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My Unborn Brother


This incident happened last year during December. My mum works works as a representative in a tour operator agency and this job enables her to come across many tourists. In the previous years she has befriended some of them and they are still good friends. Like this she befriended "Maria" (I would prefer not to mention the real name).

"Maria" comes from South Africa and she's a psychic. My mum and "Maria" became good friends and that's when she revealed her abilities. During an appointment at the hotel with my mum, she also communicated with my ancestors but I would not focus my attention on this particular event.

My mum had invited "Maria" one evening for dinner and that was the first time I saw her. She's a really kind lady and she also believes a lot in God. That evening, after dinner, she got into trance, trying once more to communicate with the deceased. At first, I actually found that a bit scary. She started coughing loudly as if she was choking on something and then after a few seconds she became calm. She was deeply concentrated and the first person she "saw" was my great-grandfather. (Again I would not give too much details about this.)

Then the next encounter had something to do with me. She closed her eyes and was speaking to me, but she was still deeply concentrated. She said that she was seeing a very handsome boy around 18 years old and he was smiling. She told me he is my brother. I'll provide some explanation to this: Actually I'm the elder and I have a little sister. But before I was born, my mum was pregnant but unfortunately she had a miscarriage.

When she told me that I could not stop crying. I always wished I had an elder brother and when she told me that I was simply overwhelmed. My brother, through "Maria", was telling me that he wants me to study hard and work as an engineer. He wanted to work as an engineer and wanted to study hard also, but now he wants me to do so, to fulfill his dreams. He said that I was also lazy because I never helped my mum in the garden. (I actually don't fancy gardening). Actually my brother "helped" mum when she worked in the garden. That's why she never felt tired.

From what "Maria" told me, I understood something. She was not lying and I know that. In my childhood (I'm 16 now), I had an imaginary friend, he was a little boy. At that time, my little sister was not yet born so I used to be "alone". But I had this imaginary friend and I did not feel lonely. I used to play "detectives" with my friend and I even talked alone and I would also hear his voice in my head. I always found that really strange, I did not know who this little boy was, until the day I met "Maria".

Another thing that used to strike me was my passion for wrestling and football, which I still have. For a girl, I thought it was awkward, but now I understand why. My brother is more attached to me than my sister and this explains my interest in wrestling and football.

My brother is my guardian angel and I really wished I could see him. I had a dream where I was in a peaceful place with a handsome boy and I suspect that I saw my brother. I really miss him and I wish I could see him more often in my dreams. I often end up crying sometimes because I miss him too much. But I know that wherever he is, he's watching over us.

I love you, bro.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, misssaxobeat03, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Snowxyuki (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-03)
A sweet touching sibling love that never dies. I also always wish I have an older brother (which in fact I am the eldest but have 2 younger brother).
Tanner02 (9 posts)
11 years ago (2014-02-20)
my b-day is on the 26 of this month this was a gift and thx 😁 icant wait until my b-day
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-02-20)
Tanner02: You seem like a nice kid. Very mannerly and interested in the paranormal. However, the site rules do not permit anyone under the age of 13. Hopefully you have a birthday coming up soon. Please review the the Terms of Use by clicking the link at the bottom of the page, and we look forward to hearing from you when you reach 13 😊
Tanner02 (9 posts)
11 years ago (2014-02-20)
hey guys I'm new to this site but it seem cool so far its semes like a nice website with nice people thank you ❤ 😨 😳
Shruthibaskar (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-30)
I'm new to this site but really glad to have found it! I almost cried reading this amazing story. Even I must have had an older brother 2 years older than me... But the child died at the veryy moment of delivery because my mother had no strength... She faced a lot of difficulties by her dominating in-laws and never ate when she was carrying my brother...; (now i'm the only child and feel very lonely!: (wish my brother is also watching over us...
misssaxobeat03 (2 stories) (11 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-19)
Goode212 I'm glad that my story brought some comfort to you and thanks also for the compliment 😊
misssaxobeat03 (2 stories) (11 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-19)
VermontVampyre I don't think your unborn sibling might have hated you. I don't think it's possible, I mean, i'm persuaded s/he had no grudges against you:)
GOODE212 (1 stories) (10 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-19)
Really great story. Gives me a sense of comfort knowing there is a possibility that some of my relatives are watching over me. Keep up with the good story telling!
VermontVampyre (2 stories) (64 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-18)
This is a heart warming story. It leaves me wondering though...

You see my mother told me that she had a miscarriage between my brother and I. So I wonder if my unborn sibling is following me. Also I wonder if s/he hates me.

Why would s/he hate me? Well only cause I'm glad s/he wasn't born. You see my mother only ever wanted 2 children, a boy, and a girl. If my sibling had been born instead of miscarried it would be highly unlikely that I'd be here today.

Also having just found out that I'm 7 weeks preggo [wasnt planning on it] it warms me to think that should I misscarry this one s/he might still be around to offer comfort to her/his older brother [my nearly 2 year old baby boy].
misssaxobeat03 (2 stories) (11 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-18)
RoMaNzQ I just submitted another one but maybe it's going to take some days to get published. It's quite different from the first I shared. A scary experience of mine!
RoMaNzQ (4 stories) (36 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-18)
Absolutely 😁...

It is always so much more reassuring to know that our loved ones are with us, maybe not in the physical sense but from the spiritual realm.

Always take comfort in that ❤

I look forward to reading more of your stories.

Blessed Be
misssaxobeat03 (2 stories) (11 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-18)
RoMaNzQ I believe we're travelling in the boat:). Thanks also for having shared your story. It's always nice to know that an angel is watching over us, isn't it?
RoMaNzQ (4 stories) (36 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-18)
This is such a touching story 😢. I just wanted to share a similar experience with you that I had some time back.

I had a brother that was five when he passed away from a brain tumour after a nasty fall. I was three months old at the time. My eldest brother was eight at the time so he pretty much remembers everything about my brother that passed on.

From all of the stories that my parents tell me, my brother was an amazing little guy. I was always fascinated by stories of his life, however short it was.

Everyone would tell me that he and I have the same shaped ears and that I am just a chubbier version of him. Growing up, 31 years later and I am told that I am exactly like him. So the one day I decided to visit with a spiritual medium. She knew nothing about me or my family and almost immediately mentioned that my brother was with us and he had messages for me, my parents and my older brother...

It was the most heart warming experience I had ever had... I will never forget it... I too, wish that he had grown up and I got to know him... Especially because we are so similar in so many respects.

Eventhough I don't have a memory of him, I love him dearly and yes I miss him. But I take comfort in knowing that he is watching over our family ❤.

Thank you for sharing this beautiful story with us ❤

Blessed Be
okiegal1977 (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-17)
RTasnim I not know what it's like not have brothers or sisters but I do have friend who I kind of adopted into my family and the adopt me into thy're family alll my friends cal my mom they're mom and I only have half brother and 2 half sisters the oldiest died 2 months ago from cancer my half brother still talks to her in his dreams the night she past on she came to him and said she was alright and wasn't hurting anymore and he said when she died a piece of him died with her and I tell him she see over us but what i'm trying to say is you can have brothers and sister blood or not
misssaxobeat03 (2 stories) (11 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-17)
RTasnim You must not feel lonely. I'm sure you will have a friend with whom you can share your feelings:)
RTasnim (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-16)
My mum had a miscarriage when was 4 now I'm so lonely I don't have any bro or sis so maybe that's why I make accounts in different websites so that I have someone to talk to I really loved your story you are lucky that you have a sis and an angel bro thank you 😭
okiegal1977 (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-16)
my sister had 2 miscarriages 1 girl kay and 1 uknown and my oldist nephew when he was about 5 he talked to a little girl that nobody sees kay the same name as my unborn niece and my oldist sister his mother would ask him who he was talking to and he said kay so that christmas we all when to my oldist sister house and my oldist nephew was in his room and I started talking to him and he said kay here I was just talking to her and she said to say hi to you from grandlady my nephew never knew my fathers mother I called her grandlady so I asked him what she look like he said trish my oldist niece her mother is the one who has the misscarriages
misssaxobeat03 (2 stories) (11 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-16)
Thanks for the kind words Raftingirl, that's really nice of you:)
misssaxobeat03 (2 stories) (11 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-16)
[at] shhh_im_sleeping, i'm sure that wherever your ''unborn'' sister or brother is, she's watching over you. Talk to her or him even if they are really here. I do that often too. It helps to stay ''closer'':)
shhh_im_sleeping (14 stories) (62 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-15)
I love your story! I believe that you heard from your "unborn" brother. My Mom taught me when I was younger that the moment that a woman becomes pregnant that she's carrying the spirit of a child. My Mother had a miscarriage 3 months after giving birth to me and my brother (I'm a twin). Often I wonder if she would have had a girl (she would have named her April) or a boy (she would have named him Daniel). Your story gives me hope that maybe one day my "unborn" sister or brother will find me...
Raftingirl (2 stories) (113 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-15)
OK - you broke my heart there. I have 2 grown younger brothers with 7 kids amongst them. It would be devastating to lose either of them. At least I am lucky and they are still here as living guardian angels, and I would do so for them as well.

Hang on to your bro - it sounds like he is looking out for you and your family as well. A bitter-sweet thing in a way. Best wishes to you. That was a hard thing to go through. ❤

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