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The Domino Effect


To start this story I guess I really need to explain that I am a "Family" person; therefore, I have lots of framed pictures all over my house of the ones I love. This explanation will lead into the story I am about to tell.

On this particular night I had been going through old pictures and "reliving" my teen years. Around 11 pm I turned in for the night. Somewhere around 2 am or so I was awakened by my daughter calling to me from her room. Now, I don't know about you guys but when your child calls to you in the middle of the night, it startles you and the first thing you think is that they are sick. NOT the case this time.

Katie (my daughter) calls out. I didn't get out of bed, I just simply said, "What!" She says, "What is that noise?" Before I could answer her, she says, "THAT one!" As I listen I can hear, "Click click... Click click click... Click click." It almost sounded like tying of a typewriter. I got up and told her to stay in bed.

As I made my way down the hall I noticed the clicking getting a little louder. As I reached the entrance to the living room, I stopped... And so did the clicking. I reached over and turned on the lamp. Glancing around the room, what I saw made me freeze and speechless! Every single picture that I had sitting on tables or the desk (in frames) had fallen face down. That was the clicking sound. Every time one would fall... One after the other. I stood there a minute and decided to just leave them until morning.

Katie slept with me the rest of the night. I told Katie, "Ok...if I get up in the morning and the pictures are in the correct position, I was dreaming." The next morning came and Katie, before she even got out of bed, mentioned the sounds from the night before. She ran to the living room as if it were Christmas morning and yells to me, "You were NOT dreaming, the pictures are still down!" Sure enough, they were.

I wrote if off as maybe a heavy truck passing by vibrated everything. That's what I wanted to believe. The picture incidents didn't stop there, I will write more about those in stories to come.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, KimmieWebb, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Mystic25 (guest)
9 years ago (2016-02-07)
Definitely an unnerving occurance, and I look forward to reading the continuation of this.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-07)
This one took the cake for me. I imagined a spirit literally going around with one finger and pushing your pictures over, just because it can. I love your experiences.I'm sure this spirit gets a kick out of messing with you.
valkricry (49 stories) (3289 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-03-22)
That is weird. Like you, I too would have suspected a heavy truck to blame;but then any small knick-knacks you had would be out of place as well. However, I noticed in comments you said the activity with pictures continued and got darker... Hmmmm, not a truck then.
KimmieWebb (8 stories) (32 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-20)
Its kind of humorous! I'm heading over to read " Taps, Tinks and Toots" right now! Love the title! I am so glad you enjoy the stories. That's what I love about YGS... You can tell your experience and people don't think your crazy. 😁 Hey... I LOVE to ramble and ramble! Ramblers Rule!
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-20)
Kimmie- I find myself scanning the story options to find who the authors are. So imagine the grin I had when I saw one from you. 😁

Another good one you shared with us. Something that I find quite curious about your experience is the point that it quits as you enter the room. Our little trickster does the same a lot of the times. In the story "Taps, Tinks and Toots", it purposely stopped each time I tried to catch it in the act. I wonder why? Is it part of the "game"? Does our presents change something that causes it not to be able to continue?

This hasn't always been the case with ours but when it does I wonder. Ha, here I go again...ramble, ramble, I do that a lot.

Thanks for sharing. Will be looking for your next.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-20)
sds- she said that they fell over, they weren't one the wall. And the fact that they fell at regular intervals; I'm pretty sure that was the reason it was odd and un-normal. And she said they didn't break only one frame was broken. Normaly the glass wouldn't break if they just fell forward face down (the frames give the glass extra support).
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-20)
Ohhhhhh - [hand against my forehead] I get it it, I don't know why I thoug that they were on the walls, and the fact that they were knocked over makes it even creepier.
And oh, I thought maybe you might of seen one falling down as you walked into the living room.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-20)
Hi KimmieWebb, I have some questions to ask you. How long you have been living in this residence? Did you make any investigation into the aspects that happened to you or experienced by you and your family? Did you ask your neighbours, if you have moved in recently, about these encounters? If you have, please do share what you have found out.

Whether all the pictures have fallen down or only a few? And how come they make a noise of "tick tick" even if they fall at regular intervals? Will it not be a crashing sound or if the pictures were framed, the breaking of glasses sound was not heard by you?

Please do reply and clarify.

Regards and respects to you.

vintageglam (1 stories) (19 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-20)
Wow, what a chilling story. This story reminds me of what happened to my mother and I years ago. How long have you been living at this residences?
KimmieWebb (8 stories) (32 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-19)
No... I didn't see them that time, I heard them. That was the clicking sound I was hearing.
KimmieWebb (8 stories) (32 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-19) was only pictures that were on tables or the desk that fell face down. However in future stories as things progress you will I'm sure be shocked at events that happened with pictures. Things began to take a darker turn. Only one frame was broken but it was already on its last leg.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-19)
That's really freaky, are you serious that EVERY picture on the wall in the living room fell off? And did any of them break?
Now, I'm not sure, did you see some of the pictures fall?

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