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Another Of My Father's Stories


A little while back, I posted a story about my father's experiences with an entity that he believes has followed him for the past 30 years.

This is another one of his stories and this one happened about a week ago (much less intense than the first story).

My father lives in a 150 year old house. It's quite beautiful and currently in a state of being renovated. It's a cute two story in a small town.

Occasionally, there will be these house shaking crashes throughout the house, which my father has always blamed on the entity that has followed him. I have also experienced the crashes while visiting with him- it really feels like a car has hit the house, but we have never found what causes them. It is neither the plumbing or a bad foundation. My step-mother seems completely oblivious to them. These can happen when the house is full and when he is home alone. My experience with these was when I was there alone.

Last week, my father hears one of these crashing sounds and goes downstairs to see if he can find a source this time. The second he hits the bottom landing of the stairs, he sees a woman standing there. She is dressed in turn of the century garb- my dad says he could clearly see a hoop skirt and bonnet. He didn't see her face because she vanished, but she appeared to be facing him. She did not speak or move. The entire experience only last a matter of seconds. There was no color to what she was wearing, just transparent.

Unlike the other figure in his life, he felt no sense of fear from seeing this apparition.

I've never had any of my own paranormal experiences (unless you count the crashing sounds), but my father really seems like a beacon to these sorts of things. He is religious, but does not believe in psychics or anything like that, except Ouija boards because of his own experience.

This is the only other apparition he has seen and the only one that did not seem to be out to get him.

He has always thought the crashes were attached to the entity he has dealt with for thirty years, but now there is this new woman.

What are your thoughts on this?

Has anyone heard of anything trying to get in contact this way?

This is my father's first "friendly" encounter with anything paranormal. What are the chances that it will stay friendly?

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Aggers (2 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-24)
Shame. Could have been a back up:D
OH how excellent!
Keep us posted whenever you can.:)
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-24)
My step-mom knows that she is there, which is nice, but I don't think she is very curious about it. The only paranormal encounter she has really had is seeing her father after he died. I think she likes to leave things along, but this one seems to be content following my father around:P

I ask him nearly every day if he has seen or heard her. Sometimes its no, sometimes it's footsteps, sometimes it's a sighting. I want to know! He says he has a deed going back 100 years, so maybe that will shine some light on it. At least narrow it down to a surname.
Aggers (2 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-24)
I'm eager to know too now haha.

What about his wife? Talk to her about doing some digging!
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
I completely spaced the picture, sorry!

I never really thought of her as a protector, but if she is an owner of the house, that would be an interesting theory. I like that, actually.

I am trying to get my dad to do some digging into his house's history. I would love to see if he could even get a picture of the owner and see if it's her. So far, he is content just letting her do her thing. I'd like to get an actual name for her.
Aggers (2 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
I know you're a skeptic, but maybe the woman was looking after him? The banging noises might've been them fighting?
I know that for a spirit to be seen with a naked eye they must be really powerful. All spirits are, is energy. So the lady must have A LOT, hence making her more powerful.
If it was her home, surely she would want peace and throw that things butt to the street!

(P.s, I need another photographers opinion on the photo I've posted in my latest story, help a sister out? We tried figuring it out with no luck!)
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
I have not heard him talk about the dark one in a while, actually. I think it's been a few months since that one came around. Sometimes, though, he doesn't tell anyone because he thinks if he talks about to too much, he gets nervous and it shows up more.

That is a good point about trying anything. Maybe I should suggest that he branches out a bit.
Aggers (2 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
My family and I aren't Catholics either, but when you're desperate you will try anything haha.
I forgot to ask, did the activity of the dark energy decrease since the woman appeared?
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)

He is Baptist, not Catholic, so I am not actually certain the sort of blessing that he used. He doesn't believe in Holy Water and such.

I will ask him that sort of blessing he did.
Aggers (2 stories) (30 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
Blessing should have worked, I'm weirded out that it didn't. Did he do it correctly? Sign of the cross with holy water on each corner of the home?

He could also try to sprinkle salt in the doorways of each room, beginning from the second floor, furthest room in the corridor, just sprinkle a little whilst telling the spirit to leave. Do it for every doorway until you reach the front door. Please ask him to try it, might just work.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-08-07)
My fiance and I were in a crash on the way to see him and I was in a crash when I was little, but other than that, it has been fairly crash free.

They are interesting experiences, that is for sure.

I sort of want to see if he will do an EVP and maybe try to communicate with either of them.
Revajane (1 stories) (71 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-07)
I just read your story and wanted to ask do the crash noises precede any car accidents? Could they also be a warning of an impending crash for someone your dad knows?
Or could it be some sort of combination of what I suggest and what Grim suggested.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-25)
Grim, I never caught that. Or even thought of that.

That's really fascinating!

He's had several friends die in crashes over the years and he's been in plenty of his own. I never considered that could be a completely different form of contact.
Grimoires (5 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-24)
I wish to draw attention to the following commonality in both tales please...

In the first tale... The entity communicates a want through numbers on the licence plate of the car.
"They decided to try the board again, trying to get the activity to stop. They were terrified. They didn't get a name or anything from the board. Nothing happened. Finally, they asked it what it wanted. It spelled out a row of numbers. My dad didn't realize until he walked out to his car that night that it had spelled out the plate number to his car."

In the second tale... The entity is associated with a crash. One you say feels like a car has hit the house. Such as a car crash.
"Occasionally, there will be these house shaking crashes throughout the house, which my father has always blamed on the entity that has followed him. I have also experienced the crashes while visiting with him- it really feels like a car has hit the house."

Going back to the time when the entity first showed up, might there have been a friend of the girl or of your father, who passed through a car accident, who would have reason to show themselves and want to hang around?

Or, having been roused and brought through the board, could perhaps just now be a lost and frightened entity. I know when most of us are scared and lost, we are not at our best character.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-24)
Keya, I am not sure if he has ever looked too far into it, other than to lean on his faith.
Cman710 (9 stories) (94 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-23)
That is definitely quite a crazy story! I wonder what could be causing her to be making the crashing sounds - if she even is the one doing it?
Keya_Ray (10 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-23)
creepy story... Your father belives the spirit is following him for 30 years now but why is it following him?...has he tried to find the reason behind this following?...
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-22)
He's heard her walk down the stairs (apparently, a very clear sound of shoes and weight on the steps). He was sitting on the sofa with his cats and they would not stop staring in the direction of the stairs behind him. He just did not turn around and went about his business.
He is just assuming that was her, because the negative feeling associated with the other entity was not there.

He is a bit concerned/humored by what else is going to pop out when they really start tearing down the walls and hopefully I will be able to convince him to put up some cameras. We'll see:)
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-16)
I didn't think of fracking either. Thank you very much for that!
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-16)
I agree with Val but you might also want to check into any fracking going on in your area. The fracking itself doesn't cause the booms and explosions but the injection wells do when they inject the wells with the fracking by-products. This is what is thought to be the cause the many, many, many earthquakes that are happening in the mid-west recently.
In any case, tell dad he's stronger than they/it are and he needs to demand that they leave!
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-16)
To my knowledge, it has simply just never left after the first night it came around (it comes about every now and again, every month or so).
I believe he has tried blessing and such in his younger years, but it just hung around.
It's never hurt him, it's touched him once. It did hurt his girlfriend 30 years ago, but it's never physically harmed him.

I'm guessing he just gave up trying to get rid of it- I can't really blame him. If I had tried everything, I would eventually get tired of focusing on it (he does know that thinking about it too much brings it back around).
mimerkki (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-16)

I was also wondering, why your dad would let something like that cast shadow on his life so long. Like Valcricky said, one would think it was a high time to take control of situation and cut what ever ties are still connecting your dad to it. Ofcourse it is very easy to give advise like this from afar. Something that looks easy from the outside, may be extremely difficult from the inside and much more complicated.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-07-16)
If those quarries are still in operation, I'd place my bet there. I use to live near some, every now and then we'd get a good shake. I wouldn't worry much that your step-mom has not heard them - especially if they occur when she is possibly napping or sleeping. Some folks are more sensitive then others. We had an earthquake here awhile back. (I know - in Illinois?!? WTH? But about every 25 years or so, we get one.) Anyway, I was jolted awake by weird rattling, which grew louder as everything began to tremble. My first thought was some massive truck was rolling down our street, until I was thrown from my bed to the floor, as nick-knacks danced off the shelves. Once it stopped, I immediately went to check on the downstairs tenant. She thought I was nuts. I actually had woken her up, with my pounding on her door and yelling! She had slept through the whole thing. 😕 So,'s possible that she honestly just doesn't notice it.
You mentioned that your Dad is a religious man. He might find it beneficial to have himself blessed/cleansed by what ever his faith dictates as well as the house. I know he feels fear of this thing, but obviously if it really wished him harm in 30 years would it not have succeeded? I think if your Dad took control of his fear, he could release himself. Perhaps all he needs to do is tell this thing it is not welcomed and to go away. But he needs to BELIEVE that it will. That his God is much stronger than this entity, and will cast it out.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-16)
His house is in Wabash- I am not sure how far the closest mine is, but that is a thought! That never even occurred to me. I know there are a few quarries and such a few miles away from his residence.
I will have to look into that and definitely have him research that possibility. He does not feel comforted by those sounds at all and to have a good explanation of them would be wonderful.

He truly believes what was attached to him during his Ouija session all those years ago is still following him. Last time I was visiting, in May of this year, he told me that he just knows it is there- the same feeling of oppressive fear and that he has actually seen it leaning in his doorway at one point in time (I wish I had known that when I wrote the original story of his experiences, but it took him so long to even tell me all of his story that some of the details are still trickling out. He gets disturbed by the memory, so I don't press).

As far as I know, only my father and I have heard the crashes. My step mother seems to not have ever heard them (and thinks my Dad is a bit batty for thinking they happen, though she does believe in the paranormal). My fiance did not notice anything strange when he was there with me, at all. According to my dad, his two cats react to them (jumping, running away and hiding).

I do hope it's not his little follower playing a trick on him, because he is one of the only people in my family who has had a real experience with anything paranormal, it would be lovely if one of them was nice and didn't fill him with fear. Unlike me, he is very religious, and that helps him through it, but he still gets terrified.

I am ashamed to say that I am not entirely sure when the crashing sounds started- I want to say the last two years?
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-07-16)
elnora, I did read your other story. (Really, guys - go take a peek, it's interesting.) So, Dad believes that the same entity has been around him for the past 30 years. That's conceivable - although rather rare especially if not related in some way. I know I'm not dealing with the whole picture here: you've only told us of the Ouija experience he had, but comments you have made lead me to believe that there has been 'evidence' for your Dad that this thing has stuck with him, and followed him.
Let's look at the current situation: crashing sounds, and a lady in a hoop skirt... Did the sounds occur before the remodeling or only after it began? Is the house situated any where near where they are mining? I know in Indiana, they still have mining operations, but no clue if they're somewhere near you. Sometimes, the sound and shock waves of the explosions, used can travel quite a distance. However, you did say, it didn't matter whether the house was full or if he was alone this would happen. So the next question would be, does anyone else besides your Dad hear them when they happen?
The hooped-skirt lady, may have been residual, or stirred up by the renovations. There really isn't enough information to formulate a 'hard' opinion on it. But generally, gut feelings are the best indicator of intentions. This could be a one time experience, only time will tell. Could it be the same entity? Hard to say, but I'm doubtful it is.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-16)
I will definitely post more if he keeps seeing this new woman or anything else.

I have always found his experiences quite fascinating and this new one was so calming compared to his others.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-16)
Hi elnoraemily, I also haven't read your previous story concerning your dad. But I go with notjustme, the woman your dad saw might be residual. Having said that, it is quite difficult to say for sure it is residual because he has seen this apparition only once. But, I would like to ask you one question. If your dad's house is being renovated now, there is a possibility that it could bring about some activity from the "till now dormant" spirits. If the renovation is already on, please keep us posted of any new activity seen in the house.

Regards and respects to you.

doe-eyedharu (2 stories) (14 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-16)
As you mentioned it is an old house, it might be from the past. I had myself seen tribal kind of children in my house which was newly constructed at that time. 😊
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-15)
Interesting to think of it as the past breaking through.

That is a strange thought.
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-15)
She sounds like a residential spirit. Maybe the crashing sounds is a sounds of the past that your family happens to get the privilege of hearing sometimes. Like my husband says in the house his family used to live they would hear wood chopping all the time but they couldn't see it. Just a suggestion, best of luck!
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-15)
You are not rude at all!:)

Thank you for your input; I have been wondering if this is his entity trying other methods of getting his attention.

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