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The Rain Lady


I will not claim to be a sensitive or even someone who is in touch with the paranormal world. But since young I have this random ability to sense and sometimes see 'friends' or entities from the other world. What I meant by random was, I can sense/see some days and totally oblivious towards it for a period of time (months or years) before suddenly I can sense them again. It comes and goes.

Enough with the background I guess. One of my most mind boggling experience happened when I was around 20. I chose to take a break for a year to work and earn money for university expense that time so I got this job in a boys' school in my hometown as a tutor for computer assisted learning (this was almost 7 years back). The school itself is one of the oldest schools in my state, the computer lab I worked in was on the first floor and furthest away from the other classes. It has this almost depressing vibe with the dim lighting, peeling paint and old looking windows.

I never feel a sense of dread when I stepped in as I usually will if the place is haunted. All went well during the first few months, until the monsoon season rolled in. The first heavy rain and thunderstorm I was alone in the lab, I sensed a presence in the room with me. Nothing much, just the hair on my neck stood up. I ignored it. As the days past especially on rainy days this presence make it self known even more. It escalate from a feeling of another person in the room with me, to faint shadow at the corner of the room until one day I saw the full form of this entity. An old lady, wearing rags drenched from head to toe, long hair standing at furthest corner of the room. I was freaked when I saw her that clearly, I pretended I need to go toilet and left the room. Only went in after the rain stop (thank god I have no class at that slot). I saw her again a few times, during heavy rain but not on normal days. I wonder why?

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WiniPu4 (207 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-21)

There are theories that the negative ions in rain and storms increase paranormal activity.
If the apparition is presenting herself as wet (during a storm), then perhaps this is how she died. Maybe she is simply trying to get through to whoever she can to show how she died. If this is the case, then it would be an "intelligent" haunting. Could be some unresolved issue, like an unacknowledged death or lack of a proper burial. She could be reaching out for some sort of help. Or, it could just be a residual replay of a traumatic event. The local police department or newspaper might provide some answers if you are interested in knowing.
Kind Regards 😊
Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2014-06-20)
Selkay, that is so interesting - about the monsoon season and its effects on your feelings while in the room. I'm going to start paying more attentive to weather patterns and some of the vents at my own house.

Old-time spooky movies often used storm sound effects to make everything seem scarier - maybe there was a good reason for that?

Fascinating discussion here!
selkay (6 stories) (40 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-20)
Val: I referred it as a church house because at the time, the church was built with the Reverend's temporary quarter attached to it. Before they get more donation to build the school, the church was used as a school on weekdays for boys whose parents were enlighten enough to recognise the need for education at the time although they were pretty wary of foreign preachers.
On a lighter note, I'm glad it's residual because at least she was not cold and hungry anymore.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-06-20)
I can't help but wonder if perhaps this elderly beggar woman begged alms at the church house or more aptly, its vicinity. You refer to it as a church house, was it used for worship or as a home for the Reverend? Either way, there was bound to be at least a pathway worn, if not a street that went from there into town. Especially if services were held there. Poverty and hunger do not recognize weather conditions. Even in the worst of it, she may have been forced to go out scavenging what she could, poor thing. Still, I'm inclined to think she was residual. The electricity from the storms, combined with the EMF from the lab 'triggering', as it were her appearance. Perhaps the corner where you saw her standing, was the spot she sought shelter - beneath the trees. *Sigh* I guess we'll never really know. But, on a happier note residual is not intelligent - it's blissfully unaware that it is replaying. So, in my version 😉 she's wearing a gossamer sarong in the most beautiful hues, now and is the one dispensing 'found money' to those in need. 😊
selkay (6 stories) (40 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-20)
Val: The school itself was built in the late 19th century by a British reverend. By the records I managed to get, the land granted by the local government that time for him to build the church house and the school was nothing but a hilly area with large trees. I assume the place should be a bit further away from the village that exist that time. But a fire burned down half of the village around 3-4 years before the school was built. I notice she wore a really torned up sarong and something long like a tunic.
Argette: Yes, computer lab is high in emf. I work there for almost 6 months with no sensation of being watched until the monsoon season. Could all the electricity in the air enhanced the emf?
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-20)
Hi, selkay thanks for your comment. I can understand... People do not believe or try to pretend not knowing anything on ghost stuff even that they know the reality. 😐
Jake141 (3 stories) (27 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-20)
i agree, Val could be onto something. But if it is a residual haunt it may not be the high electrical radiation from rain causing he to become a identifiable entity.
It might be that whatever traumatic experience happened to her happened during a heavy rainy day, hence her replaying that time during every heavy rain.

- Jake
Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2014-06-20)
I think Val is on to something. She may have appeared from other era because of the storm and its effects on the environment. As to feeling watching, wouldn't a computer lab generate a high level of EMFs? Doesn't that in turn produce a feeling of being watched?
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-06-19)
I think BJJ is on the right track and this woman is probably residual. However, I don't think she's of the school itself. Do you know if the school was always a school, or perhaps a shop at one time? Hauntings can be of the land and not necessarily the building. Did her mode of dress suggest a time period to you? It's possible she sought shelter (probably in a doorway or under a over-hang) during a storm. Dressed in rags, the outstretched hand all suggest she may have been a beggar.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2014-06-19)
Not the dreaded autocorrect! 😨
No worries, happens to me all the time. My texts are pretty much gibberish thanks to helpful technology. 😆
krumpetface (1 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-19)
Hello Selkay,

Maybe she was just coming in out of the rain--that's what I would do, too. 😁
selkay (6 stories) (40 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-19)
BadJuuJuu: Whoops, made a weird mistake in my reply I meant 'squeamish' not 'skirmish'. Hate autocorrect 😕
ERizzy (1 stories) (51 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-19)

I heard that rain and thunderstorms help the entities show themselves a little more because of electricity and they need energy in order to show themselves. I'm sorry if this is a wrong explanation, that's what I heard 😊

selkay (6 stories) (40 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-19)
Sheetal: I did not mention this to any of the teachers or staffs there that time because being the youngest employee there that time, I was afraid of being ridiculed.
As for the students, I did ask a few of the older boys. They had not heard anything or seen anything in this lab. I ended up with tons of ghost stories about the staff toilet and the swimming pool instead.
selkay (6 stories) (40 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-19)
BadJuuJuu: I no longer work at that place anymore. It's a one year contract work. I'm a bit skirmish when it comes to supernatural since I had a particular bad experience a few years prior to the incident with this rainy day apparition. So I did my best to block her out and it did not occur to me to snap a pic that time. She might be a residual haunting because the only motion I saw her made was stretching out her hand with palm open, like begging for alms.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-19)
Hi, selkay... I agree with the Badjuujuu this may be a reason of residual haunting as you mentioned that it was a old school.

I'll suggest you to talk with the employees their hopefully you'll find something meaningful. One more thing as its occured in the school so any student also seen this or not? Curious to know... 😉
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2014-06-19)
If she's only appearing during certain, specific conditions and not attempting to interact with you, I'd say this sounds like a residual haunt.
Residual haunts are less of a true haunt and more like an impression worn into the environment. A past event will replay itself, and sometimes the subject of the "haunt" is alive and well. These events can replay either at completely random times, on certain dates or during certain conditions.
There is no intelligence involved with a residual, its just an image or sound that replays. It isn't aware of its surroundings, or even of itself, as it isn't really a true ghost.
Have you ever considered setting up a camera during these storms? Since her appearances seem so predictable, you could probably get some great evidence.

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