being said, no one likes to be told that their beliefs are wrong. I'm not here to convert the "demon believers" into "ghost believers", and I certainly am not going to change my views because of a few type written words on a website.

The only truth is what we have in our hearts, and what we have FAITH in.
valkricry (49 stories) (3271 posts) mod
10 years ago (2013-11-09)
girlymadness, please read what I wrote again. I did not say Jesus WAS a ghost, but that the disciples thought he was one. The point was, that Jesus did not correct them that ghosts do not exist but only that he was not one. So I reiterate: If the concept of a disembodied spirit is so unbiblical why did Jesus let his disciples believe such things exist without correction?
Now since so many Christians believe all Ghosts are Demons in disguise, then this would have been a VERY good reason for Jesus to have corrected his Disciples on the existence of ghosts, for think of how many Christians over the years could have been deceived by these masquerading demons!
As for Samuel, his spirit was summoned up by a woman of Endor to speak with King Saul. Http://
We can go back and forth infinitum over beliefs. There are those who believe Christ was the Messiah, and those who believe He was only a prophet. Those who believe the Bible the word of God, others just an interesting collection of stories. And those who believe that God, the Bible, and all deities, and religious trappings are just fairy tales spun to frighten us into society's conformity. Personally, I think its all a matter of faith, and to go contrary to what your heart dictates as truth is just mouth service and meaningless.
clarencetuvera (7 stories) (41 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-09)
You stated here that you're curious as to what others have to say. I assume, therefore, that you are prepared to accept what people have to say, and that what they have to say are their opinions based on their respective, personally chosen world views. Here goes then.

First off. You stated here that you are a Christian, and that you've accepted Jesus Christ as you're Savior, and that you admit to doing things that are ungodly and that He (Jesus) would not approve of. Then you brush this info aside by saying you're not perfect like everybody else. Well, friend, I'll have to say that you have an issue with Lordship. A true, Bible based faith in Jesus Christ relates to Him as (1) Lord, first of all, and (2) Savior, after. You can't have Him as you're Savior, then stop there. You have to surrender your life wholly to His control. Only then can the Holy Spirit do its work of transformation in your life, and so allow you to access the Power of His Lordship and His name.

Incidentally, there's a recorded incident in the Book of Acts chap. 19 verses 13 to 16, about how some people who have seen and heard Paul preach and drive out demons in Jesus name went around their own town to drive out demons saying, "In the name of the Jesus whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out." The demon answered back by saying, ""Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?"

The difference between Paul and these men was that Paul was fully submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and so the Holy Spirit's power was fully operating through him. He has respect for Jesus as Lord, and so respects the power of His name.

The copycat men, on the other hand, were using Jesus' name as if it were some all powerful, magickal incantation like, say "abracadabra." They have no respect for the name, because they did not know Jesus as Lord. They had no idea of anything about Him, to begin with. Hence, their use of the name failed to impress the demonic entity.

Oh, and in the account, the demon attacked them.

Secondly. You went on to say towards the end of your post that as a Christian, in effect, you believe that your religious worldview alone is valid, and that other people's faith (presumably, non-Christian) is nothing but nonsense.

I will have to say that, again you have shown your disrespect to Jesus Christ, and to Paul and to Biblical Christianity. I am a Christian, but I don't believe that the God I believe in is Christian. He's not even Catholic nor Protestant. Not even the slightest touch of a Jew. He's God, and He's beyond our limited reasoning and categories.

Jesus, for one, is not even Christian. He's Jewish, because that was the circumstances that he was born into. Neither Peter nor Paul, both leaders of the early Church, were Christians. As far as they were concerned, they were Jews who have come to recognize Jesus as their long awaited, prophesied Messiah. They never claimed the title, "Christian" for themselves. In fact, it was the citizens of Pagan Antioch who coined the derogatory word "Christians" (meaning, followers of the Christ, or little Christs) to refer to the growing community of believers in their city (see:Acts 11:26.)

You really ought to learn from the way the Apostle Paul engaged the world. When he wrote to Titus, he said, "Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone." (Titus 3:1-2)

He didn't say, "go out there and condemn other people for not having the same beliefs as you have." He said, slander no one, be peaceable and considerate, and always be gentle.

Now, about the hauntings in your house. You did say you've done drugs. I say that taking substances that induces altered state of consciousness heightens your perception of spiritual entities. Stop doing drugs then.

You also said you've done somethings that Jesus wouldn't approve of. In Christianity, that would mean you have allowed the demonic to gain a foothold in your life.

Spiritual entities constantly surround us, demonic or otherwise. The things we do permits either God (for He is a Spirit) or the demonic to work on, in and through us.

When a person recognizes and submits to the Lordship and Mediatorship of Jesus Christ, s/he permits His Holy Spirit to indwell, to transform, and to empower him/her. Then the Holy Spirit will use that person to impact the world around him/her.

Among Wiccans, a similar thing happens when they envoke the spirits: when they invite the Quarters to come to the Circle, they are, in effect, permitting the spirits to temporarily indwell, so they can access the spirits' power for their work.

Whether Christians and Wiccans access the same spirit is another point entirely, and I will not go into that discussion, nor do I encourage a debate on it. This forum is for Ghost Stories, for Pete's sakes, not for religious discussions. Just enjoy the scare of a year-round Halloween.

Personally, I am an Evangelical Christian: very committed. I know that I bear the responsibility of representing my Lord to people. II Corinthians 5:11-21 tells me my ministry is one of "reconciliation," not condemnation and self righteousness.

To people of other faiths in here, I am truly sorry that this person - who claims to be a Christian, like myself - has offended you because of his irresponsible and contentious remarks. Majority of Christians, admittedly, tends to be self-righteous and condemning like the Pharisees whom Jesus hated and whom He called hypocrites. Please forgive us.
dmcal (21 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-09)

Using your own example of Samuel, I would point out that he was not wandering around the earth, but God allowed him to come up from that place where Lazarus and Abraham were, which was separated from hades (See Luke 16:19-21) regarding Lazarus and the rich man. So, your example is in error, for Samuel was not wandering around, but was called up and that because God allowed for sake of Saul. God does not allow human souls/spirits to wander around after death, period. This is supported by Scripture.
dmcal (21 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-09)
To Lady-glow,

A bit of friendly advice, neither yours nor anyone elses faith should be based on what anyone else does or dosen't do as a Christian. Your faith in Christ should not be based on what others do, but should be based on Christ's sacrifice for you personally, even if the whole goes astray. If a person's faith stands or falls based on what others do who call themselves christians, then they are not going to be christians for very long. Also, religion is not what your faith should be based in, but in the shed blood of Christ alone.

Also, you called JBrophy evil, when we are all evil, which makes you evil as well! Those who believe in Christ are credited with righteousness for faith, but it doesn't mean that we without sin. The true Christian is a sinner wrestling with the flesh so as not to be controlled by the sinful nature, for the spirit wars against the flesh and the flesh against the spirit. Jesus blood covers our sins, but he requires repentance. If JBrophy goes to him and sincerely confesses his sin and repents, then Scripture states that Jesus is always at the right hand of God the Father making intercession for us.
dmcal (21 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-09)
Hi JBrophy92,

You are definitely correct in that, Scripture states that those who are in Christ when they die, their souls/spirits depart and go to be in the presence of Christ. On the otherhand, those who have rejected Christ when they die, their soul/spirits depart and are taken to Hades which is in the heart of the earth in torment in flame just like the rich man of the rich man and Lazarus event. The point being that, God does not allow human souls/spirits to wander around the earth after death. All true paranormal activity is being performed by demonic beings who masquerade as human spirits for the purpose of desception and it seems to be working very well, as you can see by all of these posts on YGS. Also you are correct in that neither salt, nor candles, nor sage or any other pagan ritual will truly drive demons from a residence or person. If things appear to subside after performing those rituals, it is only for the purpose of keeping up the facade.

Now, regarding your mention of drug use, this may be the reason that you are having the problem. The word for sorcery or magic arts is translated from the Greek word "pharmakeia" which is where we get our english word for pharmaceutical (drugs). The reason for this is that drugs were and are used in relation to casting spells and incantations. Today, the majority of people use drugs recreationaly, but the use of them is still consider to be scorcery or magic arts. We are supposed to be overcoming those things (see Rev.9:21 and 22:15) and so the first step would be to confess and repent of those things, otherwise, you are inviting the entities into your life.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2013-11-09)
girlymadness: Honestly. There isn't any proof of ANY religion being real. That's why it's called "having FAITH". Please provide us with the verses that say all spirits are evil, and maybe, just MAYbe someone will take you seriously.

This comment from girlymadness is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-06)
I think a lot of people have taken offense here. While I can understand why, I think it doesn't help anyone to scold you for saying insensitive things about other people's beliefs. You believe "herbs and stones" are nonsense. I believe the Holy Bible is nonsense (other than as an interesting insight into a piece of history). So we're even. 😉

Now that's out of the way, I'm wondering why you're so scared. If banishing an evil spirit in Jesus' name has worked previously (worked for me back in the day when I had sleep paralysis, as well -- but now that I know what sleep paralysis is, I can will myself awake), why doesn't it work now?

If you've already tried that method, there are four logical conclusions:
1. It's not an evil spirit.
2. It's evil but too powerful for you, so you should call a priest to exorcise your home.
3. Jesus' name won't work, so you'll need alternative methods that are even older than the bible.
4. It's all in your head.

Have your parents, siblings, or grandmother witnessed or heard anything paranormal in the household? Whatever is going on, I very much hope that you can sort it out!

And as an aside, I think the whole point of Christianity is that no one is perfect. Try not to beat yourself up too much. Forgive yourself, and forgive others. 😊
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-06)
Sounds like you've got it all wrapped up tight with a bow on top. Not much else to say except with that kind of tunnel vision, there's not really much room for growth or improvement for you.
SplyZe0315 (4 stories) (24 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-06)
-girlymadness - I'm a christian... But to say that the souls go to heaven or hell when a body dies is kind of not in the bible... When the body dies... ALL souls will return to God when the body dies... In a slumber... And will remain with him util judgement day... Where the soul would be awakened and judged...
(Ecclesiastes 12:7)

So technically, all souls go to heaven temporarily... Until judged...

But to the topic of summoning spirits... They have been there since the time of David... Saul consulted a Spirit medium once to talk to the spirit of Samuel... Though Samuel coined this as a "Disturbance of his slumber"... So, by that, I think the spirits doesn't like being disturbed...
(1 Samuel 28 7-16)

but... This is just to say that not all summoned spirits/ haunts are demonic, as you say it...
antone (1 stories) (5 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-06)
Also- if all hauntings/ghosts are demonic, then why are there so many cases of good spirits, or children spirits, or spirits that have actually helped people? Are you telling me that my mothers ghost is a demon? According to the bible, jesus appeared as a ghost. Demon? Did you know that according to the bible, NO ONE has made it to either heaven or hell yet? And won't until judgment day? Soo... What happens to the dead people until judgement day? But your entitled to express your opinions and beliefs. And I support your right to do so.
As for your hauntings, maybe jesus can help you? Call apon him? And if you have your home blessed, remind you preacher not to burn sage or sprinkle holy water as you already expressed that you find it silly. Haha. Good day sir
antone (1 stories) (5 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-06)
Both the new and old testament mention spirits in good and bad sense. So you should definitely read up on your bible since you claim to be Christian. If your a Christian, then you should know that many CHRISTIANS have CHRISTIAN PRIESTS/PASTORS/ETC bless a home to help spirits find the light (meaning heaven), as well rid the home of bad/evil spirits. I'm not trying to sound rude, but your very ignorant of your own religion that is based off of the Holy Bible.
valkricry (49 stories) (3271 posts) mod
10 years ago (2013-11-06)
"... The bible clearly states human souls go to heaven or hell. That's it. " Really? Obviously you have not read the Old Testament. 1 Samuel chapter 28:7-25. Verses 11-15 talk about the ghost of the prophet Samuel. According to the Old Testament, the concept of a Ghost or disembodied spirit of a deceased person is not only real, it is Scriptural.
Now let's look at the New Testament, the one you probably you base your beliefs on: Matthew 14:25-27. "Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, "It is a ghost!" And they cried out for fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, "Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid."
The disciples thought Jesus was a ghost. And they were afraid. If all ghostly apparitions are demonic presences as some Christians think, why were the disciples afraid? Jesus had demonstrated to them how to exorcise evil spirits and then commissioned the disciples to go all over the land and do so. (Matthew 8:28-34, Matthew 10:1-4) It would seem that they should have had some personal experience in exorcism. So why were they afraid? Because they believed in Ghosts-the disembodied spirits of the dead who still roam the earth. And not only that, Jesus did not rebuke them for thinking he was a Ghost, instead He just calmed them down and let them know it was Him. If the concept of a disembodied spirit is so unbiblical why did Jesus let his disciples believe such things exist without correction?
These are but two examples of what is found in the Bible where the human spirit is an earth-bound ghost, and not demonic. So, if you're going to use the Bible as 'proof' that all spirits are demonic; then you've missed the mark. However, if your personal belief is all spirits are demonic, then for you they probably are. I say this because it all boils down to belief and faith. It becomes your personal reality as it were, because you have blinded yourself to the possibility of it being anything else.
Nephylim (10 stories) (79 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-06)
I am a pretty open minded person and do not judge anyone for the beliefs they cling to (even if I think that belief is ridiculous). But to make comments that belittle my belief, well, them's fighting words.

Who are you to say that my belief in the power of my own soul and the protection provided by "herbs and stones", that stretches back further than Christianity by the way, is not valid.
Simply because you do not have faith in those beliefs does not make them any less believable than an almighty God that sent his only son to walk amongst humans and with a wave of his hand, eradicate all sins.

You are right in saying that as humans, we are not perfect, none of us are. But because you have "accepted Jesus Christ" (by the way, the name Jesus was a term given to prophets of that time, hence "Jesus of Nazareth""The word Jesus... Related to the Hebrew consonantal verb root verb y-š-&#661; (to rescue or deliver) "), and I choose to believe in my "herbs and stones nonsense" does not make you any better as a person than us that choose a different belief.

Christianity was founded and based on earlier belief systems taken from many different religions, e.g. Christmas:
"In the 4th century CE, Christianity imported the Saturnalia festival hoping to take the pagan masses in with it. Christian leaders succeeded in converting to Christianity large numbers of pagans by promising them that they could continue to celebrate the Saturnalia as Christians. The problem was that there was nothing intrinsically Christian about Saturnalia. To remedy this, these Christian leaders named Saturnalia's concluding day, December 25th, to be Jesus' birthday."
Easter: ""Ishtar", which is pronounced "Easter" was a day that commemorated the resurrection of one of their (Pagans) gods that they called "Tammuz", who was believed to be the only begotten son of the moon-goddess and the sun-god."

Many older "Holidays" were incorporated into the Christian religion as a way of getting the "non-believers" to change their belief systems and pay homage to the church, not God.

I believe in the power of "herbs and stones" and I believe in God (albeit a God that does not segregate) does that mean I'm going to hell? 😐
lady-glow (16 stories) (3157 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-06)
The bible says that bats are birds but, are they? Or do you believe it just because the bible says so?
I respect your beliefs and defend your right to believe whatever you want but sometimes religion limits the way a person thinks, and I'm afraid you are a good example of such a case. 😐

Have you ever thought that the footsteps you hear on your house might be Jesus trying to reach to you?

Have you ever called on Christ to "banish" your sins? Did it work? 🤔

I'm sorry but people like you preaching the word of the lord while acting opposite to what they say make many people stop believing in religion. Please do not use your mockery of Christianity to try to put down other ways of thinking different to yours.

I do believe the presence in your house is not demonic but... You are the evil one.

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