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Is This An Attachment And Can I Communicate With Them?


I'm sorry, this is a long story, it has been happening from as long as I can remember. I don't know what else to do.

Basically, from as young as I can remember I have always been able to see spirits faintly. But as I got about the age of 6/7 I was living in Portsmouth with my mother, father and two brothers, I had always felt as though someone was watching me. I began to be able to see a man, but only as a faint figure. I began to be able to see him standing at the end of my bed, it seemed as though he was watching me. And I would always get a scared but very angry feeling when he was around.

I had one night frowned at him whilst laying in bed, the head of my bed was under a window ledge where my dad had put my old curtain poll, long, thin metal one, after I frowned I saw him walking toward the head of my bed, being young I got scared and put my head under the covers and, perfectly timed, I poked my head up and the curtain poll was dropped onto my head and he was gone.

My parents had always said that they tried to get rid of him, they also could hear his heavy footsteps coming from my room.

My parents broke up and after a few years of living with my mum and my little brother, I moved with my dad. The same things were happening, I could feel him watching me but I couldn't see him at all anymore, he'd always be walking around my room when I was downstairs and we could all hear it.

We then moved to Essex, in a 3 bedroom house. I could feel him around me more and more as I got older, but for years I could never see him, it felt like he was watching me more, it got to the point where (sounds weird) but I didn't want to get dressed unless I had something to cover myself with. The walking around my room became more frequent and louder, I have never been able to hear him, but I started hearing my name be called repeatedly. The first time I had ever seen him was when I was in PE (during school) and we all had laid down. I had my eyes closed (we had to do yoga as part of our exam) I felt as though someone was staring at me, I opened my eyes and a tall man, with short dark hair was leaning over me, I couldn't see his face. I obviously panicked and sat upright but there was nobody around me standing. That was the first and last time I could see him.

At 17 my father had kicked me out and I had nowhere to go, I had moved in with different friends and everywhere I went it seemed to follow me. I then stayed with a very good friend and her mother and I stayed there for about 6 months; but during these 6 months the sound of walking around was louder. Whichever bed I stayed in, whether it was in the same room as my friend or in a spare room, it sounded as though he was jumping off of the bed I had slept on.

I moved into a shared accommodation and I had constantly felt him around me, everywhere I went, he was there, constantly feeling angry and quite scared at the same time. I had my best friend stay at mine whilst I was away on holiday for a week, but he didn't follow me for that week, he stayed there. I never told my best friend about it because people would think I'm being silly, but she had called me up saying that there felt like someone was standing at the end of my bed (where he usually stood with me).

After 7/8 years of not seeing my mother, I had got in contact and moved back down to Portsmouth, obviously he followed me. I stayed with family. There had been a few nights in a row when a lot was happening to the point where it began upsetting me. I could hear something tapping on the doors, windows, tables anything that was around me. I felt like someone was stroking my face and holding my hands. The dog wouldn't leave my side the whole time this was happening, I couldn't even use the toilet without him forcing his way with me, he would growl and bark for no reason but everyone else was asleep upstairs. I felt a lot round me, and it didn't feel nice at all. The tv kept muting itself (I don't know if that's related but it was happening that night)

He is still to this day with me, I can definitely feel him around me. I have gone to see all kinds of people about it, I wouldn't tell them anything about me but they seemed to know everything, some of the most personal things to me. I had a lady bring it up to me while I was having my aura photographed, she had mentioned the tapping, saying something was trying to get my attention. And someone had also said that he isn't my spirit guide, but he's not going to hurt me. They described him as an angry man that had some kind of military background. I don't feel scared around him anymore, I just feel as though he is watching me, maybe taking care of me I'm unsure.

I really would like to find out who he is and why he is following me, if there's anything I need to know or do. I tried doing meditation and allowing him in the room with me but it felt like I wasn't supposed to talk unless he wanted me to, the meditation was first time in a while that I've been scared of him because I saw him but more detailed than the first time, an angry man that doesn't want to hurt me.

Is there any possible way I can find out why he is attached (if that's possible to know) whether he wants to tell me something or not? Do I know him, maybe a family member that I haven't met? I'm unsure whether he is actually an attachment but I have been told he is. I would like to know why he's with me and maybe get someone to help him to the other side. I'm sorry that it's long, I just don't know what else to do

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Keyleighfox, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

L_Mak (9 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-01)

Do not worry. I know what it is and how to get rid of it in a safe way. Trust me. Please contact me on Liisa_91.xO [at] hotmail.com ❤
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-30)
Anno_Domoni - Thanks for your reply.

That might be a very interesting book to read!

Regards, Melda
Anno_Domini (3 stories) (167 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-30)
Melda, apologies for the tardy reply -- I just saw your comment. "Familiars" is the term used for evil spirits which constantly pester an individual. They usually start out in the "thought I saw something at the corner of my eye" or soft voices in one's head, gradually manifesting in presence until one is aware of them as individuals. I have found that the book "Hostage to the Devil" by Malachi Martin (non-fiction) is a good tome on the mechanism of how these spirits work. The author, while an imperfect human like the rest of us, was involved in exorcisms when he worked for the Catholic Church. Let me know if you have managed to read it 😁
DirtCreature (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-30)
I've always defined an attachment as a ghost that won't leave a person alone and constantly seeks their company. The paranormal isn't an exact science so definitions get lost into what they mean for people due to their own experiences. What people think are attachments happening to them can really be anything. A ghost that is an occasional visitor to the one person that's managed to notice them? Maybe.

Tweed brings up a good point that many paranormal experiences a person has might all just be individual. Even if a particular entity is stalking you (stalking to me is a better word than attachment), you may still be encountering paranormal things that are completely unrelated to them. But it's all just speculation at the end of the day. Given the advice provided, just don't do what others have done. Don't get friendly with the entity, don't play with Ouija boards, don't go to "psychics". Protect yourself, if you have religious faith use it if you'd like, and let this entity know sternly that you have a life to live on Earth, not a metaphysical guest to entertain. 😐
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-30)
Hi Keyleighfox,

Have you considered this might not be all the same ghost? Someone jumping off a bed sounds like it could be an animal or child, maybe even another entity. Heavy footsteps heard by everyone sounds like the work of a ghost who doesn't necessarily want to contact you, but anyone who'll listen. You're listening, you're getting the attention.

I think it's natural for people to assume these things to an attachment, but really what is an attachment? I have one to my husband, even my tea cup. I think a lot of times we get caught up with labels and definitions. We forget how little we understand about a ghost's motivation. If there's an object you have with you, that's always been with you, I guess it's possible this ghost cares about that object enough to check in on it. An object with high significance to the 'haunter'. 'Check in on it' being the key here, ghosts don't just get 'binded' to an object unless something has put that in place, in my opinion. Let's not get caught up with Hollywood nonsense.

Let's think about motive for all the events listed.

Why would I jump on a bed? Because I was a kid, or a cat or dog.

Why would I stomp around the house? Because I want attention for some reason.

Why would I drop a curtain pole on a child? Because I'm from a different time, where children were seen but not heard. Frowning at the grown ups = punishment. (Not nice, I know) Or it was a poltergeist.
Also the curtain rod could be a coincidence, might have rolled off by itself.

What did your parents try to get rid of him?

How did you know you saw him in PE, might it have been another ghost?

You might have been blaming every paranormal event on one ghost since day one. Also, and please don't take this the wrong way, the activity might not be about you. People tend to jump from A to Z in a flash when it comes to the paranormal. The 'attachment' here might simply be that you react, whereas others don't.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-30)
Keyleighfox - I honestly believe that you should do whatever possible to rid yourself of this entity. Why it decided to attach itself to you is anyone's guess.

You say you have seen "all kinds of people" for assistance but were you seeing people who could actually assist you? Unfortunately there are many people who claim to have abilities which they actually do not have.

I agree that you should consult a competent, experienced psychic/medium as suggested by Macknorton but please when you do so, try to do a check on the abilities of the psychic. I can't give you any advice on who to contact as I live in South Africa.

Speaking only from my own experiences, when you ignore these entities they become more active to force you into acknowledgement. Having said that, I have never had a personal attachment of the kind that you describe.

Anyway, that's my advice to you for what it is worth 😊

Regards, Melda
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-30)
Hi Keyleighfox,

I'm with Mack when he says that you should try to find a very good psychic, if they are strong they could very well communicate with the entity and understand what it's making it linger.

I also agree that if it is scaring you it needs to go away, but if it hasn't attempted to harm you so far maybe the anger you feel emanating from the entity may be due to frustration from not being able to make you perceive something it'd like you to. Maybe it is trying to warn you about something, maybe it needs to deliver a message or maybe it is a creeper in the after life... Either way, you really should try to find good help because it's not okay.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-30)
Anno_Domini I find your use of the word "familiar" very interesting.

I'll be the first to admit that I don't know a huge amount about the paranormal and can basically only relate to my own experiences and, of course, I have learned a lot simply by reading other people's experiences.

I always believed that "familiars" were cats or other "beings" connected to witches! Perhaps everybody reading this comment will find it extremely silly and immature 😕

Would you expand on that for me? I'm not a young chick anymore but I'm certainly not too old to learn 😊

Regards, Melda
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-30)

How can an entity be "non-living" if it's attempting to communicate with someone 😕?

Surely entities or spirits or ghosts are simply the same as us; spirits but with out a physical body?
Aren't you a spirit too?

Anno_Domini (3 stories) (167 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-30)
Hi Keyleighfox,

As I commented on another article, I think any form of non-living entity trying to make contact with you has no good intention. The Catholic exorcists (I'm Protestant, not Catholic btw) have a term for them, "familiars". Basically they will interact with you to gauge your response, then, over time they would increase their interactions with you until they're by your side 24/7. That's when their influence on your life grows significant.

I would suggest that you go to a church and consult a pastor / priest, especially if they (or other entities) start making "contact" with you. Will be keeping you in prayer.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-30)
Hi KeyleighFox

I suggest finding a very reputable psychic / medium and have a session with them. They may be able to not only identify him, but also gain more insight into why he's obsessed with you. You will need to WANT to get rid of this stalker-type spirit that has attached itself to you on this physical plane.

This soul is NOT a guide, he's NOT helping you, nor protecting you. He's frightening you and quite frankly sounds like a creepy-lurker type. I suggest not trying to "talk" to him, in fact, do everything you possibly can to ignore his presence. He belongs in the spirit realms, not hovering around yourself.

He needs to leave you alone. But if you entertain the idea that you kind of want him around, then he will remain with you, until he becomes bored and heads off to stalk some other poor victim.


shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-29)
Oops, it cut off half my comment for some reason. Anyway, hopefully something like that (addressing him in a military manner) will help (if he shows up and if you feel like it) and the journals may clarify too! Good luck! ^_^
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-29)
'Binding' sounds kind of fishy... What is the point of that? To capture him or release him? Sounds weird.

Maybe he's frustrated, rather than angry about something or other. Highly doubtful he's angry, it just may come across as that to you.

Hey, if you're dealing with military, act military if you need to. Instead of vague questions, be direct. Your 'mission' is to get rid of him, so everyone can benefit.

Say, 'Revellie is at oh 800. Stay the (bleep) out of my (bleeping) room until then.' (My husband is retired USMC, I've picked up some stuff,
Keyleighfox (1 stories) (1 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-29)
Thank you all for the replies 😊
I am going to begin noting anything related down, to keep track and maybe find out more about who he is and hopefully, if possible, communicate with him. I feel as though I need to.

I was before told to try and "bind him" (if that's the right word). But that made me more scared than to begin with.
I'm not too sure what uniforms were worn in different wars, but his hair is short, dark, with a long coat. I'm unsure of whether the boots are heavy or whether he just walks heavily. I have nothing from when I was young so I don't think it's anything materialistic that he is attached to. My Nan was saying that the appearance of her grandfather sounds similar, but he had been sent to a mental hospital due to PTSD (after he had served in WW1).

I do sometimes feel scared, but I understand that he won't harm me.
I have recently started attending ghost hunts in Portsmouth, and I feel him very much there with me a lot and more so after when I am home from one, I feel as though he is trying to look after me but it makes me feel like he's angry at me for some reason.
I tried to do a meditation before and to ask him questions but there was no replies, it was as though I wasn't allowed to ask him questions, he wouldn't touch me and I felt more scared trying to bind him, like he was more angry for me doing it? I was told maybe that he isn't ready to talk to me but I don't understand why...
I have never been able to properly see his face, very dark, he is a tall, broad man.

Thank you for your replies, very much appreciated 😊 ❤
DirtCreature (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-29)
When I first posted my stalker stories, I was afraid to because I hadn't known any people that had gone through similar things with attachments. So I understand your experience. I wish I could be of more help but I am just as confused and in the dark as Keyleigh. I still don't understand my attachment. I don't know if it's related to past lives, soul mates, if it's a tulpa, or whatever is going on. I just know this entity will not give up and cleansing has not worked. So I just live with it and keep journal entries of whatever activity it spawns every so often.

I do think that keeping journal entries of the entity is one of the best things you can do. Maybe you can garner clues as to what is going on. If you have the good luck to have any family documents, perhaps you can look through those to see if maybe this thing is related to you somehow. I would offer the advice to try and communicate with it but that can be tricky for a number of reasons. Sometimes, entities will not divulge information. I have that problem. I could yell at the air all day long and get nothing. Some on here think that if you do not know why or how an attachment started, communicating with it can "encourage" it, so to speak. That's why I've seen recommendations to basically "arm" yourself (ie: cleansings).

If you keep track of where you are when you sense or have contact with him, what your mood is, the current events, and what exactly he has done, it can assist you in figuring out why he is attached to you. Keeping a little journal of your ghost may not amount to much now but in the long term, keeping track of all the little details can prove to be of great help.

I agree with the last poster as well. Knowing what kind of military man he is would be very helpful. I used to be a big history fanatic when it came to the fashions of the past (not so much now) so I that did help in trying to identify mine. If you can research the styles of military men in your country, that would be awesome.

Keep us posted, Keyleigh.
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-29)
I agree with Roy, I also was thinking past life attachment. I had read some stuff regarding WWII past lives and this kind of reminded me of it. Although, to be fair, an angry military man kind of spans all times and places throughout human history, so that's a tad vague.

Can you identify the uniform? The hair cut? His branch of service? His ethnicity? The 'vibe' coming from him to place him in history? Peace time, war time, Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, Germany?

Is he attached to a piece of jewelry or clothing item you haul around with you everywhere? If it's you, have you talked to him directly? Do you have any dreams that repeat that may be connected to him? Have you found any possible relative matches? How many more questions can I ask? Lol!

You get the drift though. He's not going away and his 'reality has been proven by multiple sources. If it was me, I'd probably just ask him.

There are a few people on this site with similar problems, maybe they can chime in at some point, or you can find their stories. I can't remember the names though.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-29)
Hello and welcome! When a person is possessed by a spirit, as I know of people all react in a different way. Some will be sick (fever, etc), some see illusions (shadow people, strange creature), feeling eerie (like someone is watching them, etc) and some even will become another person that they are not (personality changes, etc).

A spiritual attachment, there are many thoughts of course and many different believes. One of the rare ones that I know of is that it could be a spirit bounded with your past life. Not being too religious, in Buddhist cultures people believes in life cycle of past and present. They believe that when they die after some time they will be re-born, not to be too detailed with good people bad people thingy, spirits were believed to still remember the good times and bad times during their life time.

Of course, they will still remember whom they were strongly bounded to (like lovers, family, brother or sisters, etc). The timing of each person's "re-born" is perhaps different, and sometimes that spirit will follow the spirit which had already re-born (past life bounded spirit following the present life person kind of thinking). That will just be my thought, but that made sense form me when a strange "not related" spirit will bother a person and not hurt them. It might protect you somehow so I don't think you should be scared, if you felt that it is bothering you too much, tell him to go away kindly or try to do a cleansing, like saying a prayer, etc. Hope that could help you a little.

Blessing from São Paulo

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