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Real Ghost Stories

The Hole In The Wall


My husband and I moved into a house not far from my parents, it was family owned. With me being able to see ghosts and other paranormal things, I always walked through a house before deciding if I wanted to live there. My walk-through was great, no sign of anything. That was a first for us.

We moved in. My husband was working a night shift job at the time and I was alone most of the day and night. I was up late unpacking the boxes that went into the kitchen. I had gotten to the plates, I washed them and put them in the cabinet and turned around to start on another box. The plates were back in the box. I stopped and thought, " could have sworn I had put those away." I just let it go, not thinking anything else about it. So I put them back into the cabinet and moved to my next task.

After I had gotten the kitchen put together and cleaned up the mess from cleaning and unpacking I was ready for bed. I crawled into the bed and almost instantly feel asleep. At 4 am I heard music coming from the attic. So I crawled out of the bed and walked to the stairs, opened the door and walked to the landing and peered over the banister, nothing. I looked for a music box, not one to be found, so brushing it off again. I went back to bed.

Nothing else happened for around a month or so. Which I was thankful for.

After about 3 months of us living there, things started to get worse. Now there was no denying it. Something was in our house. But I hadn't seen a ghost or spirit, nothing. Whatever it was it was something that didn't want to be seen.

The night my husband went back to work, I was sitting on the couch watching TV and a huge crash came from the attic. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen as I walked through to the stairs to the attic once again. I threw open the door and it slammed against the wall. I made to the the landing when I felt a hand push me a little, not enough to make me lose my balance, but just enough for me to stumble a little. But still I pushed myself up the rest of the stairs. I looked around for anything heavy or big enough to make a loud thud like I had heard. No boxes had fallen, everything was in its place. But I noticed a hole in back wall of the attic.

I went back downstairs and grabbed my husband's flashlight and made my way back to the hole in the wall. I shined the light, what I found chilled me to the bone. I had found a human skeleton. I screamed and ran back downstairs, called the police and then my husband at work.

The police had gotten to the house before my husband did, cause he had to wait for his replacement to get there before he could leave. I was sitting on the couch explaining to the sheriff what had happened. I went through it so many times that night it was unbelievable. One question that he had asked me was what had made me look in the hole in the wall. I said I didn't know, I was just looking for the source of the thump I had heard coming from the attic. By the time my husband had gotten home, the house was crawling with policemen. He came through the door as they were bringing out the skeleton.

A few weeks after, I finally heard from the police about the skeleton. It turned out to be a little boy the age of twelve, and the cause of death was determined to be murder. The crime lab had done a reconstruction on his skull and the face they had come up with matched a missing person report from about 30 years before I found him. His name was John.

So now I was faced with the question how did this little boy get in my house. By that time I was starting to see the ghosts that were in my house. A man and a women and a little boy. I was finally able to get them to talk to me. The little boy was John, the man was Oliver and the women was Lillie.

Oliver was just a mean man, also a distant family member and his wife was Lillie. She was attached to the old foot petal sewing machine in the attic. Lillie didn't bother me, in fact I got the feeling that she was protecting us from Oliver.

John was Oliver's son, he had cheated on his wife Lille. John had came to him and told him that he was his son. Oliver had killed his own son. John had no other living family besides myself and my mother and grandmother. We wanted to give him a proper resting place. So we did.

After his funeral, John had moved on, he was finally at peace.

The next morning after we took care of John, things were so much lighter in the house. I had no worries, or so I thought.

After my husband went to work, I had decided to clean the house back up. Once I was finished, I went to bed. I felt someone watching me. I thought it was Oliver but it wasn't. I made myself wake up to look. I saw a man standing my in bedroom doorway, but his hands and feet were hooves, and his head was that of a goat. Needless to say I didn't sleep anymore that night.

The next night, I was laying in bed alone, on my husband's side of the bed, and a knife had came flying through the air and landed on my pillow. My husband had came home early that night and he found me sitting outside on the porch shaking. He asked me what happened and I told him.

That was our last night in the house. Since I am a medium, I will always see them and feel and hear them, but I don't have to deal with a ghost trying to kill me.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, foxygirl0315, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Aaru275 (4 stories) (55 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-07)
Wow cool story. Really scary and yeah when I told this story to my boyfriend he freaked out...Lol:)) )
funeralmass (1 stories) (27 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-13)
I was actually giving her the benefit of the doubt until Baphomet himself showed up.
ERizzy (1 stories) (51 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-12)
Wow! How close was the knife, was it really close to your face or a couple of inches off? And do you think that might be oliver or something more evil?

Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-12)
Oh my gosh... I want to ask some questions too... But I don't think Foxygirl0315 will come back to answer anything here. It's sad on how some people can write something that is not true. A medium would have sorted out the problem without being chased out of her house.
johnnycashmuse (guest)
11 years ago (2014-06-12)
Thankyou for clearing up the BS Blankie bit. Love it, so funny. Next time you have one of those parties, I want in. Sounds like fun. I have an old bus if you need extra transport... Lol.

I don't envy your MOD job. I'm guessing that It isn't the easiest task to try to go through the probably 100's of stories ever week trying to work out what is worth posting up and what is just plain BS Blankie worthy (thanks Valkricry). And I know you can only do what seems right. If the story seems off to you but might not be you still have to give it a chance and get other opinions like with this one. All good. You often have to give benifit of the doubt. Your doing a good job. All you MODS are.

*Waves a BS Blankie like a bull fighter at the story*

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-06-11)
val - the thing about it is, it does make sense. We're just using our own personal judgement. Just because I don't believe a story doesn't mean it isn't real. Unless, of course, it is glaringly obvious and we've come across many of those 😆

But there are people who don't believe my experiences and I know they're true. So realistically, how can I say this story about the hole in the wall isn't true? I can't. I just go with my gut.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-06-11)
Miracles, even though that rule kind of sucks swamp water through a dirty straw, it does make a type of logic. After all, all good fiction contains some truth, and all truth bares a grain of fiction (the person's perspective).
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-06-11)
Jacquie - and unfortunately there seem to be a lot of these stories. Some of them make it onsite because we, the mods, have no justifiable reason for rejecting them. We're not allowed to reject a story based on our gut instinct that it is complete bs and the author is trying to pull a fast one over on us.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-06-11)
The BS blankie is what we spread, or toss over a story that we have come to believe is just that - a fabrication. Sometimes we even have picnics, bbqs, or sing-a-longs! Lol
johnnycashmuse (guest)
11 years ago (2014-06-11)

*Falls Over Laughing*

Love your song... Perfect.
*Takes up singing with Lady_Glow and strums her guitar*

BS Blankie? I'm lost.

valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-06-11)
Yep, Argette, I totally get what you are saying. Perhaps it stems from knowing that there are so many who didn't/wouldn't believe us when we KNOW we were telling the truth, that no matter how outrageous the claims seem to be on the surface, we WANT to believe. As I'm fond of saying, "Ok, I'll play dumb, but do not ask me to be stupid," so I often try and prove myself wrong about tales like this one being fictional. Just on the outside chance that I really am wrong, but if the O/P can not, will not offer up some type of logical 'proof'/argument as to the validity... Well then I feel as if I was asked to be 'stupid'.
Need help getting on the bus? Watch your step.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-10)
Free Bus Rides! Come Ride on the Miss Demeanor... The best DANG Double Decler ghost hoax chasing, BS Blankie tossing... PARTY Bus in town...

Puff Bayram
(Driver, DJ and Chief Bottle Washer of the Miss Demeanor)

30 years... No smell...

Home inspectors unable to see hole in the back wall of the attic...

Goat's that walk upright like people...

Flying knives

Ummm did I miss anything?

Sounds like this is another one for the mulch pile.


huldufolk (1 stories) (3 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-10)
A little magical thinking perhaps, or you just got carried away 🤔
Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2014-06-10)
LOL, Ladyglow.

Valkricry, I had the same thought and was about to do a Google search when I read your post. I just always feel taken by such posts, because I'm such a trusting soul.

O/P, how about defending your story?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-10)
I read a tale similar to this one in a book of ghost stories, though the skeleton in the wall was wearing a little sailor's suit.

Foxigirl: I'm curious about the size of the hole and the space behind the wall; if it were a small hole it'd had been difficult to see all the area behind the wall; if it were a large hole, - how come you didn't notice it before? 🤔
I'm glad you left that house before the Minotaur and the flying knife could hurt you.

Like Valkricry, I too checked for some info on this case and came empty handed.
I hope you can provide a link to prove that this experience really happened.

While waiting for your answer to our questions I'll iron the BS blanket singing:

There is a hole in back wall of the attic,
There is a hole in back wall of the attic,
There is a hole,
There is a hole,
There is a hole in back wall of the attic.

There is a skeleton in the hole in back wall of the attic...
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-06-10)
Well, Argette, one would think that a find like that would have at least made it into the local papers. A quick search turned nothing up. And, I do agree that many details were over-looked (but that could be attributed to writing ability) and the story-line a bit too 'pat' as you put it. But, before we spread the BS blanket and picnic, let's give the O/P a chance to present some clarification. (And in case I haven't been obvious enough, I'm not buying this either.)
Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2014-06-10)
Upon rereading the story, I found too many details overlooked. Amateurish attempt. Too bad, and a waste of our time.
pjs1977 (2 stories) (48 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-10)
Duh guys it's apparently made up. This woman is good she had me going there for a second.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-06-10)
So...apparently you didn't check out the attic when you first moved in? And in 30 years no one else had either? I wonder how Oliver explained the smell away to Lillie? A rotting corpse really gives off a distinct stench. So it isn't likely that it went unnoticed.
Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2014-06-10)
I don't either, Jacqui. Nothing really makes sense, yet there are not enough unanswered questions for it too be real.
johnnycashmuse (guest)
11 years ago (2014-06-09)
This sounds like a Movie I once saw when I was younger. I think it was an old Hammer Horror with Vincent Price or someone in it.
Im sorry but I just don't believe you could live in the house so long with out feeling something was wrong if you are a medium as you say. I know I wouldn't be able to be there very long with my extra sensory abilities.
Sorry I really just don't believe this at all.
Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2014-06-09)
Also, I'm confused. How did the hole in the wall get there? Was it when you slammed the door?

You write a compelling story, but my first thought was that it was all a bit too pat. Too many answers have been answered. Also, I don't think you told us until the end that you are a medium.
reneespring (148 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-09)
How is it that no one else noticed a skeleton in the wall before?

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