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Real Ghost Stories

Black Lady Of The University


This happened when I was twelve but I felt compelled to share this. There was this urban legend on a university where I took my bachelor's art degree of Home Economics. There are countless of entities active in Central Luzon State University one is this Black Lady. I will share first my friend's experience who is gifted as this entity seem to reside on their house near a plantation when she was around six or seven years old.

One late evening when Em, my friend, and her sister were sleeping in their room, Em suddenly sat up and grabbed painfully on her sister's forearm. They were sleeping inside a mosquito net and Em pointed at one edge of the mosquito net near the window.

"There's a ghost!" Em claimed again and again to her sister but, of course, her sister can't see it. Em described the ghost as wearing a veil with a very angry expression. It was like a witch and also it was wearing a black dress. It lingered for seconds then disappeared.

Some students who pass by their house at night claim that they see a black woman in front of their terrace. Em and her sister told me they found bottled fetuses in their backyard. I am not sure if this is one reason why the house is haunted. There is also an unseen bell ringer on another room of the house and strangely there is also a white lady that is once seen on their living room. So, not as to cause confusion, I will not tell about this story.

This Black Lady is blamed for yearly deaths in this University. It was either a resident of 'CLSU' or a student. An old woman's accident on the highway is one, some witnesses said that they saw a black lady before the old woman met her fate.

Now for my experience. We attended a picnic when we are still residing in the university back in the 90s. The place was called Nature Park where employers and employees of the university live. It was rich in fishponds and trees. I got bored, I guess, I got no one to talk to and I decided to take a walk passing by a fishpond. Ahead of me are group of trees. I have to admit it was a little far but nothing is blocking my sight on these trees. They are about fifteen feet away from me when suddenly I saw this floating tall and thin black figure which appeared behind a tree then vanished when it reached another tree.

Being a curious twelve year old, I was tempted to investigate for you see I was doubtful if it was a ghost but the way it moved was very strange. One more thing, it was just late in the afternoon I believe ghosts only appear at night. I pondered awhile to go to the trees or return back to my family and decided on the latter.

Today, this Black Lady might still be around wandering and haunting people around the university. There might be new stories told about this urban legend. Whether it will be proved that she causes deaths, no one will ever know.

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valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
Oh, bloodshot, no worries. You aren't the first to have a written awkward moment, and you certainly won't be the last. The bottom line is we're all unconfused now 😁. Besides you HAVE to write another story for us. I can't possibly be the only one wanting to hear more about Em's house ghosts.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
No worries about the mix up Bloodshot, it's hard to write about things which don't make sense. Like anything paranormal.
We all got their in the end so no harm done. 😊
bloodshoteyez (3 stories) (31 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
hi valkicry there is a university at CLSU actually there are different colleges. I attended one w/c is College of Home Science and Industry (not that it is very important to mention but here you have it)

It did happen and I did tried to suppress this experience but I decided to share this...

Lol (I really want to smack my own forehead for this blunder of mine... I wish I did mentioned instead, back in the 1990's... When I was twelve and kept it at that but I can't left out that I did earned my Bachelors there.

Hope this somehow clears things up... I myself hate getting confused... If ever (well lol I am pretty discouraged but maybe I will sometime or someday) pass another story I will be very careful about events

Hey I hope you guys will try to help others here as well... And yep do not forget to mention if they had some sort of contradicting stuff like mine

GOOD DAY TO YOU all... And thank you for pointing out that mistake of mine:)
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
Holy cow, you're right Val!
Bloodshot thanks for clearing this up. Though I was still pretty confused until now, doh!
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
OH! I get it! At the University bloodshot attended, there is a legend told of the Black Lady. Back when he was 12 he had an encounter with what he believes to have been her.
Certainly makes the time frame make more sense.
bloodshoteyez (3 stories) (31 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
ugh my bad sorry guys... I guess I told my story in a very confusing manner maybe could had said this happened some fifteen years ago I should had proofread this before submission. Sorry for the confusion I guess I am a bit bad at narrating events.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-22)
Though I do Beleive that the fetuses had spirits. Because I'm sure they were once alive. (But of course once you remove them they die). 😢
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-22)
Well now you know that it's not an "urban legen" and that it's actually real! 😊
But that thing about the bottle fetuses was horrible, kind of disgusting. Do you know why they where there?

I looked up bottled fetses and come to find out there has been tons of other cases of bottled fetuses found. I went no further than that (due to the fact that I didn't want to see any images that the websites probably would provide), does anyone know why people would bottle fetuses and hide them or bury them? Perhaps I should how these people even got a hold of them.
Trischa_D (guest)
10 years ago (2015-05-22)
Apparently I have to have at least 50 characters involved to leave a simple little 😐

Bloodshot: I was going to ask if you were a genius- 12 is awfully young to be getting a bachelors degree!
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-21)
*side note* Hello, Marine! Long time no see, buddy. Hope you are well.

Bloodshot, although I understand there is a high school located on CLSU campus, that would hardly earn you a bachelors degree. 😕
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-21)

Marine, I was thinking exactly the same.

Bloodshot, could you please explain this distracting detail in your encounter?
Marine (6 stories) (42 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-21)
Just a clarification: this story happened when you were twelve. Weren't you a bit too young to be either studying in a university or being employed by one?

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