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Real Ghost Stories

A Most Welcomed Visitor


My husband's father passed away of cancer in July of 2002. Sadly, I never got to meet him. My husband has always talked fondly of him and said everything he learned about life he learned from his father.

The day of his funeral as my husband and his four older siblings and his mother were all gathered at his mother's home, as well as aunts and uncles and cousins etc. The front door opened and they heard footsteps come in and then the front door closed by itself. This was witnessed by over 20 people. My husband said it was his father coming home.

For the first 3 years of our marriage we lived in California. My husband always told me he saw his father in our apartment. In the kitchen sometimes with a coffee mug and at times watching over him as he napped on the couch. He would always have dreams about him as well. Needless to say, even after death, his father was still a large part of my husband's life.

Fast forward to January of 2012, we had been now been living in my husband's native state of Georgia for almost six years and we had just received the best news of all: we were expecting a baby. On this particular afternoon, I was at work and it was just my husband and our dog at home. When I got home our dog came and greeted me and I went and sat on the couch and my dog (a large 100 lb Rottweiler mix) was pressed up against me and would hardly move which was uncommon for him. I asked my husband what was the matter with the dog. He simply responded "he's kind of scared, he's seen a ghost."

My husband proceeded to tell me that he was enjoying a nap on the couch, with our dog laying on the floor right beside him, when he woke up. He looked up and saw a figure of his father. Our place has a tall bar counter that separates the kitchen and living and dining area, and its all open so from the kitchen you can look out and see the whole dining room and living room. We had our very first ultrasound pictures and to preserved them better we had gone to a 1 hr place and scanned them and printed real photographs out of them. The picture envelope was on that counter and my husband said his father was standing right at that spot looking at the pictures. He said my dog looked up, saw the apparition and ran fast as he could into the sunroom and under the computer desk. When my husband looked back, his father was gone. The dog hadn't come out from under the desk until I got home and stayed glued to me all night!

Our dog may have been scared, but my father in law was and will always be a most welcomed visitor in our home!

On a small side note: my husband passed by his father's grave a few weeks after the incident and said there was a long pink ribbon on his grave that day and he told me, "I think that my dad is telling me we're having a girl." And we did!

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MissAngelaA, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-06)
Thanks for your reply... I think you are right.

God bless you all.
MissAngelaA (2 stories) (11 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-05)
Thank you Sushantkar

Sheetal, no I'm not offended but I believe when we see our loved ones, as in people we loved and they loved us back it is not an indication of an earthbound spirit, to me that's a haunting, and to me my father in law is nof haunting us. I believe the spirits of those that we love and love us that have passed on are always around us and are sensitive to our needs. I'm sure when my husband found out he was going to be a father, I'm sure he suddenly wished even more than ever that HIS father was alive and so to me the visit of his father was a way for his dad to comfort him. I hope that makes sense. My husband and I both believe in God, and just like when you pray to God to send you a sign when you're in a time of need, I believe a visit from someone you love so much can also work miracles in your life:)
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-04)
Thanks for your reply... I asked you this question cause I think you should do something for your father in law... I mean to say he is still seen by you people. So In my opinion he didn't got peace or freedom from spirit entity. So you should do something as per your religion. (I am really sorry if you'll find my comment offensive. But it is just my thought nothing else.)

Thanks and Regards,
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-04)
Hi MissAngelaA! It was a good story you have shared with us. Although I don't believe in Guardian Angels. But still it was a nice read.

Thanks & Regards
MissAngelaA (2 stories) (11 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-04)
Hi Sheetal, yes my husband still says he sees him out of the corner of his eye and when he's waking up from a nap. He also says when my daughter was a few months old (she's 2 now) he would see her look away and smile, he said he was sure she could see him too:)
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-03)
Wow! How beautiful this story is! First of all congratulation to both for having a lovely baby girl 😁 We all know our elder loves us even after their death. And grandparents considers their grandchild like a precious gift.

Just one question. Do you still see him?

Thanks for sharing. ❤
MissAngelaA (2 stories) (11 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-03)
Thank you! I think we have a Guardian Angel too! I was wanting to share this experience for a while... I know its not a scary ghost story, but not all have to be!
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-01)
MissAngelaA- Great story. Your family is fortunate to have such a Guardian.

Thanks for sharing.
FollowTheWhiteRabbit (2 stories) (13 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-01)
Really lovely story MissAngelaA!:) Thank you for sharing. 😁

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