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Can Reading About Entities Cause Them?


I'm not very good with those long/rambling introductions, so I'll just "get down to business".

Yesterday, I was hanging around my room the whole afternoon, with nothing better to do and alone, so I began reading those Tobias & Guy cartoons - 'cause, you know, it's funny, right? The idea of a big, tall, handsome demon boyfriend, appearing out of nowhere right in front of you, and asking you out on a date! It's awesome, I simply love those cartoons. But anyway, let's get back to my story.

I was just hanging around and reading funny cartoons, then an idea came about: "What if that's actually something?"

So I started Googling like crazy about this kind of stuff; until I came across something called "an incubus." I thought to myself, "Well, that's something new to me, never heard of 'an incubus' before, so let's look this up a bit, see where it goes." Then I began reading about it, the history, some rituals and stuff, and it was then that I began feeling things. And, well, you know, I'm not really the kind of person to be always "feeling" things, sensing things around me, "energies", whatever. Or so I thought...

To be completely honest, that "feeling" thing scared me to death, because NOTHING that's ANYTHING like that at all has happened to me before; well, not until yesterday. You know, I hadn't even done anything (I think), just reading about it. I really don't know what kind of consequences "reading" about something can be, but I found out yesterday that's *probably* not a good idea.

All of a sudden, I started hearing "things", seeing "things", sensing what's around me in general, and not in a particularly good way either. That's become so annoying to the point that I could make a list out of the things I began experiencing:

SOUNDS: 5 quick ticks on glass (completely out of nowhere and constantly!); BELLS really close and then fading in the distance; children, sometimes crying, other times giggling; metal being hammered (like in a construction site, but there isn't anything like that near my home); small bumps and cracks on objects around me; "shadows" going around behind me, then when I look it's everything still; a FINE RINGING in my ear, that one I looked up and it seems it's called "tinnitus"; and finally the worst one that scared me the MOST: my head SUDDENLY "TRIED" BLACKING OUT!

That last one was just like hypnosis, but out of nowhere! A few months ago I learned how to prevent a strong hypnosis from taking hold, and thanks to that I didn't really BLACKED OUT, 'cause if it weren't for the fact that I had learned before to resist a hypnotic compulsion, I certainly would've, and right now I'm not really sure what kind of thing could've happened to me!

So that's it, end of story. Oh, wait, because that's happening to me EVER SINCE! I might as well put a name on whatever is ticking that damn invisible glass, 'cause it's almost a family member now, every few minutes it's telling me it's right there (staring at me, no less?).

I don't know... Help?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sedward, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

jesslawson20 (1 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-22)
This comment is just based on and reflected from my personal experiences, I don't claim to be an "expert."
Anyways, I totally believe reading about this stuff can increase/bring activity! That has happened to me in the past many times, I also believe talking about the same subject can have similar consequences.
Hope this helps!
sedward (1 stories) (11 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-15)
silverknight ~ Hello! No problem, I thought it was just a typo (and it was kind of funny, "seaward" haha). But anyway, thanks and yep, it's all well and good now, though my senses are still kept in check. It seems these things are, like others mentioned in the comments, brought by one's own thoughts; "you get from the universe what you send out [...] your interest may have opened up some kind of a door or attracted something to you." So yeah, I'm keeping my distance from those things (though I still like reading those Tobias & Guy comics! Haha).
silverknight (1 stories) (25 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-15)
Hello sedward. Glad to hear from you that things are well and your senses are in check haha. Sorry about misspelling your name on my first comment, I did not notice the auto correct while I was typing. 😊
sedward (1 stories) (11 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-14)
lady-glow ~ "Perhaps some guardian/protector spirit is trying to tell you to stop reading that kind of material and stop fantasizing?" I'd just hope that was it, but in any case, that's exactly what I did and it's gone! - so maybe I did do something right? ^^
sedward (1 stories) (11 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-14)
RCRuskin ~ It actually could be similar to your bed/headboard thing, but *whatever* it was, thankfully I hadn't to "rationalise away" what *could* be something very dangerous going on. I'm just glad it's as good as gone!
sedward (1 stories) (11 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-14)
Rex-T ~ If you mean I may possess some kind of "gifts" for "sensing physical or spiritual phenomena" around me, after what I felt those days, and having these seemingly all but gone, then I'm glad I'll have no need to "further understand" whatever! I get scared easily of those things, no wonder why I'm an agnostic atheist - "It's probably best not to know!"
sedward (1 stories) (11 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-14)
silverknight ~ You know, that's the kind of stuff you never seriously think about and then, like, once in a lifetime you look into it and it turns out horribly? That was it, I really don't recommend that to ANYBODY. And it wasn't fun - at all!
sedward (1 stories) (11 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-14)
Cuddlebear ~ Yeah, right? I swear that's exactly the first thing that came to my mind when my head suddenly "tried" blacking out that day, something like a voice of conscience, "Careful what you wish for! I warned you, but you didn't listen!" Really creepy stuff.
sedward (1 stories) (11 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-14)
sunsetsister ~ Whatever it was, I'm really not at all curious to find out! I'm just glad it's as good as gone!
sedward (1 stories) (11 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-14)
MondFee ~ And I completely agree with you. One thing is what AugustaM and I were talking about (comics, fun stuff). ANOTHER is the real... Darker... *thing*. So yeah, totally agree, anybody would better not meddle with that kind of stuff, things can get really dangerous, like, "No time!"
sedward (1 stories) (11 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-14)
Anno_Domini ~ Yeah, it did fade with time, you were right on!
sedward (1 stories) (11 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-14)
AugustaM ~ About that link on Imgur... LMAO (the comments section is priceless!). Thanks! ^^
sedward (1 stories) (11 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-14)
Hey, guys! It's been a long while since Jan 29, and I believe I can safely say now that, whatever it was, it came, stayed for a few days, then I started to ignore it and fill my head with other stuff, just forget about anything that had to do with "SOMETHING" creeping around my bedroom, and suddenly it's gone! All seems to have come back to normal now, I guess.

That said, I'm still not *entirely* comfortable looking back or stopping when I'm walking in the dark around the house (I mean, who knows what could be there lurking in the dark, and I'm definitely not the one to find out!). The lesson I took from this whole *reeeally* creepy incident is: "Don't mess with what you don't know or don't understand!" It's probably best to just stick to the comics and all *fun* stuff, but no more than that, and CLEARLY no digging about whatever!

What I felt those days was an unexplainable kind of danger, a horror of you "feeling" that there was something happening around you and there was nothing you could do about it. I felt powerless, and I simply had no idea if there was anything to do! And with so many of those who deal with the paranormal all advising not to meddle with the unknown, that it's a dangerous game and that I could really get hurt, then I think it's probably best to hear the words of wisdom of those people.

It gradually faded with time, thankfully. I don't know if it was me ignoring *whatever it was*, or if all of it was just something my head simply made up - though I know what I felt, and the horror was real; but I'm glad it passed and not at all eager to find out whatever happened to me. It seems somethings are best left unknown.

Thanks to everyone who've commented over these three weeks up 'till today, your insights are enlightening and I'm much better reassured now than I was that *fateful* Sunday looking for things I'd better not have over the internet. Thanks for your support, it's really important for people to find a community like this, one can quite easily feel alone and scared when these things suddenly happen to you, and it's been a huge help reading a few dozen articles by other members, going down the comments.

It's helped me a LOT - it can be harder than one thinks finding relevant info about paranormal activity, almost all of these I got from posts and comments by other members, pieces of info scattered all over, and I'm deeply grateful for it. If it weren't for these pieces of insight, I'd be in complete darkness about what could be happening, or what to do, and a community like this one proved invaluable for those who may find themselves needing urgent help, like I did those days.

All I can say is: "THANK YOU!"

And about "incubi" & stuff: "Yer kno nothin', Jon Snow!", i.e., "STAY AWAY! - or not, but just so know, you do so at your own peril and you're most DEFINITELY going to regret it later (like I did!). And you'll also regret it later. Have I mentioned that you WILL regret it later? Yeah, better repetitive than sorry."
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-14)
I don't get the impression that the OP is fantasizing about demons because they read the Tobias and Guy comic strip. I read it too because it's funny! It reminds me a lot of the cartoon "Ugly Americans." Here's a link, I highly recommend:

As for the possibility of having attracted an entity, I think Cuddlebear has a great point with the tulpa notion. (They are a great google by the way especially the theories about Big Foot and Nessie being cultural tulpas - nifty stuff!) But even though a tulpa is manifested by the mind, if the entity is fully conceptualized, it is a physical force that can have very real effects - at least, according to the Buddhist belief.

Could be that, as it is said, you get from the universe what you send out and like attracts like etc etc that your interest may have opened up some kind of a door or attracted something to you. But, knock on wood, if that were the case, I and many other members of this site would be haunted senseless - and, while most of us have had our experiences, it's not the set of Poltergeist.

Maybe just take a breather from paranormal stuff for a month or so. Try a cleansing according to your beliefs. And get out doors as much as possible - hang out with friends, do things that make you feel happy, engaged and alive. Hopefully, then, you'll shake whatever's hanging around you.
Anno_Domini (3 stories) (167 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-12)
Hi sedward welcome to YGS.

I agree with the others about the power of suggestion and the ability of your mind to project and extrapolate things that you've read, and do think that this might be the case. In such instances these "disturbances" gradually fade with time. If, however this keeps up for a sustained period do come back here and let us know.
MondFee (2 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-08)
Hey OP.

" 'cause, you know, it's funny, right? The idea of a big, tall, handsome demon boyfriend, appearing out of nowhere right in front of you, and asking you out on a date! It's awesome "

Demons are never 'boyfriends', they use whatever words they can to get to someone, they either have you or they dont.

I know/hope you are not being serious in this, but with you going on to mention you read rituals about Incubus - OP, there is a reason this spirit is so known, there are medieval paintings dating hundreds of years showing images of Incubus/Succubus, out of all the spirits that are out there, there is damn good reason they are avoided.

They are not 'lovers', they are vampire-demon creatures that use sex to drain, posess and worse. They don't care about you, they just want from you until they have everything you could give, even life. Please OP. Don't ever mess around with rituals around any demon-like entity, it is not worth what it can cause.

As for the rest of your post, just see how things go, I also second what lady-glow says.
sunsetsister (4 stories) (9 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-07)
You know the brain is a wonderful and amazing thing. Did you know that when faced with a sound or a sight that the brain cannot identify, it fills in the gaps? For instance, if you see part of something, the brain produces an image of a complete object.

It also is very impressionable and open to paranoia. A perfect example of this is watching a scary movie and waking up later that night convinced you heard the sound of someone trying to break in. The same is true with these sorts of things.

I think it is also possible that if you spend time with your head in the space of the supernatural that you may potentially open yourself up to experiences of that nature OR more likely open your brain up to the possibility that something supernatural could be causing this.
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-07)
sedward ~ All I can say is WOW! The old adage Be careful what you wish for...

As you performed no summoning ritual, it may just be possible you are dealing with a tulpa rather than an actual demon. The tulpa is believed to be something brought into existence by will alone, that is if enough people believe in a thing strongly enough it can come into being. There are several relatively famous haunts here in the US that are actually based on fiction. The ghost is an entity of a human who has only existed in fiction. Though many people over the years have claimed to see the spirits.

Good luck with what ever your dealing with and keep us updated please.
silverknight (1 stories) (25 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-07)
Hello seaward. I don't want to sound like some party pooper but yeah let's get down to business.
Your paragraph stating wanting a demon boyfriend...etc, says it all. Seriously, when was it ever cool or a nice idea? It's not something to mess with or toy about. Knowing and being aware of its existence is one thing and probably not bad at all. Wanting to have something to do with it is another. It's like slicing up yourself bloody nice and jumping into a shark infested pool shouting come on it's dinner time.
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-06)
Hello Sedward,

I hope you can make it back to read lady-glow and RCRuskin's posts on your experience.

I also have a question for you.

Did you ever consider that your encounter with hypnotism may be partially responsible for the events that have happened to you since?

The reason I ask is that the power of hypnotic suggestion is well documented, although the list of "theories and explanations" are as long as a cold winter's night. The "theory" that caught my attention is the process of enhancing a person's ability to focus on a single train of thought, through the power of suggestion.

Is it possible that you did not walk away from your hypnotic encounter unscathed?

I am not passing judgement on your imagination or strength of mind. I am simply suggesting (pardon the pun) that you consider the possibility that you are becoming more open to influences both physically and spiritually.

Maybe reading (Googling) more on this subject will now help you more than what you read in the past.

RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-06)
Well, there are rumors of events on movie sets while filming things like The Exorcist. But that could just be the studio trying to generate some buzz for the movie.

I had a similar experience where reading scary stories would cause thumping on my headboard. It turned out to be the way my bed was attached to the headboard would amplify my pounding heart.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-04)
Never underestimate the power of suggestion.

If all these began happening just one week ago ant there isn't any history of paranormal activity in your house, perhaps you are only paying more attention to your surroundings and assuming a paranormal nature to mundane and ordinary events.

Perhaps some guardian/protector spirit is trying to tell you to stop reading that kind of material and stop fantasizing?

Since you're asking for help, try performing a blessing or cleansing of your house according to your religious beliefs.

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