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My House Is Full Of Them


My name's Olivia and I'm only 13 years old. Of course it sounds stupid because most 13 year olds would lie about things like this to get attention. But this is real. More real then I want it to be. The things that have happened give me the shivers just by the thought of it.

Lots of supernatural things have happened to me in the past. For example, I have seen figures in the dark before, little girls with black hair in white nighties, therefore I am really scared to sleep in the dark, or be in the dark at all, even.

Once me and my friend were playing a hide and seek game, in the dark, in my room, when I was looking for my friend. I hadn't realised she had actually gone for a drink. I opened the wardrobe, and heard breathing, slowly, steadily. I couldn't see but I heard laughing, just like my friend's, and felt her long hair. I started laughing too. But then I heard a voice behind me asking what I was laughing at. She was at the door with a glass of apple juice, she had just switched the light on. There was nothing in the wardrobe. I couldn't talk, eat or sleep for the next week.

There was also another time where me and my little sister were eating breakfast, our mum was doing the ironing, we all heard a tapping on the window. The tapping turned into a knock. Me and my sister were aware of this, so we kept checking the window, and at the same time asking our mum what it was. She seemed really closed in about it, and scared herself. There was no bushes or plants or trees that surround the house, neither anything that could make that noise, it was just like somebody knocking. There was no other explanation for it.

The list of stories goes on. There have been other events where the light has been switched off, us thinking the bulb has blown but it hasn't, just been switched off.

Another time I was home alone, the light switched off and the door slammed. I switched the light back on and the TV switched off, I switched it back on. This went on for a while with lamps, chargers, WiFi box, so on. The lights kept flickering for the next hour or so, I couldn't move at all after a while, even to just switch my iPod charger back on to keep a small light source with me. I had my cats with me, that do usually act quite protective over me. This time, surprisingly, they were acting like nothing was happening, although now and again they would look and meow at nothing, well, not that I could see anyway.

I live on a street opposite a graveyard and church. I don't know if that's anything to do with it, but I used to go there and talk, as if to someone, ask 'them' questions I'll never have an answer for. Sometimes I would feel a vibration on the bench I used to sit on, and a purring almost, a stroke against my skin. If a spirit at all, I think its either Toasty or Bruzer, two of my cats that disappeared around two years ago, just disappeared. Gone. I used to hear knocking on the church door as well, and other things, like they were trying to communicate in any way possible.

One day I will have an understanding of this. Once I die, I'll know.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, thehotcocoa, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

JustAnotherPerson (9 stories) (36 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-10)

You said that you lived opposite a graveyard? And that you would "talk?" Well, I have a feeling that you might have accidentally invited the spirits into your home, because of "talking" to them in the graveyard.

Right now, they do not seem harmful, so you are fine. But, if one or more do start to hurt you or your family, you need to get your house blessed immediately.
phenonw (1 stories) (32 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-04)
Thanks BadJuJu, I will do that, because I would really like to know if anyone else has noticed this.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2014-06-04)
Phenonw, the submission page is currently open. If you'd like feedback on your experiences with ghosts and pets, it would be best to submit those experiences in a story.
phenonw (1 stories) (32 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-04)
Ok, most of you all on here are saying that if the cats are not reacting to this/these spirits, it must be OK. Here's a thought. I have seen spirits ever since I was a small child. I have Always had cat, my father bred them, Golden Long Haired Tabbies. When a spirit/s would show up, one of the cats would not react, the other one would be having a fit. This happened Many times and with different cats. Also, when I starting having dogs, only one at a time, one could sense/see a spirit, but some I don't believe did. Any yes I could see the spirit. Any views on this? 😕
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-14)
If I were sitting in a church and something started banging on the front door after everything else, I'd be pretty scared.::chuckles: But I agree with the others that if your cats aren't concerned, you're probably fine. Animals are great judges of character, and also serve as a decent warning of earthquakes and environmental pollution. If your cats are content, you are probably just fine. 😊

As for the weird wardrobe experience, I'm going to propose to you what I proposed to another member of this site -- it's possible you experienced a hiccup in the experience of time. Maybe at some point in the future or past, your friend hides in that wardrobe and your find her. So you were experiencing that moment, even if it didn't line up with her perspective of time. Just a thought.
Mejiko (20 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-13)
I think this is it. It's like summer camp or something for children that are mediums. I remember seeing on the tele many many moons ago. Actually I think it has at least 1 season. But it's legitimate. My heart melted when I heard the releif in the voices of the children telling how good it felt to know they weren't crazy and they didn't have to do it alone.

Mejiko (20 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-13)
sixthsensechubbs- Took the words right out of my mouth. I really wish they had more refuges or schools for children and people with supernatual gifts. I know there's a refuge somewhere in the U.S. I know it's on the west coast... Or at least I think it is... Where children go there and learn about there gifts.
sixthsensechubbs (3 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-12)
So I had my first paranormal experience when I was 10. It's frightening and confusing but good advice can help I wish I new now then. First thing if you go to the graveyard to talk to spirits with out protection or no what your doing is dangerous. I have a bit of a sixth sense I've had ghost appear to me, I sometimes have visions of the future or feelings, and I also can read people a bit. But I have never ever reached out to talk to someone from the other side because I don't know what I am doing. Reaching out allows spirits in. You have pretty much invited them in your home and now they are trying to communicate back. Your lucky cause they do sound harmless but you have to be careful not all spirits are kind. What I would do is ask them to please leave your home because they are scarying you then get some sage and burn it to clear the house. Also font ever go to the graveyard again and summon spirits its dangerous.
Marquisinator (13 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-11)
Maybe since your cats weren't afraid, it is fine. There shouldn't be any problems.
SilverWolf77 (1 stories) (41 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-11)
As long as your cats show no fear, there is most likely nothing to be afraid of.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-04-11)
thehotcocoa: I agree with girlie, there doesn't seem to be anything negative. I know it can be a little scarey at times, but once you get over the idea that someone intends to harm you it gets easier. Most times, if you just let them know they're scaring you and members of the household and ask them to stop, they will. I also whole heartedly agree with Miracles and you should investigate the mundane before deeming an event paranormal.

Please, keep us posted!

Miracles and BadJuuJuu: ^11111^ 😆
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-04-10)
Well, thank you kindly, mrfknbee. Unfortunately, that doesn't meet the 50 character minimum. But it should now! Lol
mrfknbee (39 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-10)
Whenever I read your comments valkricry you remind me of j.k rowling the way each comment is personal honest and really intelligent
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-10)
Thank you for sharing! I copied your post so I could read it at lunch. There are so many things going on around you that I don't think you could write them all off as normal. What was pleasing is that your cats are not reacting negatively. If I'm sensing something, they will react to it with a stare... If I don't like someone or become frightened of what I'm feeling, they will react ears back and with a half arch. My opinion, you have someone trying to get your attention, or, someone is letting you know they still live there. I now react to sounds, events with "hi, how you doing." and then continue on. Spirits are all around us, some choose to let us know they are here. Girlie was spot on. Maybe keep a journal for future use. I have had a visitation from one of my deceased cats, I was so grateful. Xx
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-04-10)
I'm not sure if what I'm going to tell you will be a comfort or not, but it seems to me that you might be sensitive to the other-side. Add to this you are entering your teens- a tumultuous time especially if you happen to be a girl. All those new hormones and such. Poltergeists (which literally means noisy-ghost) seem to really thrive on that energy. Now, I'm not saying this IS a poltergeist, just spirits seem drawn to all that extra energy our bodies are producing during our teen years. On the upside, it usually dissipates as we grow older. Animals in general are excellent indicators on whether we need to be fearful. Since your kitties don't seem bothered, I think you're alright.
Unfortunately, I can't really say whether what you are experiencing is truly paranormal, your imagination playing up on you, random WTH moments, or just mysterious things with normal explanations. Whatever the cause, you're scared. And guess what? THAT is totally normal. What we don't understand we fear. Plain and simple. Sometimes our fear can feed upon itself, and become much bigger than it needs to be.
A couple of suggestions I have that may help you:
Do you have a 'feel good song'? One that always seems to cheer you up? Try singing it whenever you start feeling afraid. I know that sounds silly, but singing usually has a calming effect. If you can keep a handle on your fear, you'll be surprised how many 'unexplained' things become either explainable or even silly. At least bearable.
The other thing I suggest is keeping a journal. Note down, in as much detail as possible anything that happens, including your own feelings. You might discover a pattern.
And, most importantly, remember you aren't alone. We were all once 13, and went through the same stuff to one degree or another. You can always pop back here and add an update in the comments. 😊
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2014-04-10)
Mods are meant to keep order, talib. Which means I've deleted that post as well. Have a nice day.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-04-10)
talib - just in case you don't know the exact procedure for contacting the administrator of the site, let me help you out. Http://
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2014-04-10)
Talib, when you report Miracles be sure you report me as well. I've also deleted a comment of yours. I'm sure you're capable of expressing your views without insulting the beliefs of others. Give it try.

This comment from talib is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-04-10)
talib - you are in no position to tell me what to do. As a mod, I have every right to delete a post that is insulting, as was yours. Continue to do so, and I will continue to delete.

You have the right to your opinion, as does girlie and every other member of this site. You do not, however, have the right to insult her or anyone else for her beliefs and/or opinions. That is not going to happen. Choose your words wisely and they may remain.

Go off on a tangent like you have before and you will find your words disappearing yet again.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-04-10)
thehotcocoa - did you and your friend play hide and seek in your room before you became afraid of the dark or after? The timeline of your story is a little confusing 😕

Also, cats disappear. There is nothing paranormal about that at all. Unfortunate and heartbreaking, but not paranormal.

As for the tapping and knocking on the window, that could be normal also. Anything from a tree branch to a bird. This happened to me just this morning while at work. I heard a noise and couldn't figure out what the heck it was. I walked past an empty office, heard something. Turned around. It quit. Turned to walk again, the knocking started again. What in the world?! This happened 3 or 4 times. Finally, out of the corner of my eye I saw a bird outside trying to get in. It was hitting the window with its beak. So, something that made no sense to me, and certainly didn't sound like a bird's beak on the window, ended up being a perfectly logical and normal explanation.

Just some thoughts 😊
girlie (15 stories) (426 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-10)
i don't think you have anything to really worry about. I mean, they don't seem to be harming you, just being playful. Try and talk to the ghost and ask them to leave and go into the light, or just just leave you all alone. But if the cats aren't worried then I don't think you should be. Animals are a good judge in characters, even when it comes to the dead.


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GhoztGhost (4 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-10)
You should probably leave this house and transfer to a new one

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