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Ouija, Scared Dog, And Faint Footsteps


I actually have a few paranormal experiences but in two different houses.

Five years ago my mom rented a 70 year old house and we all moved in (me, siblings, grandma). At first I never noticed anything strange except for these really light footsteps sounds and clicking locks of the doorknobs but I just thought it was all old house noises or one of my relatives.

Three years later my grandma's house was finally livable and she and my sister moved there. Now it was only me, my mom, and brother living in the house. My mom at the time starts building tables and even made a Ouija top one to sell. This is when more strange things started happening.

The doorknobs that were the ones you have to twist all the way to open the doors would suddenly pop open and I would actually hear rustling and once even heard something shatter but when I went in the room nothing was broken.

Tonight I made sure I had closed all the doors since I was home alone and was about to take a shower when I heard faint footsteps and clicking. I looked out the bathroom door just to make sure no intruders were inside and of course no one, but when I went to double check the locks, the back door I had made sure to definitely lock was unlocked and no signs of anyone being inside.

I would really appreciate any advice on how to deal with this kind of paranormal happenings since it creeps me out.

The other house is my grandma's that's 40 years old and not that creepy even though me, my grandma and my sister's boyfriend all seen actual ghosts. I was laying on the couch and I seen my grand uncle who had passed a year ago. He looked like he was made of soft light but I could see every detail of him like his smiling face, his striped sweater and shoes I had to look away for him to finally disappear. My grandma seen her father walk onto the closet. My sister's brother seen an old woman with long hair at the window and thought it was our grandma but she had short hair at that time. The woman at the window was likely my grandma's mom. All of these encounters don't bother anyone since they were the ghosts of loved ones.

The only thing that does creep me out is that my dog whose usually very protective of me and follows me everywhere seemed frightened to follow me into the separate dining room and when I called him to come in he waited at the doorway instead. I even once carried my dog into the dining room to try to show him there's nothing to be afraid of and as soon as I opened the door he bolted out of there.

Should I be concerned that he's afraid of that room? Also has anyone else experienced what I seen of the ghost of my grand uncle (the soft light, details being so clear, and the ghost not disappearing until looking away)?

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Luciernaga, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

The-Proxie (1 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-04)
I've had same experiences when I first moved into my house, we had the house blessed and it all stopped.
Integrist (83 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-02)
Get a priest to bless both houses.

The only instance I know of a "light" was recounted to me by my grandmother after my grandfather had died. She said that was his way of saying "goodbye". There were no distinguishable features.

As far as apparitions looking like loved-ones: people can wear masks, people have look-alikes. What do we know of these preternatural occasions? Are we trust that what everything is at it seems in the spiritual realm?

I would advise to take caution and not to dabble into such things more deeply out of morbid curiosity. You never know what's on the other side.
L_Melb (220 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-01)
Due to where I live, I was looking for "red noses" "clowns" yesterday! Now that April 1 passed without incident and I had already forgotten... BANG! Clowns galore 😁
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-04-01)
Val, I think the red nose purple pants clown started early.


Sorry, I just over reacted!
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-04-01)
Tweed, I change my FB password monthly, and other passwords as well. The Social Secuirty Adminstration and the IRS gave me a special additional number which changes every year.

We actually changed banks over the bank breach.

It's been five years since the first breach, which was with our tax return. My email was also messed up, so I've had to change that as well.

Not in the mood for big red noses, purple pants, or clowns.;)
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-04-01)
Argette, I noticed it yesterday late afternoon, the only thing I can think of is maybe time zones? Or the ghost of YGS started early! Lol Sorry to hear about your facebook hack. That REALLY sucks!
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-01)
Argette, I hope you've reported everything to facebook, that sounds extremely serious. I would talk to the police about it too if it's compromising your personal information. Change your facebook password if you haven't already, do the same with your email.
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-04-01)
Not to worry, Melda, I gave you another Karma Point.

I was really upset at being compromised again night. It's cost me a lot of time and frustration, as the hacking of my Facebook Page was accompanied by use of my credit cards and use of my SS number. Not in the mood for more!
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-04-01)
Thank you, Tweed. I noticed it first in my profile, not in my comments, which is why I thought that my account had been compromised. My Facebook Page was compromised for the fourth time just a few days ago.

Had it appeared today instead of yesterday, I would have considered the date.

Clowns will be clowns, I guess.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-01)
No Val, it really is profiles too, check mine out, it's completely stuffedπŸ˜† love it!
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-04-01)
Tweed, as far as I can tell it's just the comment section in profiles.
Argette, by tomorrow everything will revert back to normal. The words you meant to say will be back. This is an annual event!
Melda, unfortunately once given a down vote can't be changed (not by the giver) but not to worry... Karma fairy stopped by. 😊
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-01)
I didn't know it messed with profiles too. Hahhaha Wish I'd known that before. I've been looking forward to this for a while.πŸ˜†
trentinray (3 stories) (67 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-01)
well happy April fool's day everyone! Now I think I'll go tell my husband I'm pregnant, and now I feel like going to the circus, Lol πŸ˜†
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-01)
Count to ten and breath deeply, the g uys with colorful clothes and a red breathing body part will be gone by tomorrow. 😒
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-04-01)
I removed the paragraph from my profile page. It looked ridiculous.

Apology accepted, Melba.
trentinray (3 stories) (67 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-01)
I'm curious how they are doing it, and if we are getting different things. You said your profile paragraph was filled with purple pants LOL but I didn't see your paragraph at all, also everything I am seeing is "clown" or "clowns" If you look to the left column where the comments are, they are not messed with. Well definitely different! The site is haunted! πŸ˜†
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-01)
Argette - I apologise for annoying you. My profile page is also messed up. I know I only joined recently but have been reading this site for years.

It's through reading this site that I picked up on the fact that they put in "clown" and various things on 1 April. I don't think I deserve a minus point for that 😒. However, I'm sure it will be corrected.

Please don't be angry with me, I'm not the perpetrator! However if I am correct, maybe you would remove the minus point? It's the first one I've had. (Well I'm assuming the down vote is from you.)

Regards, Melda
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-04-01)
Trentinray, it's annoying rather than funny. The clowns seem to down-to-earth to do it.

Annoying. Hope they fix it soon.
trentinray (3 stories) (67 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-01)
It isn't just on certain words, it looks pretty random, and it is not April fools day yet. Anyone have any info about this? πŸ˜•
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-04-01)
Sorry, Melda, I've been posting here for almost six years and have never seen this done before. You just joined a few weeks back.

I was signed out yesterday, and that was odd. Then my profile paragraph was messed up today.

I'm not sure I believe you. What's the point of messing up profile paragraph? Silly. Demeans the good things that are accomplished here, if that's the case.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-01)
Argette - The site has not been breached, it's April Fools Day πŸ˜†. Apparently they do this every year! I've noticed now that I want to publish this comment, they've put in "circuss" where I put April Fools. I wonder what this message will look like once it's published!? WTH - it's 1 April.

Regards, Melda
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-03-31)
Twilight, no one really wants to say those words, but This site has been breached.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-31)
OK now lol good one πŸ˜† pretty clever prank 😜 πŸ˜† obviously I'm getting no where fast with my comments
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-31)
Lmao πŸ˜† seriously? What's going on here? Is this a prank? I'm assuming I'm not thinking of the different time zones here lol, so I guess it's already April fools day somewhere πŸ˜†
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-31)
Uuummmm... Why are y'all saying clown? At first I thought it was a mistake, but y'all have repeated it way to much for it to be by accident lol. Am I missing something? It's not April fools day yet πŸ˜†
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-03-31)
And that is not what I wrote, either.

What the heck?

Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-03-31)
Looks like some of us got hacked. My profile paragraph is all about clowns now, and so is Phoenix's post below. What the heck?
ThePhoenixIsHere (2 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-31)
Hi! Your house definitely needs a good cleansing, and the reason your dog was so scared is because he might have seen a ghost or spirit or something. Animals are sensitive to spirits, especially dogs. I hope following Rook's instructions will work!
-Phoenix 😁
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-30)

Clarification Required...

"The only thing that does creep me out is that my dog whose usually very protective of me and follows me everywhere seemed frightened to follow me into the separate dining room and when I called him to come in he waited at the doorway instead."

Which home is this happening in?

On with the rest.

The sounds you describe in the 70 year old home seem like they MAY be 'mostly' residual, simply repetitive sounds that were 'recorded' onto/into the environment somehow. The door (s) unlocking also sounds like it could be a intelligent/physical haunting (spirit). I say 'could' because there is a chance that the 'locks and doorknob' sounds you here... Heck even the footsteps... MAY be of a Poltergeist Nature. This can depend on the age and/or stress levels with-in the household.

Which begs the question (you do not have to answer if you find this too personal) How old are you and/OR is there any stress in the house?

Next question: Why did your Mother build a table with a Ouija Board top AND is it still in your Home? Even better, has (was) it ever used in the home?

As far as cleansings go, do you feel its necessary to preform one? Do you feel 'unwelcome/unwanted' in either house? Are 'violent' things happening in either home? Do visitors feel 'put off' or 'nervous' to be in or around either home? If so you should consider a cleansing.

They are as individual as the person preforming them. Anjoubelle has suggested one meathod, one they are familiar with this is the one I use...

Rook's Cleansing and Shielding Method (as used by myself and many other members of this site)...

Recipe for a Home Cleansing/Shielding... (allow for two or 3 days to complete)

Day one: Open all curtains window and doors with screens installed, let fresh air and sunshine into the home. Have all closets, cabinets and other 'dark spaces' open so that as much natural light as possible can enter those spaces. After 2-3 hours take a broom and 'sweep' out each room (this is symbolic and you do not have to really sweep) focus your thoughts on sweeping (pushing) out all negative energies / entities /thoughts. Close home up after completing each room of your home... Please do not forget your garage if you have one. (Optional) Light incense (sandalwood or Dragons-blood works well for me) and let aroma fill the home, and/or play a tape that contains your favorite Church/Positive, Upbeat (songs that give you good thoughts) songs before you begin sweeping.

Day two (or three): Once again open all curtains, windows and doors. Take a White candle (Optional) to the center most point of the home, sit on the floor and place candle in front of you. Light the candle (visualize a white ball of light) and then focus on the flame... Visualize the flame (white light) filled with positive thoughts, energy. (Say a prayer at this time if you so desire... Ask for cleansing positive energy to fill the candles flame/white light). Hold this 'image' in your mind and then visualize the flame (light) slowly expanding outward, visualize it filling the room your in, every corner and 'dark space'. Continue to visualize it's outer edges pushing away (burning away) any and all negative energies/entities out and away from each room in your home. Once you have visualized this flame (light) filling your entire home, picture it expanding to your property lines. Hold this image in your mind for a few moments then visualize 'anchoring' this flame (light) where you are sitting which is the center most point of your home. Once you have done this. Take a deep breath, relax a few moments and then blow out the candle. (If you didn't use a candle just let yourself relax a moment or two.) "

Now you can create a shield for yourself using the 'home shield' technique but instead of focusing on your home visualize the 'flame' simply surrounding you instead of your home... Best time to do this is after a nice shower using a rosemary scented soap (rosemary is good for purification and protection.)

As you can see, there are differences between the two, the fact of the matter is this, find something YOU are comfortable doing. Something that attracts/generates positive energy so that any negative energy is displaced and 'unwelcome' in the home.

Thank you for sharing.


Anjoubelle (2 stories) (16 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-30)
Sounds like your house may need a cleanse. Close all windows and doors leading outside, open all closets and cupboards. Then light a bunch of white sage and let it smoulder and smoke. Starting from your FRONT door move in a clockwise direction around your house, if there are multiple levels then do each floor at a time. Move calmly from room to room letting the smoke get into every corner (you may recite a prayer telling the spirits firmly that they are not welcome and must move on. Do not shout or get angry) the sage can be relit if it stops smouldering. And you must finally end up where you started (front door) let the whole house absorb the cleansing smoke for an hour then you can open windows and doors. Stay away from ouija boards as they are doorways for unwanted entities especially if you are making them without protective measures in place. Salt across doorways also keeps anything following you inside your home. Hope this helps 😁

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