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Some Sweet Folks, Whatever They Were


To tell this story, I'll have to admit something I don't usually bring up because I don't want it to be an issue.

Until last month, my son and I were gypsy roving in our van. We lived pretty comfortably and healthy since we know how to do outdoor reasonably well, and we earn a living as vendors at music events and cleaning. So understandably, we have a pretty good relationship with the outdoors: forests, parks, empty lots. We can forage, and we know what critters in the dark look and sound like.

Everywhere we've gone, if you sit out quietly at night and relax, with your mind just easy with now and the community of the flora around you, you will see this hazy glow around certain trees and bushes, and especially water. If you see an especially pulsing one (no, I don't mean while smoking that), there will be a spring underground somewhere. This has faithfully been true anywhere we've gone.

My son (who has Aspergers Syndrome) can see this all the time, but modern life makes it difficult for the rest of us to see in the daylight. One of our favorite parking spots was a block of empty properties slated for turning into a shopping center, but at this time were a collection of abandoned old eighty year old homes with old trees and gardens where people came with their dogs and to picnic.

The dog was the first one to stare at a row of trees and do a low growl, stop, look really surprised, and then romp over to the patch of sand by the trees and roll over on his back and do his "pet my belly" roll. I said to my son, "I wonder what Finigen's got going on over there?!" My son said, "Well, it's pretty busy over there, but it's all positive, so it's ok." I had to ask what did he meant by busy? He always says, "Can't you see it?" or something like this. He hasn't figured out yet that a lot of people can't see things the way he can. Sometimes I can, but not this time. So I trusted my son and the dog and I backed the van up close to the trees and we set out chairs and started dinner.

While I was picking up sticks around the trees, I felt this noticeable electric energy by one especially. It was kind of a ball of energy, it stayed in one spot, it was warm and sort of calming. So I stood there and kept swaying in and out of the ball of energy. Really it was becoming meditative, it felt so good. And just as I began to realize this is where my dog went belly up and was still looking a little drunk, I heard from far away..."Mom, you look like you are pretending to be a tree." I still looked a little drunk too, so my son came over to stand in the energy ball and started to smile. Only he didn't lose it like I did because he could see it all along.

At night you could see little hazes of light everywhere there. And very faint figures of people, like a whole community going about it's business, just barely visible. They weren't negative, everybody got a very positive vibe from the place. We made a seat there just to meditate in the morning with the trees. We did some dowsing and there was an underground spring there, which was confirmed by the contractor in charge of the site.

Everyone in the neighborhood has had some positive experience around that particular area and has a theory about what or who the spirits are. Sprites, ghosts, nature spirits of a number of traditions. I won't commit to a theory, but I'm throwing it out there that this kind of knowledgeable entity with no ugly agenda is out there and willing to interact positively with anyone.

Oh there was only one negative, a man who we later discovered had a homicide in his past, who kept saying he felt the heebeegeebies there so he left. The rest of us felt very safe. I was hoping some of the YGSers would have some theories, especially about the people that were almost visible.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Swimsinfire, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-12-04)
Swims, lovely account. If negative feelings can become embedded as it were, in the 'feel' of a place, I see no reason why good couldn't.
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-04)
SWIMSINFIRE- thank you for the story. I love the idea of how you choose to live and wished I could do the same. Perhaps one day I too will have the courage to do the same. I already do enjoy being outside a lot and love animals and nature. I hope one day we could all see things as ONE. -notjustme
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-03)
I think you are raising your son in a wonderful way and wish my family had been so in tune. (We camped every summer when I was younger and it was glorious, but never enough.) I have no theories other than perhaps this place just reflects how other people are. Those with positive feelings experience more; those with negative feelings experience more. It's just an idea. Or perhaps like others said, it's a protected place, so ofc the negative folks would not be welcome. What a nice idea, to have positive pockets. It really does make sense. If there are negative pockets, there must be positive ones as well!
Lesleighra (2 stories) (18 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-03)
I love this account and the way you tell it's story. It sounds to me these spirits are protective of their special place and strive to keep it peaceful not only for themselves, but for others to enjoy as well. I like reading an account showing the positive side of the paranormal because I feel most people deem it as something to be afraid of. Thank you so much for sharing 😁
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-03)
I truly loved your story. I put it in my favorites.
I'm not really sure how to categorize these people. But I would like to think they are nature or tree sprites taking care of their home and don't mind if people come around. 😁.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-02)
Interesting account and crackpot is my middle name when it comes to theories, 😆... First thing I've noticed about your story, is how you relax your mind enough to open yourself up to the universe, you are really blessed to be able to connect with it in the way you do, it is a gift and as others choke on their wealth and strive to have the tallest house, you travel as a free spirit and connect more with the universe, trees, plants, stars etc and power to you for it... And that's what your doing here IMO, the universe is one big vibrant frequency or what some refer to as the haigs field which interacts with consciousness... Some people like yourself can tap into it's energy and on your account this location, is a place where there's a surge of positive energy, not everyone would pick up on it in my view? The guy who got the bad vibe probably has a negative field around him? Thus the feeling of he's discomfort... Positive and negative energy can't exist in the same place at the one time... Anyway time to take my meds before the Mods put me back in the loonie bin... 😆 😆

Cheers Daz.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-12-02)
Swimsinfire - I'm glad you understood what I was getting at and that you had that same theory before I said something 😊

I really enjoy reading about the experiences you and your son have. I'm glad you feel comfortable enough sharing them with us.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-02)
Miracles, that was my theory, actually. That's why I put it out there. Is this world wide. Little pockets of consciousness, like neural bundles for the earth, everywhere?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-12-02)
Mmmm...just a crackpot theory of my own here, based on the story and the comments. First I want to share something, it might help make my theory make more sense.

Back in 2003 we had an ice storm. Although it was beautiful, there was much devastation and destruction. Many homes were without electric for weeks; some maybe longer. My kids and I were blessed to only be without electric for a few hours.

There was a place I used to spend many hours every week, and had for several years prior to this. When the ice storm hit, I was worried it would have been destroyed by falling trees, etc because it was in the middle of one of our State Forests. After the forest roads were clear enough for safe travel, I went back to see how much damage was done to "my place" and was astonished to see it was untouched. Not one tree had fallen. Yet, on my drive back there, the damage and destruction was unbelievable. But my "haven" remained the same. It was as if it had been sheltered from the storm.

So, crackpot theory time LOL I believe there are places that are protected, whether it be from "Mother Nature" or humans. Places where good energy, such as the one in this story, can exist regardless of the circumstances that may surround them.

Sorry for rambling, and probably the needless sharing, but that's my feeling 😉
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-12-02)
Lol my thoughts on this one couldn't have been more wrong! 😆
It's even more mysterious and fascinating that the area is so peaceful with such a hectic history.
disturbedretribution (1 stories) (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-02)
Well this is a really interesting story, all the more interesting that the location is of a plantation. To think that such great energies come from there is amazing, and (to me) it's just as amazing to know that people who are sketchy get chased out. Thank you for sharing this story!
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-01)
Well, that whole area of town was notorious for being the worst of the bad. It was ugly, industrialized, and blighted until 10 years ago. Only that one block seemed to stay in the hands of neighborhood Mammas and elder people. The contractor told me it was originally the site of a plantation. But the place seemed to take care of itself, because a lot of travelors camped there, and if they were peaceable, they had the euphoric expierience, if they were sketchy they were literally chased out talking to themselves in fear.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-12-01)
This is interesting, I mean seriously interesting. We all accept that a site with a sad or tragic history can hang on to that energy, that ghosts or spirits with an affinity for negativity will hang around those sites. We never really spare a thought that the exact opposite can be just as true. It sounds to me like over the years a great deal of joy took place here, and the site just soaked it up, making it attractive for any entities that thrive on positive energy. Some of the presences may have once lived there, or otherwise simply belong there, others may have just liked it and decided to stay. This sounds like an amazing location. Thanks for sharing this. ❤
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-12-01)
Swimsinfire - although I have absolutely no theories to offer you, I do want to say I really enjoyed your story.

And you will get no judgement or criticism from me on how you and your son live ❤ Maybe if more people were aware of our Earth, and the beings/entities that we share our Earth with, we'd all be better off.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

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