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Need Help With Spirits In My Home And Dreams


My anxiety is through the roof lately because I'm moving out of my family home we've lived in for 10 years and I feel like something has been following me.

I moved into my boyfriend's home a year ago and things would happen. TV would turn on and off on and off repeatedly during the day, baby monitors would cut on and off or I would hear voices talking on them. There was a few times my son would be laughing and talking also when I would hear this woman's voice. Our radio would cut on and off. I kept hearing footsteps upstairs.

Well I moved back to my family home and it got better for a little while. But as of the past two months I feel like it's back. I actually left my house one day because I heard someone clear as day walking around upstairs. This keeps happening. My two year old is the only one that's here with me and he was downstairs.

I'll hear things clanging around in the basement, lights will flicker when I'm in a room. While my son was still a baby the most frightening night was when we had him in his room and I was in mine. He woke up screaming one night, we went in there and he was staring in the corner so scared and when I walked into his room I started shaking and was anxious. He slept in my room that night but I was woken up throughout the night to banging coming from the wall in my closet which would be from his room.

Things are constantly falling for no reason and I hear footsteps at least twice a week either in the attic or upstairs. If this is something I don't want it following me when I move but I also don't want to make it mad. What could I do? This house isn't even 75 years old, only one family lived here before us that's why I'm scared its me.

Another weird thing that happens is these vivid dreams, almost as if it's real life. I don't remember all my dreams but when I have these types of dreams I remember all of them.

Around September 2014-December 2014 I had a dream involving my great grandfather who died in 2001. I was born in 1994, and I spent everyday with my great grandfather up until he got sick. He died while we were at my grandmother's home with my parents and I was also there. I think about him a lot but lately these feelings as if he's trying to talk to me are getting even stronger. Especially these dreams. I was visiting his grave pretty regularly around the times of the dreams but now it's winter so I haven't.

I have been having a reoccurring dream since 2012 in which I'm at a coffee shop drinking coffee, an older man sits down to next to me. I don't know him but he knows me, each dream he says something different or different things that have happened to me. At the end he says "I love you Haley," and walks out. I never really knew what to think until I told my mom a few months ago. Another detail from the dream is he writes his initials on a napkin before he leaves, my mom burst out crying when I told her. I guess this was her dad's initials but he died when she was 9 years old. So I never met him.

I don't know what to think or do about any of this. I feel scared, confused, and lost. If my family is trying to talk to me I'm not sure how I can.

Some of these are positive but some are also negative so I feel like it's more than one. My son has been scared by these experiences too and I don't want them to keep happening.

Any help would be appreciated.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, hmiller61, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
Just a quick heads up... I am better at checking this site than I am my e-mail these days. I will try and do better... But if it's nothing to personal then you may get a faster response by posting here.


hmiller61 (1 stories) (1 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
I will send you a message rook. I'd say things started happening to me when I was around 9-10 but I never pieced them together because I was young and my mom didn't believe in talking about spirits. She thought talking about them will make anything worse or invite them in. I don't think they're bad because nothing bad has happened, I feel like they're just trying to get my attention. I am scared tho but only because it's the unknown and I don't know what to think or do.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
Thank you, thank you... No applause just throw money.;)

I am just a long time member who wants to help people.

For the OP,

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. The members here come from a varity of backgrounds and experiences and by sharing them we add to the knowledge base concering the paranormal. So, thanks for sharing and I hope our comments can help.


Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
HMiller61. It could be that there is more than one thing there. There could be family helping you and then perhaps something else. And even if it is not "evil", per se, if it is scaring your son, a cleansing will allow you to be specific that loving, supporting energies can stay. All else must leave. And, welcome to YGS. I am relatively new, here, too. And, I also knew of Rook's fame. 😊
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
Rook, everyone just says to look at your profile, you're a celebrity 😉 😜 😆
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
I am blushing... 😳 If you are intrested please click on my name and visit my profile... Its a non-denomination, anyone can use cleansing and shielding method.

I have a question though... Did things happen in your Family home BEFORE you moved out... Or did things start to happen to you... Around you only after you moved in with your boyfriend?

As for the dreams... Personally I feel that spirits can communicate with us easier via our dreams... We may not always understand them but it's easier for them to make contact with us when we are asleep.

Welcome to YGS and please keep us updated.


elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
First, as someone who suffers from anxiety, please get some help for it. Or learn a way to get rid of anxious feelings (my sister swears by meditation). I swear by exercise.

Baby monitors have always creeped me out. They are also capable of cutting into radio channels and picking up a lot of interference, which may also explain the radio problems you were having in that house.

If this is your grandfather trying to get a hold or you or meet you, then you should not be afraid of them.

The dreams could be a coincidence. Your grandfathers name is likely something you already knew, which makes leaving his initials less of a mystery and more of subconscious knowledge.

Like ifihadyoux said, if you are worried and your son is scared, I would look up Rookygin's profile on this site. He has a wonderful blessing that many members swear by. You can search his name to make his profile pop up and there are multiple stories on here from people trying the blessing/cleansing.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
I would like to start of saying that I do think that the place you're living in is haunted. Not that you need my stamp of approval but I believe you.

Second, I think both of your grandfathers are looking out for you for they know you're scared and are trying to comfort you.

As far as the dreams, that could just be a coincidence. Our mind does strange things.

And lastly, as far as what to do with this entity, you can do a multitude of things. I would cleanse the home; if you're not comfortable doing it then a priest or a religious leader depending upon your faith can perform it for you, and you have to have strong will and intent to have your home blessed, cleansed, and want peace. That should help. If it comes back after a few days, weeks, even months which it sometimes happens, you can either perform it again or make choices depending upon the events. Rook has a step by step guide of cleansing on his profile if you do need it that others have sworn by.

If it's scaring your son I'm not sure if it's cause it startled him or if it is intentionally doing so. I would say it is peaceful but then again stuff knocking off shelves causes me to be concerned. Please keep us updated.

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