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My First, But Not Last Ouija Experience


Let me just state that, I have always had paranormal experiences since around the age of five and have been interested at the age of six. (I know weird, but I ignored all of the experiences until I finally opened my eyes a year later). So anyways here we go.

I was ten years old, living with my brother, sister and mom in Lake Park, Florida. It was around mid-September (I do not remember the exact day) when my brother came home one day with a Ouija Board. Now, I like I said before, I have had been interested in the paranormal since the age of six. So I decided to play it with him, though tell you the truth I did not believe it one bit.

Our first session nothing happened, then my brother got an idea. He said, "We should put the candles in a shape of a pentagram and then play." So we did (obviously a stupid idea). So, we asked if anyone was there and the piece moved to yes. I still did not believe it was real. We asked the spirit if it had a name and it said it's name was Sam. We asked if it was a boy or girl and it said boy. So we asked how old he was and he said 40.

Now, even after all this I still did not believe it was real. So my brother asked how did he die and it was answering. As the piece was moving towards my direction, my brother took his fingers off, as it continued to move. Now here's the thing that freaked me out. My fingers were not on top of the piece, they were on the side and I felt something pushing me away. I was officially freaked so we said goodbye and we did not play it for a week.

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sprit-fairy-303 (6 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-29)
AAR you have the same name as me
Also is there some sort of way to tell if the sprit is good or bad and are guidain angels like sprits or not
DarkFlames95 (1 stories) (19 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-25)

True. Unfortunately, I was the one who got addicted. 😢
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-22)
Dear Red, very good experiences you had in your teens. Hope this would give some caution and warning to the younger generation about what Ouija is all about. It is not that Board itself is bad. It will be a gateway to spirits from the other side and we do not know if it is a good one or a bad one.

You said in your post that when your friend got irritated about her mother, you answered that the spirit would be around until the family finished grieving. In our culture, it is written even in Puranas (holy scripts), that the spirit of a dead person would be around the place for 10 days, 3 days over fire, 3 days over water, 3 days in air and on the 10th day at the gate of the house. Only on the 10th day, they offer food in large quantities to the dead. On 11th day, a person would be given a good food considering him as the dead body (predham in sanskrit) and on the 12th day some ritual will be done to unite the dead person's spirit with the forefathers. It is deemed that the forefathers would come on the 12th day and take the spirit with them. On 13th day, a feast would be given to the family and near and dear. That would be considered as completion of the family grieving. But still we don't celebrate festivals for one full year thereafter.

So, in all cultures, it is considered that the dead person's spirit would be around until the family completes its grieving, which is also one of the reasons that life beyond death exists.

Sorry I went off-track. But as far as the Ouija Board is concerned, it is always better to avoid it rather than use it.

Regards and respects to you.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-22)
My mother bought one in my late teens. At first someone else and I would have our fingers on the planchette. I could always feel the other person push or pull it. So my mother and I made a new rule I was the only one that could touch the plancette and no questions could be asked out loud, they had to be written and my mother would silently read the question.
I would do a prayer and ask for a white light for protection.
This all happened over 30 years ago so I only remember two incidents clearly. The first time was right after my friends mother died. The obvious first question I felt was there any spirits in the room. My hand moved the planchette to yes. Here is where it got real. I spelled out the name Delores. I asked out loud who Delores was and my friend said it was our friends mothers real name, her husband always called her Dot so it really threw me. Other questions were ask to confirm the spirit. I spelled out her dogs' name and her two daughters. I was drained so I closed the session and silently said a prayer as I closed the board.
My big mouth friend told our friend who just lost her mother and I got an irate phone call. My friend was angry and insisted that I bring the board to our friends house. Reluctantly I did. One of the guys I knew wanted to put his fingers on the planchette so I let him for a minute but he was pulling it so I told him get his hands off I'm a solo act. I put down the ground rules and we started. Again I could feel someone asking if there were any spirits. Of course the answer was yes and again I spelled out Delores. My friend got upset and irate so I told her to calm down her mother was going to be around at least until the family finished grieving. She calmed down and asked me to put the board away. I was going to but another guy said he had a question. I reminded him to just think the question, he did and the answer was knee surgery. He got all upset so I said okay no more I was getting a headache. I said a prayer as I closed the board. So I had an irate friend and a freaked out friend, I had no idea he had any knee problems.
The consequence of this session was my friend had his knee surgery but had to be put in a psychiatric ward for a couple of weeks. When he got out my big mouth friend said they should celebrate. She with her boy friend he with me. He immediately got upset and agitated repeatedly saying keep that witch away from me Lisa is a witch. His friend brought him home and his mother called the doctor and he had to go back into the psychiatric ward for another week. That was the last time I used the OB. Can you blame me?
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-19)
Dear DarkFlames95, I am quite happy to hear that you stopped using "Ouija Board". I generally don't use the word "Play" because it is not a play board or a toy. As Miracles said, many people learn it the hard way and unfortunately, you are one of them. Again quoting Miracles, for many it becomes an addiction and for some, nothing bad happens but ultimately, it is the bad things that make them stop using Ouija Board.

RoMaNzQ, you made your point. I have some ideas as to how the precautions should be taken. I would give it separately. As far as the other aspects are concerned, I hope that others like Val, Red, Miracles, zzgranny would contribute. I would also try to do it. I am missing Rookdygin when this question is asked by you. He would have definitely given his expert views.

Regards and respects to you, RoMaNzQ and Miracles.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-11-18)
DarkFlames - sometimes something drastic happens and people stop using a Ouija board immediately. Other times it does take a while because, no matter how many bad stories there are, there are also stories where nothing bad happens so people continue to use the board until they tire of it, or they get a false sense of security and then get hold of something really bad. And then you have the people who, frankly, become addicted. Lots of reasons people stop using the board. Most of them aren't good.
DarkFlames95 (1 stories) (19 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-18)

Sorry for the confusion.
I am 18 right now. I started playing when I was ten. I stopped playing it a year ago.
Yes sadly it took seven years for me to get the message.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-11-18)
DarkFlames - I'm a little confused, so I'm hoping you can help me out. You said to SDS that you stopped playing the Ouija Board, yet your next comment to RedWolf says, "Actually I have been playing with the Ouija Board for seven years..." and then you go on to address everyone by saying you don't play with the Ouija Board anymore 😕.

Your comment to RedWolf just seems as if you are still "playing" with the Ouija Board.
DarkFlames95 (1 stories) (19 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-18)
To all: I was a kid when I started playing. I was stupid and I learned my lesson the hard way. I do not mess with the Ouija Board anymore, but thank you for your feedback and I will be posting more on my past experiences and present.

DarkFlames95 (1 stories) (19 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-18)

Actually I have been playing with the Ouija Board for seven years and I moved out of my old house. I haven't been there in a couple years, so I do not know what is going on there.
DarkFlames95 (1 stories) (19 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-18)

I stopped playing the Ouija Board. It literally ruined my life, but thankfully everything workout for the best. 😊
RoMaNzQ (4 stories) (36 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-18)
Bad bad bad bad!

I have read many accounts of people using OB and the consequences have never been pleasant. WHY on earth would you take such a risk by putting yourself and your family not to mention your home in danger?

Boredom can make people attempt stupid things! But just remember, as "fun" or entertaining as it may be for that moment, the repercussions of a foolish decision could be deadly!

Some of the more respected guys on this site have given you some strict warnings! I suggest that you heed them!

SDS, RED, VAL: Can you guys give us a little more info about these OB's. How it works, why it can be dangerous, what it represents and so forth AGAIN for those that clearly don't heed first hand warnings 😐

Blessed Be
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-11-17)
At Crixus, What Red says is 100% true, there are many of us on this site who have spoken with spirits without using a Ouija board. There's many accounts of this on the site.
Now, about this account: here's the thing about Ouija Boards (in my humble opinion) it isn't that the board itself is 'evil' or 'bad', it's a tool and like any tool it can be improperly used. From what I've seen and read most folks are fairly clueless about the correct and proper way to use one. The result can be devastating. This is part of why I advise people to stay away from it. The other part is that even when opened properly, it is still an open invitation to whomever/Whatever is in the area. 'Bad' spirits are notorious liars, and can manipulate you into believing they're nice. Also, who's to say that they'll obey the rules of the 'game' and leave when you say good-bye? Easy to invite in, much harder to revoke that invitation. And would you know what to do if one decided it wanted to stay? So again, I say leave the OB alone.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-17)
You are obviously new to this site. Read more stories a great many of us have spoken to spirits WITHOUT the use of a Ouija Board. Before you go out and buy one so you can ''speak to spirits'' DON'T. Please read and head what other posters and I have said about the Ouija Boards. You never know what you are letting through or getting yourself into when you use one.
LauraCatherine (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-16)
please do not play the ouija board, it is very dangerous. Most likely it will not be someone you know or anything, it will be some crazy dead person who attaches itself to you and tries to ruine your life. It happens so often with Ouija Boards, or you could get a demon. Please this is so dangerous, no penetgrams either, you have no idea how dangerous this is. If one one of these things attaches itself to you, they can be very powerful, and capable of a lot of damage. Please learn from other peoples mistakes, please. This isn't funny, it very well can and will ruine your life.
Orpeus (2 stories) (12 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-16)
what you have done, or at least plan to do again... Is far more dangerous then you are able to perceive. What we know of its workings is only what it let's us know. What comes through it is much worse then a bad feeling in the room... My great aunty did a ouiji board in her home with some friends. Then one day she started seeing a face in the mirror, everyone said she was crazy. They said she was just making it up. Then one day some one else saw the thing in the mirror. It was not human. It played with her mind, forced her to believe things that were not happening or real. Within less then one year she was institutionalized and sectioned under shock therapy. Now (30 years later) she has schizophrenia and still sees it in the mirror, and hears its voice in her head. Tell me... Does that sound like a good price to pay? Just to hear or see something?. Do not play with toys that talk, that's what she once told me. You would be wise to heed the advice.
Nathaniel (37 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-16)
I don't think messing with a Ouija Board is a good idea. You don't know who or what you really are contacting.
Crixus (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-16)
Maybe you are the first people who were able to talk with spirits that I met.
And did Sam tell you how he died? It's kind of interesting for me.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-16)
Thanks for validating my comment to this teen. I was typing my comment while you posted yours. You also brought up how dangerous the OB is so maybe between the 2 of us will put some sense into this kid.
Have a wonderful weekend.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-16)
Dear RedWolf, you just hit the nail on the head. That I didn't know how to do it. Yes, Ouija is not a toy and should not be "played". I definitely second you "NO MORE PLAYING WITH THE OUIJA BOARD!".

Regards and respects to you RedWolf.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-16)
Since nobody has told you yet I will. A Ouija Board is NOT a TOY and should not be "played with". Some people say it creates a window allowing spirits to come into this world. Sounds cool right? ABSOLUTELY NOT! You can't control what comes through and putting candles in the shape of a pentagram is beyond dumb. STOP "playing" with the Ouija Board NOW. 😠 Take it to someone who knows how to get rid of them properly and have your house cleansed. I say this because we are now in the middle of November and you have been playing with it for 2 months.
I am emphatic that you not play with things you don't understand just because you think it's cool. If you want to educate yourself on your experience read a book.
I get the feeling that you want to do a ghost hunt in a cemetery. Another BIG no no. First it is disrespectful. Secondly you are trespassing. Third and most important. You don't know what will follow you home
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-16)
Hi DarkFlames95, thanks for sharing your first experience. I would like to hear more from your other Ouija experiences. Your profile says that you are a teenager and that you said you took interest in paranormal since the age of 6. That is quite nice but still, I would advise you not to use Ouija Board. It is really dangerous and we do not know what is in store for us from the other side. There may be times when, out of some negligence, the spirit that is negative or evil, might enter our realm and would cause enormous trouble. Unless it is completely necessary and essential, please do not use the Ouija Board at all.

Regards and respects to you.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-15)
The spirit was trying really hard to deceive you, I would have known its sneaky nature at the moment it say it was a boy of 40! 😆 😆 😆
AARisTHEbest (3 stories) (56 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-15)
Here, you didn't dismiss the session... Bad idea. But it might have just been moving towards you because there was a letter near you. Your instincts might of kicked in and you thought OHH BETTER LET GO!


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